Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2825 Wartime Preparations

"Such a thing really exists!"

Outside a huge barbed wire fence, a large number of people gathered, as well as many media reporters. They were reporting that this was a military base located on the east coast of the southern United States.

Just a few days ago, the president announced the official entry into wartime, and daily supplies began to be rationed, requiring everyone to perform certain physical training in addition to working to produce supplies every day.

He also announced the existence of Kangaroo Nation, showed many people some footage of Kangaroo Nation, and announced the establishment of a wartime alliance with Kangaroo Nation, allowing Kangaroo Nation to station troops in the United States and establish a larger east coast military base.

In the distant sky, colorful flames continued to appear. Fighting mechas with a height of four to five meters continued to fall. There were also many machines that humans in the United States had never seen before.

Discussions continued, and many people could not believe it. It was not just a kangaroo country, but there was also a human country in outer space above the dark sky, the Sky Country.

The Space Nation's mission has logged into the United States a few days ago and will establish an embassy called Asgard in the United States.

Most of the people who saw such a large battle are now awake. Many people used to think that Tommy was dictatorial and wanted to control everything. But when the Ministry of Science released the complete planet situation, everyone was shocked. .

This planet is about to be destroyed, and everyone must unite. Otherwise, major disasters will definitely occur in the future, and most people will die in the end.

No one knows the significance of this war, but the crisis has given hope to human society, which has recently begun to collapse. Many people feel that they must work hard, otherwise they will surely die in the future.

With this idea in mind, many people began to voluntarily produce more supplies.

"Can they really communicate with humans?"

Some people became confused and looked at the kangaroo soldiers who had disembarked from some oval spaceships. They were wearing mechanical armors and jumping around. They looked very strange.

At this time, in the military base, Norbotton stretched out his hand, leading a large number of officers, and dozens of kangaroos slowly came over in front of him.

"Welcome, Chief Kylian, I am the highest military commander of the United States, Norbotton."

Norbotton felt something strange when he held the furry hand. He could only smile, and then the officers behind him shook hands with the kangaroos.

"Your Excellency Norbotton, I hope we can cooperate well in the future, and we will continue to deliver strategic materials."

Norbotton nodded.

This place has been used as an outpost to attack Brilliant City. In the future, the armies of the United States and Kangaroo Kingdom will set out from here. The straight-line distance from Brilliant City is only about 13,000 kilometers.

According to the current speed of the spacecraft, they can arrive in three days at the fastest, and now with the help of Steka, they can cross the ocean without any obstacles and go to the outskirts of Brilliant City.

The time for the march has been set. It will start in a month and then launch the attack directly.

Norbotton looked at the kangaroo soldiers who kept getting off the spacecraft. This was the sixth batch today. This military base will be expanded in the future, and the kangaroo soldiers have already participated in the construction as soon as they arrived.

There will be millions of kangaroo troops stationed in this base, which can be adjusted at any time according to the situation on the front line.

Norbotton started talking to Green about various things. Now Norbotton actually felt a little unsure because he felt terrible.

The horror of this war has far exceeded Norbotton's imagination, because so many strategic supplies have been hoarded, but Tommy is still frantically producing strategic supplies.

Not only Norbotton, but the entire military department is feeling the pressure, because so much investment and preparation is enough to show how powerful the opponent is. This is unimaginable to many people. They have already seen the structure and composition of Brilliant City and other information. .

Many officers feel that there is no need to prepare so many strategic materials, because Brilliant City only has more than 300,000 troops. Their military strength is dozens of times that of Brilliant City. Even if the opponent may have unconventional weapons, such a unequal number of wars , will form a crushing situation, but Tommy still prepared so many strategic materials.

This level has exceeded most people's imagination. Nobton couldn't help but ask as he watched more and more mechas coming.

"Leader Green, how many mecha troops do you have?"

Green stared at Norbotton with sharp eyes and said.

"We have half a million mecha troops. Depending on the war situation, we can arm one million mecha troops."

Norbotton swallowed. Norbotton had seen the combat capabilities of these mechas a while ago. Although they were not very powerful, the impact of so many mecha troops was devastating to the enemy.

"This war will probably be over as soon as it starts."

Norbotton said helplessly. At this time, Green took out a long silver plate from his pocket. On it was the coordinates of Brilliant City. Norbotton had seen it before. There used to be such nameplates along the coast. But no one thought what it was.

"This is the coordinate point of Brilliant City. What's wrong, Leader Green?"

Norbotton took it and held it very gently in his hand, Green said.

"We still don't fully understand what technology they used to create such an alloy, and what kind of substance they used to protect the nameplate and float with the airflow."

Norbotton understood what Gryon was trying to say.

"Indeed, their technological level is still unknown, and it seems to be quite high."

Green nodded.

"Never underestimate any country. The world has been closed for too long."

Norbotton nodded. He also knew that President Tommy's elaborate preparations could only mean one thing. Brilliant City's more than 300,000 troops could resist the armies of the three countries.

Norbotton took Grian and the others to the command room of the base. Many humans and Steka were currently curious about these strange kangaroos, but the kangaroos were obviously not very friendly to humans or Steka. .

Some kangaroos are even hostile to humans. This has happened many times in the past few days. Both sides have strict orders not to allow any conflicts.

Norbotton and some higher-ups knew the reason, because kangaroos enslaved millions of humans in their country, so in the eyes of many kangaroos, humans are an inferior species.

Norbotton also has no good impression of these furry animals. They look very indifferent, especially when they are with humans, some kangaroos always show arrogant eyes.

However, cooperation with the kangaroos is necessary because Tommy has issued a presidential order.

Now Norbotton just wants to reach an agreement with Green as soon as possible and then start preparing for the march.

"Regarding the current situation in the base, Chief Green, is there anything else you need help with?"

Before Green could speak, a subordinate said.

"Tell those humans outside the barbed wire fence to go away and don't come over. It's very annoying."

Green was stunned, and the atmosphere in the entire conference room became extremely bad for a while. Seeing that someone was about to speak, Norbotton raised his hand and said.

"Those are nearby residents. They are just curious. They will not affect the base."

Seeing that the subordinate behind him was about to speak, Green suddenly turned around and punched him.

With two bangs, the kangaroo flew out without making any sound. Green turned around and said.

"I'm sorry that my subordinate's remarks were inappropriate. Please don't be angry."

Green could see that the humans on the opposite side were completely angry. The conflicts in the past few days were caused by the kangaroos, but they had to come here because it was the safest way to go to Brilliant City from here, and they could save too much. of energy.

The kangaroos' deep-rooted view of humans as slaves will not change in a short time, and even the kangaroos' contempt and hatred for humans will not change. At first, Grien did not want to agree to the Queen of Asgard's proposal.

But the war is coming, and Green has to make a choice. What he is most worried about now is the continued large-scale conflicts between kangaroos and humans. He has heard several conflicts before he came here.

Humans just wanted to talk to some kangaroo soldiers, and they were attacked by some kangaroo soldiers.

"Sorry everyone, I know some problems are caused by us, but I still hope you can restrain yourself. After all, our society has regarded humans as slaves for hundreds of years."

Although Nobton nodded to express his understanding, he still felt uncomfortable. At this time, accompanied by a violent roar, people in the conference room left one after another.

An explosion occurred not far away, and each mecha was activated. For a moment, the scene seemed to be completely out of control. Green instantly led the officers over. Several mechas that were activated suddenly stopped, and a large number of them suddenly stopped. The kangaroos, already armed, rushed over.

"Everyone stop it."

The explosion caused no casualties. Some human soldiers and Stekars were holding weapons and staring at the kangaroos. At this time, Norbotton also came over with officers.

"what happened?"

Norbotton asked, one of the soldiers said.

"We just asked you guys, can't you walk? They took action on such a problem."

Several human soldiers who had been carried away by medics looked seriously injured, and it was Steka who opened fire.

"Arrest them all and they will no longer be soldiers."

Green immediately issued an order, and several kangaroos who were sitting on the mecha were pulled out. They were very dissatisfied and bared their teeth.

From the color of their fur, Kyrian could tell which legion they belonged to before. The reason why they disobeyed orders was because they were not kangaroos from Kyrian's original legion.

More and more people were watching, and Norbotton strictly ordered the soldiers not to talk to the kangaroos again.

The situation in the entire base was terrible, and Green knew that if they continued, they would definitely have a major conflict with humans.

Gryan asked.

"Sir Norboton, can you call Mr. President and let us use this base temporarily?"

As soon as Green's words came out, there were even more voices of dissatisfaction, and a large number of human officers could no longer bear it.

"This is our country's base, and we also have a large number of soldiers inside. Do you want to drive us away?"

Norbotton shouted.

"Don't make any noise."

Green also realized that he had gone too far.

"Sir Norbottom, of course we don't want any conflict to occur, but if we continue, I'm afraid that one day there will be a larger-scale conflict between humans and kangaroos."

"This is the first time I have heard such a request. Although I can understand what you are saying, Leader Gryen, it is the first time I have heard such a request for us to withdraw from our own base. Please restrain your troops. Chief Green, such a request is too rude, please forgive me for not being able to inform the president."

Seeing that Norbotton was about to leave, Green said hurriedly.

"As long as we are separated from humans, there will be no friction, I promise. This is a good proposal. Lord Norbotton, please inform President Tommy."

There was a lot of shouting for a while, and many humans shouted, telling the kangaroos to get out and open up a base for themselves.

Norbotton was extremely angry at this time, because he had never heard such a shameless request for them to withdraw from their base. You must know that there are more than 200,000 soldiers and Stika in this base. They will be extremely miserable after withdrawing. trouble.

"If you have any dissatisfaction, please tell me, Lord Norbotton."

Green continued, and Norbotton immediately said angrily.

"We have more than 200,000 soldiers here, as well as a large number of weapons and ammunition, etc., let us leave the base? Where do you want us to go? We have to train every day, where do you want us to train? Just transporting it requires a lot of knowledge how many days."

Only then did Green realize that he was being reckless. He wanted to propose the best plan, but what Norbotton said was true. Humans and Steka could not leave this base at all.

"Please restrain your subordinates, Chief Green. If you can't even restrain your subordinates, then please go back now."

Norbotton said sternly, and Greene was not angry, but nodded.

"I will definitely restrain them."

Norbotton left with the soldiers angrily, and then immediately asked his subordinates to issue an order not to allow anyone or Steka to communicate with the kangaroos.

There were shouts behind him. Norbotton was originally known for his good temper, but now he was very angry. He looked back at the kangaroos.

"These guys might become a liability."

Some people said that Norbotton now feels the same way. These kangaroos only have contempt for humans. There is no need for such an alliance to exist.

"Everyone must strictly implement the order, and tell all soldiers that if they disobey the order, they will be sent directly to work underground and will be expelled from the military."

The commanders were stunned for a moment, and Norbotton said.

"I'm going to see the president. You have to take care of things in the base. I will have a good talk with the president."

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