Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2760 An Unimagined World

Tommy put down the wine glass in his hand. The green flame on the mirror was shrinking. Eddie bowed slightly and then disappeared.

There was a noise and Tommy saw that it was his wife getting up.

"What's wrong, honey? Can't you sleep?"

Tommy smiled and shook his head.

"I just woke up a little earlier and arranged my work in advance. I want to rest a little longer today."

Selena walked out with a smile, she leaned into Tommy's arms charmingly, and then said with a smile.

"Shall we go out for a walk today?"

Tommy shook his head.

"It won't work for now, we have to solve the current crisis."

Selina was stunned, then nodded.

"Indeed, my dear, things have been a bit rough lately."

Selina has not been on the street with Tommy for a long time, but she also knows that the current situation is very difficult for Tommy, because people are constantly being assassinated, and Tommy will definitely need a lot of protection if he wants to travel. measure.

"Sorry, honey, I was just saying that casually."

Selina's cheeks turned red and Tommy saw his embarrassment and hugged her.

"After this period of time is over and the problem is solved, we will take a good week's vacation."

Selina kissed Tommy happily, and then the two of them got up. After breakfast, Selina had to start some work today. Now a lot of Selina's work is carried out in the presidential residence.

Some activities were held in the mansion by inviting outsiders in. Because of the recent multiple assassinations, people were panicking, so Tommy asked Selina to complete some work related to women and children in the mansion.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, Tommy came to the conference room and began to preside over today's work. Regarding Steka, it can only be slowed down now because there is no time to find a suitable time.

And the most important reason is that Tommy feels that the time is not right. Now the entire country is experiencing unprecedented turmoil. This kind of economic turmoil makes it difficult for most people to adapt.

Although the salaries of many people have increased, the work situation is completely different from the past. Various industries are adjusting, and it is difficult for most people to adapt, so now there is a relatively large wave of unemployment.

Many people have complained, and those who have successfully adapted to the current economic turmoil have received very good salary packages.

"Mr. President, the current unemployment rate is unstoppable."

After Susan finished speaking, Tommy asked with a smile.

"Then what do you want to explain? Miss Susan."

Faced with Tommy's strong tone, Susan swallowed and said hurriedly.

"The current unemployment wave is related to various recent investigations. Many of the companies under investigation have stopped operating. Mr. President, I am thinking that we can slow down a bit."

Tommy stared at Susan. She did not continue speaking. Her voice became smaller and smaller. The ministers present lowered their heads. Everyone knew that they could not disobey Tommy's orders. Now most people would be cautious when giving opinions. Because if they disobey Tommy, they may be replaced.

Even though the current top level of power is completely different from the past, it is still the top level of power, and no one wants to go down from here.

The incident of WBI Deputy Director Hall once again reminded them that these ministers are now far away from businessmen.

Tommy stood up and said.

"It's totally unnecessary, Miss Susan, just because they can provide some jobs, we have to close our eyes to their past evil deeds? Do we have to give them the green light? If your eyes are not blind, you can take a look Who is behind the unemployment wave? It is extremely sad to still want to fight for something after reaching this point!"

Tommy stood up and pointed at some of today's work content on the big screen.

"I have already arranged the work for today. Please handle it as soon as possible. I need the results early tomorrow morning."

After Tommy finished speaking, he left the conference room. A bunch of ministers looked livid, and Susan sat down with weak legs. A minister next to her shouted.

"Are you desperate for your life? Miss Susan, don't you know what these things are about?"

Susan lowered her head. She just expressed her true thoughts, but now she felt a chill running down her spine, because if the investigation was slowed down, all the tough efforts she had made in the past would be criticized, and Some things will bounce back.

A group of people began to discuss work, when a clerk came in.

"Miss Susan, Mr. President asked you to go to his office."

Susan's face turned pale, and many people around her suddenly felt something was wrong. Susan swallowed, and then she could only stand up and walk over cautiously. ,

"Mr. President, do you have any questions?"

Susan has not dared to speak too loudly recently. She can only deal with some things according to Tommy's orders every day. After Tommy planned these things, they have become very simple and easy to handle, but Susan always Want to make some comments.

"It is up to you to arrange for people to take over these companies on the list and nationalize them."

Tommy gave a list, and Susan looked at it in amazement. There were more than 40 companies. Currently, these companies have directly declared bankruptcy or ceased operations due to various legal problems, and many responsible persons have been arrested. .

Susan asked after swallowing.

"This doesn't seem legal, Mr. President?"

Tommy took out a cigarette and lit it before laughing.

"Illegal? What are you talking about? Miss Susan, if you weren't worried about the country being further impacted because of the unemployment wave just now, then it's up to you to solve this problem."

Susan looked at Tommy in disbelief and swallowed.

"What's wrong? Can't you do it?"

Susan lowered her head. She knew very well that this approach was tantamount to directly eating these companies, completely disregarding all the interests of those company owners.

"It can be done."

Susan answered, and Tommy nodded with satisfaction.

"If you can do it, then do it seriously."

After Tommy finished speaking, he stood up and smiled.

“If you only consider whether it is legal or not, it is meaningless to this country now. Since these companies are bankrupt or out of business, then all the people who caused this problem can be eliminated and the country can take over. "

After Tommy finished speaking, he quickly gave Susan a special presidential order, and Susan looked solemn.

"Have you considered a question, Miss Susan?"

Susan looked at Tommy confused, and Tommy smiled.

"In the future, the world will not need the so-called upper class. Everyone is part of this society."

Susan looked at Tommy in disbelief and said.

"Mr. President, our country is prosperous and strong because..."

"In the past, because there were many people and countries in the world, we could launch wars countless times and gain a lot of benefits from them, but what about now? War cannot solve any problems, let alone allow our country to continue to develop. So the factions are no longer There is no need for the so-called MZ and GH, because these things have been practiced for thousands of years, and the end result is that we still make the same mistakes again and again. The rich are always on top, mocking the people at the bottom, and the people at the bottom are People can only look up to the rich forever? Do you think it is necessary for such a world to exist?"

A trickle of sweat formed on Susan's forehead, and then Tommy laughed.

"In the near future, I will slowly push for a bill to arrest those former high-level officials, so Miss Susan, just work hard."

Susan swallowed. She felt an unprecedented fear. Tommy wanted to eliminate all opponents and become a complete dictatorship.

Tommy said as he stood up with a smile.

"Okay, Miss Susan, go and do your work. I still have work."

Tommy stood up quickly after he finished speaking, and Susan watched him get into a car in confusion.

The car passed towards the headquarters of WBI. Tommy lit a cigarette comfortably, then exhaled a long smoke with a smile, and said with a cold snort.

"The evidence should be enough."

Tommy smiled and looked at a report in his hand. Derek worked very hard. With the help of the Science Department, he had determined that the Yuko in these gravekeepers did exist in the bodies of some people who were nearby when the assassination occurred. inside.

The car slowly stopped at the top of the WBI building, and Drake was already waiting.

"Director Justin will be back in a few days."

Derek looked solemn and then asked.

"Isn't it too hasty? This just proves it"

Derek said nothing more. He could only follow Tommy and lead Tommy to a special room. Tommy said with a smile.

"Deputy Director Drake, what happens next has nothing to do with you. I will hand it over to the special department. Please turn off all surveillance in this corridor."

Derek hummed.

Tommy opened the room, and the moment he walked in, more than 30 gravekeepers looked at Tommy in shock. The WBI in the entire building had been removed, and all means of recording information had been stopped.

"Mr President!"

Marco stood up with a smile, Tommy hummed as a sign, then looked at the tomb guards with cold eyes and said.

"Okay, everyone, take a good look at this document."

Tommy immediately began to show the recent investigation on the assassination on the big screen, and many of the gravekeepers looked solemn.

"No matter what you do, it's already too late. You may feel that you are inheriting something. The so-called mission is just a joke in the world over there."

At one time, more than 30 gravekeepers stood up, and pink particles emitted from the surface of Tommy's body. These particles quickly enveloped everyone, and green flames were released from their bodies.

In an instant, the entire hall was intertwined with majestic green flames. These flames swept through Tommy's body instantly, but he was unscathed. With more and more pink particles, Tommy moved in an instant.

"what on earth is it?"

One of the tombkeepers shouted, but his head was twisted off in the next second. Tommy just looked at these astonished tombkeepers. In front of him was the black ocean. This is a place on the west coast of Unova. No man's land.

"This is your end point."

The gravekeepers died one after another, Marco struggled and shouted.

"You devil, what on earth are you?"

Tommy smiled and shook his head.

"You think you are doing this for the world, this country, and even humanity. In fact, you are just a group of self-righteous people."

Tommy's voice was cold. Gravekeepers kept falling down, and gradually only Marco was left. He looked at Tommy in disbelief and asked.

"We, our countless generations have been protecting this country, maintaining the balance of rights, and doing it for this country."

"Then you can use everything in Yuko's world to change the outcome by killing some key people, right?"

Marco's eyes widened and he looked at Tommy in disbelief, but the next second his head was twisted off.

Along with the sound of the waves, the corpses of the tombkeepers were wrapped in pink particles and thrown into the sea.

"That's it, it's over."

Tommy lit a cigarette, and the smoke was quickly blown away in the sea breeze, but the next second Tommy had disappeared. He opened the door of the special room, then went directly out of the passage at the end and arrived in the parking lot. , got in the car and left directly.

Tommy then informed Derek that the gravekeeper had been taken away by the special department.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, the car slowly stopped at the presidential residence. The moment Tommy walked out, several doctors had already come over, and the sleeping people had already woken up.

Tommy nodded and smiled with satisfaction. Then he looked at the large machinery in the distance and led a group of people to the president's office. Soon Li Wei and Justin came over.

"what's up?"

Li Wei looked at Tommy in disbelief, and Tommy said with a smile.

"I'll tell you what's going on when I have time in the future. You will start working after two or three days of rest."

Justin stared at Tommy seriously.

"Our investigation has just begun. I have already grabbed some clues. Mr. President, why at this time?"

Tommy smiled helplessly.

"We don't have enough manpower, so I asked you to come back early. This kind of thing won't happen in the future."

After Tommy finished speaking, Li Wei laughed with a ferocious expression, and Justin seemed to understand what happened, he pressed his forehead and said.

"You already know the truth, Mr. President!"

Tommy nodded.

“It doesn’t matter what the truth is, what matters is what we do in the future.”

Li Wei walked over casually, sat on the desk, folded her hands and asked.

"What are you going to do?"

Tommy laughed.

"It's a very simple way to make this country a complete and unified country from top to bottom. There will be no more factions in the future, and there will no longer be so-called rich people."

Justin's face became extremely solemn, and he swallowed and asked.

"Are you really going to do this, Mr. President?"

Tommy hummed and said.

"This world has been devastated a long time ago. It would be boring if it remained the same as before, right?"

Justin asked.

"So what kind of country do you want to create, Mr. President?"

Tommy laughed.

"Stop everything, even eliminate some things!" (End of this chapter)

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