Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2670 Begin transformation

"What? Really?"

Justin looked at several tenants in disbelief. He heard about the massacre a few days ago and felt incredible. They had no idea about this matter. Justin's eyes were solemn, and he stood up directly.

It is impossible for Justin to ignore such a serious situation. Although there are often things that violate the law in the slums, he must take care of it. Justin is relatively upright in his heart. He knows that those dead guys are all gang members. elements, each of them has a murder case on their hands.

Justin hurried back to the room and quickly took out a black box from under the bed. After opening it, Justin quickly entered some numbers and characters, and soon a response appeared on the black-framed screen.

Justin picked up the weapon on the side, stood up and left the hotel. He had to meet people from another department, the WIA department, which was an important functional department of the country like them.

However, the functions of WBI and WIA are different. WBI is to pursue some vicious criminal cases and can pursue cross-state pursuits, while WIA is to protect national security and lurk around some gang members to determine whether they pose a threat to the country.

Sometimes the two departments will join forces to participate in some big buttons. This is not the first time that Justin has come to this neighborhood to handle a case. He has been to this neighborhood many times to look for traces of criminals.

The best thing in this neighborhood is money. As long as he finds the traces of the criminals and gives a sum of money to the local gang members, he can successfully arrest the criminals who committed serious crimes in the city.

There were busy figures everywhere on the street. Justin felt a little strange. Many of them were gang members from different districts. They actually worked together to take some people away. At first glance, these people did not look like serious people. Many of them looked energetic. Sluggish, should be a drug patient.

Justin felt more and more strange. Many children were getting food with the gang members. He quickly came to District 8. Soon Justin found a pub. After pushing the door and entering, there was a scene in the pub tonight. Business was bleak, so Justin went over to sit at the bar and ordered a glass of wine.

There was no one in the pub, and the boss came over quickly with a glass of wine.

"Omar, what's going on in this neighborhood?"

Justin looked at the tall middle-aged man in front of him. He was a member of WIA and had been undercover here for more than ten years, monitoring these gang members.

Omar looked around and handed Justin a cigarette, and he smiled.

“This neighborhood is changing amazingly.”

Justin didn't quite understand.

"Was there really an inhumane massacre?"

Omar hummed, and then quickly took out a video. After Justin watched it, he suddenly felt short of breath, and he pressed his forehead.

"How is it possible? Killing people so easily."

Justin still didn't quite believe it. Thinking of the Jean who had just come to see him, the instigator of the massacre, he felt a little incredible.

"I saw it with my own eyes."

"Why don't we know about this?"

Justin asked, Omar sighed helplessly, exhaled smoke and said.

"The higher-ups ordered a strict lockdown on this matter."

"Is there any way to deal with it?"

Omar shook his head.

"You have also seen that many of the videos are robots and some mutants, but when facing Jean, there is no room to fight back. It is impossible to capture such mutants, let alone capture them. "

Justin also knew that there were only 6 mutants of this level in their files, and even if they searched all over the country, they could not find such a powerful mutant.

"The boss wants me to monitor it closely and just send reports every day."

Omar said, Justin took a big sip of wine, and he asked helplessly.

"When did this cruel guy show up?"

Omar talked about something that happened a few days ago, and after a while Justin said doubtfully.

"Is Jean the lover of that woman?"

Omar shook his head.

"According to my investigation, they may have only known each other for a few days."

Justin didn't quite understand, he said.

"He brutally killed so many people for a woman he had known for a few days. I think he probably ate too much and his brain was abnormal."

Omar said after Justin finished speaking.

"The leaders of your department know about this, but we are responsible. This mutant is currently very threatening. We can only keep an eye on him and report his behavior."

"Then what exactly did he do?"

Justin felt strange. When Omar mentioned some of the things Gene had done in the past few days, Justin stood up and said incredulously.

"Is he here for charity?"

"Go and confirm it with your own eyes. This kind of thing sounds incredible."

Justin drank the wine and planned to visit the warehouse area Omar mentioned.

Soon Justin arrived at the warehouse where the patients were collectively isolated. As soon as he passed by, he was stopped by several gang members, who took out the instruments.

"I didn't touch that thing."

"Stop blabbering, either draw blood or pee."

Justin had no choice but to accept the inspection. The gang members left only after there were no problems.

Justin looked at the people being sent in in disbelief. He felt that everything in front of him was too magical. It was impossible to even think about it with his toes.

Moreover, Omar also said that these gangs have completely given up this kind of business, and have already disposed of the goods in their hands to some businessmen, and do not plan to do it in the future.

"Looks like he's pretty strong, that mutant."

It wasn't until after 2 o'clock in the morning that Justin returned to the hotel. As soon as he went upstairs, he saw Gene sitting on the balcony of the second floor. Justin thought about it and walked over. He had too many questions. I want to ask this man.

"Mr. Jean, is it convenient?"

Gene nodded and Justin sat down.

"I want to ask you some questions."

Gene laughed and handed Justin a cigarette.

"Say it."

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Gene lit the cigarette, blew out the smoke and smiled.

"Of course it's about transforming this neighborhood."

Justin's face was solemn. He couldn't understand this answer that sounded ridiculous in the past but was extremely true now.

"What good will this do to you?"

Justin asked and Gene scratched his head.

"Do these things require benefits before you can do them?"

Justin was stunned, his brain was already confused. He couldn't believe that Gene really wanted to transform this neighborhood for the local residents, and now something happened that he couldn't understand.

"No, Mr. Jean. When people do something, they must have their motivation and the purpose behind it. Please forgive me for being rude. The guys here are all corrupt. Mr. Jean, what you did may be In vain.”

Gene nodded.

"Indeed, there is an area over the harbor where the situation is even worse, and the criminal you are looking for is most likely hiding there."

Justin hummed.

"These people, no matter how much you try to help them, they will continue to fall. This area is hopeless."

During the second conversation, Justin felt that Gene was a good talker, so he said these words, and Gene laughed.

"Why couldn't it be saved?"

"They have grown up in this kind of neighborhood full of violence and crime, and they have been exposed to it. In the end, many of them will become like their parents, unable to escape for the rest of their lives, and they can only die in smelly ditches."

Gene nodded.

"My point of view is the same. This place is hopeless."

Justin was even more confused.

"Then Mr. Jean, why did you do those things? You knew they were hopeless."

Gene said with a smile and shook his head.

"Although in my mind they are hopeless, someone has succeeded in transforming such a neighborhood into a sunny neighborhood."

Justin looked at Gene in surprise.

"Sunshine is very surprised this time, Mr. Jean."

Gene laughed.

"Take your time and take a look at the situation in this neighborhood. I also hope that you will properly report the situation in this neighborhood to your superior department. After all, the reason why this enemy has become like this is not because of your inaction. "

Justin was stunned, and then he shook his head.

"I don't think that's the case, Mr. Jean. Most of the people here have not received formal education, so they are lacking in knowledge, so they fall into an endless cycle of poverty. In the end, most people become criminals. .The country has a library plan so that everyone can read any book and study for free, but they never go to the library.”

Gene knew very well what kind of person Justin was. He was very similar to the elite of the once brilliant city. Gene had noticed before that the common denominator of these people was that they would definitely blame poverty and crime on the whole place. Atmosphere and environment.

"But have you ever thought about it? Why don't they study? Why can't they cross the current class?"

Justin said.

"As I said just now, when this area becomes a slum, it's all over."

"Because it is not easy for them to live every day. Living an extremely difficult life has consumed their energy for a day. They don't have any time to think about crossing classes."

Justin laughed.

"If we talk about my background, I was born in a slum, but my family education was very good."

Justin said as soon as he finished talking to Gene.

"There is a lot of suffering in this world, which is unavoidable. There are very few people like you who were born into a well-educated family, and there are even fewer people who can climb to the elite class like you. So you can't Use individual cases to decide the whole.”

"The overall environment is what it is, and these things are not something people like us should think about."

Justin smiled, handed Gene a cigarette, and Gene said.

"So what I want to do now is completely change the status quo of this neighborhood."

Justin asked, having trouble understanding.

"Mr. Jean, are you an idealist? You want to be a hero or something."

Gene shook his head.

“I’m not an idealist, I’m more like the end of the spectrum of realism.”

Gene's words made it difficult for Justin to understand, and then Gene stood up and said.

"Take a good look at the overall situation of this neighborhood in a few days."

Justin hummed, and then asked tentatively.

"Mr. Jean, what state are you from?"

Gene said with a smile.

"This is my secret, I come from a city under the sun."

Justin was even weirder, Gene said.

"In my opinion, this country's concepts and thinking have been completely solidified. It still follows the same old practices, but it will only make the situation worse. The people at the top control everything, and they determine everyone's destiny in life."

Justin said with a smile.

"As expected, Mr. Jean, you are an idealist."

Gene shook his head.

"This is just something that someone has done. Now I just want to repeat it."

Gene said as he stood up and turned around to go back to the room, Justin asked.

"The higher-ups won't allow you to do this, Mr. Jean, or do you really want to resist the higher-ups?"

Gene looked back with a smile.

"I don't have the idea that when I finish renovating the neighborhood, I'll leave."

Justin felt more and more strange that many of the things that Jean said sounded very relaxed, and his own attitude was also very indifferent. It seemed that he was used to such things.

"Although easy-going, he is a really strange person."

Justin laughed, and then he returned to the room. It was already 0 o'clock when he went to sleep.

Early the next morning, Justin was woken up. After he got up, he looked at the leaders and many people watching in the yard. Justin walked over and saw some charts as he passed.

"Mr. Jean, this building is basically abandoned. We can demolish it first and then build an orphanage."

Hawkins said and came up with a plan. Gene took a look at it and nodded.

"Okay, you can start the work as soon as possible so that those children can be taken care of earlier."

After Gene finished speaking, a financial officer took out a piece of information.

"We haven't completely collected the information yet, but we have sorted out several professions that are lacking in this area."

Gene took a look and said.

"The first school education should be taught by teachers from these professions."

Justin looked at him with a solemn face. He was increasingly confused about what Gene was going to do. Justin moved closer, and the gang members didn't pay attention.

Gene continued to look at the information, and several finance staff were discussing the construction plan. At this time, many people ran over on the street.

"No, bosses, the supplier has brought someone here and wants to talk to you."

Gene smiled and stood up.

"Let them come here."

Jean looked at the street in the distance. A large number of people walked over angrily. The leader looked very fierce.

"Let me go and have a nice talk with them."

Gene stood up, lit a cigarette and went over, and soon the people on both sides were in direct contact.

"What do you mean, suddenly we don't want the goods anymore? We have an agreement."

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