The streets are flashing with neon lights, and there are small stalls everywhere on the wide streets. In the past, it was impossible for people to set up stalls in such crowded buildings. Now, across the country, anyone can do it as long as it does not cause chaos. Once you are qualified, set up a stall anywhere on the street.

But you need to follow the PLC's schedule, and you need to clean the surrounding ground after setting up the stall. Now the streets are very lively, with people everywhere, and the stalls sell everything from clothes and jewelry to snacks.

You can see some people in suits and ties sitting on tables near the roadside drinking red wine and eating cheap snacks. The country has completely changed, and now more than half of the slums have disappeared.

In the future, there will be no more hungry people in this country, and the problem of drug epidemic has been curbed. Especially the new drugs that Tommy provided to the Ministry of Medicine to control harmful drugs have helped many people who were poisoned by harmful drugs. Back to normal.

The entire medical industry has also ushered in unprecedented changes. Many pharmaceutical companies have been directly regulated by the state. The price of drugs has dropped many times. Now seeing a doctor is no longer a luxury for many people.

Because those who controlled medicine in the entire country have collapsed, and many medical technologies have no longer been charged and have become free. Such measures and systems are unimaginable to many people.

A week ago, many people were still protesting against the ban on human cloning and Stika's integration into human society, but now there is no voice of opposition, because many people know clearly that until the country can quickly reach this point, all It was thanks to Tommy's reform of one system after another.

Although many people still criticized Tommy's dictatorship before, no one thinks so now. Tommy has fulfilled most of his election promises and is still vigorously changing the country.

It is unimaginable for many people that a family can collapse in just a few months. There are many rumors about where the members of those families went. They were taken to a special underground shelter and stayed there for the rest of their lives. Unable to get out.

Such rumors were circulating on the streets, and many people thought that the family had handed over all their property in exchange for the opportunity to go to the special shelter.

In front of a stall, Kelly was busy making pancakes. She wiped her sweat from time to time. After what happened before, Kelly no longer worked in the supermarket, and Tommy provided her with identity information.

When Kelly lived in the presidential mansion, she liked to eat this kind of pancake. A chef taught Kelly how to make it and taught Kelly various flavors. After the incident, Kelly didn't know how to make it for a while. What, finally she had an idea and started selling pancakes on this avenue 10 kilometers away from the presidential residence.

Unexpectedly, the business was very popular from the beginning. Kelly was able to happily earn a good income every day by selling pancakes at night. She also directly refused Tommy to arrange a job for her.

Kelly happily looked at the pancakes on the iron plate. The guests were all praising her. Kelly also found that her talent in this area was still good. In the past, she was trafficked by human traffickers and traveled around the country.

At that time, the food Kelly ate every day was not very tasty, so Kelly would think of ways to at least make the food taste better.

The flashing neon lights on the street reflected Kelly's happy profile. She thought of that dreamlike world and everything in the mine still made her a little uncomfortable. But after experiencing that, Kelly I feel like I have grown up overnight.

At this time, several patrolling PLCs came over and asked for different flavors of pancakes. Kelly smiled and started making them.

Such a feeling of hope and fulfillment every day is unimaginable for Kelly. Kelly doesn’t know how old she is, probably in her early 20s, but the previous 20 years have been nothing but suffering for Kelly.

"When did it start?"

Kelly talked to herself, a smile blooming on her oily face. She also knew that she had good luck since meeting Li Wei.

Sweat fell again, and Kelly hurriedly wiped it with a towel on the side. Seeing that the iron plate began to blur, Kelly could only wash her eyes first. The pancakes on the iron plate turned brown, and Kelly hurriedly flipped them.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps, and Kelly gave the pancakes to several PLCs.

"What kind of food do you want, sir?"


Kelly smiled happily. The man in front of her was very handsome. Although his hair was already pale, probably due to some kind of disease or genetics, he looked about 30 years old. He was very young and handsome. Many people around him admired him. Gaze, mostly female.

"Sir, total 3D."

The man smiled softly, and then sat on a small chair nearby to wait. Kelly glanced at the man from time to time, and the man was also waiting for the pancakes.

After a while, the pancake was finally ready. Kelly put the pancake into a small bag and handed it to the silver-haired man. The man's smile made Kelly blush. She had never seen such a handsome man.

At this time, a woman came over to strike up a conversation, but the man politely refused. She just sat on a chair nearby, eating pancakes and looking at her phone. Kelly was still making pancakes, and a delivery boy was holding some food. Come over with wine.

After the man got up and took it, he started eating and drinking. Time passed by. Kelly was a little tired, but there were still customers coming over. Kelly could only continue to do it. It was already past 11 o'clock, and it would be 0 o'clock soon. Clicked.

Kelly wiped her sweat and looked at the silver-haired man who was still looking at his phone. Finally, all the ingredients were sold out. Kelly breathed a sigh of relief. She was a little tired. Suddenly, Kelly's hand fell on the iron plate. She screamed in pain.

"Miss, are you okay? Let's cool down with some wine first."

The man came with a glass of wine and poured it on Kelly's burnt area. Although Kelly was in pain, she was happy in her heart.

After a while, Kelly felt better. The man went to buy burn ointment for Kelly. After applying it, Kelly felt much better, but the stall was not confiscated.

"I can help, miss."

"No, sir, really no, thank you very much."

Kelly watched in embarrassment as the man in front of her packed up. She moved very quickly and finished it in a short while.

"Sir, what's your name? My name is Kelly."


Gene smiled and took out a cigarette and lit it, then pushed the stall cart, while Kelly walked beside her. She now lives in a cheap basement with a monthly price of 200D near this street. It has a lot of space and can put a food cart. It is also easy to clean.

Soon, Gene sent Kelly back to the basement. Kelly planned to clean it, but Gene rolled up his sleeves to help clean it, which made Kelly feel even more embarrassed.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Jean. How about I pay you? How much does it cost for cleaning and help?"

Gene smiled, holding a cigarette in his mouth, and turned around and said.

"When I want pancakes, you just make me some for free."

Kelly hummed, she looked at the man in front of her in surprise, Gene said.

"Don't feel embarrassed, Miss. I just saw you were burned, so I came to help. It's fate."

After Jean finished cleaning, he chatted with Kelly for a while and left shortly before 1 o'clock.

The streets were brightly lit, and Gene was walking down the street with his suit jacket and a cigarette in his mouth. He had been living in this country for several months and had never left.

The money he got from some criminals was enough to live here for a long time.

Gene didn't know what he was going to do, or he had to wait for Captain John's ship. As part of the world itself, it was impossible for them to sail in the world of microns for a long time.

Jean walked slowly into a building, and then quietly took the elevator to the 19th floor.

"I'm back."

Under the dim light, Verla was reading a paper book quietly, her long snow-white hair hanging on the floor, she was wearing a light blue suspender skirt, and she smiled charmingly.

"What's wrong? Are you happy to see you?"

Gene smiled and scratched his head, then sat down with a serious expression.

"I met a girl who had no future and no past."

Vila frowned slightly and then asked.

"how can that be possible?"

Jean shook his head.

"I don't know about this."

Vila stood up and came to the floor-to-ceiling window. The black straps on her eyes were emitting a faint blue light. Water mist began to form on the windows. Jean walked to Vila's side. The two of them looked down at the brightly lit city and exposed their faces one after another. smiled.

"This guy is too crazy."

Vila muttered, and Gene smiled and shook his head.

"I have also thought about doing this. Only by holding everything in my hands can I effectively control everything."

Vila nodded, she said with a smile.

"It is indeed a good idea, but it will definitely lead to destruction in the end. Just like I hold everything in my hands, everything in that frozen country did not go smoothly. In the end, I was betrayed by someone close to me."

Gene smiled helplessly and lit a cigarette.

"This time he may or may not succeed."

Gene has been watching Tommy implement a series of systems over the past few months, and the entire country has indeed become better.

"What about you? Have you changed your mind?"

Gene shook his head.

"I have never changed my mind, so I left Brilliant City. This mind will probably never change for the rest of my life."

Vella asked with a giggle.

"Don't you want Ellie?"

Gene shook his head.

"There's nothing I can do about it. I knew from the beginning that her and I have very different ideas. I've only been cooperating with Ai Li's ideas and gradually built Brilliant City with others. I knew what would happen. , but there’s just no way to change anything.”

Vila sighed, ice flowers were floating in the air, she stretched out her fingers to catch an ice flower, and breathed slowly in the light blue light.

"Where will the key be, the key to open this cage?"

Vella asked and Gene shook his head.

"All our guesses were wrong. The key was well hidden by the Nurturer, and even Ellie didn't know about it. Maybe the key doesn't exist, and this cage is eternal."

Vila laughed with a clear voice, and she shook her head.

"If this was really the case, humankind would have been extinct long ago, and the cage would have been broken. When John and the others arrive, there may be new discoveries."

Gene snorted and exhaled a puff of smoke. His eyes showed helplessness. Virla reached out and gently touched Gene's face, but Gene pushed away.

"I was able to escape the will of the Devourer, thanks to you Jean."

Gene smiled and shook his head.

"It all depends on your own willpower Viela, but the power of the Devourer in you may become an obstacle to us in the future."

Vila smiled and shook her head.

"Don't worry, if that day comes, I will find a way to kill myself. After all, if we really fail, the whole world will cease to exist."

Jean sat down and thought quietly.

"I don't know how many years it will take for humans to make interstellar travel, but what is certain is that the planet will not be able to sustain it before it starts."

Virla laughed.

"If you are so worried, you can go back and take a look at the current situation in Brilliant City."

Gene shook his head.

"No matter how worried you are, it's pointless, after all, things have already reached this point."

Verla leaned gently on Gene's arm, raised her head and smiled bitterly.

"If I could go back, I should probably kill myself."

Gene didn't answer. He closed his eyes, but he still said.

"Without you, Frost City would not have been established, and humankind would not be able to continue. Without you, I might still be struggling with the next path."

Virla laughed.

"You have taught many people how to survive and find their own path, but what about you? Gene, have you ever thought that your path may have come to an end?"

Gene pressed his forehead and shook his head.

"I have been thinking about this issue, but more often, what I care about is not the result, but the process. I have taught them what I can teach, as Ellie wished, so I have no regrets. Continue I will go down and end everything in my own way."

Verla hummed and then asked.

"You have to figure out what's going on with that girl who has no past or future."

Gene hummed.


Tommy sat on the balcony and stared at Kelly's information quietly. He felt something was wrong. Tommy took a sip of wine and then laughed helplessly.

Tommy still can't move to where Kelly is. It's clear that Kelly's information has been recorded in this world, but Tommy still can't move there.

"What the hell is going on?"

When Kelly lived in the mansion a while ago, Tommy also conducted a comprehensive examination on Kelly and found nothing special about Kelly.

Even in Yuko's world, Kelly no longer exists. Eddie was unable to create Kelly. This shocked Tommy, and Eddie was also trying to find the reason.

"What the hell is going on?"

Tommy already knew what those gravekeepers were about, but he still couldn't understand what Kelly's existence meant.

"Don't think about this for now. Let's go see how the research is going tomorrow." (End of Chapter)

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