Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 371 Fruit AI Storm (Part 2)

Le Xiao looked at the report quietly. There was only a brief explanation that six kinds of fruits, apples, grapes, bananas, peaches, pears and oranges, had been successfully researched and could be put on the market. There was nothing else.

Le Xiao asked Larry yesterday, and Larry told Le Xiao that all the bills in their 12th Agriculture Section are related to food and do not need to be voted on by the union. They must be reviewed by everyone present under reasonable circumstances and then designated. A secretary from the business department took the lead.

"Okay, then I'll ask Larry, the secretary of the 12th Agriculture Section, to give a detailed explanation of this bill."

Larry walked out of the banquet with a smile, and then stood on something covered with black cloth that had been moved to the table. He raised the table to 3 meters and then stopped, letting the black cloth covering it rise. The cloth turned into light and shadow and returned to the bracelet.

There were screams of exclamation for a while, and Le Xiao couldn't help but widen her eyes. She looked at the trees in a large black basin in front of her. They were about 2 meters high. From bottom to top, the trees had different colors, and there were many more. Bulging lumps, and the most amazing thing is that the branches on the trees from bottom to top are exactly apples, grapes, bananas, peaches, pears and oranges.

There was a lot of discussion for a while. The trees in front of me had fruits hanging on every branch. Big apples, bananas, peaches and pears. There were about 10 to 15 on one branch, and there were 3 bananas. There are 5 bunches of grapes on the boat.

Some people have already started to sniff, and everyone's eyes are focused on the weird fruit tree in front of them, but many people are intoxicated by it. People in the business district have focused their eyes on Le Xiao. , many of them had a glint in their eyes, as if they saw a money tree.

Le Xiao swallowed. Troublesome things came one after another. She had clearly rejected Larry. Before going to bed last night, but Larry said that this was designated by the section chief himself, and there was nothing he could do about it. As expected, he was very happy. Xiao received an order signed by the six gods and held it on his forehead, but when he thought about what Larry had just said, if this thing was held by businessmen, the people at the bottom would never be able to eat the fruit.

"Okay, let me explain next. Everyone, instead of seeing it, why don't you try it? We have prepared six different fruits for everyone. Although there is only a little bit, please taste it first."

As Larry said this, he looked at the weird looks from many people. He just twisted off a peach, rubbed it in his hand, ate it, and said with a smile on his face.

"Please be safe and rest assured that these fruits will not cause any harm."

While talking, a small hole opened in front of everyone's table, and then a plate rose up. Le Xiao swallowed a mouthful and saw that there was only one piece of each fruit, one grape and a small section of banana.

Le Xiao ate these fruits on Ji Qing's birthday, and she still can't forget the fascinating taste of the fruits. As expected, many people praised them after eating them. Even the section chiefs next to them couldn't hide their feelings. Excited, Leona couldn't hide her excitement and wiped away the tears that overflowed from her eyes. Le Xiao happily ate the banana first. The glutinous texture and special aroma were completely different from those of fruit-flavored agents. A somewhat stimulating feeling, a real fruity taste.

At this time, Le Xiao noticed that Jewel was not very moved. Instead, he ate it as if he was eating snacks. The others were still savoring a little bit. He had already finished eating and wiped his mouth. Licking his lips, he looked like he ate it often.

Larry showed a happy smile, and his white and shiny teeth showed that he was very satisfied. He put the remaining peaches in the black soil in the basin, and the stadium completely erupted in excited cheers. For most people, it is so lucky to be able to eat real fruit for the first time, because everyone here has only eaten fruit in image files, and even the fruits in the movie are made-up scenes. When actors eat, they are actually substitutes for other foods.

At this moment, Larry bowed in all directions, and then stretched out his fingers to tap on the six branches extending from different directions. Only then did everyone see a transparent cover with a touch of purple covering it. on all branches.

"These fruits have their own adaptation temperatures, how much light they need, and the supplement of nutrient solutions."

As he spoke, Larry squatted down. Each color block representing the color of the fruit, where the trees protruded, could be opened. From the bottom of the black basin, Larry took out test tubes of six colors, which seemed to correspond. crop supply solution.

"These fruits are currently controlled to yield once every three months. The black soil underground also needs special nutrient solution. It can produce up to 15 apples, pears, oranges, peaches, 5 bunches of grapes and 4 bunches of bananas at a time, because the trees It adopts the method of biological genetic modification, so it only takes one month to cultivate such a tree, and then the light and shadow inside the tree are transformed to replace the plant's meridians to transport nutrients, and the corresponding climate shield is installed and then it can be sold."

Le Xiao was stunned for a moment when she saw people from the administrative department, parliamentarians, businessmen and families all stretched out their hands and started clapping.

Larry said and brought up another light and shadow panel.

"Next, we will introduce a tree with coffee beans and cocoa nuts and promote it in the city. With these two things, we can make real coffee and chocolate."

Immediately, many people clapped their hands more excitedly. Le Xiao blinked. She had drunk coffee before, but the taste was very complex and different from tea. However, tea is a luxury product and most of it is cultivated in the family's private fields. Come out, what is chocolate?

It seemed that many people, like Le Xiao, had no idea what chocolate was. Larry smiled mysteriously and shook his head.

"Okay, let's entrust the next proposal of our 12th Section to Secretary Le Xiao of Section 13. According to our current technology, the output of this kind of tree is 1,000 trees per month, that is to say, one year Each of the 120 districts in the city can obtain 100 plants. We are also cultivating other plants such as watermelons, walnuts, star fruit, cantaloupe, etc., which will be gradually implemented, and our section chief also I hope to entrust the subsequent implementation to Secretary Le Xiao of Section 13."

Le Xiao saw that many businessmen had begun to calculate, their eyes shining brightly, as if they had really discovered a money tree.

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