Li Wei stared at Vila with solemn eyes. Her body functions were slowly recovering, and her numerical values ​​began to return to normal. Li Wei was a little happy to see Jean again after more than half a year.

Vila picked up the sunglasses and put them on, and Gene stood next to Li Wei.

"I don't know how long I can stay. You can come find me when you are free."

Li Wei nodded, feeling a little incredible, and then asked.

"What happened to Tommy?"

Li Wei has always had doubts about Tommy, and she felt that there was something wrong with Tommy's behavior, as if he was secretly planning a shocking plan.

"I can't tell you this, just get on with your life."

Li Wei lowered her head, smiled helplessly, and exhaled a puff of smoke, with a trace of helplessness in her eyes.

"Life is boring now."

Li Wei said, Gene nodded, Verla put on her hood, picked up a lot of clothes and started walking.

"I'm going back to Gene first."

Gene nodded and looked at Vila leaving, Li Wei laughed.

"I remember you told me before that you have lived for a long time, don't you feel bored in this world?"

Li Wei asked and Gene nodded.

"It's really boring. Now I can only wander around the streets until sunset every day, and then go home and continue to wait for dawn."

Gene sat next to Li Wei, and Li Wei asked.

"Did everything Tommy do right?"

Gene shook his head.

"I can't answer this question. It depends on your own feelings. Do you think it's better or worse now than before?"

Li Wei said with a smile.

"It's indeed much better now than before, but I always feel that, how should I put it, maybe I'm not used to it, and I still don't like such a peaceful life. After all, I grew up in such a neighborhood. All I could hear were gunshots and cries."

Gene looked at this woman who looked similar to himself and smiled helplessly.

"I grew up in this kind of environment before."

Li Wei felt strange.

"It's really rare. What were you like in the past?"

Jean laughed, and Li Wei looked at Jean seriously. She had a special fondness for this man, and she always felt that it would be easy to be around him. This kind of fondness was not a liking, but pure appreciation.

"Just like you, I lost my parents when I was very young, but I am a man, and the things I may suffer are similar to yours, with only slight differences. I have known what I want to gain since I was very young, Violence is the most effective method."

Gene said, and Li Wei laughed and nodded.

"It is true that violence is a good means. I used to make a living through violence until I met a boss. I was imprisoned for a serious violent assault case that year. Because it was too serious, I would be imprisoned for 20 years. "

Gene blew out the smoke softly, Li Wei nodded, and he continued.

"At that time, a tavern owner named Li Ji bailed me out, arranged a job for me, and paid some medical bills and fines, otherwise my life might have ended in prison."

Li Wei laughed out loud.

"I didn't expect that our experiences are similar. I was also a doctor who helped me back then, otherwise I would have died in a stinking ditch. But obviously I have not become a useful person, and I am still living in violence and blood. Lopsided."

Gene patted Li Wei on the shoulder and then said.

"Everyone needs to face different things, and the path everyone needs to take is different. If you can't see anything now, there is no need to rush, just stop and think slowly."

Li Wei asked with a bitter smile.

"Have you ever been like this, Mr. Jean?"

Gene nodded.

"I used to be like this. For a period of time, I had no interest in anything. I even thought about ending such a boring life and no longer wanted to get involved with people and things. I was depressed every day, but days like this It’s not all bad, because people are like this a lot of the time in their lives, and it’s actually quite good.”

Li Wei hummed, her body functions recovered, she stood up and said.

"Let's find a place to have a drink, Mr. Jean?"

Jean nodded and then said.

"I don't want to be exposed outside, so just stay here. I'll go buy some drinks."

After a while, the two returned to the forest, and Gene had bought some wine. The light blue particles were flashing, and the two took a sip from the bottle.

"Actually, I really want to quit my job now, and then go back to my original neighborhood and live a comfortable life. It's actually pretty good every day, but the old neighborhood is no longer visible."

Gene nodded.

"It is true that a neighborhood like that has a unique flavor. There is no need to care about anything in a place like that. You can live an unrestricted life however you want every day."

Li Wei nodded.

"You were like this once, Mr. Jean. Apart from the bloody violence, your daily life was very leisurely and happy."

Gene hummed.

"I used to get together with my friends, and we could chat comfortably for hours with a bottle of beer and a cigarette. But we can never go back to this time. Maybe our mentality has completely changed. In the past, we were There may still be some hope for the future, but now we may only be confused about the future.”

Li Wei hummed.

"By the way, Mr. Jean, have you ever been to Nightmare Town?"

Gene looked at Li Wei in confusion, and Li Wei smiled.

"I once lost consciousness and was led into a world called ghost body by the tombkeeper in the cemetery over there."

Jean's eyes became serious.

"Sorry, I have no such memory."

Gene felt strange, and Li Wei started to speak. Gene felt something strange in his heart, and he immediately stood up and said.

"Take me to see that basement."

Li Wei then picked up a bottle of wine and took Jean to the broken house in the forest. Soon after Li Wei manipulated the mechanism, the entrance to the basement was revealed.

The two walked in, and soon the light came on. Li Wei turned on the strong light crystal on his body. The basement looked the same as before. The skull that had been enshrined in the glass cabinet had been taken away.

Jean looked at it casually, and Li Wei continued to talk about her things in the world over there, but Jean couldn't remember a single thing, but when he mentioned the eight months, Jean probably understood.

"I don't have this memory. This memory has been taken away by something."

After Jean finished speaking, Li Wei looked around casually, following some weird lines on the wall. Jean stared at the table in the middle. There were many incomprehensible words on the edge of the whole table.

"Tell me specifically about that world."

Jean said, Li Wei nodded and continued talking to Jean.

The two of them chatted until 0 o'clock before leaving.

"I'll be here tomorrow, Mr. Jean, and let's have a good chat."

Gene nodded. After Li Wei left, Gene put away his smile. This was the first time that Gene had heard about what this so-called Yuko's world was like. It seemed that Tommy already knew what this world was like. It's over.

It's just that Gene doesn't plan to go directly to Tommy to ask anything. There is no point in asking anything now, because Gene knows very well that Tommy has deviated from the course, and Gene has already felt this.

Originally, Gene planned to use Tommy as a recorder, but it was obvious that this recorder had exceeded Gene's expectations.

At around 1 o'clock, Gene returned home. Vila was still lying on the bed watching TV series. Gene sat down and said.

"I got some shocking information tonight."

Vila put down her phone and asked.

"What information?"

Jean told Vila what Li Wei said, and she looked at Jean thoughtfully and asked.

"During the eight months you slept in the Ice City, your consciousness should have reached that place, but you don't know exactly what you experienced in Yuko's world. You no longer have this memory."

Gene nodded and said with a solemn expression.

"Perhaps the key is related to this world. A world does not exist for no reason. We must understand what this world is about."

Virla laughed.

"That's not easy. Let Li Wei get you some Yuzi that they found existing in the human body. Let's try and study it carefully."

Gene nodded, and he had such a plan. Vila stood up and walked over, and then said.

"Is she really not going to tell Tommy?"

Verla asked, and Gene shook his head.

"Probably not, but if Tommy peeks into Li Wei's future, he will definitely find that when she meets us in the future, she will be confused and blank, and she will not even be able to pry into it. Tommy should be able to find the clues."

Vila said.

"So we have to do it quickly."

Gene nodded with serious eyes, lit a cigarette, and then said.

"If that doesn't work, I'll go straight to Tommy."

1:31 am.

Tommy said looking at the exhausted faces in the conference room.

"Okay, everyone can go back and rest. I hope everyone will follow the plan I told you without making any mistakes."

The ministers stood up and nodded. They also felt that Tommy wanted to nationalize production in the entire society and let a large number of people work.

Why did no one delve into the reason for this? After all, they just needed to listen to Tommy honestly.

After Tommy got up and returned home, Selina had asked the chef to prepare supper in advance, and she had already gone to bed.

Tommy went to the balcony with a late-night snack. The situation is getting better and better now. A large number of mimics have been moved back, and the mining ship goes back and forth smoothly every day with the help of Steka.

Now there is no need to worry about those monsters in the ocean suddenly attacking passing ships. Tommy is very happy to have reached this point. After all, everything now for Tommy has gradually moved towards the future he planned.

The situation in the military is also good. More and more Steka are joining the army. In the future, the entire country will serve this army.

"You look happy, Tommy."

A slightly joyful voice came, a green flame ignited, and Eddie appeared on the glass of the window.

"Of course I'm happy. After all, all plans are going on as planned."

Eddie said with a hum.

"The situation here has begun to balance. The two sides have been at war. Just wait for you to finish making the soldiers' bodies, and we can start testing."

Tommy hummed.

"But it doesn't look like Minister Flo is planning to complete this study anytime soon."

Tommy has noticed Flo's thoughts. He does not intend to complete such research quickly. It seems that he is afraid that after the research is completed, they will be silenced collectively.

"If it were me, I would definitely make these researchers speechless."

Eddie's eyes were cold, and Tommy smiled. He had thought about this question. If there was a problem in the future, these researchers would definitely take the things in their minds out when they walked out of the research facility. Once they did this, it was very likely that It will lead to the leakage of secrets, which will be a big trouble once the enemy gets hold of it.

"Be decisive Tommy. Once the research is successful, as long as the research direction is clear, you only need to continue research in this direction in the future."

Eddie reminded, and a hesitant look appeared on Tommy's face.

"If one day in the future, they leak the research information, it will be a devastating blow to us."

After Tommy took a sip of wine, his eyes turned cold and he nodded.

"I'll take care of them."

Tommy knew very well that there was nothing he could do about it. Once he obtained this technology, Tommy planned to directly deal with these researchers. Only dead people would not speak, and they would hold the research firmly in their hands more than anything else. important.

"What I mean is not to deal with them directly, but to let their consciousness come to my world. They can continue to study, but they cannot get out of it."

Tommy laughed.

"In this case, they will all become vegetative, and your world is not the real world. Do you have the ability to simulate a complete mimic?"

Eddie was stunned at first, then shook his head.

"Of course there's nothing we can do about it."

Tommy felt a surge of fear in his heart. He knew Eddie was testing him.

"If that's the case, I think it's better not to deal with it and let them continue their research to make the mimic's body more powerful."

Tommy hummed, and then Eddie said.

"Okay, that ends today's conversation. You and I don't really trust each other."

After Eddie finished speaking, he disappeared. Watching the flames on the window disappear, Tommy laughed helplessly. He really didn't believe this guy from the bottom of his heart because it was not human.

Even after talking to Eddie for so long, Tommy could be sure of one thing. This guy was hostile and despised human beings. He felt that humans should not exist. This idea was the reason why Tommy didn't trust Eddie very much.

"It's really difficult to handle."

Tommy picked up the phone and called Li Wei.

"You haven't worked for several days. Have you encountered any problems?"

"What? Can't it be okay if I don't work? If not, you might as well fire me."

Li Wei's voice sounded a little lazy. She must have drunk a lot of wine, Tommy said with a smile.

"That's not what I meant. I want you to do me a favor."

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