"There is no life left in this facility."

Shakira said, Gu Yi's face became solemn, and Jean jumped down. On the highest floor, many facilities seemed to be intact, but it was certain that there had been no one here for hundreds of years. A large number of monsters came after Shakira landed. Started to stay away.

It's a miracle that this lighthouse hasn't collapsed yet, but one day it will collapse and disappear.

"Forget it, let's leave. Go to the ocean center early to find resources and then you can go back."

As Gu Yi spoke, Tang Rao sighed and patted his shoulder.

"I think if we look again, sometimes the perception may not be accurate. Even if the people here are so close to the radiation site, there may be some changes in their bodies."

Shakira said.

"Indeed, I may not be able to accurately perceive it."

Shakira's words were comforting, and Jean on the side could hear it, because even Shakira could feel the crystal worm. The worm was only the size of a hair. Such a weak life form could not be detected with instruments. is undetectable.

So Shakira's perception was very accurate, and Gu Yi also heard Shakira's comforting words, and he said with a smile.

"Yeah, let's keep looking."

Seeing that the monsters had left from some of the stairs going down, people from Section 10 also came down one after another, and everyone started to wander around and watch.

Time passed by, and after an hour, nothing was found. There was no way to find anything from the top floor. Gu Yi stood at the door of a damaged conference room, which used to be a place used by the top leaders of the lighthouse for meetings.

There was only a lot of junk left inside. This room was also the strongest place. Soon Gu Yi found the control room. Some people in Section 10 also looked at some of the panels in the control room strangely. Many of them were old. Old and rusty.

"This is the room where nuclear weapons are activated. It should have been in this room when the asteroid hit. In the end, everyone decided to activate nuclear weapons to blow up the asteroid."

Many people from Section 10 began to take pictures and record them. After all, this was a very rare image material. Gene looked at it casually, and Gu Yi laughed. He was sitting on a worn-out chair. The chair was made of metal. Fortunately, Not yet corrupted.

Shakira has already gone to other floors. It can be seen that she really wants to help Gu Yi find the living people here.

Guyi told the people in Section 10 about the history of the lighthouse. Especially when building this lighthouse, we encountered very big problems. This lighthouse has two functions. One is to deliver energy to coastal cities, and the other is to block Water panels provide energy.

Another function is to serve as the country’s defensive strike weapon, a person from Section 10 asked.

"With such an obvious target, if a war really breaks out, wouldn't the enemy be able to attack it easily?"

Gu Yi shook his head.

"At that time, the country's most powerful group army was stationed here, and it was also protected by satellite weapons in space. The light of this lighthouse could shine on any country, and it only needed the cooperation of satellites in the sky."

Jean smiled. The situation at that time was already on the verge of war. The world needed to be reshuffled, because the huge population pressure and the rapidly deteriorating environment had made the whole world miserable.

If this asteroid hadn't passed by, giving all mankind a common goal, giving those excess resources an outlet, and allowing capital to make money, war would have broken out.

Although it will not be a nuclear war that will destroy the world, it will definitely be a war of large and small scales. The population will be rapidly consumed, and the excess production capacity will also be greatly consumed.

"When this lighthouse was first established, it encountered opposition from many countries, but fortunately things turned around."

Gu Yi introduced the situation on the morning of landing on the asteroid. Many people listened with interest. Gene lit a cigarette and walked around casually.

Jean had observed when he came up from below that the number of farmland was getting smaller and smaller with each level. It was certain that the number of humans inside was getting smaller and smaller. When he came to the top level, the number of farmland was enough for three or four people. Thousands of people.

Gene exhaled smoke, and at this time there was a noise below. Gene stood up and quickly went down the stairs on the outside. Soon he came to the 34th floor. A large support collapsed, and Shakira was beside him.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to take a look."

Gene was a little confused. Looking at the bracket of this large machine, it was used to lift goods. Gene walked to a broken container and then took a look at the material of the container.

"This should be some kind of material that blocks information."

Soon Gu Yi and others came down. Gu Yi confirmed that this kind of container was indeed made of material that could block signals for the sake of confidentiality.

"Maybe he lives in a container like this."

Many people were confused, especially Shakira, Gene said.

"If we can really find him, I think it is certain that your perception is similar to signal search."

Shakira nodded, and everyone returned to the aircraft and began to search layer by layer. When they reached the 21st floor, there were a large number of containers piled up in the far corner. Because there were many potholes on the ground on this floor, There are relatively few monsters.

Gene and the others walked over and rummaged through a large pile of containers.

There were even monsters in some containers. The monsters were quickly cleared away. Gene saw a trail with some footprints on it, right in the middle of several containers. Gene started walking.

"It seems like I've really found it."

Jean felt the change in temperature. He could feel it all at once in places with such cold temperatures and high temperatures. Jean continued to move forward, but suddenly Jean tripped over something.

The gears creaked, and sharp metals flew out of the surrounding containers. Gene said with a smile.

"Looks like we should have found it."

The metal all twisted in the blue particles, and Gene sighed.

"Be careful Gene."

Jean went all the way. In the distance, there was a container with a door on it and many traps around it. Jean kept going over and triggering the traps. Then when he came to the door, he knocked on the door, but no one answered. .

Jean glanced at the structure of the lock, and then sank into the keyhole with blue telekinesis.


The door to the room opened and Gene smiled.


Gunshots rang out, and a steel pillar stopped in front of Jean. In front of him was a man wearing a cotton-padded jacket, with frightened eyes and disheveled hair. He was trembling. Jean had already restrained the man with telekinesis.

"Don't worry, we are not monsters, we are humans!"

At this time, the lights came on, and the man looked at everyone in horror, and he shouted excitedly.

"Are you from the National Guard? Why did you come here?"

The man was a little frightened, but Jean didn't quite understand.

"What National Guard?"

"As my grandfather said before, the broadcast was also received here. The National Guard is looking for survivors."

Gene listened to the man talking about the National Guard, and he seemed extremely happy.

The container seems to be a small world. There is a complete water circulation and oxygen supply system on the left side. On the right side are planting fields in glass tanks with many crops. There are resting and working places in other places. There is also a writing desk with a lot of stuff piled behind it.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Xu Rui."

The man introduced himself. He looked at the group of people coming in excitedly, but after seeing Shakira, Xu Rui was a little scared.

"My name is Jean. First of all, we are not members of the National Guard. We come from Brilliant City, a city built after a human disaster."

Xu Rui nodded in surprise.

"I knew there must be other human beings in the world. Although I had seen one before, she seemed to be mutated and not like a human being."

Gu Yi looked at the bottles of well-preserved seeds. This should be the reason why Xu Rui can live for a long time.

“What are you going to do with your domestic water?”

Gu Yi asked.

"My grandpa and I made an electric water pumping device before, which is directly connected to the sea surface, just outside the tower. When there is no water, just pump some water."

Xu Rui looks like his cheeks are fat, but this is not fat. When Gene takes off his hat, you can see a lot of small bumps.

"It's radiation sickness, it's nothing."

Xu Rui explained that soon everyone saw a small nuclear reactor, which was the energy source of the container.

"Come with us."

Gu Yi said and Xu Rui nodded.

"Absolutely. I hope for the stars and the moon, and finally someone is here."

The people in Section 10 started to pack up and had to take away some of the handwritten diaries and documents from Xu Rui's home. Xu Rui sat on the ground a little weakly.

"Your condition is serious and requires immediate treatment."

Xu Rui nodded.

"It probably can't be cured. My grandfather ended up bleeding all over his body and died."

Gene laughed.

"It might have been impossible before, but it's different now."

Soon everything was packed up, and Xu Rui looked at the home in front of him, feeling a little reluctant to leave it.

"Just stay a little longer."

Gu Yi told Xu Rui about the current situation and the problem of mutants, including Shakira. Although Xu Rui couldn't understand some things, he could probably understand it.

"Why did you choose to be here? Aren't there better places elsewhere?"

A 10th Department member asked, Xu Rui said.

"Originally, there were still some people, but after a monster broke into the area where we live, everyone fled in all directions. Finally, my grandfather and I found this place. But now I should be the only living person in this tower."

Xu Rui said with a smile, without any sadness at all.

Soon the aircraft started. Xu Rui was a little scared, but his face showed great excitement, because he finally saw human beings. When he was still alive, he saw so many human beings and knew that there were no human beings in this world. Destruction is already very satisfying for Xu Rui.

Gu Yi remained silent. He looked at Xu Rui because it was not yet certain that Xu Rui was his blood relative, but his name did match. Gu Yi's former son-in-law was named Xu Guang.

Time passed by, and the moment he left the tower, Xu Rui shouted excitedly. He had already put on protective clothing. It felt great. It would have been fatal to go back out before.

Xu Rui was completely shocked when he saw the huge spaceship.

After a while, Xu Rui entered the interior of the spacecraft. He threw away all his tattered clothes, took a shower and put on clean clothes. With the help of the robotic arm, he cut his hair and beard. He looked younger. A big chunk.

"How old are you?"

Xu Rui smiled.

"Just turned 35."

Gene nodded, and Xu Rui put on new clothes. There were small bumps all over his body. This was a typical radiation problem. He started coughing and wheezing. Gene took him to the infirmary, where Werther was already waiting.

After a while of testing, Witte looked at Xu Rui in disbelief.

"Aren't you in pain? Most parts of your body have been eroded by cancer cells. Although there has been no further erosion, you are basically on the verge of death."

Xu Rui smiled.

"What can I do about the pain? It's often so painful that I can't move, but there's nothing I can do. I know I can only wait for death. I also thought about committing suicide, but I didn't have the courage."

Witte took some medicine and gave it to Xu Rui.

"Eating it will relieve the pain."

Xu Rui asked after taking the medicine.

"Can it really be cured?"

Werther nodded.

"It is definitely curable. We will enhance your genes first, but we will have to check your body before we can be sure. After enhancing your genes, we will eradicate all cancer cells in your body and wait for your immune system to heal itself. Heal."

Although he didn’t quite understand it, Xu Rui said it.

"Let's get started, that's what I'm doing anyway."

Witte smiled helplessly, looked at this casual young man, and then began to test. Gu Yi was anxiously waiting for the results of the genetic test to come out soon.

"It seems true. He is your great-grandson Gu Yi."

Gu Yi nodded excitedly. Witte still clearly remembered all aspects of Gu Yi's physical information when he was a human. Now Xu Rui's physical information is very consistent with Gu Yi's. It can be confirmed that Xu Rui is the intentional great-grandson.

After a while, Tang Rao and Jean also came over, and Jean said with a smile.


Gu Yi nodded excitedly, and Tang Rao smiled helplessly.

"I didn't expect that your descendants are still alive. This is really unbelievable."

Gu Yi nodded.

"Yeah, it's unbelievable. It's a miracle that he's still alive."

And now they have figured out one thing. Steka's perception is more like a signal mode. Perhaps Steka can make those monsters feel fear because of this special biological signal mode.

"We can now set sail with peace of mind. This child's surgery will take some time. If it is too violent, his body will not be able to bear it. We can only treat it slowly first and let his body recover."

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