"Sampling completed, NDA comparison analysis and cell analysis will be performed."

A person from Section 10 shouted to a hollow body. Immediately, the handsome male body in front of him who looked like a clerk smiled, and a series of symbols and numbers began to flash in his eyes. He raised one hand, A ray of light came out, and a series of rapidly beating values ​​appeared on a huge light and shadow screen. In the middle, there was an arrangement of chromosomes, which looked weird.

Soon the male clerk spoke.

"The test result is a mutant, female, with 22 pairs of chromosomes, 1 X chromosome, the alienated gene is S, and the value is 951. Cell duplication and the implantation of 11 artificial chromosomes have been detected. The number of duplications is still being calculated."

A member of the Board of Directors of Section 10 looked at these values ​​with confusion, and looked a little embarrassed. The gene values ​​of ordinary people are between 265 and 350. This is also the value range for healthy people and some people who are born with imperfections. Most people have low gene numbers. Most of them suffer from some congenital diseases.

However, the new substance currently developed, whose full name is Human Life Gene Breakthrough Vaccine, abbreviated as DNA β3985, was developed a long time ago to improve the functions of the human body, because after the disaster, people lost their living environment. In such a harsh and harsh environment, we want to If you want to continue to survive, you must improve your own genes so that you can adapt to the extremely harsh environment two hundred years ago.

So living scientists gathered together and began experiments on the effects of new substances on the human body. The number behind the code name DNAβ3985 represents the number of human failures, remembering the great biological science that took nearly 200 years to succeed. process.

The symbol β means that this is the second item that provides humans with the right to continue to live on this long-dead planet, and should be remembered forever by everyone.

Through the research of new substance vaccines successfully implanted into the human body, human beings' adaptability to the environment has improved, and genes have begun to mutate. Some previously difficult congenital diseases can also be compensated for by such an increase in genetic mutations, and normal conditions can be achieved. The peak of the value is over 350. The limit that ordinary people can reach is 400 genes, and those who go above that are mutants.

The four levels of SABCDE are used to distinguish the level of mutants, which is the amount of genes added. Every time 100 alienated genes are added, the level of mutants is distinguished. Most S-level mutants have more than 900 genes, which exceeds 900. 1,000 phoenix water chestnuts.

At this moment, Noah, Gene, and Alpha were all standing in front of the light and shadow panel, looking at the NDA value of the woman named Lolita. The artificial intelligence was still analyzing and calculating how many times this Lolita had been cloned.

"The values ​​are at normal levels. As a mutant, it is indeed too weak compared to Alpha."

Noah said and looked at Alpha next to him. He also had a copy of Alpha's mutant registration information in his hand, but it was more than 50 years ago. At that time, the number of Alpha genes reached an unprecedented 2138, which was extremely terrifying. Numbers, although over the years, the numbers of several powerful mutant section chiefs have long exceeded this number, but it has been more than 50 years. He stared at Alpha's well-proportioned arms, which did not look thick, but rather slender.

"Can you stop staring at me so disgustingly?"

Alpha glared at Noah and he smiled and waved his hand.

"I'm just thinking about your current gene number, Alpha. I'm afraid it has exceeded 8,000. By the way, your sister's gene test number last year was 7,398, ranking among the top in the acting department excluding the chiefs of the 12th and 13th departments. Three, only 50 lower than Tianhen."

"If you are interested, you might as well see how many genes Mr. Jean has."

Alpha said, Noah glanced at Jean and sighed.

"If allowed, I really want to pry into the secrets of the gods."

Jean smiled and quietly looked at the large number of sequences and was still analyzing and comparing them. I'm afraid there won't be any results for a while.

"By the way, I almost forgot, there is another guy, Quasimodo, I am also very interested. I want to see his normal gene number. I am afraid it has exceeded 10,000, which means he has entered the realm of gods, haha ."

Didi didi

Another small light and shadow screen instantly popped up on the light and shadow screen.

Clone 9: Lolita

Gender: Female

Experimental File No. 10938

Status: dead

"Section Chief, I'm a little worried."

An older male member of Section 10 said this.

"Of course, if the rioters can use this technology to stably clone S-class mutants, it will be a disaster for us. What do you think, Jean?"

Jean stared coldly at the value of 951 on it.

"The enemy's quantum technology is quite mature. It can convert human memory into information through quantum technology and implant it into new cloned individuals. Check carefully all the people who have mastered this technology in the past 100 years of quantum science."

Noah's eyes widened.

"Do you want my life?"

Alpha looked at Noah and looked at Gene from the corner of his eye. The two of them had been singing along since just now and seemed to have no intention of mentioning Lolita. Noah seemed to only know part of it, and only Gene knew the truth. What, but Gene seemed reluctant to say it.

"At least let me know part of the story about the woman I killed with my own hands."

Alpha said dullly and lit a cigarette. Noah glanced at Gene, who nodded slightly.

"How should I put it? Anyone who is qualified to enter the scientific community should remember the name Lolita and express sincere gratitude. It is precisely because of her contribution that our life span can exceed 150 years. Only then can I survive. Just like me, if it were 200 years ago, I would have been a dying old man at the age of 76, but I still have at least 100 years to live. Thinking about how many things I can still create, I I really want to thank this person named Lolita from the bottom of my heart.”

Alpha stared at Noah suspiciously. At this moment, he walked over and clicked on the experimental file No. 10938 with his own authority. In an instant, many videos and graphic descriptions appeared.

"Let me explain to you briefly. About 150 years ago, when humans just started to build huge barriers, there was a problem. The birth rate of newborns was less than 20%, and most of them were stillborn. At that time, Although several forces are cooperating and want to jointly build an ecosystem in which humans can survive, they are actually still fighting openly and covertly, and bloody conflicts are taking place almost every day. I heard that the person who continued to resolve the bloody conflicts at that time was you. Come on Mr. Jean!"

"Ah, it is indeed me."

Jean said in a slightly low voice, and the expression on his face froze, as if he was recalling something bad.

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