
Jean quietly looked down at the lights in the distance. What he saw in front of him made Jean feel amazed. The lights extended into the dark place in the distance. Such bright lights had not been seen for a long time.

The aircraft was floating on the sea. Jean had activated the electromagnetic shielding. As soon as he saw the lights, Jean had activated the stealth mechanism. There were a large number of electrical signals in the air, many of which should be used for detection.

There should be a harbor in the distance, Shakira said.

"Jean, keep walking along this coast to the right. It will take about a few hours to reach Steka's territory."

Gene smiled and nodded.

"Let's go up and take a look first, and then we'll go over after taking a look."

Shakira nodded and activated the covering on her body. She now looked like a human woman.

Shakira asked as Gene took out a cigarette and lit it.

"Don't you want to go?"

Gene smiled.

"Wait a moment, let me think about it carefully first."

Shakira noticed that Gene's tone had changed, and his accent seemed different from before.

“Mainly because if my accent is too raw, it might draw attention to myself.”

Gene tried to recall the accent on the west coast of this country more than 200 years ago, and soon the accent became much smoother and more normal.

"Let's go, please take me there. If you swim over, your clothes will get wet."

Shakira nodded. After the two left, a pair of wings appeared on Shakira's back. She pulled Jean and took off. The aircraft slowly began to sink and quickly disappeared from the water.

Shakira quickly flapped her wings and took Gene to fly towards the brightly lit place in front of her. Soon Shakira landed. Gene looked at the docks in front of him. This was a small dock with many docks. Few boats.

A large number of containers were piled up on the dock. Gene looked around. The sound of cheers came from some ships. Many people were drinking and chatting on the ship. Two people walked out from behind a pair of containers. Gene stepped on the ground and then smiled. road.

"This enemy is too dilapidated, why don't they just repair it?"

Shakira shook her head.

"It seems that the people in power here don't care much about the cities along the coast, or they can't control them."

Jean smiled and looked around curiously, and then Jean took Shakira away.

"Hey, boy, it's exciting to bring a woman to the harbor."

A drunk guy on the boat laughed and joked. Jean just smiled and led Shakira to the front of the pier. From the door, there was a lively street. Jean looked at it with some surprise.

The streets made Jean a little nostalgic, because they looked the same as the streets he had stayed in before, but the ground on this street didn't look very smooth, with many potholes in places.

"what is that?"

Jean asked. There are many robots on the street, crawler type. These robots are moving on the street and will stop at the door of some stores. Jean sees that people in the store will take the money container and insert it into the robot's the top of the head.

Then the robot left, Shakira said.

"It seems to be a toll collection robot. People here are basically unregulated, but they need to pay taxes and fees. These robots usually collect the fees."

Gene nodded thoughtfully and led Shakira into the street. There were many menacing-looking people on the street. As soon as Gene and the others entered, someone looked over.

"Sir, do you want to stay in the hotel?"

A man with half of his cheeks made of metal came over and asked. Gene smiled and shook his head.


The man leaned over reluctantly.

"Sir, I see that you smuggled in from other places. You must have committed something. If you want to avoid being hunted, we have a good team here and can definitely hide you safely in this neighborhood."

Gene asked.

"What about the cost?"

The man said cheerfully.

"It only takes 10D a day."

"That's pretty cheap."

After Jean said this, the man nodded immediately.

"Of course, our prices are the fairest on the block."

"To be fair, you gentlemen are from out of town."

A man in jeans came over with two guns on his waist. The man who was doing business suddenly said angrily.

"Sam, are you looking for death?"

The man named Sam pressed the gun on his waist and held a glass of beer in his hand.

"I'm not looking for death. If you are so deceptive, I have to tell you."

The man was furious, and Gene leaned over with a smile.

"Do you have any suggestions Mr. Sam?"

Sam pointed to the tavern.

"Since you are outsiders, I, Almighty Sam, can help you. Just buy me two drinks."

Gene nodded and followed Sam into the store. Sam had been looking at Shakira.

"Does this beautiful young lady seem to have any physical illness?"

Gene shook his head.

"She may have been exposed to radiation pollution before she was born, so she was born with it."

Sam nodded.

"Then it would be better to do mechanical surgery this morning. Just change to a mechanical body."

Gene smiled and nodded.

"We are planning to do this. I heard it is very cheap here."

Sam laughed and Gene held up his hands.

"Bring us a couple of beers and some snacks."

After Gene finished speaking, the bar owner poured two drinks from the beer barrel. Gene walked over. She held a small plate and asked Gene to choose some snacks. Gene chose some of each kind.

"Total Mr. 4D."

Gene took out the money container, paid the bill and came over with a beer snack. Sam took it and took a big sip.

"Gee, the free beer tastes really good."

Gene smiled, took a sip, and found that the beer tasted pure.

“The beer here is pretty good.”

"Absolutely. We don't want that kind of industrially fermented beer here. It tastes bad and is harmful to the body. This is brewed purely from grain, so it costs 1.5D a cup."

Gene picked up some snacks, which tasted a little sweet. Sam looked around and said.

"It is true that mechanical surgery here is much cheaper than in regular hospitals."

Gene asked.

"How much cheaper!"

Sam said looking around.

"A doctor with better skills can get it done for about 8,000 to 10,000, which is less than one-third of the price of a regular hospital."

Jeanton knew it all the time. He didn't expect that the price of mechanical body modification was so cheap. It seemed that the technology of mechanical modification here was quite mature.

Shakira was also amazed. Jean seemed to be a person here, and he could easily come up with words to communicate with others.

"do you know?"

Sam nodded, then took out his cell phone, and Gene smiled awkwardly.

"My mobile phone accidentally fell into the water when I came here. Can you take me to get one?"

Sam smiled triumphantly.

"Sir, you are really cautious. Let's go."

Sam drank the beer in one gulp, and Gene drank it too. Sam went to the bar to get a piece of brown paper, wrapped the snacks in it, and put it in his pocket.

“It’s not good to waste too much.”

Gene nodded and followed Sam away, when a robot came over.

"If you detect someone who is not from this area, please pay the daily head tax."

Gene smiled, took out the money container, and quickly paid the head tax of 1D per person.

"You are really diligent in collecting taxes."

Sam laughed.

"Holy shit, I have to pay taxes every day. I'm almost bored. The taxes seem a little lower than before, but there are more types of taxes. And if you pay them every day, those assholes will have funds in their accounts every day."

Sam asked as Gene smiled.

"Don't you have to pay every day?"

Jean shook his head.

"The situation on our side is not as easy as yours. We need to pay quarterly taxes in one lump sum."

Sam blinked and laughed.

"As far as I know, there are several places like this. Sir, you'd better not tell anyone, so as not to be exposed."

Jean nodded, but Shakira couldn't get a word in. She remained silent. She didn't expect Jean to blend in so quickly.

"We're in the right place. This store is the cheapest I know."

Gene walked into an alley. In a small shop where parts were almost piled up, a young man yawned. Gene looked at his mobile phone. It was the same smartphone as in the past, but it looked tougher, especially The casing is very mechanical and not too heavy to hold.

"Please give me a cell phone whose signal won't be traced."

Sam nodded with a smile. He was becoming more and more suspicious of Gene's identity. The young man raised his head and glanced at Gene, then took out some mobile phones from the box on the side, took them out and said.

"The expensive one is 100D, the cheap one is limited to 3D."

Gene directly took a 100D one. After the other party waited for Gene to pay the bill, he took out a machine, inserted his mobile phone directly into it, and then took out a small computer and typed on the keyboard quickly.

"Sir, you have already connected to the Internet. Just pay the fee as normal. Don't forget to pay the fee. Once the phone is shut down, you will no longer be able to use it."

Gene nodded. After picking it up, he looked at some software programs on it, and then saw a slot for a money device. Gene quickly opened a payment software. After inserting the money device, the amount of money was displayed on it. Sam on the side It made my eyes go straight.

"You are really rich, sir."

Gene smiled and paid the 100D phone bill, and soon received a notification from the communications company that the payment was successful, as well as a long list of billing items.

"Why are you charging so much money, sir?"

Gene just wanted to browse the Internet quickly, and then he would probably know what was going on here.

"The taste over there seems to be quite delicious. Would you like to eat some more?"

Gene pointed to a barbecue restaurant in the distance, and Sam patted his belly.

"I'm really hungry after drinking all night. Thank you, sir."

Gene walked over. He also wanted to try MX barbecue. He had not eaten it for many years. After entering, Gene saw the pure seasonings, because Bright City did not have some of the things needed for MX barbecue, as well as yerba mate tea. This kind of thing.

Gene proudly asked for a large piece of beef shoulder, and Sam laughed happily.

"Isn't this lady going to eat?"

Shakira shook her head and Jean said with a smile.

"She's not feeling well. We should both finish the meal."

Gene looked at the challenge promotion in the store. As long as he could eat a whole beef shoulder in 30 minutes, he would get it for free.

Seeing a heavy piece of beef shoulder on the table, Sam ate it with big mouthfuls. Gene didn't think much and just started eating with all his strength. After a while, Sam covered his mouth and couldn't eat anymore. Gene was still there. eat.

This beef shoulder can only be eaten by two people, Sam sighed.

"Looks like you have to pay the price obediently. There's a 38D one."

Sam could no longer eat or drink, but Gene was still eating. Looking at the time, there were still 15 minutes left. Gene cut off pieces of meat and kept putting them in his mouth. Everyone in the barbecue restaurant looked on in surprise. Keep shouting come on.

Gene rolled up his sleeves and started eating. After a while, there was only one big bone left. Gene was still chewing on it, but the 30 minutes were up.

"Congratulations to these two guests for completing the challenge and getting free of charge."

Celebratory music was played in the store, and there were people all around. Gene's belly was bulging, and Sam looked at it in surprise.

"You're really good at eating it, Gene."

Gene laughed.

“I haven’t had such delicious barbecue in a long time.”

Gene was very happy. He could eat as much as he wanted. He wanted to digest it quickly and easily.

"Okay, now take us to where we live."

Sam stood up and took Gene and the others away. Gene looked at the cage-like houses in the distance. It was very strange. There were so many of them.

"How many rooms do you have?"

Sam laughed.

"It's not expensive. A room of about 10 square meters only costs 10,000 D. Sir, do you want to buy it?"

Sam said as Gene thought about it.

"That kind of house is difficult to live in, and it smells very bad. There are a lot of rubbish people inside. They are busy all day long. Basically, there are stinking corpses being carried out every three to five. The environment is too bad."

Gene smiled and nodded.

"What about renting?"

Sam said.

"50D a month."

Gene smiled.

"That's really cheap."

Just after entering an alley, a half-grown child suddenly rushed over, reached into Jean's pocket, took out his cell phone, and Jean held it down.

"You stupid kid is looking for death?"

Sam pulled out his gun. The boy turned around in fear and ran away, but Gene grabbed him.

"What's wrong? Little brother, are you short of money?"

The boy looked at Jean in horror, then nodded.

"My sister is sick and my family has no money. Please do me a favor and give us some money."

Gene smiled and nodded.

"Take me to see it."

Sam pressed his forehead.

"Sir, it's better not to worry about this kind of thing."

Gene smiled and shook his head.

"I'm relatively rich."

Sam smiled and nodded, and then Gene followed the boy and came to a more crowded neighborhood filled with low and dilapidated houses. Soon the boy brought Gene to his home. Gene looked at a little girl and hugged her. He was holding a doll, his eyes were dull and his abdomen was swollen.

"It looks pretty serious."

Gene picked up the little girl.

"Where is the nearest hospital?"

Sam pointed into the distance, and Gene took the boy and ran away.

Gene did not expect that this country would be like this. He smiled helplessly, and the eyes of the little girl in his arms dimmed.

"It's okay, it will get better."

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