Tang Rao exhaled a puff of smoke and stared at the commanders in the room with cold eyes. Li Wei was extremely nervous.

"What do you want to talk about, little girl?"

Tang Rao stared at the woman in front of him. She looked to be in her thirties, but the military uniform she was wearing was different from the people in the room. When Tang Rao came in at first, he felt strange as to why such a young woman was allowed to serve as a general. .

Li Wei stared at Tang Rao and asked.

"Miss Tang Rao, are you telling the truth? Asgard only allowed us to attack first in order to force you to negotiate."

Tang Rao just held his chin and smiled. Such a huge army was approaching. They had discovered it a day ago, but they had not made a large-scale deployment. Such a number of troops was nothing to them.

Several gods are already waiting. If they dare to attack, they will directly annihilate these troops and make them unable to return.

Now, except for the chiefs of the 12 departments and Alpha, no one in Bright City knows that Bright City is about to be invaded. The biggest reason why they had problems with their transactions with Asgard was the merchants.

Because Asgard has touched the life-span vaccine at the core of Brilliant City many times, and has wanted Brilliant City to share this biogenetic technology not once or twice, but Tang Rao and the others rejected Asgard's proposal.

Because this technology is impossible to give to Asgard, the technology of life-span vaccines can only buy time for humans, and cannot continue to be given to humans. The current situation has been seen very clearly by several gods.

The mental pain that humans have suffered over the long years is extremely huge, and the longevity vaccine has many uncertain factors.

Tang Rao and his colleagues have discovered this during their long research. This vaccine will pose a huge threat to humans.

But the current threat has not yet been exposed. This thing is a double-edged sword. In the future, if we want to extend human lifespan, we can use mechanical limbs to do so, so that human brains can maintain vitality for a longer period of time.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to give the vaccine to Asgard, and once this life-span vaccine is abused, a large number of monsters may be created in the future.

"Of course what I said is the truth. Think about it for yourselves. Who proposed the attack on Brilliant City?"

Tang Rao flicked the ashes of her cigarette as she spoke, and she stared at Li Wei. The current conversation would determine the life or death of this group of attacking troops. As long as Tang Rao noticed that they had the slightest idea of ​​starting a war, he planned to go on a killing spree.

Originally, the gods planned to launch a direct attack and make these guys pay a heavy price before they would wake up.

But within a few hours after arriving, Tang Rao found that the enemy did not attack, which made Tang Rao a little strange. Finally, after discussing with other gods, Tang Rao could only come over to negotiate.

After all, no one else was willing to come over to negotiate. Tang Rao looked at the nervous group of people and laughed easily.

"No matter what you think, let me give you some time to consider whether to retreat now or be annihilated by us."

"We'll evacuate immediately."

Li Wei spoke, and the moment she said these words, Li Wei felt relieved, but the other officers and kangaroos obviously did not believe it.

Green stared at Tang Rao. They had also seen mutants in the United States. Now they felt that such a woman was just a stronger mutant. As long as they had a chance to leave the house, they could attack immediately.

Li Wei noticed what Green was thinking, as well as the other officers, and her face became more solemn.

"I promise Miss Tang Rao, we will evacuate immediately."

After Li Wei finished speaking, Tang Rao laughed and nodded.

"I only give you half an hour to make a decision. After half an hour, if you still show no signs of evacuation, then we will begin a devastating operation."

As soon as Tang Rao finished speaking, people began to turn cyan, and then turned into cyan particles and disappeared into the room. For a moment, everyone was relieved. Green turned around, and suddenly Li Wei came to the door, blocking the way. Lived in Gryon.

"What do you want to do?"

"Of course I will immediately give the order for the soldiers to prepare for the attack."

After Green said this, many officers nodded. This time they really couldn't bear it anymore. Being threatened like this in the headquarters, there was a lot of discussion for a while.

Many people think that Tang Rao just used some kind of technology and moved away. She is just a stronger mutant and there is nothing to worry about.

With more and more shouting, Li Wei suddenly raised his hand, opened it with one finger, and with a bang, the ceiling of the conference room was penetrated, and everyone in the room fell silent for a while.

"You stupid pigs, if you don't leave, you will be doomed."

Li Wei stared at the group of people with terrifying eyes. At this time, she could feel that fear had enveloped her whole body, and her brain even began to stagnate. This was a fear that Li Wei had never felt before.

"General Li Wei, we have no reason to believe that such an unknown person can pose a huge threat to us."

After Green said that, he still planned to go out, but Li Wei shook his head.

"Doesn't it seem like nothing I say will help?"

Green stared at Li Wei, then shook his head.

"General Li Wei, if you want to evacuate, please do it yourself, we will start attacking directly."

Then Li Wei got out of the way, and the kangaroos left with arrogance. Li Wei looked horrified, and she looked at the commanders.

"Immediately issue an order for the entire army to retreat and return home."

Li Wei's face became extremely solemn, and the commanders were also stunned. No one moved, Li Wei asked.

"Do you want to disobey?"

"General Li Wei, we have just arrived a few hours ago and we have to retreat without doing anything. If such an order continues, the soldiers will probably be dissatisfied. And why should we retreat just because nothing happened? I don't agree with you." way of doing."

For a while, many commanders nodded and started shouting, and Li Wei roared angrily.

"Give me the order, and I say it one last time. If anyone disobeys my order, I will execute him on the spot."

Li Wei's eyes were angry and her tone was decisive. She clenched her fists. At this time, the commanders moved and began to issue orders.

Suddenly there was a lot of shouting outside, and many soldiers were confused. They had just arrived to start moving supplies and building some simple warehouses, and now they were about to retreat.

Many soldiers were stunned and froze on the spot, but gradually the soldiers began to move and began to move supplies back to the spacecraft. Li Wei looked at the officers behind him and said.

"If you don't believe it, wait and see how those kangaroos were annihilated, and then you will know whether what I said is correct. If the kangaroos can advance smoothly, we can send troops immediately, okay?"

The officers looked at Li Wei blankly, and she laughed.

"In front of those gods, our troops, no matter how many, are meaningless."

Li Wei looked at the cliff in the distance, and she saw a flash of light.

"Move quickly and prepare everyone to evacuate. For the warships that have left, let them return and gather 30 kilometers away to return to the United States."

At this time, on the cliff, Tang Rao looked at the evacuating human troops below with a solemn face, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"We don't want to do this either, because it's too much trouble."

Rose said as she put out the cigarette butt, and Gu Yi on the side smiled and nodded.

"No one wants to be the executioner. If there is no other way, we can only become the executioner."

Witte was silent. They had already figured out everything about the Kangaroo Country two months ago. Although this country's industry was developed and its mecha combat capabilities were not weak, it could not pose any threat to them.

Although this kind of mecha is not complicated, the biggest problem is that its combat capability is too weak.

The kangaroos should have developed such individual combat mechas based on their own living habits. This kind of mecha cannot achieve effective combat because the target is too large and easy to hit.

Especially for AI-assisted aiming weapons, although the hardness of the mecha is very good, in the face of huge firepower, once the mecha is hit, it will be easily paralyzed.

The mecha that Jamie brought when he came over has been thoroughly studied by Bright City and corresponding weapons have been developed.

As for the United States, some of the people from the United States that Jean and the others captured when they were collecting resources have already explained the general situation of the United States' technology.

"I didn't expect that a country that was so powerful in the past would be like this now. What on earth is that bastard Jean doing? Why don't you just destroy that country? Otherwise, they won't attack us now."

Li Chu said angrily, and Deguna laughed at this time.

"This is interesting. Let them see our power. After all, this world has been settled for too long. The country that brought disaster to the world in the past still looks like this. It is also good for the people of Asgard to see. , are we gods?”

Tang Rao sighed helplessly. She didn't really want to participate in this annihilation operation, but in order to be efficient and fast, she had to participate.

"These lowly creatures, why don't you two just take action? They are obviously vulnerable. You can destroy them with just a little force."

Werther sighed, smiled lightly, and shook his head.

"We are just investigating, we can't destroy their country without any reason, right?"

Gu Yi said with a hum.

"And we are mainly investigating the situation of blue-blooded people. As for their technology, it is actually very simple. After all, apart from evolving intelligence, they have not evolved any special abilities."

Tang Rao laughed helplessly after listening to the words of several people.

"I really don't want to get involved in this kind of thing at all, killing some defenseless children."

Tang Rao's metaphor was very apt. In their eyes, these kangaroos were just children. Li Chu burst out laughing.

"It seems that our idea back then was correct. In order to cope with possible wars in the future, we will continue to develop strategic weapons, as well as various war-related technologies, and reserve war resources."

Preparations for Brilliant City began more than a hundred years ago. Although after discussion at the time, I felt that such an approach might be a waste of resources, now it seems that this decision is extremely correct.

In the past, there have been countless times in this world where weak countries were invaded and destroyed by powerful countries looking for various reasons.

"I think it would be better to directly eliminate the United States troops. After all, even if they retreat, they may attack again one day in the future?"

As Li Chu said, Tang Rao shook his head.

"I have already said that they will be safe if they evacuate. If you want to take action, go yourself. I will not go. I am not a butcher, and I don't want to be a butcher."

Werther closed his eyes, and then laughed helplessly.

"Yes, who wants to be a butcher? I'm afraid the number of people we have killed in the past two centuries is not even a fraction of Jean's."

Werther's words made everyone immediately put away their relaxed expressions. Tang Rao stood up, took out a cigarette, lit it and smiled.

"Yes, Jean has been responsible for this kind of thing all these years. Now that the enemy has arrived at our doorstep, we should fulfill our obligations as gods."

The six people quietly stared at the kangaroos below, each mecha being ready to be activated. They seemed to be planning to launch the mothership into the sky and rush into the Brilliant City barrier, and then start dropping a large number of mechas.

"Gu Yi and Tang Rao, you two must not let them get close to the city. I don't want this matter to be exposed."

Li Chu's expression was ferocious, and his body was flashing with red lightning. Werther pressed his forehead and clenched his fists, and Rose smiled easily.

"This kind of thing is really uncomfortable. After all, we were once human beings and had human emotions. This kind of thing is really difficult. It turns out that Jean is really uncomfortable."

Rose said, her body turned into yellow particles and sank to the ground, and then Li Chu disappeared into the air in an instant, turning into a red lightning and heading into the distance.

Witte quietly stared at the mothership that had started to take off, and at this time Tang Rao, who was originally calm, stood up.

"Let's start our annihilation operation without any hesitation. Don't let go of any enemy who dares to attack. We must make them thoroughly understand through this battle that this city is invincible."

There was a loud bang, and a red light of lightning appeared in the distant sky. In an instant, the light of lightning hit a taking-off mothership.

Li Chu half-crouched on the metal deck, his fist already embedded in the plywood. The metal was dissolving. The nearby kangaroos were covered in black smoke and fell on the deck one by one. Red particles were exuding in Li Chu's eyes, and he showed his cruelty. smile.

"I'm sorry, none of you should even think about leaving."

There was a loud bang, accompanied by a fierce and dazzling red light. The spacecraft began to shake violently in an instant, and then began to disintegrate. The mechas exploded in an instant, and the flames soared into the sky.

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