"Is there anything else, Mr. Jean?"

Gene smoked a cigarette and walked over. The people around him got out of the way. Tommy was frightened at this time. He had never thought that such a powerful mutant would come to CA. The Guard soldiers around him were tightly Holding the gun in his hand.

"There's something I want to talk to you about."

Tommy hummed.

"You tell me, Mr. Jean."

“This district’s monthly tax revenue is already quite large.”

Tommy nodded. It is true that although this neighborhood is poor, the monthly taxes are quite high.

"Now that things are easy to handle, should you allocate part of the money for construction in this area?"

Tommy froze, he said.

"This matter is not something I can decide. I can't answer your dear Mr. Jean."

Gene nodded and walked up to Tommy. Tommy panicked the moment he stretched out his hand. Gene pressed Tommy's shoulder.

"Then I'll go and get it myself."

Tommy's eyes were horrified.

"What do you want to do? If you offend the United States, then."

Jean shook his head.

"The United States has nothing to do with me. If you go back and don't get the tax funding, I will go there and ask for it in person. Since you congressmen only want to take money and don't want to spit out a penny, I will replace you." ”

Tommy's eyes were horrified, and the guard members around him were frightened. Gene's words were full of threats.

"How much do you want?"

Tommy asked, swallowing, and Gene smiled and held up a finger.

"No more, no less, 10 million D."

Tommy looked at Gene in shock.

"With so much money, our state in CA has very little money this year."

"Should you approach the businessmen behind you, such as the pharmaceutical company, or should you ask me to go and get it in person?"

Tommy nodded.

"Give us some time."

Gene tilted his head and blew out smoke.

"I only give you 3 hours. If you don't see the money after 3 hours, I will make that pharmaceutical company disappear in CA state."

Sweat flowed down Tommy's forehead. He nodded and turned around to lead the guards onto the aircraft.

The leaders around Jean were stunned. They couldn't understand, and it was even more difficult to understand that Jean was actually challenging the country. This kind of thing could not be allowed.

"Mr. Jean, if you want a lot of points, it's better to be gentle."

Before Hawkins finished speaking, Gene said.

"Has the state of CA spent a penny on the construction of this area?"

Hawkins shook his head and Gene nodded.

"There are many truths in this world that are wrong. Many people here are extremely poor, but they still have to pay taxes every day and some fees. They have no medical insurance, no schools, and no shelters. So the taxes they pay, Why can’t it be used to build areas?”

The gang members nodded one after another. They all felt scared. What Gene did was too crazy. If it really attracted the attention of Congress, this place would be finished.

Gene threw away the cigarette in his hand and then laughed.

"Okay, you all go and get busy."

What Gene did was difficult for many people to understand, even some ordinary people who heard it on the street. It was indeed very good for them, but the purpose of Gene's doing this was difficult for everyone to predict. Want to know why.

Gene walked casually on the street, and the people around him cast doubtful looks. Gene came to an electrical appliance store, and the boss was startled.

"Mr. Jean, is something wrong?"

Gene looked at the electrical appliances in the store casually, and then asked.

"I heard from the tenant that your wife died last year."

The boss was stunned, then said with a wry smile.

"Yes Mr. Jean."

Gene asked.

"Where's the murderer?"

The boss's eyes were solemn, and then he shook his head.

"could not find it."

Gene smiled and picked up a box-shaped machine. He pressed it lightly, and with the sound of the machine, the box soon began to change, turning into a multi-functional stove and some tableware.

This multifunctional stove priced at 308D is like a mobile kitchen, and Gene tried out some functions.

"Mr. Jean, if you want to buy it, 280D will be fine."

The boss said, Gene asked again.

"I heard your wife is quite beautiful."

The boss hummed, his voice seemed a bit deep.

Jean continued to pick up a columnar machine. After pressing the switch, the columnar body began to expand and turned into three hammocks that were enough for three adults to sleep.

"not bad."

Jean also discovered that the mechanical products here are quite good, many of them are products of extremely precise mechanical changes, including many pieces of furniture that are the same.

"By the way, your wife is still in the morgue."

The boss nodded with red eyes, and Gene walked over and asked.

"Do you need me to help you?"

The boss was dumbfounded, and many people stopped to watch in front of the store. Gene smiled.

"It's very easy, just take me there."

The boss's eyes became more serious. Last year, when his wife and he went to purchase goods, they were stopped by the PLC, and then the two were arrested. After a few hours, the man's wife died.

The statement given by the PLC at that time was that of cardiac arrest, but the man refused to sign, so the matter was shelved. Although the man found a lawyer, the state PLC was powerful and had already presented a lot of evidence in court.

The man still clearly remembered that his wife was disheveled and had injuries on her face, arms and legs. They did not even let the man see his wife.

"Please help me Mr. Jean."

Gene nodded and said.

"Come on, I'll go with you."

The shop owner's name is Jonathan. He and his wife originally planned to move to a more stable area after saving enough money, but he didn't expect that his wife's death would be the result of taking root here.

Gene quickly got two motorcycles, and Jonathan took Gene over to a PLC branch outside the block near the city.

The car came all the way to the highway, and Gene followed Jonathan. Soon they were stopped by the PLC at the checkpoint.

"personal I.D."

Jonathan took it out, and Gene walked over silently. Several PLCs immediately drew their guns, but their hands disappeared. Gene stared at the man who raised the gun to shoot, and his head fell to the ground in an instant.

Jonathan backed away in horror, then vomited violently.

Gene smiled.

"People here must charge a lot of money every time they pass the customs."

Gene asked and Jonathan said.

"Every time we go over there, everyone's 5D."

Gene laughed, and the two left the level. Jonathan felt uneasy. There was a magnificent city in front of him. Many aircraft were passing between the buildings. It was almost night and the neon lights were flashing.

Soon Jonathan stopped. In front of him was a 6-story PLC office building with a large area. The courtyard was filled with a number of aircraft, all dedicated to PLC.

Jonathan took Jean into the compound. The yard was very busy at this time. Many PLCs were on standby. A serious accident occurred at the slum checkpoint just over 20 kilometers ago, but the authorities soon called a halt. Act as if it didn't happen.

Many people are speculating that it may be related to the devastating blow suffered by the private army of the pharmaceutical company during the day, and it was also done by a mutant.

"I want to ask about my wife."

Jonathan came to the front desk, and soon the PLCs at the front desk looked at Jonathan with disgust.

"Your wife died of normal heart failure. The autopsy report has been out a long time ago. There was no accident or man-made death. It was just your delusion."

Jonathan's eyes were serious, and someone joked.

"Jonathan, how can you bear to see your wife lying naked here with us? Hurry up and sign so that your wife can rest in peace as soon as possible."

Jonathan was angry and yelled.

"There must be something wrong. Why don't you show me the monitoring, and why is there a lack of monitoring?"

A PLC laughed.

"We are in harmony here."

Suddenly everyone in the hall fell silent. Before he could finish speaking, PLC's head was already half gone. Gene lit a cigarette.

"Call your person in charge to come out. And one more thing, if anyone tries to run away, the only outcome will be death."

In an instant, some people who had drawn guns and some who wanted to run had their bodies cut into several sections, and Gene sat on a chair.

No one dared to speak, they just covered their mouths.

Soon several PLC leaders from this branch came over, and they looked at Jean in horror.

"This man's wife died here last year. He just wanted to know the truth. If there is no truth tonight, each of you will end up like this."

After Gene finished speaking, he flicked the ashes of his cigarette. In an instant, everyone looked at Gene in horror. Some people started crying. Gene said with a smile.

"Have you ever thought that one day something like this would happen? You obviously live on taxpayers' money, so why do people in the slums over there have to pay for their entry and exit? When something happens to them, you are there Perfunctory."

The captain of the PLC swallowed, and someone shouted at this time.

"It was Aidan and Jason who did it."

Gene smiled and nodded, then asked.

"Is there any on-site surveillance?"

Several senior officials looked at each other, and two of them's heads disappeared in an instant. The captain nodded hurriedly.

"There is some surveillance."

"Play it for us."

After Gene finished speaking, the captain felt weak all over and stumbled down after a while. He directly played a video.

In the picture, a beautiful woman was handcuffed, and two PLCs were asking the woman something with smiles on their faces. The woman looked disgusted because the two were touching her and saying some nasty words.

Jonathan looked at the content of the video in shock. He covered his mouth. Everyone in the hall looked at it in shock. Gene lit a cigarette and patted Jonathan on the shoulder. He squatted on the ground crying and almost collapsed. of watching this video.

The video lasted for more than 2 hours. Soon after some scenes skipped, the woman lost her voice. The two realized that something had happened, but they did not call a doctor immediately, but called the captain over.

Bang bang bang!

Gene said as he clapped his hands and stood up.

"The matter is clear, go and take your wife's body back."

Jonathan was devastated and kept wiping tears. Gene looked at the captain.

“I don’t think there is any need for a place like this to exist anymore.”

The captain immediately knelt down. Jean stood up and exhaled smoke. Screams spread, and everyone was running for their lives. Jean smiled, and soon there was a blue light. Within a few minutes, there was no one in the hall. A living person.

Gene looked at some people who were still running away. This time he did not pursue them, but let them run away. Then Gene raised his feet. After Jonathan came out, Gene nodded, and Jonathan cried and carried the shroud on his back. The bag left here.

There was a loud boom, accompanied by bursts of violent roars, and the whole building began to collapse. After Gene walked out of the PLC building, he glanced at the building behind him, raised his head, lit a cigarette, and then spit out the smoke. Angry.

"It seems there is no other way. I can only do this."

After Gene finished speaking, he smiled and looked at some aircraft coming not far away. Soon after the aircraft landed, Tommy came over cautiously with people, as well as some other congressmen.

"Is the money ready?"

Tommy nodded, then took out a box and handed it over.

"There are 10 million D in this, Mr. Jean, why would you do such a thing?"

The MPs looked at the completely destroyed PLC building with dead bodies everywhere, and many of them shuddered.

Gene passed them a video and then said.

"If they dare to do this, then they should think about what will happen in the future!"

Gene carried the box and Tommy swallowed. They knew about this, but they were quickly suppressed because in many people's perception, the people in the slums were not human beings.

"By the way, there is one more thing I need to explain to you."

Tommy nodded and walked over, Gene looked at them and then said.

"I have the final say in this state from now on. If you want to report it to Congress, I have no objection. A devastating disaster will occur in this state. No matter what you do, it will be useless. If you are clear about it, go back and think about it carefully. , I will wait for your answer tomorrow morning, and of course you can leave."

After Gene finished speaking, he left with a smile.

At this time, the faces of the congressmen were ashen. No one knew what this demonic man wanted to do, but after seeing the two tragic events that happened today, no one dared to resist this demon.

After Gene finished speaking, he smiled and looked at some aircraft coming not far away. Soon after the aircraft landed, Tommy came over cautiously with people, as well as some other congressmen.

"Is the money ready?"

Tommy nodded, then took out a box and handed it over.

"There are 10 million D in this, Mr. Jean, why would you do such a thing?"

The MPs looked at the completely destroyed PLC building with dead bodies everywhere, and many of them shuddered.

Gene passed them a video and then said.

"If they dare to do this, then they should think about what will happen in the future!"

Gene carried the box and Tommy swallowed. They knew about this, but they were quickly suppressed because in many people's perception, the people in the slums were not human beings.

"By the way, there is one more thing I need to explain to you."

Tommy nodded and walked over, Gene looked at them and then said.

"I have the final say in this state from now on. If you want to report it to Congress, I have no objection. A devastating disaster will occur in this state. No matter what you do, it will be useless. If you are clear about it, go back and think about it carefully. , I will wait for your answer tomorrow morning, and of course you can leave."

After Gene finished speaking, he left with a smile.

At this time, the faces of the congressmen were ashen. No one knew what this demonic man wanted to do, but after seeing the two tragic events that happened today, no one dared to resist this demon.

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