Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 271 Respective Actions (Part 1)

"Has the actual situation in Area 108 been investigated?"

Alpha asked, Leng Rui was still talking, but no one seemed to pay attention to him, and he sat down angrily.

Le Xiao nodded and said.

"District 108 is my home, and it is a slum area over there, so I hope this bill will attract a lot of attention, so that many people will look at that area. I want it."

"These things are still on hold, Secretary. We have to find the money first."

Le Xiao blinked.

“Wouldn’t Congress allocate funds?”

The wise man explained.

"If a bill is to be implemented in such a large area, why does Congress allow businessmen to attend? It is to allow businessmen to participate, so that this mechanical ball can produce visible economic benefits driven by businessmen. This is On the one hand, this can be compared with the economic benefits generated by mutants. However, there is actually no comparison. After all, machines can work 24 hours a day without rest. Mutants are also human beings, so they naturally need to rest. The final result is actually in voting. After it was over, it was decided that humans cannot compete with machines.”

Le Xiao's eyes widened.

"Then why is there any need to implement this kind of bill? They could just implement it directly."

The wise man smiled and shook his head and said with a smile.

"It's just that the results seem to be certain, but whether the machine will have problems and to what extent it can replace the role of mutants, these need actual testing before we can make horizontal comparisons. Today I and this The boy will just make a trip to the 6th Section to collect the complete information. Secretary, please send the application to the 6th Section so that we can get things done when we get there."

Le Xiao nodded, but was surprised why they were so clear about the working procedures of the business department.

The wise man smiled helplessly, dragged Leng Rui and went out directly. The wise man still remembered that Alpha had told them the specific work process of the business department in detail before, and explained it to them bit by bit from the shallower to the deeper, so that they could remember it well. After all, if you get familiar with these things after you come out, you will waste a lot of time, and you may also be scolded by your boss. But what I didn’t expect is that this boss is really a bit annoying. Impenetrable.

At this time, Quasimodo looked at Alpha in confusion, with anxiety in his eyes. Alpha smiled and sat next to Lexiao.

"Quasimodo, don't worry, just take your time. You and Billy go to the General Affairs Department. Your uniform was damaged last night. Go and change it."

Billy happily hugged Quasimodo's hand. He hummed, but he was still a little worried. Le Xiao nodded.

"I'll send the application for you in advance, go ahead Mr. Quasimodo."

Then Quasimodo and Billy also left, and Le Xiao began to write a plan.

10th Research Institute Mechanical Ball Launching Plan

Alpha took a look and shook his head, pointing at the text typed by Le Xiao.

"The title of the plan should be as specific and complete as possible, so that when others see the title at a glance, they will know the general content."

Le Xiao hummed, and Alpha smiled and blew out a puff of smoke.

Plan for putting mechanical balls on the market of the 10th Scientific Research Institute, District 108, Bright City

First we have to

"No, not first, but first of all, we must clearly list the specific location, rough implementation plan, required funds, number of mechanical balls, price calculation, specific models, etc. You need detailed information. You Let’s write down these frameworks first, then wait for the specific situation of District 108 to be verified, and after the fund accounting is completed, we will slowly fill them in, step by step.”

"Well, thank you, Miss Alpha."

Lexiao's mind became clearer for a while. Alpha pointed at Lexiao from the side, and her mind became clearer and clearer about how to make the plan.

"The frame is done."

Le Xiao was pleasantly surprised to see that she had come up with many decent names. She only needed to fill in one item, which was very clear and straightforward.

Alpha smiled and nodded.

"You did a great job, Secretary Le Xiao."

Le Xiao blushed and smiled. This was the first time she had been praised since she joined the business department. But something indescribable seemed to flash through Le Xiao's head, but she didn't care about it immediately. Instead, she looked at it gratefully. Looking at Alpha, she got up and took out a lot of cosmetics from the room.

"Miss Alpha, um, although I'm presumptuous, I think it's better for you to use it. After all, you are so beautiful, but your skin is a little bit..."

Alpha exhaled a puff of smoke and said with a smile.

"You really have to do it immediately if you think of anything. Make a plan first."

Le Xiao hummed, and Alpha opened the Encyclopedia of Laws and began to explain in detail to Le Xiao some of the legal aspects that might be involved in the plan.

When he first stepped into a secluded street in District 2, Billy, who was holding Quasimodo's hand happily, suddenly let go of his hand. Quasimodo immediately tensed up, and many people on the street looked at him strangely along the way. There is a strange combination of these two actors, and the most important thing is that both of them are men, but the younger man is holding the hand of the older man. Although there are many same-sex things in Bright City, it is still more or less the same. Many people look at it through colored glasses.

"Is it okay if you don't say anything when you go back, Mr. Quasimodo? I'm just going to investigate something. I won't do anything to harm others. I hope you can keep it a secret for me."

But Quasimodo still seemed doubtful of Billy's words.

"Do you still remember what Section Chief Mo Xiaolan said to us last night? If we make the wrong move, our lives will be at risk. I don't want to die now, so I won't do anything out of line or detrimental to the Section. On the contrary It’s a good thing to do well.”

Finally Quasimodo nodded and said yes.

Billy walked quickly, quickly bypassed a street, and walked directly up to a building. At the turning corridor of the stairs, a woman in uniform was waiting for Billy. Yu'er sneered and stared at Billy with an evil look on his face.

"It's been a long time, Teacher Billy."

Billy smiled and bowed, and Zi Yuer quickly opened the light and shadow screen. There were a total of three people's information on it.

"Did you remember it? Teacher Billy, are you saying that you are old and no longer useful?"

Billy smiled and nodded.

"Zi Yu'er, what do you want me to do? After all, if I go too far, my life will be at risk. It's not easy to explain to Mr. Jean."

Zi Yuer folded her hands and snorted coldly.

"Appropriate punishment. If the above three people are still disobedient, they will be treated as rubbish. After all, we are working hard for the positive image of the business department. There cannot be any disharmony. And for this dirty work, we People in subject 1 cannot do it. Once there are any mistakes, it will be a big problem, so Mr. Billy, just reluctantly help us do this dirty work."

Billy nodded, turned around and walked away with his hands in his pockets.

"Zi Yuer, you are still the same as before. The temper of a child is too serious, which is not conducive to your development."

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