Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 300: Executive Meeting of Section Chiefs (Part 2)

Jean looked at Zou Lin quietly in front of him. She smiled sweetly, her eyes were dull, as if she were looking at another space, and she was not looking at what was in front of her at all. It was already past 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

Billy was still investigating in Zou Lin's room. Although the nanny was a little angry, for Gene's sake, she didn't say anything and stayed with Zou Lin.

"What exactly did you see, miss."

Jean asked with a smile. Zou Lin ignored Jean, smiled, and whispered some unknown words in her mouth.

According to surveillance, on the day of the murder, Gate and Song Ying were indeed shopping with Zou Lin in a supermarket, but the three disappeared for 10 minutes. They went to the bathroom, and that was the 10 minutes. Jean became suspicious.

According to all the evidence, Zou Lin has the greatest suspicion of murder, but she is a psychopath. If she wants to kill someone, there is insufficient evidence.

At this time, Billy had already dug out many of Zou Lin's clothes and daily necessities, and kept sniffing them. He was thinking about a question in his head. If he could really control the woman below, And what kind of method was used to make her conscious to kill people.

Billy has just conducted three tests on Zou Lin: sound, image, and speech, but Zou Lin didn't respond at all. Most of the conclusions are still in the proving stage. Now he can only place his hope on lipstick. If that Song Ying is If there are mutants, there will be a breakthrough.

"Billy, I have to go to the General Affairs Department. I'll leave it to you to look after. Don't let anyone take this girl away. Use this if necessary."

Gene said as he took out a hexagonal brooch from his pocket and handed it to Billy. He held it in his hand with a wicked smile. Gene looked at the room that had been turned into chaos.

"I will put it away later. Later I hope you will find some forensic personnel from Section 4. If you really can't find anything, you can only use microscopic inspection. I suspect that the place where Ruda was killed is this room, and It's not 18th Street, which is 10 minutes away from here. Everything in the room is very brand new and was just replaced yesterday. Although the nanny said that the previous things were used for a long time, so they were replaced. Although there are Wear and tear, things like these in the bedroom can be used for more than 10 years before they need to be replaced. The nanny doesn’t know the specific time of use. The timing is too coincidental. They were replaced the day after the murder. I will replace everything about this woman. Digged deep.”

Gene turned around and tilted his head.

"Don't take it too far."

At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the sun began to turn yellow. At this time, outside Locke's private lounge, Michelle got a chair and was browsing the documents on the light and shadow panel. The section chiefs of the 12 departments and Locke had already started a meeting inside. , she was guarding the door, and had strictly ordered anyone to approach here. The passage connecting the hall was guarded by two personnel from the General Affairs Department.

At the top of a Changxing table in the room, Locke folded his hands and stared seriously at the 12 section chiefs on the left and right sides.

"It's so unreasonable. Are you crazy, Mo Xiaolan, to do such a thing?"

As the section chiefs looked at the facts about cyber terrorist crimes on the light and shadow screen in front of them, Heathcote could no longer sit still.

"You have violated at least 100 laws. How is this different from committing a crime?"

Mo Xiaolan stared at Heathcote opposite and laughed.

"That's why I hope to convene a temporary informal meeting of section chiefs. I hope that our 13 section chiefs will sign, and then the general manager of the general affairs department will sign and acknowledge it. This will be legal. It's just a decision first and then a report. Li Ang, let me remind you, they may treat you Section 7 takes action, after all, if we want to get those rioters to take the bait, we can’t do it without coming up with some useful information.”

In an instant, Li Ang was furious and stood up.

"Mo Xiaolan, do you know how much impact it will have on the entire city once you get your hands on money? The financial index will fluctuate violently, which will make..."

"Okay, Li Ang, stop screaming. If this city is destroyed, no matter how much money you have, it will be useless. It is just a bunch of fictitious numbers. Sit down."

Niya bit her cigarette and stared at Li Ang with her chin in her hands. Hua Shen next to her laughed helplessly.

"The ones most affected by cyber attacks and crimes are Section 6, Section 7, Section 8 and Section 9. Now that things have begun, we should all talk calmly and prepare for the worst."

Li Ang sat down, pressed his finger on the light and shadow screen, and continued to read.

"I personally agree with Section Chief Mo Xiaolan's approach. If you want to eliminate the harm, you must consider the benefits. It is not just this matter, there are many things that need to be done simultaneously. One is to suppress the flames of the rioters, and the other is to appease the people. Only a two-pronged approach can be effective for the uneasiness caused by the excessive practices of the executive branch over the years."

Tianhen smiled helplessly.

"In terms of funding, our three departments can only get up to 2 million. After all, our department will conduct a large-scale actual combat drill in the barrier zone next month."

Mo Xiaolan sighed.

"Our 2nd Division is extremely poor, unlike your 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th Divisions, who are extremely rich."

For a time, Olena, Leon, Heathcote and Ivy all stared at the project about the funds needed to build a positive image of the business department.

"Money doesn't just come out of nowhere. If you insist that our 7 subjects take a large amount of money, that's fine, but it will cause serious inflation. Except for Old Man Ye's 12 subjects and Jewell's 11 subjects, you other subjects Don’t you have any food left in Keping every day?”

King Xue shook his head helplessly.

"The maximum amount we can provide in Division 1 is 10 million. A total of 100 million in working capital is needed to carry out some beneficial activities in the 120 districts. So from this year to June next year, I suggest that we tighten our belts temporarily. ”

dong dong dong

The glass was knocked. Locke stood up and walked over quickly, pulled open the curtains, and the window opened automatically. Gene jumped in easily, walked slowly to the chair at the bottom of the long table opposite Locke, and sat down. .

"Sorry everyone, I'm late."

Jean smiled and lit a cigarette. Leona stared at Jean with charming eyes and smiled with her hand on her chin.

"You have been this wayward Gene since a long time ago. We will provide you with 20 million, and you can figure out the rest on your own."

Seeing that Leona had expressed her stance, Ivy smiled and nodded.

"We should also pay 20 million for 9 subjects."

Locke said with a chuckle.

"The current total is 52 million. Where's your department, Jean?"

Gene opened the light and shadow panel and looked at it for a while.

"Ten million! Recently I want to buy a piece of land and build a headquarters for Section 13. I need some money."

For a moment, all the section chiefs looked at Jean in disbelief, and Niya burst into laughter.

"Our five departments can spend up to 5 million, and we have recently recruited nearly 1,000 new department members."

Locke continued.

"Now there are 67 million, haha, Section Chief Li Ang, Section Chief Heathcote, both ladies are very generous. The original fund is 120 million, but it must be at least 100 million, 2 subjects, 4 subjects The funds for subjects 10, 11, and 12 are all specially allocated funds, so they are unaffordable. You two can make up for the remaining money."

Li Ang was furious in his heart at this time. He glanced at Heathcote next to him, and their eyes exchanged for a while.

"Okay, for the remaining 33 million, we will get 230 million from the 7 subjects."

Locke nodded with satisfaction, and Heathcote sighed helplessly.

"Let's get 20 million for 8 subjects."

Locke nodded.

"Okay, the next topic is about these two plans, internal appeasement and external purge. Our business department needs to unite as one. One of the main purposes of coming today is to communicate with everyone, and then for businessmen Some of their policies and strategies, it’s time for them to spit out some of their denies to the city.”

As soon as Locke finished speaking, everyone looked at Gene and Ye Chunwang.

"Sorry everyone, I invited you here today not only because of the problem of the rioters, but also a plan report on the establishment of the agricultural experimental base in the barrier area. I hope you can read it completely."

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