Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 382 The Beginning of the Flame Moon (Part 1)

"Chaos has begun."

At around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the wise man sat alone in a drink shop in District 108 near District 107, quietly watching two explosive news suddenly appear on the light and shadow screen. There were 18 suspected bomb attacks in District 1. An anonymous person called himself 300 declarations of user data leakage initiated by fearless cyber hackers.

Most of the areas on the ground floor that are not covered by the network are like a paradise. The wise man did not hear anyone discussing these two things all the way here. After all, the daily life of most people here is too monotonous.

Neighbors chatted with each other, and most of the time they got together to play cards and mahjong in the evenings, or they went to places selling cheap and low-quality drinks, or they just looked for women.

Not just ordinary people, but also the members of the administrative department here. Most of them are just dawdling around. They will not start working seriously until their six-year term is approaching, hoping to be transferred to other districts.

As long as you can meet the attendance conditions and workload, you are eligible for transfer. These things can be manually operated.

A word like this is rotten. Wise men have figured out the situation here in the past few days, and there is no effective gang leader outside the business department, because there is no profit here, and even if you are hungry, you will not die of hunger, but you can't It can't be any better.

The wise man has arranged for Quasimodo and Billy to go to the 108 hospital for supervision. The monitoring equipment and network equipment installation requested by Department 5 have been approved. The application was approved less than half an hour after it was issued. The application was approved by Department 5. Secretary Qin Dong signed and asked people from the local 108 Public Security Office to cooperate.

The network displacer is necessary because the mechanical ball needs precise short-range signals to drive. The wise man just wants to do these things first, and things will be simpler when Lexiao comes.

Especially after reviewing the past motion information, the wise man is desperate.

The only way now is to implement this bill through human operation and a little money transaction, but we don't know how much funding will be allocated.

What this proposal only requires is the working efficiency of a mutant and a mechanical ball, and a horizontal data comparison of economic value. As long as the balance between the two is ensured, there are nearly 900 mutants in this neighborhood, 50% of which are in the eastern area. 90, 91, and 93 worked as mountain workers at trading stations on the outskirts of three major regions.

Only less than 20% work in District 108, and the remaining 30% make a living in several other nearby districts. This place is simply a quagmire.

The wise man originally wanted to make a decision for Le Xiao, summon the mutants, and conduct secret negotiations with them so that they could pass through safely within three months. This could be manipulated. As long as they gave them money, they would not have any problems. Those who complain don’t dare to complain, but in the end the wise man gives up.

The wise man continued to flip through the original motion document. Sections 3 and 5 did not accept mutants unconditionally, but had standards. If their quality was not up to standard, they would not be able to become temporary members.

"I can't decide, it's so fucking fucked up."

The wise man couldn't help but cursed loudly, and the shop owner hurried over.

"Sir, do you not have your taste? We only have..."

The wise man smiled pleasantly and patted the boss on the shoulder.

"It's fine."

Then the wise man's phone rang.

"What's wrong Billy?"

The wise man said irritably.

"Master Wise, the displacer they are installing now seems different from the one we saw before, that"

"Watch it on video and tell them that if any problems arise then, they will take care of it themselves."

The troublesome thing is here again. High-frequency network displacers are completely different from low-frequency network displacers. There will be network delays. The core components inside are also the difference between high quality and inferior quality. A wise man can know this with his toes. As long as the outer shell Similarly, you can provide network coverage, replace the internal components with inferior ones, and make money. Mix the good with the bad, and then push it to the people on the block when something goes wrong.

"I can't do it anymore."

The wise man took off his hat and threw it on the table. This was the first time since he came out of his mother's womb that he had felt such great pressure, as if his hands and feet were tied. The wise man had many ways to solve these complicated problems in his mind. But they are all money and power transactions, completely different from what Le Xiao thought. They will not make any achievements in District 108, and may even drag District 108 into the abyss.

The wise man dialed Alpha's number impatiently, and the call was connected after a while.

"What's wrong, old man?"

"Alpha, can you come down and help me?"

The wise man said, the other side of the phone seemed very chaotic, there were voices everywhere, and Alpha seemed to be on the street.

"I'm sorry. I'm helping Mr. Jean deal with some problems. The situation in Upper Area 1 is very bad right now."

Alpha hung up the phone before the wise man could finish speaking.

At this time, a dispute broke out on the street in the distance, and two groups of people fought over the collision.

The wise man glanced at it and did not intend to go over to try to persuade him. The onlookers dispersed and cheered. This kind of thing is too common at the bottom. They often take action when they disagree with each other. More than ten people got into a fight, and some picked up He used nearby tables and chairs as weapons to attack.


A guy had a chair smashed into his head and immediately fell to the ground bleeding profusely. The party that had knocked down the guy became even more excited.

Wise Man has seen this kind of thing at least 10 times since he came to the bottom. They were all beaten to death and beaten to death before finally being stopped by Section 5 who arrived. Most people in Section 5 will not report such small things to the police. There are many here. There is no local surveillance. The more incidents there are, the more chaotic the local public security will be. People in Section 5 are responsible, so this kind of thing is dealt with through verbal education.

"Stop it. You have already violated the crime of sabotage and fighting. If you don't stop, you will be treated as LV4 criminals and you will have to work in an agricultural base for one year."

With a sonorous and powerful voice, the crowd of onlookers dispersed. The wise man looked over and saw that the person who came looked very energetic, with bright eyes. There was a pattern of handcuffs from Section 5 on the left chest and a pattern on the right shoulder. Special character, on the brim of the hat is an iron-colored gray and white three-pointed star badge.

It represents the position of the third level of the Public Security Management Section, but the unique coat of arms on the shoulder, there is a red circle, and a white number 10 above it, which means that the person coming is the 10th Special Operations Team of the 5th Public Security Management Section. The team leader is on the same level as the regional section officer.

The brass-colored four-pointed star badge further up is the director officer, the secretary is the silver of the five-pointed star, and the section chief is the gold of the six-pointed star.

The wise man glanced at the brim of his hat. There was no symbol on it, not even the white fork mark of a first-level general clerk.

"Didn't you hear me telling you to stop?"

The person from Section 5 in front of him suddenly jumped over at an extremely fast speed. Several people who were still fighting each other fell to the ground under his heavy punches.

"I am the captain of the 10th Special Operations Team of the 5th Public Security Management Section, Cheng Chen. Now you have violated an additional crime, the crime of disturbing street security."

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