Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 346 The Source of the Matrix: Dialogue (Part 1)


Along with a crisp cracking sound, Alpha felt a chill pass over his skin. Instantly, a large amount of large-scale rays of light and darkness appeared under his feet, like dust floating in the wind, quickly It rushed out in all directions. Alpha didn't know what was happening, but at this time, the surrounding light matter instantly covered and intertwined over a large area. In an instant, Alpha was already standing in a circular white space.

Alpha felt that his telekinesis just now could not prevent the small ball from falling to the ground. He felt very weird, and the woman in front of him had a smile in his eyes.

"It's very spectacular. The quantized atoms of material space are condensed. You can think of this place as a room that is independent and does not exist on the roof where you just were. After all, the place where we are now is more like It is an artificially created black hole. There was such a scientific theory a long time ago."

"Bose Einstein Condensates."

Alpha stared at the short woman in front of him quietly, with a high-pitched voice. She did not attack immediately, but planned to continue observing the black hole-like space that suddenly appeared.

"It seems you heard me clearly. After all, I was the former section chief of the business department. My name is Lolita, Ms. Alpha."

The short woman in front of him said with a sharp smile, and then pulled off the broken mask on her cheek.

Alpha gently exhaled a puff of smoke. At this time, the smoke began to become abnormally slow in the air, and began to condense, as if it was frozen. The moment the smoke gradually exhaled fell to the ground, it softly shattered. The sound was like a very thin layer being peeled off and broken.

"Now you have two charges, assaulting members of the department, urban endangerment crimes, and suspected anti-city crimes. Now please stay put, otherwise."

Alpha exhaled another puff of smoke, and instantly the smoke turned blue and condensed like ice flowers, falling softly to the ground and dissipating.

"I'll beat you up."

There was a crunching sound, Alpha clenched his fists, and Lolita took a soft step back, giggling.

Alpha is still thinking about this black hole-like space, which can block all light, and can even construct a quantum space in the material world. Alpha had learned these things in science class before, and her father gave her the letter XX. The letter of the letter hopes that she can be like the beginning of the letter, as a pioneer and leader, walking in the most dazzling place in the city.

The materialization technology of flowing light and shadow in the city includes a theory jointly researched by two scientists a long time ago. Bose Einstein condensates can change the density of light, thereby reducing the speed of light. Only then can the materialization technology of light and shadow be realized. development, and this theory has also been applied to other fields, serving as a macroscopic quantum model in many science and technologies.

"I actually saw you, Ms. Alpha, acting alone today, so I followed you and wanted to talk to you alone."

Lolita said as she stared at Alpha seriously and excitedly.

"Stop talking nonsense. If you want to discuss scientific theories or anything else, I will take you to Section 10 to have a good discussion later. If you want to discuss life, I will take you to Section 2 and have a good chat with you. Mo Xiaolan talks about life and ideals."

With a giggle, Lolita laughed maniacally.

"I have always respected you since I heard about you Miss Alpha a long time ago."

Lolita said and bowed, Alpha grinned slightly and stared at Lolita with his cheeks burning.

"Miss Alpha, your Angus family must have been on the verge of collapse. Because of the collapse of the business, you had to rely on the Hillman family. You were restricted by them in every way. You could only obey their family members like dogs, and they even He also proposed that you two sisters marry the two idiot sons of the Hillman family, so Ms. Alpha, you studied hard and finally succeeded in ascending to the throne under the guidance of Jean. They are all holding you back, and you have to take advantage of your position to help your family return home, but the other party is getting more and more excessive. They have already planned to marry your sister Niya. In fact, they intend to embezzle everything from your family. , including you two sisters, so you killed everyone in the Hillman family, leaving no one behind, once and for all. You shouldered the shame of the family alone, and was thrown into prison by Jean, who taught you in the first place. It was obvious that you had done nothing wrong. No, you should not bear the responsibility for these crimes, Ms. Alpha, you"

With a cry, Alpha moved to Lolita, and punched her cheek with a fist. However, at this time, Alpha discovered that after his alienation factors were scattered in the air, his speed was extremely slow, and his strength was also somewhat weak. Can't get it up.

"It's better not to underestimate this space too much, Miss Alpha. As a mutant, your strength is top notch, but I still have many ways to deal with you."

Alpha stopped in place for a moment, looking at Lolita who landed softly more than ten meters away from him.

"Human society is like a huge matrix, and the source of this matrix can achieve many things. What kind of future does human beings need? What do you think? Miss Alpha, ignorance is always the most indispensable thing for human beings, and greed is the most important thing for human beings. The eternal theme, and greed is also the root of human corruption. In the future, I think only real people will be qualified to continue to survive and reproduce."

Alpha looked at the red particles floating around his body. These particles are all alienated cells. After being dispersed in the air, they can allow mutants to use telekinesis, a power that seems to be beyond common sense but actually has a complete scientific basis. Alienation factors The produced alienated cells, if properly controlled, can be as flexible as hands and feet. The status of these alienated particles floating around can be clearly seen at this time, like grains of shining gravel, Alpha said coldly. Staring at Lolita opposite.

"I don't want to waste any more time with you, little sister Lolita!"

Alpha said, and all the red alienated particles were instantly absorbed into her body. She instantly accelerated and rushed towards Lolita with the power of her muscles. Lolita also panicked. It is true that this space can seal the mutant's greatest ability. The alienated cell particles produced by the alienated factor can use telekinesis. In fact, mutants use their consciousness to control the alienated particles that are directly connected to their own brain waves to carry out telekinesis attacks such as lifting, attacking, and puncturing. , however, in such a macroscopic space where matter has been converted into quantum, there is an extremely low material temperature, so the effect of alienated particles will be minimal.


Alpha punched him, Lolita grinned and flew backwards.

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