"Indeed, the social model that is suitable for human beings in the end is the final answer you give."

Gene raised his head, pink particles flickered in the silent darkness, Tommy hummed and said.

"This is the answer I got after countless calculations. There is no more suitable answer than this. In the end, humans can only survive by becoming like machines and forming a complete machine from top to bottom."

Gene nodded and said with a relaxed smile.

"I have thought about this issue many years ago, because I have witnessed countless times that human beings went from full of hope at the beginning to despair at the end, and then to destruction, and then the remaining humans started to repeat the same thing again."

Tommy smiled bitterly.

"It's the same now. There are already many people in society who are dissatisfied. They are beginning to be dissatisfied with the number of hours they work every day, and even begin to resist, trying every means to avoid the daily effort."

Tommy asked as he walked up to Gene.

"Mr. Jean, what would you do if it were you?"

Gene smiled and said.

"This is powerless, because human beings do the same things repeatedly every day, and the current society has lost all competitiveness. In this way, human beings who originally experienced the baptism of information technology originally had very strong desires, but this Human beings will naturally feel uncomfortable if their desires are now suppressed and become low.”

"Yes, Mr. Jean, human beings are inherently emotional products, so once emotions are suppressed at a constant value for a long time, human emotions will definitely explode. This is something we cannot solve at present anyway, but the next generation is allowed."

Gene smiled, he probably understood what Tommy was thinking, and asked.

"Tell me what you think?"

Tommy nodded.

"Let humans be in an era of low desires. In the future, I will gradually block information so that humans will not be exposed to too much information. In this way, human desires will become low. Controlling human desires is the only way to reduce society's problems. necessary means."

Gene laughed.

"If you want to control human desires, you can only suppress human nature. Such things are likely to cause some problems."

Tommy hummed and said.

"I know Mr. Jean, it is very difficult to turn people into machines, because humans have multiple and complex human natures, but now the fate system we have jointly built can perfectly solve this problem."

Jean's eyes were stunned, and then he became confused.

"What kind of destiny system, and who are you joining forces with?"

Tommy said after a moment of silence.

"Mr. Jean, you should know Eddie Hillman."

Gene's eyes became serious and he nodded.

"This family has existed since the founding of Brilliant City. They have been passing on evil for countless generations, using evil to achieve any purpose and using any means."

Tommy hummed and explained.

"Mr. Jean, you should know the world of Wei Zi, after all, Li Wei has already met you."

Gene nodded.

"Eddie is in Yuko's world. This is an illusory world built by the remnants of all past human eras after the death of life. You can understand it as a virtual data world, and this world is so huge that it has almost no area. , and Eddie exists in this world as a virtual body."

Jean's eyes were horrifying, and the cigarette from his mouth fell.

"Is it AI?"

Tommy nodded.

"It is an AI with Eddie's personality. It once recorded everything about Eddie Hillman, and then gained self-awareness. Although Eddie has long since died, it has survived in this virtual way."

After Gene stamped out the cigarette butt, his eyes became sharp and he stared at Tommy and asked.

"Why cooperate with him?"

Tommy hummed and smiled helplessly.

"There's nothing we can do about it, Mr. Jean. If I want to take everything away, I'll have to force you to cooperate with him."

Gene wondered.

"What is the fate system you just called?"

"Although it may sound cruel, this is a system that can completely plan life. This means that future humans do not need to decide their own future lives. From the time they are born, they will live their entire lives along the established destiny. "

Gene was a little skeptical, because such a system could really be given to human beings, and even if it could be done, it would be very difficult for so many human beings to plan their own destiny.

"The great thing about this system is that it can reasonably arrange everyone's destiny, because it has been practiced in the micron world, and it is practiced on a large scale. There are more than 1 billion personalities in the entire micron world. .”

Gene's face turned serious, and Tommy continued.

"Each of these one billion personalities will live their entire lives according to their predetermined destiny, and then they will re-form into new human beings, be born and die as human beings. This is because the world of the micron is in an era of low desire, and it is An era when technology has completely stopped progressing.”

"It's really incredible. Have you been to that world?"

Gene asked and Tommy shook his head.

"It's a pity that I have not been to that world, Mr. Gene, but both Justin and Li Wei have been to that world, and because of their past relationship, an unprecedented fierce war is currently breaking out in that world."

Gene felt more and more that something was wrong, and Tommy briefly explained about the Mimic's personality implantation and his participation in future wars.

The expression on Gene's face changed, and he smiled easily.

"You tell me everything so important, aren't you afraid that I will stop you?"

Tommy said, holding up his hands.

"Mr. Jean, you can no longer stop me, because you have given me such power, or the future Mr. Jean has given me such power, and the past Mr. Jean has guided this power."

Gene was stunned, and he nodded with a relaxed smile.

"It seems like you already know everything."

"This is definitely Mr. Jean, because your divine power hides some unknown power. Although you didn't tell me directly about this power, I felt it when I saw Ai Xi. Mr. Jean, you have known Ashe in the past. Why? The world has obviously been blocked for so long."

Gene took out a cigarette and handed one to Tommy. He smiled helplessly and nodded.

"I couldn't figure out what was going on with me at first, but after coming into contact with the world of microns, I understood everything and my own mission."

"In the past, you have visited Steka's country and met Ashe. The reason why you don't know about it now is because of the eight-month blank period. In the future, you have found a way to solve the Devourer. That is to create a life form that does not belong to any time and space, and interfere with the correct time and space where the Devourer is. This makes it impossible for the Devourer to break the cage normally, because the cage will become longer and longer in the future and lose its power, and the Devourer will Break the cage.”

Gene nodded, lit the cigarette in his hand, and smiled helplessly.

"The past Mr. Jean has been hiding in this land, which is why Li Wei has known you for a long time. Until the future Mr. Jean appeared in the past from the micron world and brought you This ninth divine power was given to the past Mr. Jean."

Gene nodded. He didn't expect that Tommy already knew everything and fully understood it.

"What Mr. Jean wanted to do at that time was to hand over this power to a human being at will, but in the end he gave up because this human being was not qualified."

Gene nodded.

"Indeed, I wanted to give this power to Li Wei at that time. Unfortunately, Li Wei was not suitable."

Tommy smiled and nodded.

"Because Li Wei has a fatal weakness, she does not believe in human beings, she only believes in the power in her hands, and the belief that she wants to live no matter what, has been carried out throughout her life, so it is impossible for her to experience reincarnation countless times Life after life, I can see clearly everything about this country, or the history of mankind.”

Gene nodded.

"These are indeed what I saw from Li Wei, but in the end I chose to give this power to you, a humble congressman who helps others wipe their butts."

Tommy laughed and nodded.

"Indeed, I also felt strange at the time, until I understood everything. This is not surprising at all, because I have the same philosophy as Mr. Jean. When the problem can be solved, try to solve it as much as possible. If it cannot be solved, , can only prevent the problem from happening at the root."

Gene nodded. This was indeed the reason why Gene chose Tommy, because Gene had observed many people and had not made up his mind.

These people all have various problems, most of which are contrary to Jean's power.

"I left Brilliant City just because my ideas are no longer suitable for that place. Only absolute order can avoid the collapse of human society, but absolute order only means that human beings will continue to live in a miserable environment. Reincarnation. All problems will happen countless times in this society."

"Another point is that Mr. Jean, you should hate humans like Le Xiao."

Gene laughed out loud. He didn't intend to avoid it this time, but nodded.

"Obviously human beings need such people, but they reject and hate such people. They are kind, they have a pure heart, and their purpose in doing things is very simple. They do not have any selfish desires to help others, but it is obvious that such people Unable to survive well in human society, people will only think of these people who are like the dawn of light in the dark night after experiencing suffering.”

Tommy hummed.

"Lighthouse! Such people will always be indispensable in human society, representatives of the pure and high spirit of mankind. It is precisely because of the guidance of these people that mankind can see hope for the future in the dark world. In the darkest era , and finally someone held a torch and climbed onto the lighthouse, lit it again, and guided the direction of human progress. Unfortunately, such a lighthouse is not needed for future humans."

Although Gene didn't want to admit it, Tommy told the truth.

"Human beings do not need the guidance of a lighthouse, because the greater the hope, the despair of human society will increase exponentially, and these despairs will cause human society to collapse again and again. The lighthouse will go out again and again, and there will always be people in the darkness. Stand up, hold a torch, and climb up to the lighthouse to light up the dark lighthouse. These people who use themselves as fuel let the flames of the lighthouse burn brightly and guide those in the darkness. With guidance, they will continue to want to embrace the light. . But the flame of the lighthouse gradually extinguished when human beings were bathed in the light. Human beings no longer need a lighthouse, which is very sad, right?"

Gene hummed, Tommy smiled and lit the cigarette in his hand, took a puff and laughed.

"After humans have been bathing in the light for a long time, the lighthouse may gradually go out, no one cares about it, and then the lighthouse eventually goes out. Even many people who are bathed in the top of the sun are unwilling to mention the lighthouse that guides them towards the light. Humanity has another After the prosperous age was restored, they sang to their heart's content under the light and enjoyed everything that the sunshine brought. Eventually, the darkness quietly approached and until it swallowed up the light, humans began to become anxious."

Tommy asked, raising his head helplessly.

"Mr. Jean, this is what Brilliant City is like. Using herself as fuel, she dispelled the darkness of Ellie. What happened in the end? She gradually disappeared from the light. Even though she illuminates the city every day, does anyone in the city remember her?"

Gene shook his head.

"Ellie only exists in the memories of a few of us."

"Why? Why didn't you tell the people at that time? This god who sacrificed everything for them! Because he was afraid that blind faith would be established and used by others, which would cause greater disputes, and he was afraid that those who were interested would follow this path. Find the secret to the artificial sun and cause chaos. Or"

Tommy didn't say anything, and Gene's expression showed helplessness and sadness.

"For the authority of our gods! Unify all the forces on the entire grassland. Rule gained through bloodshed is only filled with fear and suspicion, so before Ellie left, she warned us that her affairs must not be told."

Tommy nodded.

"This is humankind. Mr. Jean, you should have seen it very clearly, so you are completely desperate for humankind. And the same is true for us in the United States. After the apocalypse, President Brown controlled everything. Although he did many cruel things, he He was a president with outstanding insights, and everything he did was to get mankind back on track. But in the end, after his death, those people went against his will and froze him, using everything President Brown had done, Successfully allowed each big family to control everything. Countless presidents since then have joined the family club under the guise of inheriting President Brown's legacy. They continue to control the country until now."

Gene laughed and then said.

"This is why you destroyed the freezers of past presidents!"

"Yes, latecomers can decide whether the lighthouse can maintain the same heat and color as always! I will completely cut off the chain of human misery!" (End of this chapter)

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