"What do you mean Gene? It's like you're tired and want to retire."

Tang Rao's voice was a little excited, and Gu Yi tried to persuade him.

"Okay, stop talking. We can talk about this later after the resource collection is over. We have to go and help. Let's go."

Werther nodded. He also felt a little unbelievable about what Jean just said. Tang Rao held his hands in anger.

"I think it's better to make it clear now, Gene! It was you who kept convincing us to leave the base, take care of the outside world, and help humans build cities. In the end, we couldn't stand your nagging anymore. That’s why I promised you.”

Gene hummed.

"It is indeed the case."

Gene exhaled the smoke dullly, and Tang Rao lit the cigarette angrily.

"Originally, our purpose at the beginning was just to continue the human race, so we selected 200 children. They can definitely continue the human race. In such a small society, no matter what kind of conflicts there are, it is easy to resolve them. ."

Guyi and Werther could only continue to stand aside, unable to go away. Such arguments had occurred before, but this time it was different. Jean would say such words, which shocked them both.

"I really didn't expect you to have such cowardly thoughts, Gene. It's been really hard for you to solve problems all these years, and the repeated occurrence of many problems is indeed unbearable, but if these are the reasons why you want to leave the city, If so, it would be too irresponsible of you."

Tang Rao continued and Gu Yi said with a smile.

"Say less, otherwise people will hear you later and cause unnecessary trouble."

Gene smiled helplessly.

"It is true that I proposed the idea of ​​leading humans to build a city, but in the end we did it, and weren't you very happy at the time?"

Gene said, Tang Rao snorted and turned his head to sit down, Werther said with a smile.

"It's really incredible that such an idea would come out of your mouth, Jean. I thought you would guard Brilliant City forever."

Werther said and Gene laughed.

"I'm not disgusted or disgusted, or tired. I've already said it. I think you should have seen this feeling and can understand it. The shadow that exists on a person since childhood will eventually follow this person for his whole life. We That's probably the case."

"That's just an excuse."

Tang Rao said angrily, Gu Yi frowned slightly, and Witte smiled.

"It's exactly what Jean said. Shadows are something that exists in everyone's heart. Even if we have escaped from the category of human beings, the shadows left over from the human era will always remain. Don't you look for them near the flower house every day? When people drink, do they get extremely drunk every time?"

Tang Rao stopped talking. She just felt that Jean's words were a little unbelievable and a little angry.

"Think about how much effort we spent back then before the city finally took shape. How many sacrifices were made and how many tragic things happened. Finally, the city was finally established. We have worked hard to get to where we are today step by step. Think carefully about it, not just you, Gene, but all of us too."

Jean sighed and nodded.

"Of course I know that Tang Rao doesn't need you to explain. What I'm talking about now is a very real issue. We should let go and leave everything to humans, and we should no longer dictate to human society. That was why back then, As a result, a lot of problems were left in the city, and finally these problems finally broke out. Several times the city was crumbling, why are we so afraid and really want to be exposed, because we know that this will collapse the city we built with great difficulty."

Tang Rao sighed.

"Stop it now, let's go help."

Tang Rao put out his cigarette butt, and the four of them got up and walked into the spacecraft. Now everyone was controlling the resource collection robot. The four of them came to the side of the reactor and began to adjust the values. They planned to put the The crystal undergoes a reduction reaction.

"I don't think Gene will change his mind."

After Gene went to the control room, Guyi said, and Witte smiled beside him.

"Yeah, Gene may have had this thought countless times, but he just stayed away from the city after he came out. Maybe he saw some of the past things more clearly and thought of more things, so he did this decision."

Looking back on many things in the past, Jean was actually the one taking the lead, and they did not interfere in many issues. In other words, Jean's approach made them feel safe.

Regarding several major issues in the city, in the end everyone always chose the aspect of stability and ignored the essence of the issue. In the end, the issue was shelved and everyone thought it had been solved and the issue was buried.

In fact, it is not. The problem is just buried deep due to the high-intensity oppression and treatment methods. When the soil loosens one day, the problem suddenly pops up one day and becomes a bigger problem.

"Actually, I also want to take a good look outside and say goodbye to the city for a while."

Witte said, Gu Yi guessed what Witte wanted to do.

"How about you and Jean and the others go there, and it's okay for me to go and investigate by myself."

Werther shook his head.

"It's not necessary. We have plenty of time and opportunity. We have almost completed our investigation and can go to Steka's country to have a look. After all, that place is my hometown, and I have to figure out what happened to Steka and the others. OK, this is a big issue concerning humanity.”

"I think they should be a group of people who mutated after encountering the influence of special substances. However, their body structure is completely different from that of us humans, which is a bit difficult to explain."

Werther hummed.

"No matter what kind of material they are affected by, no matter how they change, they should always retain some human characteristics. But I can't see human characteristics in them, so I also suspect that they may be on an asteroid. Intelligent life that originally existed.”

At this time, a steady stream of robots came back from the collection, and a large number of cut crystals were placed aside. Gu Yi and the others began to use telekinesis to transport them, and put these crystals into the reactor.

The most worry-free thing about these crystal substances is that they have no impurities and are very pure mimics. Therefore, after reduction, pure mimics can be obtained, and then put into a compression tank to increase the density to a certain level. You can take it out after finalizing and put it in the warehouse.

After all the warehouses of the spaceship are filled, the spaceship will set off. Not far away, Tang Rao looks gloomy. Jean is watching in the warehouse control room to prevent program errors in the process of placing energy and need to be dispatched. Machinery in the compression pool.

A few hours later, the warehouse was filled with pieces of solid mimic objects, all of which were very dense.

People also started to come back, and robots began to enter the spacecraft one after another. Many people in Section 10 had been busy all day. They just wanted to eat quickly and then go to bed. They had enough rest before starting to work. After all, they were staring like this. Robot work is very laborious.

Although it can be left to AI to do it, some numerical corrections still need to be judged by humans. The most critical thing is the condition of the robot. If the robot fails, it must be taken back and repaired.

Such frequent collection will cause serious wear and tear on the robot. Everyone was happily talking about today's results in the cafeteria with eager faces. It was only the first day and they had already gained a lot. In the future, the entire resource warehouse will be filled. It seems five or six days are not enough.

Jean and the others have already begun to calculate today's volume, spacecraft load, etc. Although the AI ​​can fully calculate it, the actual situation is different. Monsters in the sea need to be considered, and the road back will not be so smooth.

Once it carries so many resources, the speed of the spacecraft cannot be increased. Once the spacecraft encounters a problem, it cannot accelerate. At that time, the spacecraft's weapons can only be used to fight back.

"If it doesn't work, let's follow Tang Rao to safely deliver the resources to the city first."

Witte looked at the calculation results. Since they were different from their previous calculations, Gu Yi nodded.

"There is no way. Resources are more important. If we come out this time, it will probably take half a century or more until the next time. It's better to be safe."

Didi didi.

At this moment, a prompt sounded, and soon some light spots appeared on the light and shadow screen, approaching quickly. Gene immediately decided to activate the environmental camouflage.

The spaceship soon began to blur, and then became the same as the surrounding crystals. Some aircraft appeared on the light and shadow screen. They looked the same as airplanes, but they were definitely drones.

Because no life information was detected on the passing aircraft, a clear picture appeared on the light and shadow screen, a passing aircraft with the words CL7-193 on the fuselage.

Shakira came over and looked at it carefully, she said.

"I've seen this kind of plane."

"What is it for?"

Witt asked, Shakira said.

"It seems to be a private scientific research organization in the United States. How should I put it? I have also seen their garbage cleaning truck, which is also automatic."

Werther asked.

"What do they mainly do? This private scientific research organization?"

Shakira said.

"I see that they often distribute small machines and even food to some poor people. I don't know what they do specifically."

There were 7 planes in total, and they quickly disappeared into the distance of the spar, Tang Rao said with a smile.

"Isn't this an opportunity? Just capture it directly. After all, the signal cannot be transmitted back."

Everyone nodded, and soon followed by a roar, a mechanical ball in the spacecraft slowly lifted into the air. Jean sat in the mechanical ball and drove the mechanical ball quickly towards the distance.

This mechanical ball was generated using light and shadow materials. It was an aircraft with a mechanical arm for capturing. A red aperture appeared on the surface of the mechanical ball. In an instant, Jean had flown far away, and soon the light and shadow screen appeared on the screen. Hint, those planes are still taxiing to the west.

In an instant, Jean had locked onto two of them, approaching extremely quickly.


With the elastic steel net launched by the mechanical ball, the two aircraft were trapped in an instant. Jean did not slow down, but slowly matched the speed of the aircraft, allowing the mechanical ball to follow for a distance until the mechanical arm was stable. He grabbed two planes, and after their speed disappeared, Jean dragged them into the mechanical ball.

After the mechanical ball returned successfully, everyone gathered in the warehouse with cheers. Gene came out of the mechanical ball, and soon the two planes were dragged out.

People from Section 10 passed by one after another, and at this moment, a burst of red light appeared on the outer shell of the plane. With a clicking sound, the plane began to stand up. It turned out to be an airplane-type robot.

In front of him was a machine face with red eyes. The nearly 5-meter-tall robot raised its hands, and the weapons on its arms were about to fire. In an instant, the robot's hands were cut off, and then directly dismembered.

Witte stood quietly aside, as the robot was completely broken into pieces with scattered iron lumps.

"What are you doing?"

Tang Rao asked.

"It's not worth the gain if you wait for it to fire and then destroy it. The other one looks intact."

Witte said that the others did not dare to move, for fear that some defense mechanism would be triggered before this robot would launch an attack.

"The other one is probably damaged somewhere."

As Tang Rao said, the people from Section 10 went over to check carefully, and sure enough, they quickly determined that the energy source of this robot was in a small black ball in the middle, and it was definitely nuclear energy. The ball had been pierced by the steel mesh. , which is why the other robot didn't start.

"We got some pretty good things, which are valuable for research. But let's collect them first. Jean, you'd better go around and take a look. If they can come here, it means that the ship that released these robots should be nearby. That’s right, they probably want to investigate something on this island.”

Guyi said, Jean nodded, and then entered the mechanical ball directly. He now had to go and see what this civilian science organization wanted to do. If he could find these people from the United States, he might be able to have a more comprehensive understanding of the United States.

After Jean left, Gu Yi and his people began to plan to dismantle the robot that had been cut into pieces by Witte, and then mainly look at the problems with the transmission device of this deformable airplane-shaped robot.

"You guys are researching and researching, why not wait for Jean to capture a few scientists and come back? Wouldn't it be more troublesome?"

Tang Rao said, Gu Yi smiled.

"What if these robots came from the United States?"

"It shouldn't be possible, Mr. Tang Rao. After all, if you come over, you will easily be attacked by underwater monsters. With the speed and hardness of an aircraft like theirs, it is completely impossible to survive the mouths of those monsters. "

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