"I don't want to cast unreasonable suspicion on others, but in fact an assassination has occurred."

After Tommy finished speaking, the officers present looked horrified for a moment. They were finally able to move, but everyone woke up as if from a dream. They didn't know who had leaked this brother's plan.

"You'd better not move, otherwise, I will kill you instantly."

As soon as Tommy finished speaking, an officer's head turned 360 degrees in an instant, and then fell to the ground. Blood came out of his nostrils and eyes. The scene was so horrifying that some people collapsed on the ground in fear.

Norbotton looked at the information Tommy gave him in disbelief. A lot of information was still being sent to him. It could be seen clearly in the on-site investigation video that they found various equipment for making explosives in some security homes.

It is impossible for these explosives to appear in the security guards' homes because they are strictly controlled by the army. Tommy stared at these officers angrily. The only thing Tommy didn't know at the moment was why they had such an idea, so Tommy didn't kill them.

"Tell me, what do you think? You want to kill me, and then let Norbotton replace me and establish a military management system. This kind of thing is quite common in history, with the military managing the country."

Norbotton was uneasy. He didn't know what to say. After all, he couldn't imagine such a thing. But from the look of Tommy, he shouldn't be involved. He had a good relationship with these officers.

Many of these officers were once subordinates and colleagues of Norbotton, but Norbotton did not expect that they would plan to assassinate the president.

"Say it, you bastards."

Norbotton roared angrily, and they had to push themselves onto the stage after killing Tommy. It was impossible for Norbotton to do such a thing, and if they planned everything well, then Norbotton would be will become a puppet.

Everyone was silent, and Tommy could see that the reason they didn't want to say anything was because they wanted to save their lives. Tommy didn't say anything, but just looked at them coldly. As expected, humans always have surprises.

Their current positions are much higher than before, and the treatment and salary they receive are not bad. They also want to seek the highest power, which seems ridiculous to Tommy.

"Tell me, you bastards, why on earth are you planning everything?"

No one spoke, they remained silent. All the officers present knew that the moment they told the truth, they would all die. Many puzzling unsolved cases in the past began to emerge. They did not know what the president did. arrived, but what is certain is that their life and death are decided by the president.

Angrily, Norbotton grabbed an officer and punched him, causing him to spit out nosebleeds and fall to the ground.

"We don't want to either. It's just that this country is in too much pain right now."

Tommy lit a cigarette and stared at the officers quietly. They were still lying, because Tommy had already seen what they would tell them tomorrow. It was obvious that this time had come, but he was still unwilling to tell the truth behind the scenes. .

Tommy flicked the ashes of his cigarette, and Norbotton grabbed one person and questioned him. However, everyone's words were almost exactly the same. They felt that this era was wrong. Not to mention returning to the previous era, at least let everything change. Everything has to be normal.

"Now the entire country has become lifeless, like a huge factory. Mr. President, many people cannot see hope in this kind of life."

Tommy glanced at the officer who spoke, then Tommy asked.

"Then if we don't do this, in less than ten years, when a disaster occurs on this planet, most people will die."

For a while, the officers began to talk about how they could find ways to involve all the people in future survival operations. In this way, many problems could be solved by selecting some capable people.

"Very good, the opinions you provided are very good. However, these opinions have been said but not said. What about the war? Can you guarantee that the war will go smoothly?"

Tommy's voice was cold. He was already a little angry. Faced with these guys, Tommy was not going to endure it any longer. Tommy had probably guessed something. There was a high probability that they were colluding with people from the Asgard envoy.

It is absolutely impossible to plot the assassination of the president for such a simple reason.

There must be a conspiracy that suits their interests to pry them off. Even Tommy was not aware of this operation. In other words, he trusted the security guards at the president's residence.

Some of the arrested security guards had already begun to explain, and Tommy smiled.

"Needless to say, when I started to take charge of this country, you all did a great job. I can promise you something. Tell me what your last wish is. General Norbotton, you can take notes."

The officers in the room were all panicked for a moment, and one of them spoke.

"Mr. President, if we die, there will be problems in the upcoming war. We are willing to forgive our sins on the battlefield and hope that Mr. President can give us a chance."

After one of the officers finished speaking, Tommy laughed and blew out the smoke.

"What, you want to threaten me?"

As soon as Tommy finished speaking, the officer's head was twisted off. Tommy flicked the cigarette ashes, and the other officers were stunned for a moment.

"Tell me quickly, what is your last wish? Don't worry, this country will take good care of your family, but they will be sent to the ground."

Norbotton's face was livid. He knew that nothing could be done now. This group of people had gone crazy. From the moment they started plotting to assassinate the president, they were on a path of no return.

"You madman, what was once a good country has now become like this. Everyone has become a machine. There is no entertainment or even any thoughts. This free country should not be destroyed in your hands."

Tommy laughed.

"Is it so difficult to live a life without being able to watch TV shows, attend banquets, go to clubs to hug girls, and spend money lavishly on luxury cars and luxury watches?"

Tommy said, and the officer who just spoke said angrily.

"We are human beings of flesh and blood."

In an instant, the officer's head was twisted off, and the other officers felt it. They still had a chance to survive, otherwise Tommy could kill them from the beginning. After all, Tommy had the ability to cover the sky with one hand.

All the officers did not dare to speak. They looked at each other, hoping that Tommy would continue to ask for the truth so that they could survive.

"What do you think this country is?"

Tommy asked.

For a moment the officers bowed their heads, and Tommy smiled.

"Aren't you just cooperating with Asgard? Once successful, this country will be a satellite of Asgard in the future, and you can comfortably control everything from a high position."

The officers looked at Tommy in horror, and Tommy stood up and said.

"Since you don't have any last wishes, your family members will be sent to the lowest level later."

For a moment, the officers all knelt down and begged for mercy, and Tommy shook his head.

"You have committed an act that completely betrays this country, and you will definitely pay the price."

Click click click.

With the constant sound of bones, Norbotton closed his eyes and raised his head in pain.

"Did you hear what I said?"

Norbotton nodded.

"Take care of this matter, General Norbotton. The new general will come tomorrow and she will start to screen the commanders for frontline operations. You just need to manage the logistics."

Norbotton asked, stunned.

"Can we let their families"

"Remember it, General Norbotton, I won't say the same thing twice."

A touch of pink particles appeared, and Tommy disappeared in an instant. Norbotton covered his mouth, and then cried out in pain.

Tommy returned to the office, his face was solemn, and he smiled helplessly when he looked at the investigation report submitted by WBI.

Tommy looked at the glass, and then green flames appeared, and Eddie appeared.

"What's wrong, Mr. President?"

Tommy told the story about the military assassination, and Eddie laughed.

"Obviously Asgard doesn't intend to let us gain too much benefit, they just want to use us."

Of course Tommy knew, and he laughed.

"We only prepare so many war materials to achieve our ultimate goal. Even if we break through Brilliant City in the future, we will still need to go to war with Asgard."

Eddie hummed and asked.

"You are looking for me so late. Are you thinking of something?"

Tommy nodded, everything was meaningless to them now, they just needed to get the war started as soon as possible.

"Let Li Wei come out, I need to push Li Wei up now."

Eddie hummed and said.

"Let's wait for the time being. Li Wei is currently having an extremely important strategic meeting. The war in this world has reached the point where it is no longer possible to open the war. Both sides have invested more than 3 million troops to carry out a large-scale war. Battle."

Tommy said with a sigh.

"Originally, I planned to let Li Wei come out later, but now that guy Noboton is unreliable."

Eddie said strangely.

"According to my calculations, Norbotton's talents can still be used as a battlefield commander."

Tommy shook his head.

"He lacks the most important quality of a battlefield commander. When I killed those rebels tonight, he even interceded for the families of those rebels."

Eddie laughed, turned around and said.

"Okay, I'll call Li Wei over first, and you prepare to wait for her to wake up."

Tommy no longer intends to hand over the army to such people, because the cruelty of future wars will be beyond Norboton's imagination, and a moment of kindness will only kill them.

Tommy looked at the report sent by WBI. Sure enough, the families of these officers had begun to move, and they were heading towards the Asgard Embassy.

"You have obviously thought of your way out in advance, why would you lie to others?"

Tommy laughed, and then directly issued an arrest warrant, and soon the scene of the arrest was transmitted.

A flying car was hijacked, but they had special passes from the military. Tommy quickly canceled these special passes, and the flying car was forced to stop by the AI ​​and landed directly.

The wife and children of an officer in the car looked horrified. The woman seemed to have known what her husband was doing for a long time, but she did not dissuade him. If the family members of these officers had dissuaded him, perhaps they would not do this.

Tommy laughed helplessly. The officers' families rushed to the Asgard embassy from all directions. Obviously, this was the only guarantee for their families' survival after their accident.

Soon all the escapees were arrested, and Tommy issued an order to send them to live at the bottom of the underground.

Tommy went directly to a room next to him. Li Wei was still lying on the bed. He waited quietly and lit a cigarette. At this time, accompanied by a mechanical sound, Li Wei woke up. Her head and body Joined.

"How's the situation over there?"

Tommy said, handing a cigarette to Li Wei. She sat up and twisted her head, as if she had just woken up.

"Why did you ask me to come back? There is still a huge war that has not been finished over there."

Tommy smiled and briefly told Li Wei about the current military situation. Li Wei laughed loudly, slapped Tommy on the neck and said.

"You bastard, you should have your head chopped off and hung at the door."

Tommy smiled helplessly.

"There is nothing we can do now. The military needs people. Norbotton no longer has the ability to control the military. I need you to help me select a group of frontline commanders as soon as possible."

Li Wei scratched her head and said.

"Leave such troublesome matters to me."

Tommy shook his head.

"It's not a problem. Only you are capable of this matter. I will issue an order early tomorrow morning. You can go directly to the military headquarters. For those who obey, you can just arrest them."

"You don't need to remind me about this kind of thing, I know how to handle it."

Li Wei climbed up with sharp eyes. She had been having a lot of fun in the world over there recently.

Because after knowing the real situation in the world over there, Li Wei became more comfortable in using some tactics. After all, soldiers were unlimited, and she could use various tactics to maximize the results.

"This is the real world. If you follow my instructions, many people may die."

Li Wei said, looking at Tommy seriously, he hummed and said.

"What I want is not the number of casualties, but winning the war. I hope you can know this as a commander."

Li Wei sighed helplessly and asked.

"Do you really want me to direct this war?"

"Of course it's true."

Li Wei said with a smile.

"Then that's good. If it's a war, if we don't win, we'll all be doomed, right?"

Tommy sighed and stood up.

"Starting from tomorrow, you will be the supreme commander of the military department, with veto power."

Li Wei laughed.

"What about Norbotton?"

"I have asked him to be in charge of logistics. We don't need such a weak commander in the future." (End of Chapter)

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