11 o'clock.

Justin was sitting in the office, smoking a cigarette boredly. He didn't know what was going on, but he was sure there should be a result, because there was no sound in the occupied area opposite. The military people were also surprised, but they could only Continue to wait and see.

Just when Justin was restless, Tommy appeared next to him.

"How's it going? Mr. President."

When he asked this question, Tommy smelled a strong smell of blood, and the answer was already obvious.

"It's solved, you can just go over and deal with it later."

Justin stood up and looked at Tommy with a horrified expression.

"It's only three hours!"

Tommy hummed, then took out a cigarette and lit it.

"There are no survivors in the occupied area. I have to go back and arrange the work for tomorrow."

Justin closed his eyes, wiped the sweat from his face, and looked at Tommy who had disappeared, when bursts of footsteps sounded.

"Director Justin, the president just sent a message that the enemies in the occupied area have been killed by special operations forces, and our two departments are required to jointly deal with the aftermath."

Justin nodded and stood up to go out. Then Norbotton came over with some officers, and he said with a solemn expression.

"Director Justin, do you know about the Special Operations Forces?"

Justin nodded and said immediately.

"This is the top secret in this country, let's deal with it."

Soon the group of people walked to the opposite side of the avenue. The street blocked by the rioters was full of corpses. A large number of spaceships slowly approached. Many soldiers looked at the corpses on the ground with horrified eyes and began to move them.

Norbotton pressed his forehead. He had never seen such a horrifying thing. The whole city was full of dead people. Justin must know something, but Norbotton also knew not to ask. All he needed now was Just follow the president's orders.

"Too many died."

Justin clenched his fists. Many people who were not armed personnel also died, just because they did not leave the occupied area. Justin did not approve of Tommy's approach in his heart.

At this time, a piece of news came out, and Tommy was in front of the camera, speaking impassionedly that the special operations forces had successfully exterminated the rioters, and the riots in WV state had subsided.

After a few simple words, the impromptu speech ended. Justin knew very well that this matter could not be hidden, and it would probably be known to the whole country in a few days. He also knew that this matter was to serve as a warning to other families. .

At this time, contact came from the front, and the members of the Soros family had been found. They were all dead. Justin and Norbotton got into a flying car and went directly over.

A few minutes later, the two entered the Soros family's spaceship, and the soldiers were counting the bodies and checking the personnel list.

Norbotton smiled. He looked at the people in the hall. It was certain that they were killed instantly, with almost no resistance. He said with a smile.

"Mr. President has just issued an order asking us to dispose of all the property of the Soros family and return it to the military as military expenses."

Seeing Norbotton's extremely happy look, Justin knew the reason. Once the Soros family's wealth was collected, it would be a huge fortune. Norbotton said directly with a smile.

"The soldiers involved in the aftermath tonight will receive up to 12 months' basic salary as a subsidy according to their rank."

Many people cheered, but Justin was not happy. This kind of thing would happen again and again in the future. He now understood what Tommy was planning, to empty out all the rich people and use the money. to build an army.

Now think carefully about the current military expenditure, it is impossible to continue to expand the army, but if a few major families can be emptied, the money will be enough to expand the army.

Norbotton on the side smiled very happily. Justin knew that he must have figured it out. As the current supreme commander, such a huge military expenditure passed through his hands. Even if he took away part of it, Tommy would also I won't care.

Justin closed his eyes and Norbotton smiled.

"What's wrong, Director Justin, are you unhappy?"

Justin smiled bitterly, then turned around and walked away, and Norbotton chased after him.

"I think this country is very good now. After all, these guys never thought of handing over their money until they died."

Justin nodded, and then sighed helplessly.

"I'm afraid we will enter a more stringent era in the future."

Norbotton shook his head.

"Such strictness is good in my opinion. After all, if this continues, even if there are no riots, war will definitely come."


Justin took out the crystal screen, then looked at the messages sent by his subordinates, and began to reply one by one.

Norbotton patted Justin on the shoulder and said.

"There are some things that don't need to be studied deeply, let alone thought about. We just need to obey the orders of Mr. President."

Justin nodded.

"Indeed, General Norbotton."

The two began to work separately. Norbotton's military department was responsible for handling the corpses and recording all aspects, while the WBI was responsible for recording and submitting some reports.

0 o'clock.

Tommy came out of the bathroom, looked at his smiling wife beside the bed, and walked over.

"What's wrong? What makes you so happy?"

Selina said with a smile and hugged Tommy.

"I feel like I've done a lot of good things now, and I always feel very happy."

Tommy hummed and hugged his wife tenderly.

"That special operations unit was very powerful. They managed to quell the riot in just a few hours."

Tommy hummed and then said.

"You go to sleep first, I want to think quietly for a while."

Selina nodded and lay down. Tommy went to the balcony, took a bottle of wine, and took a sip. Tommy had no regrets at all about what happened tonight.

"Have you finished handling the matter over there?"

Tommy hummed and looked at the green flames on the glass window. Eddie was in the flames.

"It's been taken care of."

Eddie said with a smile.

"Simple and crude methods are actually the most effective. People in those families should be very panicked now."

Tommy laughed out loud, then took a sip of wine before suppressing his smile.

"It will be their turn next."

Eddie nodded.

"This is indeed the most effective approach. After all, Brilliant City was gradually established in this way in the past. Now that everything is stable for you, what exactly do you want to do in the future?"

Tommy said, scratching his head.

"Let humanity continue."

Eddie laughed.

"There are many ways for humans to continue, but for now, there is no possibility for humans to continue."

Tommy shook his head.

"As long as the Devourer cannot find the key to open the cage, it will never be possible for life to perish. During this period, humans only need to escape from this cage. After all, there are gaps in the cage."

"Maybe, I think we need to plan for the future."

Eddie said, his expression became a little ferocious.

"Planning for the future?"

Tommy stared at Eddie solemnly. He didn't believe this man because he sensed danger and this man had extremely crazy and dangerous ideas.

"We should cooperate well and prepare for the future. War will definitely break out in the future."

Tommy laughed. He knew very well that war would definitely break out in the future, because human society has been closed for too long. If you want to solve problems, war is a good means.

"I have a proposal, how about you listen to it first?"

Eddie said, raised a hand, and then moved forward directly. Tommy stood up in shock. Eddie's hand actually extended from the surface of the glass. He reached out in disbelief to touch it. , but Eddie immediately stretched out his hand.

"Is there an entity?"

Eddie smiled and shook his head.

"Yuko's world is like the world in a mirror."

After speaking, Eddie stretched out his hand again, and Tommy touched it, but it passed through Eddie's hand without any real touch.

"Is it just an image?"

Eddie shook his head.

“The present is an image, but what about the future?”

Tommy smiled.

"You mean, we need a carrier?"

Eddie said with a hum.

"There are huge mimics in the heart of the ocean, and all you need to do is bring these mimics back to serve as our carriers."

Tommy asked in shock.

"Can it really be used as a carrier?"

Eddie nodded.

"Yuko has power and cannot stay in the real world for a long time, but it will be different if there is a carrier. Just like those grave guards, the residents of this world are currently at war."

Tommy felt strange, but soon with a flash of light, a picture appeared on the glass door on the other side. Tommy was stunned to see Li Wei commanding his men to rob a city.

"How's it going? It's great, my skills."

Tommy also saw Justin and other WBI agents who had entered Yuko's world. They had obviously woken up and their consciousness had returned from that world, but they were still in that world now.

"Did you copy them?"

Eddie nodded.

"It can be said that I copied them. The pattern in Yuko's world has been formed. War is inevitable, but there is no death. I will change the memories of those who died and reorganize them, so war can continue. of unfolding.”

Tommy understood what Eddie meant.

"You mean, let me prepare the carrier while you train in the world over there?"

Eddie laughed.

"Correct, these soldiers who have grown up in countless battles have experienced hundreds of battles. Once they gather together, they will become a powerful army. This is the final trump card of our war. If it is revealed at the last moment, victory belongs to our."

Tommy nodded, lit a cigarette, took a sip of wine and said.

"How do you know what I'm thinking?"

"Because we are all similar beings. You want to establish everything through war and control everything in your hands, so as to end the disputes within human society. Only in this way can humans survive."

Tommy smiled. He didn't expect that Eddie would see through his true thoughts.

"It is impossible for human beings to unify their ideas. This is why Jean must leave. You should have already thought of it."

Tommy hummed.

"His thoughts are the same as mine. Only by eliminating the discordant human beings at the top and controlling all human beings can the continuation of humankind be possible. Otherwise, humankind will surely perish."

Eddie nodded.

"Only through war can mankind unite again and start a new journey. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary for us to have an army that is beyond this world as a force to break the balance of mankind."

Tommy nodded.

"When I take out all the other big families, I will start to gradually collect mimics. What about the technology?"

Eddie nodded.

"Don't worry, I will leave all the technology to you. We can slowly experiment until we succeed. No one can think of such a trump card."

Tommy hummed, and then he said.

"What about you? Why do you want to do this?"

Eddie said with a cruel smile.

"I enjoy this kind of thing very much. Next time we talk, I will go to a meeting. After all, the riots have spread over a large area and we have to send troops."

The flames began to disappear and everything became calm. Tommy looked into the distance. At this time, a call came through, and it was Li Wei.

"Are you sure there is nothing wrong? I caught something, it's someone from the Gurian family."

"Let it go. I have made it clear to you that the family must be completely dismembered."

Li Wei laughed.

"You are really a cruel president. What happened tonight has spread to the ears of many families. Some families who were ready to make a move immediately gave up the path of causing riots. Now, although many people have surrendered, they are just scraps."

"Just do what you want, Li Wei."

After hanging up the phone, Li Wei closed her eyes, and then looked at a double door in front of her. She walked over and knocked. It was the corridor of a high-end club.

The door did not open, but a small hole opened, and a man's voice came from inside.

"Miss, this is a private lounge, please."

The sound stopped suddenly, and Li Wei kicked the door. In an instant, the door opened and the alarm sounded.

There were a lot of security guards in the corridor. Li Wei lit a cigarette and walked in. Looking at the men and women in the lounge, Li Wei smiled.

"Gentlemen, please explain your crimes properly. I have already obtained some evidence. If you don't explain, then there is nothing I can do."

After Li Wei finished speaking, he took out his weapon. A large number of security guards behind him looked at Li Wei in horror.

"I have the right to kill anyone who interferes with my investigation."

Soon a lot of people gathered around the door, and the nearby PLCs arrived. Li Wei sat on the table and looked at the serious-looking people.

"I'll give you one minute to think about it, one minute later."

"I said, I said."

A man stood up in fear, and then the PLCs just arrived, and many people began to confess their crimes.

"Very good, please explain! I'm going to the next place." (End of Chapter)

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