Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 289 Moderate Punishment (Part 1)

"Over here, Quasimodo."

Billy waved, and Quasimodo came over behind him. The stall owner was a little surprised that there was no chair for such a huge person.

"Late at night"

Quasimodo said something, and Billy asked the boss to bring some barbecue.

"You can just sit on the floor. I just told the secretary that we won't be going back tonight. I've already told her the reason."

Quasimodo looked at Billy in confusion. He smiled and held a black wallet in his hand. When Billy paid the bill, Quasimodo saw a long list of numbers, which should be a lot of money, although he couldn't read. , but we also know that the longer the number in a wallet, the more money you have.

"That's more than 100,000, Quasimodo, you can eat whatever you want tonight."

But seeing Quasimodo's confused look, Billy smiled helplessly and whispered.

"Just doing something for a friend."

Located in Qinglong District in the east, a Qinglong main road is 15 kilometers long, crossing the three upper-class districts of 6, 7, and 8. Just after 12 o'clock, for many people, the nightlife begins. Many of them wear hats and masks, walking in twos and threes. People talking and laughing together kept entering nightclubs on the street.

The most luxurious nightlife in Bright City has just begun. Most of the people who come here are rich people. Most of them come here for wine and women. Sex, as a life need in human society, is necessary for people. Yes, you can release this desire when you come here, whether it is normal or fetish.

The men, women, and shemales who work in the large number of special service shops here are all top-notch.

"It's still early Quasimodo, do you want me to find some women for you?"

Billy said and Quasimodo shook his head.

"Or are you afraid of spoiling it? After all, you"

Billy didn't say any more. He saw Quasimodo's dissatisfaction. He waved his hand helplessly. After the food was served, Billy immediately asked Quasimodo to eat quickly.

"After dinner, I have to do something for Quasimodo. I am helping the business department. As for who it is, you don't need to ask. He won't do anything bad."

Billy smiled evilly, picked up a piece of barbecue, curled it up and stuffed it into his mouth with his fingers, chewing it, and some red meat juice splashed all over his mouth.

"What are you doing, four of them?"

Le Xiao looked dissatisfied and saw that it was already past 12 o'clock. Alpha was still looking at a lot of information. Billy just called and said that he had to do something. It was Gene who told him. Le Xiao hung up the phone before he could ask. .

"Secretary, you'd better go to bed quickly. You have to get up early tomorrow morning for morning exercises."

Lexiao glanced at Alpha. After she closed the computer, she immediately stood upside down on the wall and continued to do handstand push-ups.

"I will sleep after doing 3,000."

Le Xiao swallowed a sip and entered the bedroom first without thinking too much. She felt much better today. Many things were solved easily. She gained too much. Lying on the soft bed, Le Xiao quickly Fell asleep.

Alpha in the room was still working quickly. When it was nearly 1 o'clock, Alpha stopped exercising and took out his phone while panting. He walked outside the door and dialed Billy's number.

"Don't cause trouble."

Alpha warned coldly.

"Of course Miss Alpha, I just owed someone a huge favor in the past, and now they ask me to repay the favor, so I really have no choice but to help. I won't do anything bad, so don't worry. Miss Alpha."

"Is it that guy King Xue?"

Alpha asked and Billy laughed for a moment.

"As expected of Miss Alpha, she always helps the business department with small things."

Billy hung up the phone and saw that Quasimodo had already eaten. He looked around and walked into a drugstore. At the door was a display cabinet with many drugs that could increase physical fitness. There used to be a lot of shops on Zhongdian Street, and the business at this spot was very good, as well as other medicines.

"Sir, do you need anything?"

The boss came over with a wicked smile. Billy immediately took out a long list. The boss looked at it doubtfully. Many of them were cold medicines, anti-inflammatory medicines, and some other medicines.

As he spoke, Billy bought another pack of cigarettes. After paying the bill and leaving with a bag of medicine, Billy turned and walked into an alley, quickly tore off the cigarette casing paper, and then began to take out the medicine one by one. , crushed it and put it on the tongue to try it, then started to mix it, and finally put it into a capsule.

"It's nothing, I won't mess around, haha, it's just that some guys are not obedient, so someone asked me to punish them appropriately. I won't kill anyone."

In a shop called Ye Meiren located in the middle section of District 7 of Qinglong Street, two bodyguards at the door were receiving customers. The shop was filled with independent private rooms.

In a large independent private room on the third floor, men and women were laughing and joking. There were a lot of drinks on the table, and movies or song MVs were playing on several light and shadow screens.

Among them was a man who looked to be in his prime, with short brown hair and headphones. He was watching a movie and was not distracted by the actions of others. At this moment, a woman came over and lay on the man's lap. , laughed playfully and began to unbutton his pants.

"Okay, let them go out first."

The man spoke, and for a while the other people who were still having fun asked the more than ten women in the room to leave. A man suddenly called and took a woman's clothes, took them and turned them around in his hands. The woman covered her hands. , ran over with a shy look, kissed the man on the face, took back his clothes and hurriedly ran out. For a while, the other men laughed.

"I said Haggis, why are you pretending to be serious? Who doesn't know how many female stars you have had affairs with in private? Haha, you should introduce them to us."

The man wearing the headphones took off his headphones, stood up solemnly, and clapped his hands. The man's name was Haggis, and he was currently the most popular screenwriter in Bright City. He was the star of the hit movie "Iron Girl" that was previously released. Operator.

Everyone else in the room is the backbone of the film industry, including producers, directors, screenwriters, investors, etc.

"I called everyone here today not for anything else, but for something that the Business Administration now forces us to do."

As soon as Haggis finished speaking, someone shouted.

"What's the matter? Just fool them casually. The main thing is that guy King Xue. Find some second- and third-rate stars to come over. Haggis, just come up with a script and satisfy them."

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