It's around 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

Tommy took Ashe into the laboratory. On a giant crystal screen, there were various data of the mimic and the data of the human body compared.

"It looks like a good similarity."

Ai Xi looked at the data carefully. Now Ai Xi is learning more about all kinds of new knowledge. After all, in those years in Steka society, Ai Xi could only find a way to let Steka survive. So basically the knowledge of past human society has been almost cut off.

Fortunately, after starting the transaction with the United States, Aisi began to work hard to learn some knowledge, and now he can basically understand what all kinds of data are about.

"In fact, some values ​​can be improved."

As Ashe said, Tommy explained to Ashe that if you want to increase the value to be more powerful than humans, then you need more materials and a more stable structure.

The reason why humans are used as the most suitable template is because humans have developed to the extreme, and the data on their physical conditions are the clearest. The values ​​of the created mimics can easily achieve stable characteristics.

"I see, as long as it can be mass-produced, there is no need for more powerful body values. On the contrary, this form based on humans is the best."

Tommy hummed.

"Let's go take a look."

Tommy took Ashe through a long corridor, where a new Mimic Center was built. Soon Ashe saw a lot of people in the laboratory, a small community that looked like human life. There were only those with humanoid outlines talking and laughing casually. Their bodies had normal human skin color, but they looked very weird.

It's like a large group of liquid humanoids gathered together, because their skin will glow with some light.

"What we are doing now is adjusting the values ​​and adjusting the body of the mimic to the human limit. In this way, they will be able to do a lot more things in the future."

Ai Xi looked at several mimics who were having fun. They looked very happy, Tommy explained.

"There are a hundred mimics here, and we have implanted in them the concept of almost dying when participating in external operations, and they can only transform their bodies. They have all the information about this country."

Ash hummed and then asked.

"Then why not just erase their personalities and make them obedient soldiers? I think it's safer this way."

Tommy laughed, then looked at Ash seriously and said.

"Have you ever seen the light of humanity?"

Ai Xi became confused, then nodded.

"Indeed, human beings have burst out with strong willpower because of their emotions, and have even reversed many things many times. There have even been too many established facts where human bodies are comparable to gods."

Tommy hummed and said.

"This is what I want. What I need is a soldier who is ready to sacrifice at any time for the life and death of the country. They can have a strong will and be able to give everything for this country."

Ai Xi looked at several mimics who were fighting. Their bodies were dented due to the fighting, but there was no sign of recovery.

"Even the current ability to resist blows is still not as good as that of humans. We are currently trying to design a function that can slowly recover and continue to move as long as the overall damage does not exceed 50%. But obviously the design of this function is very trouble."

Ash laughed.

"As long as you conquer the first step, things will go much smoother after that."

Tommy continued to introduce the mimics to Ash, but what Ash was most worried about was whether these mimics would go crazy.

"What will they do if they can't carry out the order?"

Tommy laughed.

"We now have the technology to quickly replace some personalities who are no longer willing to fight or are lazy in fighting. This can keep the troops' combat effectiveness at all times, and the same soldier can only die once at most, so that they will not be prone to problems. "

Still skeptical, Ash said.

"Although I know that you now have a huge database and can generate countless personalities, but if you have not experienced actual combat testing, it will always be based on theory."

Ash's question was fatal, and Tommy had certainly considered it.

"We can't predict such a situation, because there will always be times when people suddenly do some incredible things, so we can't prevent such things, but as long as the success rate reaches 99%, the remaining The 1% of mistakes can be made up for through other conditions, and then continue to be corrected slowly as the war develops."

Ash hummed and asked after continuing to look for a while.

"How long did it take for these mimics to accept the fact that they have become like this?"

Tommy called up the mental assessment status of each mimic during this period.

"Of course it is not possible to fully accept the current self. They can only slowly accept themselves."

Ash understood.

"This is also part of the experiment."

Tommy hummed and explained.

"In the future, we will establish 100 such test areas and begin to experiment with the stability of the generated personalities of these mimics. After determining some things that can allow them to quickly accept themselves and continue fighting, we will start to program everything in advance. They Wake up knowing what you want to do, who you are, and what’s going to happen.”

Ash laughed, then Tommy said.

"We call it the destiny system. This system allows everyone to have their own destiny. The final destiny is to complete themselves on the battlefield."

Ash hummed.

"Let's go back."

Tommy nodded, and after a while, the two returned to the park where the smoke technicians were. The current researchers were no longer as lively as before, because they also felt that the emergence of such mimics, for the entire country or technological society, What does it mean, because humans will most likely be replaced.

Such anxiety accompanies researchers every day. Although Tommy has clearly told all researchers that these mimics are just weapons and they are preparing for the huge war that is about to happen in the future, he still cannot convince many people.

Although researchers cannot transmit any information to the outside world, they can learn about the outside world through news every day. They can also freely browse some things, but cannot publish any information.

"That's always the case with humans."

Ash saw the anxiety on the researchers' faces and then asked.

"Then where do you plan to put your destiny system?"

Tommy laughed and shook his head.

"You can't find it in this world. This destiny system only exists in Yuuko's world."

Ash hummed.

"That is to say, I really feel like I am destined to never be found."

Tommy laughed, and the tension on Ash's face was replaced with relief.

Now the mixed force of Steka and humans has made great achievements. As long as it continues, the combat capability of this force will be very strong.

"I have a question, why not send these mimics to the battlefield from the beginning?"

Ashe asked, because if a war breaks out, a mixed force of Steka and humans will inevitably suffer a lot of losses if they go to the battlefield.

"Because it is completely unnecessary. War is bound to be accompanied by blood and death. If we just have such troops, then once we lose, it may be over in an instant, but now we have mimics who can regenerate infinitely, so When the war begins, no matter whether our troops win or lose, they will definitely be able to figure out everything about the enemy."

"I see, the last trump card is that once the war starts, it is impossible for us to lose the war with such a large number of mimics."

Essie is also full of hope for the future. After all, he has tried to think about various systems and how a society can develop, but no matter how he thinks about it, his thoughts will definitely return to the past.

This problem has no solution, because humans will always stand on opposite sides for one reason or another, and war is only one of the ways humans deal with conflicts, and will only be launched when they have to deal with it.

But now Tommy's new social structure gives Ashe hope, because under such a social structure, it is difficult for a big capitalist to emerge, and everyone becomes a part of the entire country's factory, so that everyone can participate Among them, it continues to provide strong impetus to the country.

"I really admire you, President Tommy."

Tommy laughed.

"This is the safest approach I have found in the vast amount of human data. Although the fate of many human beings may have been determined at birth, most people actually have their fate determined from birth, no matter what kind of society they are in. That moment was set."

Ash hummed, he agreed with Tommy's words.

"There are very few people who can resist fate, and they only exist in historical records. Some people succeed, but most people are losers. After all, once the world begins to form a pattern, human beings want to It will be extremely difficult to resist the system pattern you have established.”

Tommy nodded happily.

"In a month at most, everyone will gradually become a screw. The same goes for those guys who don't want to work but continue to want to make money from products."

Ash said in surprise.

"Are we going to continue to cut them?"

Tommy nodded.

"They are still frantically developing some new products because they still want to continue to make money. Next month I will directly issue some orders to restrict product sales to completely block their way."

Ash laughed.

"Then it's like asking them to die."

"There is nothing that can be done about it, because they are racking their brains every day on how to use others to make more money, and they can rely on others to support themselves without working. This kind of thing seems a bit unbearable to me, because human society There have been many disasters from ancient times to the present. In addition to some natural disasters, disasters caused by humanities even once threatened to destroy mankind."

Ash thought of his own country. Indeed, as Tommy said, the United States once colluded with the then president to allow corn from the United States to enter the country without restrictions in order to dump corn into the country.

In the end, the entire country's agriculture was almost destroyed by the United States, and the backward country without any advantages had to go down a path of evil.

When people found that they could no longer survive, harmful crops began to appear on the stage of history. In just a few years, this harmful plant spread all over the country. Farmers who grew food in the past were no longer willing to grow crops because they Need money to live.

Behind this is the fact that capital is madly occupying the market. Once it monopolizes the market, the end result is that capital can control prices at any time, and people have no right to choose and can only listen to capital.

In the end, the entire country became more and more crazy and chaotic. Although Ashe's parents tried hard to eradicate everything, the entire country was destroyed and they were unable to recover. They eventually became the victims of this crazy feast.

"Human society is really like the endless reincarnation of fate."

Tommy smiled confidently, lit a cigarette and handed one to Ash.

"Then I am the one who breaks the fate of mankind. I don't intend to give those who get something for nothing a chance to raise their heads. As long as they have such thoughts, they are unqualified parts and must be eliminated."

Ash hummed, now he completely understood Tommy's thoughts.

"What we need now is speed. We must do everything possible to stockpile all the supplies needed for the war, from food and drink to medical care, ammunition, etc. Everything must be prepared, at least enough for the people of the entire United States to last for more than ten years. supplies.”

"But the current production capacity obviously cannot meet such demand."

Ash said, Tommy exhaled a puff of smoke and laughed.

"It is indeed impossible to achieve it now, but when the technology of these mimics matures, I plan to start letting these mimics join production without going to war."

Ai Xi's face was solemn.

"Wouldn't this consume a lot of light and shadow materials?"

Tommy said helplessly.

"There is no way around this. We will continue to increase the amount of light and shadow materials harvested and reserve enough light and shadow materials. My idea is to achieve the amount that can produce one million soldiers in an instant."

Ash looked at Tommy in shock.

"Isn't this an astronomical number?"

Tommy laughed.

"The reason why I built a large number of power stations scattered across the country is to allow light and shadow material factories to directly connect to these power stations. Each power station can produce a maximum of 10,000 power stations in an instant. As long as we have a hundred such power plants, Such capacity can be achieved.”

Ash asked.

"It's just about producing soldiers, and the follow-up will be right, there will be a reserve warehouse."

Tommy raised his fist and Ash touched it.

"Don't worry, when this country turns into a war factory, it will be the beginning of the end of the tragic fate of all mankind!"

Tommy laughed with great confidence. (End of chapter)

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