At 8 o'clock in the morning, Li Wei got up from the bed in fear. She looked at the door in front of her in confusion. Everything last night was still vivid in her mind. Li Wei drank a lot of wine last night. The atmosphere last night was pleasant. After getting up, Li Wei lit a cigarette. The smoke was lingering. She looked at herself in the mirror. Today they will go to Brilliant City for a week-long visit. "I really don't want to go." Li Wei scratched her head. She actually wanted to go back because she was afraid that if she went, she would not want to leave. The whole society of the United States is no longer normal. No one wants to return to a factory society. Many officers were looking forward to it last night, and many of the selected accompanying soldiers were the same, including those Stkas. Li Wei scratched her head. After she got up, she looked at her dark body and sighed. Such prosthetic technology could not help humans survive in space. This is where Li Wei felt very helpless after knowing it. Last night, the head of Section 10 of Brilliant City talked about this prosthetic technology. If it is placed in space, it will even damage the brain for a long time. Brilliant City has conducted research in this area, simulating the space environment, but after the experiment, many problems still cannot be solved. The real space environment will be more cruel.

Li Wei put on her clothes and went out. Soon everyone gathered on a small exploration ship, Alpha said.

"Everyone, thank you for accepting our invitation. In the next seven days, I will be responsible for taking you to visit most places in our city. We will arrange your food, accommodation and transportation."

Li Wei stretched out her hand to shake hands with Alpha, and then the officers of the United States began to start the exploration ship.

"Really looking forward to it."

Li Wei muttered, and many officers nodded happily. The society of the United States has undergone drastic changes in just one year, and then it has become a factory country.

A distance of more than 300 kilometers is only more than ten minutes for a powerful exploration ship.

"Alpha, can you take us to see the barrier area?"

Li Wei asked, Alpha was puzzled, and Li Wei explained.

"I just want to see how humans survive in such a cruel environment."

Li Wei remembered that her childhood environment was bad enough, but when she talked about the Barrier Zone last night, many officers were extremely shocked. Many people couldn't believe how those people could survive in such a dark place.

Seeing Alpha's serious expression, Li Wei smiled.

"If it's difficult, forget it, Alpha, this is just my personal idea."

Alpha nodded.

"No problem."

Alpha's idea now is very simple. She just wants to communicate with other countries with an open attitude. Although the United States has the intention of war, such intention is not caused by the people of the United States, but by the rulers of the United States.

Alpha sees many things very clearly now. Most people need to pay for the decisions of a very small number of people. If this decision is wrong, then the majority of people who pay the bill will suffer endless suffering in the future.

So now Alpha will not make rash decisions on many decision-making issues in the Brilliant City, but will first ask ordinary people. Alpha will ask people from every class in person.

After getting feedback from the public, Alpha will start to make decisions step by step, and then announce them after discussion. Now Brilliant City is on the right track.

Unfortunately, the planet is in crisis now. It is the best time now, but now it is facing a huge survival crisis.

All this helplessness makes everyone feel powerless. When Alpha knew that the former superpower across the sea had marched in, she was angry at first.

The Action Department has made sufficient preparations. Once the enemy opens fire, the next step is a complete annihilation operation, and the enemy cannot be allowed to take advantage of the slightest opportunity.

At the beginning, the gods also planned to let the Action Department train soldiers, and the section chiefs agreed. Alpha was also ready. Section 3 would be dispatched at any time, and a large number of weapons had been deployed to the guard station. As long as the enemy appeared, they would attack immediately.

Today is the harvest celebration in the city, because several experimental bases in the barrier area have achieved a good harvest, and the land has come alive. Such a happy thing is incredible to everyone and is a great gift from heaven.

Many people at the bottom of the city are ready to join the larger-scale land reclamation plan. In the future, the grain output of Brilliant City will be further increased, and the price of grain will continue to go down.

The future will be even better, but unfortunately, this planet is about to have a catastrophe that is enough to destroy everything.

Alpha has asked Section 3 to be on standby at any time. At the last moment, when the enemy approached, the gods made a decision to use powerful forces to destroy the enemy directly, and did not plan to train soldiers.

Such casualties are meaningless and will cast a shadow on the now thriving Brilliant City. Many retired people in the Operation Section have received orders to return to the Operation Section at any time to be on standby for war.

In name, it is acting, but many old staff members know that this is not an exercise, because many negotiations with Asgard have not been concluded, and now there are problems in trade with Asgard.

Such problems have led to a rapid deterioration in relations between the two countries. Alpha certainly knows that it is because of the life vaccine.

At this time, with a slight shaking, the detection ship began to stop. The towering city wall was already visible. Li Wei stared at the city wall, and then the detection ship slowly moved closer to the city wall.

Many officers looked at the height and thickness of the city wall in astonishment, as well as the plant-like plants that were vaguely visible in the darkness.

“We don’t have these things in our country.”

Li Wei said, Noah quickly explained to the officers of the United States. This time there were more than 300 officers and soldiers.

The detection ship slowly crossed the barrier, and Li Wei saw light in the distance, and the ground below was filled with a large amount of dust tens of meters high, and the dust was still sliding down in some places.

The exploration ship moved slowly, and Noah briefly told the officers. Many people felt incredible. After all, there were so many harmful particles in this place, and it was a miracle that people could survive.

The exploration ship began to speed up a bit, and Li Wei looked at everything below calmly. After seeing it for himself, he realized that his idea was correct.

Li Wei felt from the beginning that if they relied on the terrain map Asgard gave them, they would be blind when they came in. Fighting in such a dark place would test detailed map information and on-the-spot combat. ability, plus the issue of adaptability.

"Even if God doesn't take action, we can't win the war."

Li Wei said, many officers nodded, Alpha just smiled helplessly, and other section chiefs told these officers something.

After a while, Li Wei saw two lights under a mountain range, Alpha said.

"There are still some people who cannot enter the Brilliant City. They are temporarily placed here. The supplies will be delivered in a few days. Do you want to go down and take a look?"

Many officers nodded. The detection ship slowly crossed the mountains, and then began to slowly land towards a small town-like gathering place. Li Wei saw many people surrounding it.

For a moment, many officers were shocked, because many of the people who came around were old people, women and children, but they clearly felt something was wrong, because there was no bitterness on the faces of these people, but instead they were filled with smiles.

After the exploration ship landed slowly and the hatch opened, Alpha walked out first. Exclamations broke out for a while, and Niya went directly over to explain the situation in a loud voice.

At this moment, many people showed happy smiles. They did not expect to see people from other countries.

There were intense coughs. Some officers did not wear protective clothing. Many people felt uncomfortable. The oxygen in the air here was a little thin, and the most important thing was that there was always some pungent smell in the air.

"The smell is much lighter now, but it was more pungent before."

Some people started talking and laughing, and Li Wei looked at the people living in dilapidated houses with astonishment. Many of the houses were simply renovated on the basis of ruins, and the scene in front of him seemed like a real doomsday.

Although Li Wei does not have skin that can sense cold and warmth, she has sophisticated detectors in her body. The temperature here is only 3 degrees, and the temperature will be even lower, possibly dropping below zero. Can she still live in such an environment? It has been very difficult.

Although Li Wei had read Bright City's information about the barrier area early in the morning, the information only explained the formation and general situation of the barrier area.

"I originally thought that people living here live in some old houses, but I didn't expect this."

Li Wei said in disbelief. Alpha snorted and lit a cigarette. Many officers were still not used to it, but they did not plan to install protective measures because Huashen said that they have very advanced light and shadow medical treatment. This technology can completely clean the dust in the lungs without harming the cells inside.

Some officers also wanted to try such medical technology. Soon Li Wei walked into this gathering point of humans, and Alpha introduced it.

“It used to be difficult to live in a place like this because the distance to where you receive your monthly food and water is more than 600 kilometers away, and in such an environment, it’s easy to go wrong and take detours. "Some people have adapted to the Barrier Zone to live in such a remote place."

Li Wei nodded. She looked at the situation in these dilapidated houses and thought of everything she had experienced as a child. Li Wei felt that she was much happier when she was a child.

"It's really unbelievable."

Li Wei looked at the parts of the dilapidated house that were spliced ​​together with many discarded materials. Many of them were broken at the slightest touch. There were so many people living in such a harsh environment.

"There are still more than 4 million people living here. New districts have begun to be built in the outer areas of the city. They will have to wait until the construction is completed before they can enter the city to live."

Alpha said, and Li Wei hummed. What she was confused about was the attitude of the onlookers. Everyone looked very cheerful. They always kept smiling. Such smiles came from the heart.

"Why are they still so happy?"

Li Wei saw canned food in some people's homes and was very curious, Alpha said.

"Because they have seen hope that soon the sun will continue to expand its range and they will be able to move to the city soon."

Li Wei was surprised that Bright City was so developed and why it needed so much labor force.

"Many people can be replaced by machines, why do you still have so many workers here?" Li Wei asked, and Alpha smiled helplessly. "Because if machines replace humans, humans will lose most of their jobs, and everyone will compete with each other in upstream jobs, which will only lead to disputes and various problems." Li Wei probably understood something. The current Brilliant City does not want to go to war, because they have just been reborn from suffering, so they are so restrained. "It would be great if there could be peace in the future." Li Wei muttered, and Alpha smiled. "Maybe, the future may not be up to us to make a decision, but now we just want to solve the current problems and let the city bathe in the sun." Soon this gathering place where hundreds of people lived came to an end. Li Wei smiled helplessly, and Niya asked people to leave some food, which came from the United States. Accompanied by excited cheers, many people danced happily, and Alpha's face was solemn. "How can you make a decision at will?" Niya took a sausage and chewed it, she nodded and gave a thumbs up. "Your food is pretty good."

An officer said with a smile.

"This is one of our military supplies, with a high protein content, almost all meat."

Nia nodded and said.

"Anyway, we will cover your food, clothing, housing and transportation when you enter the city. Anyway, they are just passing by, so it's okay to give them some."

Li Wei smiled and nodded.

At this time, Alpha walked in front of an officer and began to tell him the direction and distance.

"I'll take you to the largest gathering place to have a look."

Li Wei nodded. She wanted to continue to see what was on this land and what made her feel interested. Once in the United States, Li Wei felt that everything was so boring, but after coming here, Li Wei seemed to have found something she had never seen before.

"Sister, have you thought about where to arrange them to live?"

Nia asked, and Alpha said.

"Let them live in District 1 for the time being."

Nia scratched her head and said.

"It's better to live near Section 5. I'll take them around to have a look."

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