Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 363 Fierce fight! Werther and Jean (Part 2)

"Hey, you've just entered school too, right? My name is Werther, and what's yours?"

"My name is Gene. I don't really like dealing with people. I'm sorry! Don't talk to me. I like to be alone quietly."

Witte raised his head, meeting Jean for the first time in his memory. He originally thought that they were all astronauts who landed on an asteroid that was about to approach the earth in the future, and wanted to build a good relationship. However, he found out that this guy was just like Xiao Hooligans are no different, and their behavior is extremely exaggerated. He beat up people on the first day he entered school, but Werther is quite concerned about this kind of maverick guy, because although this kind of guy is unkind, he is absolutely reliable in doing things.

Things turned out just as Werther had imagined. Gene successfully passed the selection examination with first place.

"By the way, Jean, why do you want to go to that asteroid so much?"

At this time, Werther and Jean had become good friends. Jean took out the coin pendant on his chest and kissed it.

"Of course I want to find the substance on the asteroid that is said to be able to bring people back to life, so that my idiot girlfriend who left me alone can come back to life!"

Werther was shocked at the time. He and Gene were both selected from different countries, and both had different purposes for their own country. But what he didn't expect was that Gene would have such a simple purpose. And from a little hooligan who knew nothing and fought all day long, he was successfully selected to become this extremely special group of astronauts.

"You've been like this since a long time ago, bastard Gene, always holding on to something elusive. I'm grateful to you. On that asteroid, if it weren't for you, all of us would be dead, but Times have changed, Gene. We have become less human because we want to survive. I know what you want to say. You want to create an era that belongs to humans, not machines or artificial intelligence. But a long time ago, a time when we were one of them, mountains and forests, fields, oceans and starry skies, scorching sun and deserts, but all of this..."

Gene suddenly pushed Werther away. The wound was already half recovered. He took out a cigarette and lit it. He raised his head and looked at the dark sky with a warm smile.

"Witt, I really have a disagreement with you. Maybe it has been like this from the beginning. I have noticed a long time ago that after the experiment of biochemical mechanical modification of human beings failed, those technicians who escaped were the ones who let that boy King Xue go on purpose. Yes, I was dealing with things in the barrier area at that time, and you always liked to do something secretly when I was not in the city."

Werther broke his broken hand back, grinned, and used telekinesis to search for a bottle of wine from the ruins of the wooden house in the distance. He moved over, opened it, took a sip, and handed it to Ji. Well, Jean drank more than half of the bottle, and the bleeding from the wound had stopped.

"You two."

A soft and angry voice came over, and Tang Rao moved over with a touch of cyan particles full of anger, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the appearance of the two of them.

"Let's forget it's a small fight. That boy Noah dared to lie to me and said that you had already turned on the god's state to fight. It seemed like you were only in the second stage."

At this time, Gene and Werther took turns drinking the wine in the bottle, and Tang Rao looked around.

"Tell me what's going on."

Tang Rao said while pressing Gene's head with one hand and Werther's head with the other, shaking them.

"You ask this idiot."

"It was bastard Jean who caused the trouble first. I don't want to hit him at all. Look at how much food was wasted."

After a while, Tang Rao's eyes widened and his tone changed.

"Witt, you guy, how come you don't even know about this to me?"

Werther sighed.

"At that time, I asked the two boys, King Xue and Noah, to do it secretly, causing those researchers who were afraid of taking responsibility to escape from Brilliant City. Then, as I expected, those guys hiding behind the scenes started to move. , there is an advantage to doing so.”

Gene snorted coldly, exhaled a puff of smoke, and smiled coldly.

"The benefits, you leaked such core technology to those rioters, tell me the benefits, are you crazy, Werther?"

"My opinion is the same as that of King Xue, and it is indeed effective and can be implemented. If the enemies hidden behind are not given a little bit of bones, how can they come out to rob them? How can they plan in advance? That guy also said that the reason why the enemy has been slow to act is because they can't find a way to defeat God. But now they have a misunderstanding. Biochemical machinery can transform people. I also asked that boy King Xue to do it more than 20 years ago. They have planted an illusion in this plan, making them think that they can rely on this thing, coupled with quantum physics, cloning science and other technologies, to have the qualifications to challenge God. The sooner the unstable factors are resolved The better. If the other party is unwilling to come out, we will give them a little favor, and they will naturally speed up. Sure enough, after so many years, they have only come up with this little technology. Now you just need to catch them step by step, and it's up to you to do it yourself. Just deal with it, Gene."

Tang Rao covered his cheeks and swallowed.

"You guys are so vicious, you"

"It's not your turn to say this to Tang Rao, neither can you."

Tang Rao suddenly slapped Werther on the mouth. Jean stared at Tang Rao sideways, and she immediately turned her head and twirled the ends of her hair.

"Witt, I'm going to go shopping outside the barrier in a few days. Don't you want to do something again?"

Werther smiled and shook his head.

"I won't do anything extraordinary. Besides, I think it's a good thing. Due to the current situation in the city, the Sky International Space Nation has requested to communicate with our city. Maybe they will come down from the sky next year."

Gene's eyes widened.

"When did this happen?"

"Just a few days ago, we have talked about it. It is also a good thing to promote exchanges between the two countries. After all, those people have been living in the extraterrestrial space station for two hundred years. I am afraid they miss this land very much and the things they have never known. Exposed sunlight.”

Gene stood up.

"Give me the list of those who have mastered cloning technology in a few days. I will give you two days, Wit. If you continue to shirk"

Gene tilted his head and stared at Werther coldly.

"I know, bastard Gene, get out! Look what you've done to my carefully cultivated garden."

After a while, Gene left. Tang Rao sighed and slapped Werther on the cheek.

"What are you doing?"

"What am I doing? What did you just want to say? And do you really think you can beat Jean?"

Werther muttered with some dissatisfaction.

"If I can't beat him, do I have to give up my resistance and let him beat me up? You and Gene go out as soon as possible so that I can practice artificial intelligence. After all, although this thing is very harmful, the actual effect is very effective. We each bear the responsibility." Just fulfill your respective responsibilities, Tang Rao, no matter how painful and unsightly it is, everyone has the same idea, because we are the parents of this city."

Tang Rao hummed, squatted next to Werther, and pressed his arm with one hand.

"What is the truth?"

For a moment, Werther's eyes dimmed.

"You can just ask Lolita directly. She is still alive now. She personally initiated this project as my student. In the end, she endured everything and became a pioneer of mankind. As seen by the little girl Alpha, The Lolita is probably the product of disagreement at a certain experimental stage. Don’t tell Gene about these things, just let me take responsibility for it alone. After all, we should each be responsible for part of the darkness of this city!"

Tang Rao laughed and sighed.

"After all, we have never thought that we are gods, we are just a group of undead souls who should have died long ago. We have seen too many in the past two hundred years, but we will continue in the future. I will leave. Treat the wounds inside your body."

Tang Rao said and grabbed Werther. He sighed and pressed his chest.

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