Late at night, Li Wei quietly stared at the commotion outside. The soldiers had begun to move. The officers seemed to have begun to select soldiers. Li Wei had basically read the recent battle situation on the table, as well as what some frontline spies had collected. information.

Li Wei is now certain that the next war will be a life and death battle. If they win, they can continue to fight the rebels. If they lose, they will be finished.

What Li Wei didn't expect was that these regular troops were more vulnerable than she thought. It was right to eliminate those officers who just wanted to get some military glory. This group of people only wanted to get some honors and then increase their numbers. A bargaining chip for your own promotion.

These people don't care whether the war can be won or not, and other sects never even thought that they would lose. After all, they have never experienced a war.

After Li Wei took a sip of wine, she lay down. Everything now made her feel excited. Such things were indeed her favorite, but if she lost this time, there would be no future.

If the key points at the junction of the north and the south are opened, the rebels from the north will pour in like a flood. By then, it will be useless no matter how large their army is, because the rebels will get more resources and cities. .

Li Wei closed her eyes, still unable to sleep, but soon under the influence of alcohol, Li Wei fell asleep.

It's around 11pm.

Eddie stared quietly at the soldiers who were still gathering. He had been removed from his position as the frontline commander because he had caused a large-scale defeat, and the morale of the army was now very low.

They had always pushed forward and beaten the regular army to pieces, but now they suffered two such humiliating defeats, which had already damaged the confidence of many officers.

The rebel commander-in-chief Li Wei is recuperating from his injuries and is still training soldiers in the rear, so it is impossible for him to come to the front line. Li Wei has sent Justin to replace him, and the copied Li Wei and Justin are still there. Thinking that they still can't get out of this world, they can only continue to think of ways to find a way out.

Eddie was not optimistic about Justin coming to command the outpost to the south, but he could not find a reason. After all, Eddie took the initiative to contact his clones Li Wei and Justin and provided them with a large amount of weapons and ammunition. , and a large amount of supplies, allowed them to establish an army in the north and swept everything in the north.

Justin was already on his way over. Many battles commanded by Eddie himself were easily won, but Eddie did not expect that Li Wei would order the removal of his position as frontline commander.

Several officers seemed unhappy, because many of them were outstanding figures who had performed well in many mine seizures with Li Wei, and were also key members trained by Li Wei.

"Sir Eddie, I think the commander-in-chief is too harsh. It was just two defeats. That's because the enemy was lucky. There is no need to remove your commander."

Eddie laughed and shook his head.

"That's not the reason. Do you really think the enemy is lucky?"

Eddie's words made many officers feel uncomfortable, Eddie smiled.

"Use your eyes to confirm clearly, and think clearly before fighting. The enemy we face now is somewhat different, or the enemy has changed its commander."

Faced with many people's comments, Eddie knew very well that this did not make any sense. If the two armies did not come together, it would be impossible to tell who was stronger and who was more inferior. Of course, Eddie hoped that Li Wei could win, so that in the future There will be more wars going on, and when the war is almost over, the remaining soldiers will have surprisingly high tactical literacy.

At present, the research on mimics in the real world has not been completed, so this war can continue for a long time.

Eddie looked at many frustrated soldiers. Everything that had happened before had been spread. This kind of thing was unacceptable to these soldiers who had been marching forward.

At this time, a communications soldier ran over.

"Sir Eddie, I have a call for you."

Eddie nodded and ran over. After a while, he was holding the phone, and Justin's voice came from inside.

"Eddie, I just arrived at the front line. Can you tell me the specific situation?"

Eddie hummed and began to talk about his experience. After a while Eddie laughed.

"Doesn't it sound weird? We were one step behind every time, constantly being led by the regular army, and in the end we lost everything."

"Indeed, who is the commander on the other side? Do you have any information?"

Eddie laughed.

"Not yet."

After talking for a while, Eddie hung up the phone. It sounded like Justin was very confused and felt that Eddie had exaggerated some things.

"Then I'll let you come over and try it yourself."

Eddie could feel that although the copied personality Li Wei had a decisive and customized battle plan, compared with the real Li Wei, it lacked something. Eddie was still exploring these things.

Some data are uncertain. Eddie's final idea is to train a large number of AI commanders who can command troops on the spot.

"Looks like it's going to be a good fight."

Eddie couldn't help but want to see how the two sides would fight.

8 o'clock in the morning.

Li Wei had already arrived in a square downstairs. Some officers continued to be eliminated. Then Li Wei called some selected officers and planned to hold a meeting for follow-up soldier training.

“I didn’t pick everyone because of their outstanding abilities.”

As soon as Li Wei finished speaking, many officers felt it, because they really had no commanding ability. Instead, they always had problems in some command-related matters, while those who were better than them were kicked away.

Seeing the confused expressions on the officers' faces, Li Wei smiled.

"The reason why I chose you all is because of your strict discipline and there is no obvious chaos in your troops."

At this time, many officers realized that the discipline of the soldiers under their own hands was indeed very strict. The reason why they were so strict was because if they were not strict, they would most likely be kicked away.

Even if you don't have much talent, at least don't make mistakes. This is a very simple idea of ​​many officers, and Li Wei can see it at a glance.

Making their troops more obedient is something they officers have always done. The same is true for Rocco's troops. The soldiers are still very obedient and will not disobey orders casually.

"Okay everyone, the first rule for training soldiers in the future is strict military discipline. Any soldier who violates military discipline will be directly dismissed. Those soldiers who strictly enforce military discipline will receive increasing monthly allowances."

The officers present screamed in surprise, because they did not agree with Li Wei's approach at all.

"No matter what you think, whether you disagree or find it strange, you are the same. If you violate military discipline, I will kick you away as soon as I find out."

Officers are fearful. Many of them have worked hard to become officers. Of course they want to stay in the army and make meritorious deeds, so that they can be promoted in the future.

"The second point is running. All soldiers who cannot meet this standard within three days will be dismissed."

After Li Wei finished speaking, he immediately wrote down the numerical value. The officers were even more unbelievable. Because it was difficult for soldiers to reach such a high numerical value, many soldiers would be dismissed.

Some officers began to question. Some officers felt that Li Wei was messing around. At this time, Li Wei started laughing.

"If any of you want to question it again, you can go out, pack your things and leave. I will only say this once."

The officers all shut up. Although they knew that Li Wei had led the remnant soldiers to complete an incredible reversal, they also wondered whether it was an exaggeration.

"The third point is the proficiency in operating weapons. If the soldiers cannot complete it easily, they will be cleared immediately."

Li Wei's third suggestion once again stunned many officers, Li Wei smiled.

"The so-called proficiency refers to whether you have the ability to understand where the problem lies from the moment you load the gun and pull the trigger from the beginning of combat, and after the weapon encounters a malfunction."

Facing everyone's confusion, Li Wei explained.

"This process takes about 1 minute. If the soldiers cannot do this within 1 minute, they will be cleared directly."

Although the officers did not say anything about Li Wei's somewhat outrageous screening behavior, they felt troubled in their hearts.

Many soldiers have been on the battlefield for just over a month. Most of the time for more than a month has been training. Although the weapons are used, this is not fair to most soldiers.

"We have run out of time. Only those who meet these three standards can stay."

Faced with Li Wei's strong approach, many people felt desperate.

"If you fail to achieve even these, the probability of death on the battlefield is very high, and if we suffer too many casualties, many problems will follow."

After Li Wei finished speaking, she glanced at everyone and then announced that the meeting was adjourned.

After Li Wei went out, she looked at the soldiers who were gathering. Those soldiers selected by the officers looked pretty good.

After a while, Li Wei found Rocco, who was talking to some team captains.

"Commander, now that you are here, is the meeting over?"

Li Wei nodded and then took Rocco away from the soldiers, she asked.

"What are your selection criteria?"

Of course Rocco understood such an obvious question, he smiled.

"Those who came out of the battlefield alive."

Li Wei laughed out loud, this choice is the most correct, because those soldiers who have experienced life and death can often be promoted.

"Hurry up, we don't have much time."

Rocco asked confused.

"Are you that anxious?"

Li Wei said and took out a piece of information, which was the latest information this morning.

"The enemy has assembled 200,000 troops, so many?"

Li Wei couldn't believe it, thinking that they could only gather 50,000 troops. With such a proportion, for them, this was an impossible war to win.

"50,000 is already our limit. I watched the battle report last night. Many soldiers may not be able to adapt to such a cruel war."

"Is it really that bad?"

Rocco expressed doubts that although they lost the larger wars, they still won some small-scale local wars.

"It's not a question of whether it's bad or not. The biggest problem for the soldiers right now is that they haven't experienced actual combat. Because of the indolence of those pig-headed commanders, the battles that had the opportunity to practice were not fought, and they chose to retreat."

Rocco sighed. Now he knew that their army was riddled with holes and it would be difficult for them to be effective in a short period of time.

"But how are we going to fight with so many enemy troops?"

"You must move quickly and use all your resources to fight the enemy quickly."

Li Wei laughed as she spoke. She had already thought about how to win last night. She must give the enemy an extremely heavy blow with the first blow.

"There is a reason why I kicked out so many people. What do you think about equipping 500,000 people with weapons, ammunition, and vehicles?"

Rocco was stunned for a moment.

"How is this possible? We can't carry that many."

Li Wei smiled.

"You will know by then. We need to keep moving to kill the enemy, replenish ammunition, and then continue fighting. Only by continuing this way can we break the enemy's encirclement and defeat the enemy."

Li Wei said and started walking, and Rocco followed.

"Come on, let's go to the warehouse and take a look, especially some of the cars. We have to use them all."

Rocco seemed to understand a little, and he followed Li Wei, but there were still some points that he couldn't figure out.

"Do you still remember that after we lured the enemy into the mine, the enemy was completely destroyed?"

Rocco nodded and Li Wei asked.

"How did they surround the enemy in such a short period of time?"

Rocco figured it out. Because they all wanted credit, they dispatched a large number of cars at once, loaded with a large number of weapons and ammunition. Then, with such mobility and firepower, the enemy was almost completely destroyed.

"I understand, these are really genius ideas, Commander."

Rocco laughed and Li Wei nodded.

"Can the enemy's 200,000 troops have so many vehicles carrying people? It's impossible. Many troops can only walk on two feet and move forward step by step. However, our 50,000 troops can sit completely in cars, fully loaded with weapons and ammunition. Launch a direct attack on the enemy, then quickly retreat and go around to attack somewhere else."

Rocco suddenly realized, and then Li Wei continued.

"As long as we find some places where we can store weapons, ammunition and gasoline, we only need to travel through these places to get supplies and fight with the enemy on the front line. When the enemy discovers our strategy, their only idea is to destroy it. These places, but by then it's too late. Our backup units will get through."

Rocco trembled with excitement. He could not imagine such a tactic at all, but if it were implemented, they would indeed have a chance to kill the enemy, even if the number of enemies was greater than them.

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