Chapter 369 Ellie (Part 2)

"Ellie, if I had stopped you at that time, maybe this city would still be stinky now, with mud on the ground and no sun in the sky!"

Gene said quietly, the cigarette in his mouth had burned out, sadness appeared on Gene's face, he sat down, the evening breeze kept blowing on his face, and there was a slight coolness in the air.

The corners of Jean's mouth raised slightly, a bit bitter. He was a little tired. Whenever he was alone at night like this, Jean would feel unusually tired. However, when the sun rose, Jean would smile again. ,cheer up.

"Stand up Gene."

Jean still remembers the light that radiated from Ellie's body when she made her decision. It was the light that Jean saw after an unknown period of time in a dark and lightless world.

Everything was in chaos at that time. The troubles caused by food and the constant friction and collision of various forces. People at that time were fighting almost crazy. The cause was the inhumane robbery of a village by a certain force. This has already happened. It violated the agreement between the various forces, but many forces used excuses to continuously plunder the weak forces, and the captured party became slaves. It was the darkest era of mankind.

Everyone started a bloody fight for the land at the top of the Brilliant City, which had the last oasis.

Jean and the other six people worked day and night to suppress these chaotic forces, but the result was that there was no other way. The hungry people, who could no longer endure in such darkness, wanted to kill everyone. Only in this way can we have resources and continue to live.

From children to old people, they all participated in the war, fighting day and night. The remaining humans began to uncontrollably reveal their instincts like wild beasts.

The situation could no longer be controlled by absolute power. Time and time again, Jean faced those guys who were not afraid of death and rushed towards him. He was forced to crush the opponent again and again. The last place on the top of the Brilliant City was a long-standing human building. In the previous base, Gene, other guys and some technicians had been conducting a lot of research here for a long time. However, before the research was about to bear fruit, war broke out on a large scale.

Jean saw indescribable people, more like beast-like people. This crazy atmosphere became more and more intense. In the end, many victorious forces rushed to the top of the mountain. A more bloody battle was about to begin. Tang Rao kept shouting at the top of his lungs. They begged them not to continue. The research had already produced results. However, most people still couldn't wait. They just wanted what they saw in front of them.

At that time, Jean was exhausted from killing, and no matter how much he killed, he could not finish the killing. In other words, Jean and others did not kill him in many cases.

The final result of the war was that the remaining humans on this land perished. It was at this time that Ellie stepped forward and used her as a material to launch an artificial sun.

For a moment, Gene's cheeks twisted into a ball, he lit a cigarette and pressed his forehead.

All the people in the defense base were exhausted, including Jean and the other six people, and memories kept resurfacing in their minds.

"Jean, let me do it. Among the eight of us, only my body is the most suitable."

Gene, whose face was stained, slowly raised his head. He looked at Ellie in shock, and the other six guys did the same. Tang Rao shook his head and said to let him do it.

However, the end result is still the same. Ellie uses her own power to become the fuel of the artificial sun, and uses her own consciousness to control the rise and fall of the artificial sun.

"When the sun rises, everything will be over, Jean. I will dispel the darkness in your heart! Don't worry, I will come back one day, back to you, but at that time I hope to see What you have arrived at is a city that is alive and shining under the sun. This is the agreement between you and me!"

"The same goes for the rest of you. Apart from the power I have after resurrection, I can't help with anything. After all, I'm just a fool in your eyes. I don't have your talents to lead the humans here to survive and prosper. This place where the sun rises!”

At that time, Gene desperately held Ellie's hand, but in the end he let go. Ellie walked into the solar tower without hesitation, and under the witness of Gene and six other people, she turned into particles like the morning light. , dissipated.

The battle progressed to the point where everyone was already going crazy, but the sudden light that appeared in the sky made the madness on the battlefield disappear.

"When the sun rises, there will be food and everything will be there. If we survive, everything will be there."

Gene still remembered standing on the top of the mountain and shouting over and over again. When the sun's rays began to spread out, the war was really over as Ellie said. Everyone put down their weapons and hugged each other with tears of joy. Together, there are no friends or foes at this moment, only those who have lived in the darkness for decades and finally see the sun.

Everyone was excited and shouting without saying a word. Jean left everything in the city to the six people. He took equipment, food and water alone and embarked on the road to find supply materials for the artificial sun. He left the barrier without looking back.

The coolness of the cold night was about to disappear. Jean stood up quietly, and the smile returned to his face. The sun was about to rise. Jean lit a cigarette, put on his uniform, tidied up for a while, put on his hat, and quietly Looking east quietly.

The sky began to emit red light, a big fireball was born little by little, and the sun rose.

"Good morning, Ellie!"

Gene showed a smile as gentle as the sun and jumped down from the tall building facing the sun. The problems in the city now are just minor problems compared to the past. Because of the artificial sun, the city can prosper, but the stupid man in his head , but the girl who always loves to laugh is in the sky every day, shining on everything on the earth.

Gene landed firmly on the ground and walked quickly, because he knew very well that only by maintaining the existing order could he usher in the vivid city under the sun that Ellie once said.

In the early morning, Le Xiao shrugged her head. The sun's rays had already shone on the Central Park. She was eating breakfast absentmindedly and looked at the fountain that was faintly visible through the forest. Everything incredible last night made Le Xiao feel like a dream. Awake.

"Lele, after the meeting is over, I will give you a comprehensive psychological brain examination."

Le Xiao blinked and looked at Gu Ningning.


Gu Ningning looked helplessly and stared sideways at Michelle who was walking over. Michelle's expression was not good.

"Well, Lele, you little fool, I can watch the surveillance so easily, and so can everyone else. This morning, before you got up, everyone was discussing your sleepwalking last night."

Le Xiao's cheeks turned red instantly, and Michelle was already standing behind her.

"Secretary Le Xiao, please tie yourself up with a rope before going to bed tonight!"

Le Xiao was startled and stood up, looking back in embarrassment.

"I understand, Mr. Secretary-General!"

Forget it, I made an agreement with that girl.

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