Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 307 Artificial Intelligence (Part 1)

Le Xiao stood up excitedly. She was extremely surprised to see such a process. She kept clapping her hands and applauding. Noah nodded.

"Well, this is how the sun rises. It's not from the east or where you can see it from before your eyes, and it doesn't appear above your head as soon as you wake up."

Noah said, looking at Jean, and Alpha also looked over. Jean smiled helplessly and lit a cigarette. At this time, a large series of numbers appeared on the left side.

Le Xiao looked at it in surprise. It showed the sunlight coverage of 120 districts in the city, accurate to 4 decimal places. Sure enough, the highest coverage rate was the agricultural base in the east, with a coverage rate of 99.5874%, followed by the 20 on the upper level. Each large district has a ratio above 90%, the 40 districts in the middle level maintain between 70% and 85%, while most of the 60 districts at the bottom have less than 50%, and there are even some edge areas near the ravines in the barrier areas. , only 0.0214%.

There are also local temperatures in various parts of the city on the light and shadow screen, which are between 10 and 20 degrees. The overall temperature of the city is 18 degrees at this time, the wind is gentle, and there are many complex indicators such as humidity and air comfort.

Le Xiao was shocked when she saw it. She had no idea that it was such a sophisticated and complicated project. A series of charts appeared on the light and shadow screen in the middle. The height of the sun's rays radiating to the ground was accurate to the Bright City. The distance between high and low in the profile is nearly 1,500 kilometers away from the upper levels closest to the sun.

Moreover, the sun also has a precise angle display of the light divergence, ensuring that the light can be radiated to the bright city.

"It can obviously be adjusted. In this case, wouldn't the sun shine in the barrier area?"

Le Xiao asked doubtfully, and the virtual male clerk next to him bowed.

"Your Excellency Le Xiao, for every additional meter in the sun's irradiation range, the amount of X-mimetic Type V that needs to be consumed in a day will be reduced. Today's artificial solar resource reserves are still enough for human beings to enjoy 127 years, 6 months and 13 days. If the sun shines for 23 hours and 38 seconds by 1 meter more, the time humans can enjoy the sun will be reduced by about 1 hour."

Le Xiao sighed helplessly, but then she thought about it. The sun could shine for more than 100 years. In fact, it would be good to give it to the barrier area. But when she thought about it, if it crossed the ravine area and shined over it, the lifespan of the artificial sun would suddenly be shortened. It will be reduced a lot. Le Xiao shook her head. She didn't plan to think about the barrier area anymore.

"Le Xiao, you can go and hand over the work on our 10-subject plan to my secretary. I have something to discuss with Jean."

Le Xiao blinked, and the virtual clerk immediately bowed.

"Your Excellency Le Xiao, let me lead you."

Le Xiao hummed and glanced at Jean and Alpha. At this time, she seemed to remember something, and her eyes widened and her mouth opened in surprise.

"Is this a huge battleship?"

Noah hummed and laughed.

"Your reflex arc is really too long, Le Xiao."

Lexiao looked around again in surprise, and an image of a ship-shaped battleship traveling in the universe appeared in his mind, but Noah immediately broke Le Xiao's delusion.

"Ship-type warships that can travel in the universe are actually unreliable and unscientific. During the rapid flight, the faster the speed, the greater the resistance. If it is traveling at the speed of light, In an instant, the sides of that type of battleship will be on fire, so you can also think of this huge battleship Noah as an asteroid with an internal vacuum, which can fly like an asteroid shuttle in the universe. Here Everything is enough to live on for more than 1 million people for more than 50 years."

Le Xiao was amazed. It turned out that these high-rise buildings were inhabited by people. Le Xiao thought that more people were conducting scientific research inside.

"But this is the last resort of Brilliant City. After all, life can still be lived now. Once a more serious disaster or mutation occurs on this planet one day, the huge battleship Noah will take off, bringing a few elites with it. , although it is said to be 1 million people, this number must be reduced to at least 100,000. After all, humans can continue to reproduce. 50,000 men and 50,000 women are enough. 1 million is too wasteful. "

Le Xiao swallowed and looked at Noah's eyes, which were as cold as a machine. She shuddered a little and had goosebumps on her body, but Noah immediately waved his hand.

"We may not be able to see this anymore. After all, the current climate in Bright City is very stable, and life is very comfortable, right?"

Le Xiao breathed a sigh of relief and swallowed. Currently, the number of people in Brilliant City plus the barrier area should be 40 million. If a serious problem really occurs, only 100,000 people can be screened out from the 40 million people. 400 is more than 40 million. 1. Le Xiao did not dare to think about that scene. She had seen a movie called "The End of the World" before. After watching it, Le Xiao cried for a long time. It was so cruel, but later she realized that she was the real one. For people living in the apocalypse, Le Xiao felt a little stupid when she thought of some of the sensational scenes in the movie. Real life is obviously more cruel than the movie.

"Okay, you can take Lexiao to hand over work with the secretary of our department."

The virtual male clerk bowed and made a gesture of invitation. At this moment, a gleam of light flowed from the edge of the square metal block, and a staircase appeared instantly. Le Xiao swallowed and looked at the virtual male clerk in front of her. Still couldn't help but stretched out his hand and poked it. As expected, it didn't exist, and Le Xiao felt terrified again.

"It's like a ghost or a ghost, isn't it? Your Excellency Le Xiao, we are."

Le Xiao hurriedly said sorry, but Noah laughed loudly behind her.

"It's really interesting to say sorry to a program."

Le Xiao blushed and did not intend to talk to the virtual male clerk, but quickly followed him.

At this moment, Noah slowly walked up to Alpha, bowed respectfully, and dragged Alpha's hand. Just as he was about to kiss the back of her hand, Alpha grabbed Noah's collar and pulled him all over. Lifting it in the air, Noah smiled helplessly for a moment.

"It's disgusting."

"Still the same Alpha. In school, I still remember that I and a few other guys went to spy on you taking a shower. As a result, I broke a hand, and several other guys broke their legs and ribs. Think about how big a bunch of us we were. It was such a long time ago that a man was beaten to tears by a woman like you."

Alpha shook Noah off, he smiled and sighed.

"I don't want to have any physical or visual contact with a pervert like you, because it's disgusting."

Alpha was daunted by the thought of how perverted the guy in front of her was. She originally didn't want to come over, but she had no choice but to come over with Lexiao.

"Okay, let's get down to business, Gene."

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