"What exactly do you want to do, Jean?"

Gene laughed.

"I just wanted to do an experiment."

Shakira didn't quite understand, Jean said.

"You will know tomorrow morning. We may stay here for a little longer."

Shakira nodded. She didn't quite understand what Jean was going to do. After all, Jean's current behavior made Shakira feel a little abnormal. Shakira had seen this kind of thing a lot. Human society is so cruel.

Shakira looked at Jean who was sitting on the chair and continuing to watch the news. She was lying on the bed. After a while, she couldn't sleep, so she continued to get up and asked.

"Jean, are you doing it for that woman named Doriel?"

Shakira didn't quite understand. Gene scratched his head and smiled, then picked up the coffee next to him and took a sip.

"Maybe, part of it is. But most of it is not."

Shakira still didn't quite understand. She then lay down. She was looking forward to what would happen tomorrow morning, and then Shakira quickly fell asleep. Although they, Stika, didn't need to sleep as long as humans do every day, they still Will sleep for a while.

Jean looked at the news that was flooding the Internet. A lot of the news could be understood after a moment's thought. Most of it was fake news. Jean wanted to question these leaders early tomorrow morning and then start telling them to do things.

Jean wants to establish a system here that he has wanted to try but has never set foot in. Such a system may be the most suitable for mankind. This system is somewhat similar to Brilliant City, but not completely.

Gene has already thought about it clearly, and now he will not think about some deeper issues, because this kind of neighborhood is terrible. Gene has seen it countless times many years ago, such a neighborhood full of violence and money. , there is no hope, the people here will slowly rot away until death.

Time passed by, and at around 8 o'clock the next morning, the courtyard below became lively. There were people watching everywhere. Many people felt scared when they looked at the leaders who entered.

Hawkins had a solemn look on his face. He barely slept a wink last night, thinking about what Gene said about order.

"Why are you all here so early?"

Jean went downstairs with a smile. A bunch of bosses were submissive, and many people shrank back. Jean had some chairs brought in, and then he sat down.

"Everyone, just relax. Just answer my questions last night. Ok, Hawkins will start with you."

Hawkins was stunned, but then stood up and bowed.

"Mr. Jean, I thought about it all night last night. Order should be a whole from top to bottom. Everyone abides by the rules and will not exceed them."

Gene nodded and then asked.

"Can you give me a specific example?"

Hawkins swallowed.

"For example, in this neighborhood, there is actually order in the neighborhood. We gangs are the ones responsible for maintaining order in the neighborhood. Although there will be conflicts and frictions, we have clearly divided the territory and industry. Others want to get involved. If so, we have to negotiate with each other and only when things are settled can we do anything. Just like that day, Wade's men came to my territory to arrest people and cause trouble in the shelter hotel. I came here to maintain order. "

Jean clapped his hands and nodded, then looked at the youngest leader.

"What about you, tell me what you think?"

The young leader stood up and bowed in fear, then smiled.

"I think order is not that complicated. Order is based on strength. As long as you have strength, you can build your own order. This is the case in our neighborhood, Mr. Jean."

Gene nodded.

"You are very honest. Do you have any other opinions?"

The young leader thought for a while and said.

"Another point is that I think order may be too abstract or may not exist at all."

Gene took out a cigarette, and Hawkins quickly took out a fire and lit it for Gene. Gene blew out the smoke and looked at the young leader seriously.

"I think this is defined by the strong. The so-called order has no binding value for the strong. Only the weak will follow the order, because these orders are defined by the strong."

Gene was a little surprised and clapped his hands.

"It looks like you've thought about it carefully."

The young leaders smiled and bowed before sitting down. Gene looked at the other leaders.

"Who can continue to tell me what order you understand."

A middle-aged leader stood up.

"I very much agree with Hogg's statement. It is true that order is built by the strong, but the existence of order itself is also due to the competition in human society. In the end, the winner is king, and only those who stand at the highest point are qualified to build order."

The leader said, smiling.

"It's just like when I was in college. In addition to the superficial school rules, there are also unwritten rules on campus. Such rules are somewhat similar to order, but they are not set by a certain person or imposed by force. This unwritten rule set by the teacher is that before the end of Sunday, every student must go to a place in the back mountain and say something to a tomb."

Jean listened curiously, and the others also looked at the leader.

"This tomb used to be the tomb of a very good teacher in the university. Everyone respected him. He had many deeds. I don't know since when, everyone would naturally go to the tomb to whisper. So in the end It evolved into, before 0 o'clock every Sunday, everyone would line up and whisper."

Gene asked, nodding.

"What exactly did you say?"

"It's mainly about life and study, as well as emotional issues, because after saying it like this, everyone seems to be less stressed."

Gene asked with a hum.

"Then how do you feel about something like this?"

The middle-aged leader thought for a moment and smiled.

"My idea is that such a naturally formed method is actually a manifestation of order. Gradually everyone in the school began to follow this order, but there was no leader. Gradually, everyone began to respect this teacher because of Worship has evolved into a fixed behavior pattern, and no one can refuse it, so I think this kind of thing can also be called order."

The leader said, taking a look, he smiled and continued.

"My understanding is that human beings will do some things repeatedly. If these things are repeated too much and the cognition is too similar, an order will gradually form."

Jean nodded and clapped his hands, and the other bosses also clapped.

At this time a leader stood up.

"Let me tell you next. I don't agree that this herding effect is order. After all, order has a characteristic, that is, if you cross that line, you will definitely be punished. This punishment can be big or small. It can be as small as a monetary fine or as serious as losing your life.”

The leader said, looking at the middle-aged leader just now.

"Mr. Drake, will there be any punishment at your university if you don't go on Sunday?"

Derek shook his head.

"No, you won't be punished in any way even if you don't go, but most people will go."

The leader nodded.

"I don't think this kind of thing can be called order. Order must not change easily, and it must be purposeful and punitive. We can simply understand purposefulness as, in order to maintain the stability of this group, in order to achieve justice. To survive a disaster, or to accomplish something extremely important. Everyone must clearly understand what they need to do in this purpose, and finally it is punitive. Because there is a clear goal, there must be corresponding punishment. similar measures.”

After the leader finished speaking, many people began to discuss it, and the people outside looked inside as if watching the excitement. Everyone did not know the purpose of such a meeting. After all, Jean had already shown enough force. He is so powerful that everyone is just an ant in front of him.

Gene's story has spread throughout the neighborhood, and those who have come into contact with Gene feel incredible, especially the people who came into contact with Gene at the beginning, the child whose sister was sick, the doctor, and Sam.

"go on."

After Jean finished speaking, the leader bowed and continued.

"The reason why punitive measures are needed is because this purpose is common to all, and it can be short-term or long-term unfinished. Humans are inherently inert creatures. In the face of this purpose, many people may feel guilty for certain reasons. The problem is laziness. After all, there are differences between people. Some people do it quickly and some do it slowly, but everyone exists for this purpose. In the end, because of their own reasons, some people are fast and some are slow. So fast People will definitely be dissatisfied, so disputes will arise. At this time, the punitive nature of order will appear, and those who do not complete their work according to the required time will be punished."

Gene laughed, nodded and exhaled smoke, and one of the leaders stood up.

"Although punitiveness exists in order, it is not primary. Just like in our neighborhood, each gang has its own order. But if a member of the gang makes a mistake, he must be punished, but not everyone makes a mistake. They will not commit it, so I think punitiveness is not necessary for order, order should be more mandatory, which can also be called obedience."

Jean nodded and the leader continued.

"Have absolute power and make people obey. Therefore, from this point of absolute power, what he says is what everyone needs to obey and abide by. Just like a powerful person like Mr. Jean, what he says must be followed by every one of us." obey."

After the leader finished speaking, he looked at Jean with a smile. The other leaders also nodded. Jean laughed and continued to listen to the leaders talking about order. He could tell that the leader just now was trying to please Jean, so He just said this, but it is also true.

When human beings face a crisis, they will definitely do everything they can. Now Jean is a crisis for them, because Jean can kill them easily. Even if they escape, there is nothing they can do. No one can bear to survive after struggling. everything of.

Time passed by, and at about 12 o'clock, some subordinates brought food and drink. The leaders began to have lunch. Gene held a glass of wine and listened to their talk.

"Very good. What everyone said this morning was very good, which shows that you thought about it seriously last night."

The leaders nodded, and Hawkins smiled.

"Mr. Jean, just tell us what you want us to do."

Jean didn't want to make any more detours. He asked the bosses to answer the question of order this morning in order to let these bosses have a very clear concept in their hearts. This concept must be unified. They are already used to being free and loose. .

It can be heard that what some of the leaders said were carefully prepared. The reason why they did this was that they were afraid that they would be killed by Jean, so they tried their best.

"How many orphanages are there on this enemy side?"

Jean asked, and the leaders who were eating, drinking, and chatting stopped abruptly, and soon Derek laughed awkwardly.

"Not even one."

Gene laughed and then asked.

"How many schools are there?"

This question made the leaders even more scared, Drake said bravely.

"Not even one."

Gene nodded and said.

"What about hospitals? Including clinics."

"There are quite a few of them, large and small, about 30."

Gene laughed.

"So why can hospitals have them but not schools and orphanages?"

The leaders looked at each other in confusion. Gene looked at them and no one wanted to answer. Then Gene spoke directly.

"Please answer honestly, you dishonest guy, don't blame me for being rude."

Immediately the young leader stood up.

"That's right, Sir Jean, because we think children are the most useless. It's good for them to be alive. As for the school, there are some unlearned guys, so naturally there is no need."

Many leaders nodded, and many people came to the same conclusion as this leader.

"So this place is the law of the jungle."

The leaders nodded, and Gene picked up the wine glass and said.

"We will still have a meeting here tomorrow morning."

Gene said as the leaders became confused.

"Tomorrow morning, you need to answer my question. How many schools and orphanages should the enemy build?"

The leaders were stunned, Gene said.

"I want to see a concrete plan. If not, you will no longer be the leader."

The leaders stood up one after another, saying that they would go all out and come up with all plans.

"Okay, everyone can go, remember it will still be the same time tomorrow morning."

Seeing the leaders leaving with relief, Jean laughed, and the leaders immediately planned to find a place to hold a meeting. Everyone discussed it together. Building schools and orphanages was what they had to do now. They finally understood that Jean What to do.

It was absolutely impossible for the bosses to do this kind of thing in the past, but if they don't do it now, their successors will naturally do it, and Jean's last words are not a joke. If they don't do it well, they will definitely die.

"Everyone, hurry up. If each of us contributes some money, this matter will be settled."

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