Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 293 Fishing Bait (Part 2)

In a daze, Leng Rui woke up. There were noises downstairs. He squinted at his wrapped right hand, which was still tingling. The doctor who performed the surgery on him had already left.

"Are you finally awake?"

Leng Rui immediately wanted to get up, but felt dizzy.

"Old man, this kid"

"I am Mo Xiaolan, the section chief of Section 2."

Mo Xiaolan stared at Leng Rui with evil eyes as he spoke, and the wise man smiled helplessly.

"Save a life, you brat."

"my sister"

Leng Rui just asked Mo Xiaolan and said.

"After an accurate diagnosis, there is no abnormality in her body. She is very healthy. It is just that she has lost the behavior that a human should have. After all, someone has been instilling something into her every day since she was 5 years old. It is not just what she hears and sees, but also how she uses it. I don’t know what the method is, but the old man has already told you.”

Leng Rui hummed. The wise man had told him before that now he could only let Leng Yan stay here. While waiting for delivery, he could follow this line to find out who wanted to buy Leng Rui. Yan.

"There's one more thing I need your help with. Come with me to Section 2 later and I'll let you meet your old friends."

As he spoke, the wise man opened the light and shadow screen. There was an orange action instruction on it. Leng Rui's eyes widened and he swallowed.

"That's it. You go over later and have a good talk with them. Starting tomorrow morning, you will randomly select a company as the target of the attack, and you will issue a cyber attack declaration and supervise those 27 people. Of course, you must You have to carry out a real cyber attack, and you can’t let the administrative department discover it, and you can’t let the rioters discover it. If you understand it, just answer it.”

Leng Rui looked at Mo Xiaolan with horrified eyes.

"This kind of thing, you"

The wise man stood up.

"If you want to know who turned your sister into this, just follow this action plan."

Leng Rui lowered his head. When he thought of what he had done last night, which was crazy and excessive, he looked at his right hand and tilted his head in pain.

"There is no time for you to think about it. You should do your best. When the matter is over, you can give your sister a complete citizenship certificate, and the people from the following four departments will also promise to help gradually restore human behavior."

"I do."

Mo Xiaolan smiled and nodded.

"very good."

After a while, the wise man pushed Mo Xiaolan to the restored lobby on the first floor of the big world. There were many people busy in a hurry, and He Lei, who had injured his hand, was also wiping the floor.

"Boss, as I said before, if you still want to survive."

"I will do what you say, for sure, for sure."

He Lei hurriedly nodded gratefully, not daring to look at Leng Rui. At this moment, Yang Jun walked in, and Tian Hen next to him laughed drunkenly and made an OK gesture.

"I'll leave this to you, okay?"

Yang Jun pressed his right fist on his chest.

"Yes, Lord Mo Xiaolan."

"Work hard. If things go well this time, this little problem is nothing. I can help you intercede with Niya, and someone will prepare the lift to go back to Section 2."

After a while, Mo Xiaolan took Leng Rui and Zhizhe onto the elevator and left. Tianhen yawned. At this moment, the elevators slowly came down, and the people from the medical department ran away quickly. Come out, just after 4 o'clock in the morning.

"Well, Master Tianhen, do you have any other questions?"

Tian Hen stared sideways at the 4th Department personnel who came in. Gu Ningning looked annoyed. There were nearly a hundred 4th Department personnel carrying a multi-functional mobile operating table on their backs.

"Come here and line up. Now we will surgically implant an electronic signaling chip under your brainstem and a nano-camera under your chin. In order to prevent you from acting abnormally, as well as being able to I know where you are at all times and what you did and said. Scumbags, if you want to survive, memorize the instructions I sent you. Once you dare to do anything strange, you will be dead in an instant. of."

As he spoke, many people's faces showed despair. He Lei swallowed, and soon they were taken away by people from Section 4.

"Is this necessary? Ning Ning."

Gu Ningning sighed.

"There is nothing to say about these scum. Under the protection of the district officials in this area, they have done a lot of criminal and illegal things. According to the collected and recovered information, they have committed at least 50 murders. For garbage We can only use extreme means, Section Chief Tianhen, are you drunk today? You are not like this on weekdays!"

Tianhen pressed Gu Ningning's head with one hand, turned around and walked slowly. The blockade and martial law will be lifted at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning. Now we must race against time to restore everything here and wait for the fish to take the bait.

"Will you take the bait or not? Haha."

In the lift, Leng Rui looked at Mo Xiaolan in surprise. He had just learned that the 27 people had been arrested and sent to Section 2 just three hours ago.

For a moment, Leng Rui's memory about Section 2 came up, and a chill filled his heart. When he was only 14 years old, he was sent to Section 2. He thought that since he was a minor, the other party would not do anything to him. Yes, Leng Rui still feels horrified every time he thinks about that memory of those few days in the 2nd department.

"What's wrong? After seven years, I returned to the place where I entered. Does my little brother have any thoughts?"

Mo Xiaolan chuckled, Leng Rui stared at Mo Xiaolan sideways. This woman looked like a child, but her real age was probably the same as Alpha.

"Guessing a woman's age is a very impolite behavior. Little brother, I'm looking forward to the next step. I'll take them to work hard. When it's over, you can go and accompany your sister. Of course, the premise is that she recognizes her. Only your brother can do it."

The wise man stared at Mo Xiaolan sideways.

"Can you just say a few words, Your Excellency Mo Xiaolan?"

The takeoff and landing slowly began to land. In just 20 minutes, the top speed had landed firmly on the lawn of Section 2. At this time, the lawn of Section 2 was already full of people. Leng Rui glared. With wide eyes, he looked at the men and women sitting on the chairs covered in blood. He recognized each one of them as a member of the Fearless hacker organization back then.

"Why does it smell like that?"

As soon as you got off the lift, Mo Xiaolan looked at you and said with a smile.

"Lord Mo Xiaolan, I have given them a chance to go to the toilet, but they didn't listen. A group of guys who once called themselves fighters for justice now look nothing like fighters for justice."

Leng Rui looked at the pair of pleading eyes staring at him. He was only angry at this group of guys. Back then, they kept saying that they wanted to add some fun to this boring city, saying that such behavior was for justice and to hide those Congressmen. The dark truth is revealed, and they are fighters for justice.

"Xiao Leng, I'm really sorry, I'm sorry."

For a moment, a woman whose cheeks were completely swollen and whose pants were covered with feces and urine whimpered. Leng Rui turned his head to the side and didn't want to look at her, and for a while, he was begging for mercy.

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