Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 358 Conflict! God and God (Part 1)


Jean was sitting quietly in a snack shop on the main street of Qinglong. Jean, who had just eaten and put down his chopsticks, paid and stood up to pick up his uniform. When he turned around, there was a cold light in his eyes.

After coming out of Section 10, Jean stayed alone on the roof until night before coming to Qinglong District to have something to eat. At this time, he was going to a place, a farm in the northeast, one of the only farms in the city. one.

Most of the farms are privately owned by the family. Gene quickly walked to an alley, jumped up and instantly jumped to the roof of the building.

The enemy now has the clone Lolita in his hands. She is a near-perfect clone. After investigation, the cloned cells were found to be as high as more than 10,000 times. This made Jean extremely angry. More than 100 years ago, Jean was He personally led people to eliminate those who used cloning technology to make profits. The harm of cloning technology to people is obvious.

Because most of the genes after food cloning will be defective, after people eat these things, many people have genetic mutations. At that time, there were many people who ate low-quality cloned food for a long time. The final result was disability and deformity. Gene had no choice but to If you don't personally kill these guys who make money by cloning food, and completely ban the use of cloning technology in food and other fields that may cause harm to people, then at the beginning of the establishment of Bright City, it was still in chaos. stage.

However, the cloning technology was taken up by senior officials in the years when Jean went to search for resources outside the barrier. At that time, under the leadership of Jean's close friend, a biological scientist named Witte, the senior officials present in Bright City unanimously agreed on a A plan called Codename Clone the Future.

1,000 people were found and in vivo experiments were conducted. A large number of scientists participated. They collected the physical data of 1,000 people in detail, and tens of thousands of people conducted a year-long embryo cloning experiment to ensure that the cloned embryos from these 1,000 people were The other self is not much different from the main body, and the city has invested all its talent and technology in this plan.

The plan was top-secret, and only the six gods and many high-level officials from the early days of the establishment of Brilliant City knew the plan, because the experiment was inhumane.

Jean slowly jumped between floors, and his thoughts seemed to go back to that time, when Jean opened the door to the laboratory and everything he saw.

"What on earth are you doing?"

At that time, Jean just said something quietly, and then fought with Werther. Jean came back with a large number of X-mimics and other new substances, which could implement the artificial sun plan and bring innovation to Brilliant City. As long as If we persist for a few more years, humanity can see hope.

The six gods concealed the plan of cloning the future from the seventh god Jean, and succeeded. The lives of ordinary people were extended by leaps and bounds.

With the termination of the project, all the clones were disposed of, and all the information was sealed in the dark. However, due to the large number of participants, the matter was still leaked, and the No. 9 clone Lolita, who was the final experimental subject, Shaped as a pioneer to save mankind.

"All of you will not die well. You are not human, not human at all!"

Jean stopped, and there were slight cracks on the ground. The roars and screams of the clones in the laboratory were still echoing in his mind.

"Bury everything in darkness. What mankind needs is a bright future, not a dark past!"

The words of Werther appeared in Jean's mind. The furious Jean frantically vented everything on Werther, and finally several other gods held Jean back.

Gene pressed his cheek with one hand. He originally thought that this dark fact that had been sealed for a long time had turned into smoke and disappeared under the sunlight for so many years. Unexpectedly, it had resurfaced again now.

The urgent plan to extend lifespan at that time resulted in an explosive growth of population, because the establishment of cities required a large number of people. When everyone realized that the extension of human lifespan and the consequences of the population explosion, the six gods He and the senior officials began to discuss again, asking mankind to enter the age of mechanization and completely ban the birth of newborns.

Only the genes of outstanding people will be preserved, and most people will be modified to turn their bodies into machines. This will allow them to live longer, work more efficiently, and be easier to control.

Only this time Jean resolutely stopped this plan because the artificial sun had already been created.

"Such a thing cannot be called a human being at all."

This is what Jean said to everyone at that time. A cold body and a brain stored in nutrient solution are controlled. Such a thing is no longer a human being. People lose everything and only get a cold body in exchange.

This time, Jean used an unprecedented tough attitude to strangle human mechanization and intelligence. The six gods also compromised, and Jean stood up from the throne.

"I will establish a new order. This order will stabilize everything. As long as there is order, mankind can move forward steadily. I will build the cornerstone."

After Jean said these words, he left the position of god. He began to run around the city day and night. Finally, with the consent of the six gods, the business department gradually began to be established. It was fully formed more than 50 years ago. In the past 50 years, the city has become more and more prosperous, with more laughter and laughter. The society that mankind destroyed in the past has returned and is still moving forward.

Everything is basically perfect now. Although there are corrupt things in the order, people still have their own lives. Over the years, Jean's heart has been tortured. He has never stopped. This city has Like his child, he did his best to maintain order, because what Jean saw was a peaceful and prosperous scene. When staring at all this in the dark, this scene was dazzling and getting better and better. .

The wind kept blowing across Jean's cheek. He stopped at the top of a tall building near the northeast, took out a cigarette, and looked at the large fertile fields that could be seen in the distance. Part of the northeast belonged to the family. Territory, food, meat and vegetables are all available here, and they are of the highest quality in the city. Because these families have paid blood and sweat for the establishment of Brilliant City, they have reason to get these hard-won lands.

Werther, the Orange God, has been running a small farm near Trading Post No. 1 in the northeast for almost 50 years, and Gene has not seen him directly for nearly 10 years.

"Asshole Werther, how many people who participated in the research are still alive!"

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