Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 331 Needlepoint and Maimang 2 (Part 1)

In the empty General Affairs Section, only some ordinary staff members were officially left behind. Jean walked out from the right side, his hair was still a little wet, and he walked slowly with a cigarette in his mouth, lifting his uniform in the wind. At this, many people in the General Affairs Department became a little confused. Some people came over and said hello, and Jean nodded.

When he came to the edge of the square, Jean stood under the sun and glanced back at the towering Guild Hall behind him. The reason why he did not go to the Congress Hall was that once he stepped into the Congress Hall, there would be no one left. The blue pillar will emit light, and this cannot be changed, so Jean chooses not to go.

Gene smiled happily when he thought about today's meeting.

"It should be fine. The guys behind me don't want to be embarrassed."

The sun shone on Jean's body. He raised his head in enjoyment and exhaled a puff of smoke. He planned to continue investigating the murder case. This case was not simple. This was Jean's first feeling. The 13 victims were really... Are they all victims? The truth is often hidden deeper. If you just publish a provocation against Xingke, the method can be simpler. Gene took out the coin from his pocket and flicked it up with his fingers. The coin spinning in the air gave off a dazzling light. The light comes.

The refracted light kept hitting Jean's face, and the coin flashed in front of his eyes. For a moment, the coin stopped. Jean's eyes widened. There were some tiny scratches on the edge of the coin. Jean thought with a thought. The coin was slowly pulled up to him.

There was a small letter "X" engraved on the edge of the coin. He stretched out his finger and touched it. There were four

Gene put away the coin, and another coin as evidence has been handed over to Section 5 for testing. It is a coin from more than 300 years ago. The material is silver, and it is a pure silver coin. The processing method is very unique. Originally, silver is a soft metal, and some other metals need to be added to increase the hardness. However, this coin is made of pure silver and uses a high-pressure method, which greatly increases the density of silver and ensures that form.

Although mankind has become a modern society more than 300 years ago, and the war has just ended a few decades ago, the level of industrial technology at that time was not so high in Jean's memory. Computers at that time were just giant products, and the entire world was not Many places are still in war.

Moreover, the coin seemed to be polished manually, not mechanically, because there was no such mechanical polishing technology at that time. Even the laser polishing technology later could make it so fine artificially. Gene also had an impression of the heads on the coins. , is a pioneer of mankind.

The first person to land on the moon, Jean walked slowly with a smile. He recalled that when he was a child, he also dreamed of becoming an astronaut and going to the unknown dark space. Although his wish later came true. .

For a moment, Jean's face became a little solemn, and a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes. He quickly walked down the stairs. The sun above his head made Jean realize that he was still alive and would live forever.

"Part of it is a curse, and part of it may be really lucky!"

At this time, the congressmen in the Congress hall were speechless. King Xue had already killed the topic. The congressmen's strategy of using data and facts to suppress Le Xiao had been cleverly defeated by King Xue. The situation was resolved, and the expressions of the operational section chiefs in the front row also softened a bit, and Li Ang smiled happily.

Originally, he wanted to stand up and teach the sow opposite him about economics, but King Xue spoke in advance. After all, in this kind of meeting, the business department must not show weakness and embarrassment, especially in that meeting. In front of a group of congressmen.

Le Xiao had completely relaxed at this time, and she was constantly grateful to King Xue for saving her at such a critical moment.

Lin Min looked a little embarrassed, and seemed to be thinking about how to continue to open the topic and embarrass the little girl opposite.

"Mr. Lin Min, if you have nothing to say, I hope to proceed to the next member's hearing."

Locke's expression became more relaxed, but Lin Min immediately started laughing.

"Of course I still have something to say. What Section Chief Xue Wang just said is the derived value of the mechanical ball. It can indeed create good economic value, but it does not seem to have much to do with this bill. This bill is mainly aimed at mutations. People, those potential dangers that exist in the city, are likely to be exploited by rioters or cause some violent incidents. They are unstable factors, so we need to see if the mechanical ball can replace them, if there is one. , instead of mutants, those mutants can only join 3 or 5 subjects unconditionally. This is the core and essential issue of this bill. So, Mr. Le Xiao, let me ask you how on earth you can make the mechanical ball appear similar to mutants. economic value.”

As soon as Lin Min finished speaking, the congressmen immediately regained their spirits. King Xue quietly looked at the congressmen opposite him with his hands on his chin. The other congressmen were not stupid. They just wanted to destroy the plan and follow their wishes. After all, Le Xiao's rejection of all the merchants this time was the biggest failure. King Xue knew all the actions behind the MPs' backs with his toes.

Le Xiao swallowed for a moment and didn't know how to answer. The number of mutants in District 108 was 756, and they were only registered. As for those potential mutants, it was difficult to detect them because many of them were unwilling to go. Registration, once registered, you need to pay the taxes corresponding to mutants, because their physical abilities are stronger than ordinary people, and for them, an E-level mutant can do as much physical work as 5 to 10 ordinary workers, so some The mutants deliberately refused to report, bought drugs that suppressed alienated gene mutations from the black market, and worked with some fixed bosses. They only received the wages of three or four ordinary workers, but did the work of seven or eight ordinary workers. Something that is not surprising.

Le Xiao once reported on this matter, but then nothing happened. The biggest job of the low-level mutants is physical labor. Some go to the trading stations in the east as mountain workers, and some work in places that require physical strength.

"Can you please answer the question, Mr. Le Xiao, or are you saying that you didn't think about it at all, and then just made a random bill to fool Congress!"

Lin Min pressed forward step by step and raised his voice.

At this time, all the front-line section chiefs and secretaries in the executive branch knew that the other party had seized on the fate of this motion and would gradually begin the next stage of oppressive attacks.

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