Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 375 Rhythm Red (Part 2)

Chapter 375 Rhythm. Red (Part 2)

A small lift slowly landed on the roof of a four-story building called the 19th House Building Materials Store on a street on the west side of District 1 close to District 3. Two people got off the lift. .

Luke, the owner of the shop on the roof, quickly handed over the Changxing bag he was carrying behind him to the two people in front of him, with a piece of paper attached. The two quickly entered the lift and left quickly.

Luke finally breathed a sigh of relief. This was the 18th population transaction. It was successfully completed. He made a net profit of 200,000. In the past, Luke used to do some wholesale work of small machinery, but then he moved to the bottom. When he was with the upper class, Luke discovered this deal. Although he couldn't bear it at first. After all, most of the boys and girls were sold to some rich people for pleasure. He was still a little uneasy, but now he feels at ease. Have been doing this for many years.

It was much faster to make money than selling those small machines. Luke planned to continue working for another 10 years and then stop. Anyway, those people with the same goods got them from the barrier area, and there was no trace of them. As long as Once you enter the homes of those wealthy people, no matter how you are treated, it is impossible for the outside world to know.

After a while, Luke returned to his office on the second floor and smoked a cigarette comfortably. There will be another shipment next time. He can earn another 400,000 yuan in more than ten days at most. This time, the shipment is as high as 1.5 million yuan. After all, it is A rare and beautiful girl. When He Lei found him, he took the video and pictures of the girl and looked for buyers everywhere. Finally, she sold it at a high price of 1.5 million. He only made 400,000 from it, and the rest 1.1 million He Lei needs management and layers of middlemen, as well as money laundering merchants and the like. He only needs to take the job and make money.


"Who the hell comes in without knocking."

Luke stood up angrily, but the next second he was dumbfounded. He was a professional, but when he looked carefully, Luke's heart was immediately wrapped in fear.

"Lord Jean, I didn't know it was you. Please sit down and someone will bring you the best tea and desserts."

Luke said as he hurriedly gave up his seat, and Gene threw down his uniform without ceremony and sat down.

"I only want to ask you one thing. Who sold the three finger knives to and when did they sell them?"

Luke shook his head immediately.

"I don't know what you're talking about"


Luke immediately clutched his stomach, knelt on the ground and vomited out everything he had eaten this morning. He clutched his stomach and rolled on the ground.

"I do not know"

Before Luke could finish his words, his sunglasses were broken and he was lifted directly in front of Gene. One of his arms broke with a snap. He was about to shout but his mouth was covered.

"I'll ask again. If you don't explain, I will send you to Section 2."

Luke had tears in his eyes. Several employees at the door were standing at the door, looking at their boss being lifted into the air, while Gene was sitting on the seat with an angry look on his face.

After a while, Luke clutched his broken arm in pain. Big beads of sweat covered his forehead. Gene held Luke's cell phone, but found nothing in it.

"I really don't know Lord Jean, you are like this"

Just as Luke was about to say something, he was immediately frightened by Gene's cold eyes and stopped talking.

The moment he saw Jean, Luke decided that even if he was beaten to death, even if he became disabled, he would still be alive. Once he said so, he would be completely ruined.

Gene stood up and raised his fingers at the three people standing at the door, and the three of them walked in cautiously.

However, the three of them didn't know anything about the boss's whereabouts. It looked like they were not lying.

Gene clasped his hands together and looked at Luke who was holding his left hand.

"If you say it now, there is still a chance of survival. If you don't plan to say it, there is only a dead end."

At this time, outside the building materials store of No. 19 House, Jie Lin quietly stared at the window on the second floor, where she could see Jean sitting in the office.

"The melody was completely disrupted, and it seemed like the only thing left was a fierce march."

Gene took out the phone, but at this moment, one of the fat employees in the room was holding his stomach and looking in pain. Gene just turned his head and took a look, and instantly he saw the employee. belly bulges.


Along with a burst of fire, House Building Materials Shop No. 19 suddenly erupted from the second floor with a burst of fire, and there was a sound of shattering glass.

Jie Lin slowly stopped on the street, showing a look of horror. At this time, people around her came closer, and a pungent smell filled the air.


Along with the sound of the wall shattering, a light blue light flew out from the flames. Jean held on to his hand and howled in pain. Luke, whose cheeks and body were burned by the explosion, and two others who were also burned. The employee had an angry expression on his face, and his shirt and trousers were in tatters. Jean, who was leading the three of them, climbed onto the roof in an instant and headed towards the District 3 hospital.

"It didn't blow up. It looks like the situation is not good, crimson rhythm."

Jie Lin said, and ran away with the crowd. Every time she traded goods, she would come over after a while to check on the transaction and make sure there were no problems. However, this time Jie Lin came over and saw Jean. , she was shocked.

Jie Lin will plant a suicide bomb next to every trader. As long as there is a problem, he can directly kill the person with the problem, but Luke is still alive.

However, today, Jie Lin was fortunate that Jean showed up after the transaction was completed, otherwise it would have been even more troublesome and the entire action plan would have been disrupted.

"Lolita, kill all traders."

"Ah? Are you crazy?"

At this moment, Jielin had arrived at an unmonitored alley and took out her communicator.

"A trader has been captured by Jean. I activated the bomb, but the trader survived. The other 18 traders were all wiped out. If even the slightest bit is caught, the plan will have to be suspended. Yes, our Crimson Rhythm Project."


Jean stood quietly at the door of the infirmary. People from Department 4 had begun to perform emergency operations on the three people who were burned by the flame explosion. This liquid bomb is a type of chemical bomb. It has been analyzed clearly, and the bomb The act of placing it in a human body is something that Jean will never tolerate.

At this time, a person from Section 4 hurried over.

"Lord Jean, the same explosion as before occurred in Area 1."

In an instant, Jean directly found a window and looked out. Thick smoke billowed out from many places very close to each other. Several lifts from Section 4 had already rushed to the scene.

"I don't care what means you use to save the guy inside."

Gene said and jumped out of the window.

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