Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 286 Accidental collision (Part 1)

At 11 o'clock at night, strips of light flowed from the light and shadow street lamps in District 91, and they quickly turned into giant light and shadow screens.

"Please go back to your homes. The 3rd Military Section will launch an emergency raid military exercise. Please cooperate with all residents and go back to your homes."

Xima was sitting at a table in the light and shadow screen. Behind her were two burly members of the 3rd Military Section with their hands behind their backs and sharp eyes.

Many people who were still lingering on the streets in District 91 hurriedly started to rush home. Many people were speculating that it might be related to the riots in the big world. Many people said that the big world was attacked by cyber hackers. , the news has been completely spread, and people in the entire neighborhood already know it, and most people believe it, because the phone cannot be dialed out, and the network upload will have a very high delay. It has been in the network queue state. Going to other places The intersection of the district has been completely blocked by people from Section 5.

Large lifts and landings continued to land on some streets in Area 91, and heavily armed Section 3 personnel got off the landings neatly.

A large number of personnel from the third department began to move closer to nearby high-rise buildings and some alleys, lining up continuously. When they saw some people who had not yet returned home, they went forward to give advice.

At this time, at the entrance of the Big World, two Section 2 lifts slowly landed on the spacious street at the entrance of the Big World. Some vendors' stalls had not been put away before they were persuaded to go back. Yang Jun also Instructing the people from Section 5 to block the surrounding streets.

At this time, a small helicopter flew over quickly. The helicopter was camouflaged in black, white and green. After the helicopter landed steadily, Tian Hen got off the helicopter with an annoyed look on his face. .

"What's wrong? I've been busy all day and I just slept for a few minutes."

Tianhen looked at Mo Xiaolan with anger. She giggled and stared at the big world in front of her.

"Tianhen, please take people down to collect those controlled items. There should be a lot down there. As for the specific items, come upstairs later. I'm almost pissed off now. If I can't find anything tonight, I'll take Ji Well, that bastard’s head was rubbed against the ground.”

Tianhen laughed and clapped his hands and said.

Yang Jun quickly ran over with several members of the team in charge.

"Lord Tianhen, Lord Mo Xiaolan."

Tianhen looked at Yang Jun with a smile.

"It's been a long time since I saw you. You've been troubled too. You were implicated by that bastard Jean."

Yang Jun smiled awkwardly. He felt uncomfortable at this moment. Tonight might be his last job as the section officer of District 91. Tomorrow he would go to the section chief's office of Section 5 to explain everything.

Didi didi

Mo Xiaolan's phone rang, and a light and shadow panel for emergency contact popped up. Niya sat in front of the desk with a black face.

"What are you doing? Why did you cut off the network in Area 91? Can't you inform me if there is any action? Mo Xiaolan, and also, why are the points in Area 91, Area 92 and Area 95 compiled by Jean until now? It hasn’t been dealt with yet, Yang Jun, come here.”

Niya glared at Yang Jun angrily, and he ran over tremblingly.

"Ms. Niya, because the matter is somewhat urgent, we are handling it here."

"Don't talk to me about bullshit urgent matters. Don't you know what's going on? No matter what kind of relationship you have with the local guys, it's just a bullshit thing to do in an emergency."

At this moment, Lilian quickly walked out of the door of the big world and said with a smile in her eyes.

"It is indeed a big fish, Lord Mo Xiaolan. The controlled substances stored below can blow up the entire city block."

Mo Xiaolan chuckled and turned to look at Niya. At this time, Niya's eyes were already furious. Her eyes widened and she looked like she wanted to jump out of the screen and come over in person.

"Just have a good rest, Niya. I'm here tonight not just for controlling substances. Look at you. At least wait until the bruises on your face and body are gone before you go back to work. As soon as Jean got away, he Such a big thing happened."

As Mo Xiaolan said, Niya sat back, lit a cigarette, bit the cigarette holder and blew out a puff of smoke.

"I think it would be better for you to submit the report later. The General Affairs Department is very busy right now."

Mo Xiaolan nodded. At this time, Niya's eyes were fixed on Yang Jun. He lowered his head and nodded, ending the call.

At this moment, in the distance, Xima came with hundreds of people from the military department, each of them carrying a long black metal object on their backs.

"After Hima goes down, he will check carefully and classify and measure all the explosive raw materials, accurate to the milligram."

"Yes, Lord Tianhen, take action."

Tianhen said and walked over, pushing Mo Xiaolan in. Lilian entered the lift and started making reports with several council officers.

"It's true, there are so many people, what do you want to do, Gene?"

As soon as Tianhen entered, he saw a row of people squatting on the ground with their hands on their heads lined up around the walls.

"What are you doing squatting, you scum? Get out of here, go outside and tell the people from Section 5 clearly what you know, don't leave anything out, if you still want to see the sun tomorrow."

Suddenly, everyone stood up and walked out in a line with pale faces. Gene was still sitting next to the roulette table in the middle, flicking a silver coin with one hand. He Lei was squatting next to him, sweating profusely. , with a dead look on his face.


Gene looked over and raised his hands.


Gene opened the hand covering the coin.

"I'm sorry, it's Hua Wen, you lost, little lazy one."

With a bang, a bunch of gambling tables in front of him moved to both sides and squeezed past, clearing a path. At this moment, Mo Xiaolan glanced at the place on the right. Leng Rui was leaning on the sofa, holding one hand in his arms. There was a little girl in a white dress sleeping soundly, and the wise man was also there.

"It's true, boy, I just reminded you last night that you caused such a big thing for me today, but fortunately, your incident also helped us save a lot of formal search procedures, and it can be regarded as a mistake. I hit you by mistake, you"

"Let's get down to business. If you lose, I'm lazy. Don't mention the unnecessary things. I have something good for you to see."

After Tianhen pushed Mo Xiaolan to the table, he looked around and saw a wine cabinet. He walked over and smashed the glass. He took out a bottle of good wine, opened it and took a sip.

Mo Xiaolan snorted coldly.

"Look at your virtue. Are you here to take advantage of me?"

Tianhen groaned and held the wine bottle.

"I'm coming here in the middle of the night. It's okay to have a drink, right? Boss."

Tianhen stared at He Lei, and he nodded immediately.

"Of course, adults, just take whatever you want and ask whatever you want. I will definitely tell you what I know."

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