Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 304 Artificial Sun (Part 1)

"Sister Alpha, I want to fight."

Le Xiao was wearing a black elastic jumpsuit and clenching her fists. This was the first time in her life that she had punched. She also knew that she had to exercise and learn to fight. When she heard Alpha talk about it, the secretary of Section 13 After they all had the strength of super S-level mutants, Le Xiao was shocked at first, but when she thought of Gu Ningning's petite but very flexible body when she woke up in the morning at her home, Le Xiao I know that I can only grit my teeth and improve my actual combat ability.

Alpha stood quietly in front of Lexiao, folding his hands and nodding.

Le Xiao suddenly punched Alpha in the face.

"Don't close your eyes."

Alpha said sternly. When Le Xiao opened her eyes, Alpha blocked Le Xiao's fist and suddenly bent forward. His left foot had already caught Le Xiao's foot. He pressed his left hand on Le Xiao's chest. Xiao felt his vision drifting, and with a sound, he fell to the ground, but his body suddenly stopped in the air.

Le Xiao blushed in panic, and Alpha pulled her up.

"When ordinary people fight, the fear will make the body stiffen. Because of the fear of being beaten, the eyes will unconsciously look elsewhere, and the reflex nerves will become slower than usual. It is easy to be avoided. Let's put this first Once you are familiar with the routines, if you face someone who is stronger than you, what you need is your reaction speed and the ability to subdue him as quickly as possible in an instant."

Le Xiao hummed, and Alpha performed various demonstrations. They all used their cleverness to find opportunities to throw the enemy to the ground when they attacked. This is the most practical method. For women with relatively small strength, Said, Le Xiao got used to it after doing it for a while, Alpha slowly taught Le Xiao, it was already 10 o'clock in the evening.

"Sister Alpha, why is practical combat included in the compulsory subjects of the practical studies? I think..."

"A long time ago, when the administrative department was first established, officers often died or were even killed in the street, especially when violent conflicts occurred. Do you still remember the administrative department personnel who died in the last riot?"

Le Xiao swallowed, and Alpha lit a cigarette with sharp eyes and sat down.

"When the clerks in the administrative department are interns, most instructors will tell all the new officers that they should find ways to save their lives when encountering any violent and bloody incidents. Most of the administrative staff who died in the last riot were novices. He was obviously skilled and armed, but he died because of his own conscience. When faced with a vicious incident, the logic no longer makes sense. No normal person is willing to shoot and kill an ordinary person, but the result is as you can see. The people in the administrative department could only retreat and retreat, allowing the people at the bottom to vent their anger and riot. When you faced the suspect that night, you didn't do anything!"

Lexiao hummed and lowered her head. Alpha smiled and patted her shoulder.

"Sorry Sister Alpha, if it wasn't for Mr. Quasimodo that night, I might have"

"Just take your time and uphold yourself, but you must face all problems. When you are strong enough, you can subdue the criminal without killing the criminal, continue practicing, and go to bed on time at 12 o'clock ."

Alpha said and Le Xiao stood up with a hum and continued to practice with Alpha.

At 11:30, Le Xiao sat slumped on the sofa, panting and blushing. Alpha began to exercise again. He had just finished 3,000 handstand one-finger push-ups, and began to spread his legs for body stretching. train.

Le Xiao looked at Alpha quietly, smiling happily as she imagined that she could have the flexibility and rigidity of Alpha's body after a while. She subdued some bad guys on the street with her bare hands and was praised by others, unknowingly drooling. down.


The door to the room opened, and a strange fragrance drifted in.


Le Xiao wiped her saliva and stood up, but for a moment she was dressed like this, blushing and squirming. Gene walked in with a bunch of food and wine, smiling, Alpha stood up, The two looked at each other and sat down.

"I won't eat, take a shower and go to bed."

Le Xiao swallowed, but Jean pulled her over, and Le Xiao sat reserved and quiet for a while.

"thanks for the effort."

Jean said and Le Xiao immediately shook her head.

"how come!"

"I'll go to Section 10 with you tomorrow. I'll hand over the work and I'll take you to see where the artificial sun rises."

For a moment, Le Xiao clasped her hands together happily, her eyes shining.

"Okay, I used to often ask the teacher where the sun rises. The teacher always said it rises from the east. When I grew up, I always felt that I cared more about how the sun rose."

Gene said with a smile.

"You have to get up at 5 o'clock tomorrow morning and go there. You still need to exercise, don't you?"

Le Xiao immediately picked up the meat skewers on the table, ate some casually, drank some wine, and rushed into the bedroom in a daze.

"I'm going to sleep first, Jean, sister Alpha."

After a while, Gene and Alpha started drinking, and they had a drink.

"How about that, kid."

Alpha leaned back gently, put his hands on the back of his head, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"I remember when I was a child, you often lied to me and said that the sun rises from where I see it. You are really a bastard. You like to lead people to the sun even though you are in darkness."

Jean lowered his head and watched the wine in the glass sloshing. The orange-yellow wine exuded a fragrant aroma and a crystal soft color.

"A long time ago, old people used to say that children are like the sun in early spring. Sorry Alpha, I."

Alpha took out a cigarette, lit it, blew out a puff of smoke, and shook his head helplessly.

"I will keep an eye on this sun."

In a daze, Lexiao opened her sour eyes. Alpha had already gotten up and was taking a shower, and Lexiao hurriedly turned over.

"It's only 4:50. Secretary, you can still get some sleep."

Le Xiao shook her head excitedly, got up and ran directly to Alpha, holding Alpha in her arms and getting wet together.

"I'm going to see the sun this morning. If I hadn't drank some wine last night, I would have been so excited that I couldn't sleep."

After a while, the three of them dressed up and went out. It was just after 5 o'clock, and Gene walked slowly in front. There was still 20 kilometers away from the General Affairs Department.

"How about running over there."

Le Xiao said, but Gene shook his head.

"If you run there, you won't be able to see the sun rise in time. Take the subway."

Le Xiao pursed her lips, knowing that both Jean and Alpha were capable of running over quickly, and it would take at least half an hour for him to run over.

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