Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 27 Dark Justice (Part 1)

The sun's rays were dazzling but warm, the breeze was caressing, and a line of smoke was flowing slowly in the breeze. Outside the main entrance of Sanlian Company, the people from the 1st City Management Section raised their weapons, and Gene smiled slightly. , the atmosphere at the scene was tense.

"Let me clean it up, you two go on your way."

Niya twisted her neck as she spoke, took a step forward, and with a click, the gun was loaded.

"Three adults, please don't do this. We have received orders from Congress and have taken over this hostage situation."

Niya smiled coldly.

"It's no use talking more."

Gene and Tianhen each took a step back, and suddenly a flash of red light flashed into the crowd. The red light refracted in the crowd, and a strong and strong figure could be seen. Instantly accompanied by the flash of red light, One by one, the people in Section 1 fell to the ground without even making a sound.

With a bang, the on-site person in charge of Section 1 turned around and jumped over. With a bang, Niya arched her body and hit a section member with her left fist in the abdomen, but the person in charge blocked it with his crossed hands.

"Lord Niya, please stop, we."

Niya stared at the person in front of her with a grin.

"You can keep up with my speed. It's not bad, but it's a pity."

There was a crackling sound, and the clothes on the person in charge in front of Niya instantly turned into pieces. His eyes widened and he fell down softly.

"It's really surprising that a mutant of this level can stop you."

Tianhen's tone in the distance was full of mockery. The reason why he followed Jean here was for this kind of thing. He had known before that the hijacking scene was taken over by people from Section 1, and the other party would definitely use the authority of Congress to suppress it. Gene, so he followed, but he didn’t expect Niya to come with him.

"Put down your weapons. We are not enemies, we are all guardians of this city."

A gentle male voice came from the right, and the people in Section 1 put away their weapons.

"I haven't seen you three for a long time. I would like to offer my most sincere apologies for my subordinate's rudeness."

The visitor has fluffy hair, a square face, and is wearing a uniform. The background picture is like a hammer with a number 1 on it. King Xue, the section chief of the No. 1 City Management Section, exudes a soft aura and wears a Wearing a pair of thick black-framed square glasses, he elegantly placed his left hand in front of his body and bowed before walking over slowly.

There was a smile in King Xue's eyes. He pressed his glasses with one hand and smiled gently.

"I don't care about any bullshit parliamentary authority. Don't treat me like a fool, King Xue."

Jean tilted his head and glared at King Xue angrily.

"Chief Gene, thank you for your hard work on this matter. Because of your great help in solving two core and essential problems, this incident was able to end so quickly. Now it is just a small finishing work. Please let me down.”

Gene ignored King Xue behind him, and then walked forward slowly, but soon the people from Section 1 gathered again.

"I say it again, get lost."

Finally, at King Xue's signal, Jean entered the gate of Sanlian Company.

Looking at Jean's back, King Xue took off his glasses with a smile and wiped them with a hand towel, the anger in his eyes fleeting.

"A person who is rejected by the light! It is true that the problem can be solved easily."

Niya stared at King Xue coldly. She felt uncomfortable with this eccentric guy. This matter was by no means a simple food safety issue. The rioters who planned the urban riots had such sophisticated operations, and Being able to make the lurking watertight and even unite the armed forces in the barrier area is not something ordinary rioters can do.

Gene has told Niya something along the way. Who is planning and manipulating the riot behind the scenes, and the purpose should soon emerge. Section 1 took over the place before the riot, and the subsequent network gave Hacker hijacking, as well as the attitude of Congress after the riots, finally solved the riots so quickly.

Didi didi

At this time, King Xue held up the ringing phone in front of Tianhen and Niya. A picture appeared, and Locke said with a bad expression.

"How could you two allow Jean to mess around? This time the matter ends here. Congress ordered that they be given one hour at the end. If they don't surrender, they will be directly wiped out. Where are the Jean people?"

Tianhen said with a naughty smile.

"Already in."

Locke's eyes widened and he turned to look at King Xue next to him.

"Why don't you stop this guy?"

"Your Excellency, Chief Manager, I am also very helpless. Do you think Section Chief Jean is the kind of person who can listen to what you say?"

Niya smiled and raised her head and exhaled a puff of smoke.

"It's because of the inability to listen that this city has a real sun!"

Recalling that in the venue, Shi Ke was still dialing the phone and roaring almost madly. More than ten people had suffered. He was also a mutant. Under his rage, some reporters became victims.

Le Xiao was still pressing down on Xu Ming. She couldn't stand it anymore. There was no fear in her heart. At this time, she was more angry. She didn't know how to deal with her current mood. Someone was using the food problem to try to subvert the whole world. The society has heard to some extent that in this riot, ordinary people and department staff were injured and killed.

Some rioters are still staring at the passages that have been placed underground and on the ground. As long as someone comes in, they will go down and suppress them. Previously, they came with the goods from the underground raw material transportation pipelines. Nearly a month has been prepared for this plan. This time the plan was successful, but now they have become caged birds.

The situation in the city had completely calmed down. Le Xiao looked at her phone quietly. Everything the Congress had done made her feel incredible. Le Xiao thought of Jean. Logically speaking, it was impossible to let go of the armed forces in the barrier area. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

But the whole plan seems to have been interrupted, and now the rioters' plan has been aborted.

Someone was whispering just now, and Le Xiao heard some rumors. Many people were talking about Gene from Section 13, who secretly solved the problem.

"My head is bad, something happened."

Following a sound, everyone looked at the surveillance screen of the rioters. The rioters standing outside seemed to be fighting with invisible people and were easily killed directly.

There seemed to be an invisible man on the screen. Everyone was killed with one blow, and then the surveillance pictures were lost. The invisible man had arrived outside the conference room on the sixth floor. Everyone's eyes widened in horror. .

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