Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2800 Chapter 281 Mimicry Man

10 o'clock in the morning.

Tommy stepped into the research room and soon saw a bunch of researchers playing football on the lawn. Many of them looked very happy. Tommy stood upstairs and looked at these researchers. They had not been home for a long time. .

But it can be seen that these people did not feel anything was wrong, and there was no pressure. Tommy gave them great freedom and would not interfere with anything. This kind of research is very good for many scientists. .

It can be seen that these researchers are really relaxed. There are many recreational activities in this institute, and their daily work is also relaxing.

Tommy knew that Flo had suppressed the progress of some research. Tommy knew this very well. What Flo was planning, Tommy knew very well. Flo was afraid that after the research was completed, they would all be cleared away.

Tommy smiled helplessly, and then went down directly. After entering the research area, many researchers became nervous.

"It's okay, let's continue."

Tommy hadn't been here for a long time. Tommy walked directly towards the office. At this time, Tommy noticed that the expressions of some researchers had also changed. They stopped having fun and returned to their own research rooms.

"It seems like they understand more or less."

Tommy entered the office. Flo was sitting in front of the crystal screen, looking at something solemnly. Tommy did not interrupt him. Instead, he went to find coffee. After pouring himself a cup, he took a sip and lit a cigarette. .

Flo stared at the crystal screen with joyful eyes, completely unaware that Tommy had been sitting for a while while Flo pressed his nose.

"I already told you not to smoke in my office."

Flo stood up and was stunned for a moment, he smiled awkwardly.

"Mr. President, why did you come in so quietly?"

Tommy smiled and stood up and said.

"There must have been some major breakthrough."

The smile on Flo's face was slightly stiff. Tommy walked over and saw some data about the Mimic. Tommy looked through it for a while and then said.

"Not bad. The data indicators are close to those of the human body. It seems to be completed. I think we can start testing and implant the soldier's personality."

Flo still doesn't quite understand how to make this kind of mimic move. Although there is a place to put some controllers in the central control area, the controller is still not visible.

Tommy said.

"Just take me to see the finished product."

Flo hummed, and then took Tommy to a research room. The lights turned on, and Tommy saw a platform among a large number of machines, with a humanoid lying on it. The humanoid body was milky white.

"This height of 1.85 meters was designed by us after rigorous calculations. Humans of this height have a strong sense of balance and mobility."

Tommy hummed, and then stretched out his hand to press the human form. It was very soft, but had some toughness. Tommy felt that it was indeed highly similar to human muscle and skin tissue, but this mimic was cold.

There are hundreds of thousands of nanocomponents in the body of the mimic. These components are all constructed from mimics. They are very similar to the internal structure of humans and can do many things that humans can do.

But now Flo has a question in his mind. If these mimics are used to replace humans, the cost is too high. Even if they become soldiers, the cost is still too high.

"Mr. President, I have a question, what will these mimics be used for in the future?"

Flo finally asked. He looked at Tommy nervously, and Tommy smiled.

"Don't worry, Dr. Flo, if you are afraid that you will be cleared after the research is completed, you can go back now."

Tom's sudden words shocked Flo, and he said hurriedly.

"No, President Tommy, if you can."

"I didn't mean that. You can tell the people below and keep it a secret after the research is completed."

Flo nodded, her heart beating violently, and Tommy smiled.

"But one thing I have to remind you, Dr. Flo, is that if there is any leakage of this plan in the future, I will not let go of all your researchers no matter where they escape."

Tommy's voice was calm, Flo nodded hurriedly, he knew this was the best, then Tommy said with a smile.

"These mimics are used to fight wars. Once a war breaks out in the future, these mimics are the last bottom line of our United States and the most important card. Can you understand? Dr. Flo."

Flo hummed. Now that the words were spoken, Flo felt a little more relaxed and said.

"Mr. President, I don't think these mimics are realistic as soldiers."

Tommy nodded.

"Of course, it's unrealistic now, but what about the future?"

Flo said with a hum.

"I can't guarantee the future."

Tommy pulled the joints of the mimic and started to move at will. It was very flexible and could be just like a human being.

"In fact, it would be better to just make some powerful robots."

Flo suggested.

Tommy shook his head.

"The successful birth of the mimic is only the first step, and mass production will follow. There are as many weapons and equipment as you need, but for people with the will to fight, if one person is reduced in a war, it is a loss, and this can be recycled and remade at any time. For us, as long as we have mimics, the number of soldiers is unlimited."

Flo swallowed and Tommy continued.

"There is only one thing that is certain now. We need to successfully create a soldier with an independent personality and fighting will, and then find a way to mass-produce it, and it must be able to be recycled and mass-produced at any time."

Flo felt a lot of pressure from Tommy's demands.

"It is not easy to achieve the same action mechanism as normal people. Mass production of such a thing will involve many problems that we cannot overcome in a short time."

Tommy laughed.

"I will provide you with other fresh technical support. Today I am also here to provide you with some technology so that you can make the mimics move as soon as possible."

Tommy said and handed Flo a storage device, and Flo took it and put it in his pocket.

"Dr. Flo, I want you to speed up. I have given enough guarantees and I hope you can fulfill your promises."

Flo snorted. He was a little scared. This president knew everything. It seemed that they could no longer hide the fact that they deliberately slowed down the progress.

"We will definitely speed it up."

Tommy glanced at Flo and smiled.

"That's all for today."

Flo looked at Tommy in shock, and he asked with some doubts.

"I'm afraid I don't have enough time today."

Tommy laughed.

"You still have some final steps left. They can be completed in a few hours, right?"

Flo looked at Tommy in disbelief. Tommy had already seen Flo. Flo would be able to make the mimic move tomorrow, but it actually only took about 5 hours.

"I'll just wait here today. Dr. Flo, please start. We should both be frank and honest, and there should be no more hiding anything."

Flo hummed, and then started to let the researchers in. Many researchers came in, and some auxiliary robots also came over, and the researchers began to get busy.

Many researchers were livid because Tommy was sitting next to the mimic, drinking coffee and staring at them.

After Tommy left after a while, Flo sighed.

"We have to finish it today. This is the president's order. Everyone, please move quickly. There are still a few problems. We can discuss them together later and we should be able to complete it."

Tommy came to the sunny yard, sat on the lawn, and lit a cigarette.

Tommy didn't act tough at the beginning just to give Flo and the others enough time and trust, and they did indeed achieve results.

But it’s impossible not to be tough now. Everything is already in operation. This force must be put on the agenda. Now the combined training of humans and Steka is doing very well. Tommy has also seen them go out to destroy some monsters. The video has a good understanding.

Building a force that can completely conquer everything is what Tommy wants to see most now. The Mimic will definitely become the strongest card in Tommy's hand in the future.

"People are really weird."

Tommy smiled, and then he stood in front of a piece of glass. With green flames igniting, Eddie appeared on the glass.

"Now you can tell me how to make the mimic move."

Tommy asked and Eddie hummed.

"Of course, of course I can tell you."

Tommy laughed, then Eddie raised his hand, something appeared in the mirror, Tommy looked at it carefully, and after a while Tommy laughed out loud.

"Is it really possible to do it according to the method you gave?"

"You should believe me, Mr. President, at least for now our interests are consistent. I just want to let this Yuuko world continue. As for your words about wanting to unify the real world, we do not conflict with each other. I don’t have an entity, and even if I do, I don’t intend to interfere in reality. I can do whatever I want in this virtual world, but in reality, there are too many shackles.”

Tommy pinched Eddie with a serious look in his eyes, which seemed funny. Tommy didn't know if he could make the mimic move.

"Is this method really okay?"

Tommy asked.

"It's no problem with Juedu. You can't detect the world of Weizi yet, but Weizi's world is connected to our Yuuko's world. And if Yuuko wants to enter the real world, the medium he wants is They are human bones.”

Tommy laughed and Eddie continued.

"President Tommy, the skeleton is a medium that represents the existence of human beings, and it is also a representative of human death. The reason why Yuko appears in many people's bodies is because the bones in certain places in the body have died."

Tommy didn't quite believe in this theory, but if the mimic could move, it would be totally fine.

"Go find a bone first, President Tommy."

Tommy felt a little helpless and had no choice but to go to the bathroom. After a while, Tommy walked out of the bathroom, holding a small piece of human bone in his hand. He was a little unbelievable. Is this approach really effective?

But when I think of the skulls that have been enshrined by the tombkeepers for generations, I feel that maybe Eddie is right.

Time passed, and at 7 p.m., Tommy looked at a group of tired researchers who were eating, Flo said.

"Mr. President, it's finished, but there are still flaws. The mimic can completely move. It just needs to be implanted with the corresponding controller."

Tommy hummed, and after dinner, Tommy led the researchers to the house.

"Dr. Flo, everyone but you can rest."

Flo's eyes were serious. After the door of the research room was closed, Tommy took out a bone.

"What's this?"

"Human skeletons."

Flo looked on in shock and Tommy laughed.

"Place this bone where the control system flows."

Flo took the bone and pressed it carefully. It was really a human skeleton. He looked at Tommy in disbelief, and Tommy laughed.

"Dr. Flo, maybe you think I'm crazy. If the mimic starts to move, I'll tell you something slowly."

Although Flo was in disbelief, he still did as he was told, and soon the bones were placed in the central control room in the Mimic's body.

Tommy scratched his head and laughed, and then brought a mirror. Just when Flo was a little overwhelmed, a man appeared on the mirror, and he asked in shock.

"What's this?"

Tommy scratched his head.

"I'll explain to you later."

After Tommy finished speaking, he looked at Eddie with a smile on his face and said.

"Okay, I've found the bones and put them in. Now it's time for you to fulfill your promise."

Eddie nodded.

"Don't worry, let's take a look at this soldier's information first."

Soon a piece of information came out. Kyle, 25 years old, had been in the army for 6 years and belonged to the 5th Army, Unit 1398. However, he almost died when fighting the monster, and now his whole body has been transformed into a machine.

Tommy nodded.

"Have you replaced the information?"

Eddie said with a hum.

"Okay, we can start."

Soon, a faint green flame ignited on the Mimic's body, and the Mimic opened his eyes in an instant.


With a shout, the mimic sat up, pressed his forehead, and then looked around with empty eyes.

"What happened to me?"

Tommy said with a smile.

"Corporal Kyle, congratulations on becoming the first mimic in the United States."

Mimic Kyle looked at Tommy in confusion, and Tommy explained.

"This is the most advanced technology in our United States that can restore the health of our severely wounded soldiers."

Kyle said angrily.

"There are too many of those monsters. Where are my other comrades?"

Tommy explained briefly, and Flo was completely stunned at this time.

"You need more rest now, Corporal Kyle."

"What exactly did we make?"

Flo laughed bitterly. (End of chapter)

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