Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2790 Chapter 271 No Looking Back

Li Wei stood next to the mine early in the morning, watching the soldiers clearing the rocks. Roko and the others came out safe and sound. The battle last night was gratifying. The enemy was almost wiped out and more than 3,000 people were captured.

Only a small part of the enemy escaped. The regular army had never achieved such a great victory. The impact of this on future wars is visible to the naked eye.

At this time, several senior officers came over. Roko introduced Li Wei with a smile. Li Wei smiled and shook hands with them. A lot of people praised him. This war was won only because Li Wei led the enemy. The reason for a long detour.

The enemies had almost no strength to resist. They could only run away. Many enemies could not even run away and could only lie on the ground and become lambs to be slaughtered.

"Miss Li Wei, thank you for your command. We will definitely recommend you when we go back."

Several senior officers were very happy because they had begun to be beaten unilaterally in this war. They had no way of understanding the enemy's tactics, and the enemy's morale was getting stronger and stronger, so they had to retreat continuously.

Now that the entire south is under the control of the enemy, it is almost impossible for them to counterattack, and the most important thing is that the enemy plans to fight over now. The victory of this battle can very well curb the enemy's expansion speed.

Li Wei said with a smile.

"I'm tired. Everyone, please get me some wine and food. I need to rest after eating."

Soon the soldiers brought mats and blankets, and a room outside the mine was cleaned out. When Li Wei entered, although it still smelled, it was already good, and some delicious food was served.

Although it is just canned food, it is already very good, and the most important thing is wine.

Li Wei started eating and drinking. She was too tired. Under the influence of alcohol, Li Wei soon became unbearably sleepy. After closing the door, she lay down and fell asleep quickly.

Li Wei slept deeply this time. She felt that her body was very light. Li Wei gradually woke up. There was a white ceiling, the smell of disinfectant, and instruments next to her.

"You bastard, how dare you lie to me."

Li Wei sat up, her mechanical body creaking.

Tommy was sitting nearby. After Li Wei came down, he twisted his head and suddenly punched him. Tommy did not dodge.



There was a violent sound, and Tommy's face was sunken, but along with the pink particles, the sunken cheek returned to its original shape.

"Are you relieved? If not, you can continue."

Li Wei scratched his head, Tommy lit a cigarette and handed it over. Li Wei took a puff and scratched his head and said.

"Honestly, I almost thought I was going to die."

Tommy said after Li Wei sat down.

"You just don't want to admit the fact, but in fact you have very strong commanding skills, so I hope you can go in and fight against another you. The soldiers trained in this way will have very high tactical literacy."

Tommy talked about his reserve army plan, and Levi laughed.

"Really or not, injecting the information consciousness of the soldiers in that world into the bodies of the mimics in this world?"

Tommy said.

"Of course it's true. Well, you want to talk to your opponent."

Li Wei looked at where Tommy was pointing, which was a mirror. With a flash of green light, flames ignited around the mirror, and a man in a suit with a gloomy expression and a smile appeared.

"You are really an excellent Miss Li Wei, you almost killed me twice."

Li Wei was stunned, then laughed loudly.

"Are you the bastard commander of the other party? Idiot."

Eddie was not angry because of Li Wei's words, but smiled.

"Yes, I am the commander who was cornered by you twice and almost died."

Li Wei asked with a serious expression.

"Did you never think about the problem of the water storage channel on the west wall at that time?"

Eddie shook his head.

"According to my calculations, as long as you attack from the front and back, the probability of your failure is as high as 99.9%. I just determined after observing for a day that the winning rate of this battle is 100%."

Li Wei exhaled a puff of smoke and smiled.

"But you still lost, and you lost miserably."

Eddie laughed.

"Indeed, after I fled with my troops, some soldiers soon developed physical problems due to long-term hunger, and more than 50% of those soldiers died. I first went to the northern front to select and assemble troops, intending to prepare for their escape. I intercepted you before and killed you, but I didn’t expect you to react so quickly.”

Li Wei hummed and said.

"It's not that we reacted quickly, but that you were too self-righteous, Mr. Eddy."

Eddie nodded.

"Indeed, I am too self-righteous, because I rely on huge war simulation data, so I don't know anything other than the data, including your clone personality, which has already begun training in the future world. The war will never end."

Li Wei sneered.

"Is what you are doing going too far?"

Tommy scratched his head and said helplessly.

"There is no way. We must make all preparations for the war that is about to begin in the future. Now the entire country will be reduced to a war factory."

Li Wei stared at Tommy angrily as she said.

"What are you going to do if I don't want to continue?"

Tommy smiled awkwardly and shook his head.

"It won't happen. If you don't want to, there's nothing you can do about it."

Eddie laughed at this time, he stared at Li Wei and said.

"Miss Li Wei, you will definitely continue, because I see in you the joy after showing your talents. Do you remember last night when you were standing at the end of the slope, laughing at us?"

Li Wei nodded and Eddie said.

"What I saw at that time was you being so confident and feeling so happy that you were in control. We were the same kind of people."

Li Wei scratched her head and said.

"Don't compare me to your AI."

Li Wei asked, yawning.

"How is the situation in the country now?"

Tommy nodded.

"It's very stable. You don't have to worry about this. I will take care of domestic matters."

The shadow of Jean appeared in Li Wei's mind, and she smiled.

"Okay, I will continue to participate in this war, but there is one thing you must do for me, let me become the supreme commander of the regular army."

Eddie nodded.

"It will be no problem. When you wake up in that world, all of this will come true."

Li Wei laughed.

“It’s an irresistible experience to wrestle with yourself.”

Eddie laughed.

"Miss Li Wei, you will find things in that world that you have thought about but never dared to do. I hope you can treat everything as a game and experience it well. This game has no restrictions. ."

After Eddie bowed, Li Wei stood up and then said.

"I'll stay for a while and then go back."

Eddie nodded and disappeared, the flames beginning to die out.

Tommy lit a cigarette and said.

"Once the war starts, I will hand over the command of the front line to you."

Li Wei stared at Tommy blankly and asked.

"Are you sure?"

Tommy nodded.

"Only you can make the most correct choice at the right time. I always believe in you because you have escaped death countless times. Such a talent is not something you can have casually. The most important thing is that you have unparalleled command skills. , which is very rare to see.”

Levi laughed and punched Tommy in the chest.

"You bastard, there's no need to praise me like this. Tell me about the recent events first, and then I'll go back."

Tommy hummed and started talking about the current situation in the country, especially when talking about research, Li Wei asked.

"What are you going to do with this science team?"

Tommy was stunned. He didn't expect that Li Wei would ask the same question as Eddie, because it is true that if this research team does not deal with it, the Mimic Man matter will be leaked, and once it is leaked, such a trump card will be meaningless. .

"I don't know either. After all, although I am a dictator, I am not a tyrant."

Tommy said and Levi laughed.

"It's a simple question. Get rid of them all. This is the safest way to keep this plan secret."

Tommy looked at Li Wei in astonishment, and Li Wei continued.

"Since you believe in me so much, I will also believe in your Tommy. Some things are mutual. Since you want to forcibly bind me to you, then I think we have to move forward and retreat together in the future. If you can't If it's something like this, just leave it to me."

Tommy looked at Li Wei in disbelief. She smiled and blew out a puff of smoke before saying.

"When they finish their research, I will do it at the right time. Only dead people can't speak and won't reveal everything, and you don't need to come forward in person. I just need to find a reason for them." It’s easy to deal with them, like if they leaked state secrets.”

Tommy lowered his head, not knowing what to say, so Li Wei pressed her fist on Tommy's chest and said.

"If you want to deal with future wars, you have to solve all problems before the war starts."

Li Wei continued after finishing speaking.

"In other words, solve the problems that can be solved. Don't expose these problems after the war starts and affect the trend of the war. That's all I have to say."

Tommy hummed and then said.

"I'll leave it to you."

Li Wei hummed, lay down on the bed, and then said.

"I can't wait to go back to that world."

Tommy hummed, took out a tube of green liquid, and then began to inject it into Li Wei. Soon Li Wei became drowsy. At one point, Li Wei felt as if her body was floating in an endless dark space.

Li Wei woke up in a daze. She yawned and listened to the commotion outside. After Li Wei went out, she found that it was already the morning of the next day. Li Wei had slept for more than a day. She was indeed too tired in this world.

"I didn't expect it to be so comfortable."

Li Wei stretched his limbs comfortably, and then some soldiers came over to tell Li Wei that Rocco and the others had gone back first.

"Miss Li Wei, Chief Rocco said that he will take you back when you wake up."

Li Wei nodded, ate something and set off. Some soldiers were still nearby cleaning the battlefield and counting the bodies.

Li Wei got into a jeep, and soon the car drove onto the road. It was only ten kilometers away from the frontline defense base.

Half an hour later, Li Wei saw the frontline base. There was a road on the outside, and on the opposite side of the road was an open wilderness. The enemy would come here if they wanted to enter the south.

There are a lot of fortifications built, there are many bunkers, there are vertical and horizontal trenches everywhere, and there are a lot of obstacles outside. There is a town behind it. Now the entire town has been turned into a military camp, and a lot of supplies are stored here.

Li Wei was quickly taken to a command post by several officers. As soon as he entered, all the officers stood up. An officer with five stars on his shoulder nodded.

"Miss Li Wei, because of your excellent command ability, I have decided to hand over the frontline command to you. From today on, you will be the commander-in-chief of the frontline troops."

As the man spoke, the officers clapped their hands one after another. Li Wei smiled and nodded. Although she is not the supreme commander of the army, she is enough now. When the war progresses to a certain point, she will be the de facto supreme commander.

"Let the officers come out. I will personally select the officers who can be used."

Li Wei spoke immediately, and many officers looked serious. Li Wei first asked Luo Ke and his group to stand up, because they had experienced two brutal wars with Li Wei and were still useful.

Soon a large number of officers were gathered. More than 200 officers were crowded. Li Wei was still listening to several staff officers reporting on the recent situation.

"First, remove all officers who have made no achievements on the front line."

As soon as Li Wei spoke, many officers became dissatisfied. Many officers felt that Li Wei was targeting them, and one officer shouted.

"Sir Li Wei, although we don't have much success, at least we stick to the front line, and the enemy also"

"Idiots, I don't want to hear any excuses or reasons. The higher-ups of the military department asked you to garrison, but you did nothing, not even a decent sortie, just to get the so-called military glory. What's the use of keeping such people? ."

Li Wei glared at the officers, many of whom lowered their heads, and Li Wei continued.

"This is war, not a child's play. If you want to die, then stay, but if you stay, if you don't obey my orders, I will execute you directly, no matter what family you come from, no matter what relationship you have, This is a battlefield, not a world of power, let alone a vanity fair. If you want to pursue fame and fortune, go back."

Li Wei's words shocked some officers who relied on their connections and family to get in. Li Wei said angrily.

"Listen clearly, this is a war. The people I just mentioned are all out. If you don't want to leave, I will directly review them and kick them out later."

Many junior officers laughed, and they all felt the dawn. Although this new boss was a woman, she was an extremely powerful woman. (End of chapter)

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