In front of him was a towering mountain, and on the ground were hordes of monsters, all of different sizes, all heading towards the west.

In the distance were large tracts of mountains. Jean looked at the situation below and could see a lot of buildings built with monster carapace. The buildings were all round and looked very rough and primitive, with some beautiful crystals. Stones serve as reinforcement.

Soon Scatka in front flew towards a mountain peak. Gene saw a mountain. The three aircraft quickly approached and Scatka landed on the platform.

The aircraft began to slowly fall. There were small round houses on the foothills. A large number of monster-looking humanoid creatures came out of the houses, including men, women, children and the elderly.

They were wearing simple coarse cloth, and their skin was azure, and on their azure skin, there were crisscrossing white lines. These lines were emitting a faint white light all the time, under such a gray-black sky. , appears extremely eye-catching.

These Steka have human faces, but no ears or hair. Their skin is light blue. Their hands are similar to human ones, but there are some wrinkles on them. Their feet are a little weird. There are three toes at most. of six.

Jean stepped down first. The eyes of these Stekas were all black and looked a little special. At this time, a female Steka came out not far away.

"Gauss, why did you bring back humans?"

As soon as the female Steka finished speaking, some strong Steka came towards this side. At this time, the armor-like carapace on the Steka's body, named Gauss, began to particleize, and then submerged directly. in his body.

Gauss showed his cheeks, his eyes were of five colors, he scratched his head and said.

"Shakira, they don't seem to be human. And one of them smells very similar to us."

As Gauss said, the female Steka came over, her eyes were purple.

"My name is Gene."

Gene said friendly, Shakira stared at these people, as well as those behind them including some mechanical equipment.

"It is true that you are different from the humans we have seen. Where are you from?"

Shakira looked at these humans with serious eyes, and Tang Rao smiled.

"We come from the plateau further to the west, a place called Brilliant City. It seems that you are a smarter Steka. Let's have a friendly exchange."

After Tang Rao finished speaking, Shakira suddenly moved forward at an extremely fast speed. Jean saw some purple particles suddenly appear in her hand, and then there was a blade on the back of her hand, which stabbed Tang Rao directly.

"Such a temptation is unnecessary."

After Tang Rao finished speaking, he stood behind Shakira. The green particles had already clamped down on Shakira's body. Shakira felt very strange. She stood up straight, and then the blade on her arm disappeared. Purple particles sank into her body.

Shakira smiled.

"It seems that you are indeed not our enemy."

Tang Rao smiled.

"If they are really enemies, there is no need to go to so much trouble. Just kill you guys."

Gauss stared at Tang Rao.

"Want to try? Woman."

Tang Rao scratched his head.

"Forget it, I'm not in the mood now."

Shakira said.

"You are no match for her Gauss. They are very strong."

Shakira has already felt that these four human beings have powerful energy. As a sensory Steka, Shakira is born with powerful sensory abilities.

"Are you just passing through here?"

Shakira asked.

Gene nodded.

"We're just going out to find resources for our city, and we're going to the center of the ocean."

Shakira laughed.

"That place is now occupied by some creatures. It's impossible to get past."

"You don't really think you are the original name of this planet, do you?"

Tang Rao asked, Shakira shook her head.

"Humans are."

Gauss had left to mingle with some kids.

"Of course I know the history of this planet. After all, I have lived for many years, and I have been to the United World for some time."

"Does that country really still exist?"

Gu Yi muttered, Shakira looked at the four guys and asked.

"You must be the leader of your side of humanity."

Tang Rao smiled.

"We are gods to the humans in Brilliant City!"

Shakira laughed, but she didn't believe that the energy carried by these four people was enough to raze the entire area to the ground. Shakira still had this kind of perception. Shakira had never felt such power. , even more than their leader.

"Why did you come from so far away?"

Werther asked, Shakira pointed to a larger room in the distance, and Tang Rao asked.

"Can we allow our people to test your tribe a little bit?"


Tang Rao scratched his head, and then they followed Shakira to the big room, where there were many monster body parts, which looked a little disgusting. Shakira directly picked up a piece and started to chew on it.

"Don't you want some?"

"This is not something we humans can eat."

Shakira laughed.

"Don't you call yourself gods?"

"But we were humans before."

Witte looked at Shakira, and they also felt that after these Steka mutations, the power they possess is completely different from their divine power. It is basically impossible to materialize the things in the body. of.

This kind of power made Jean and the others think of the generation of light and shadow matter, but they had to conduct detailed research to know what their power was.

"Can you tell us? How did you get over there?"

Shakira thought for a moment and said.

"How should I put it? Our interior in Steka has been in a war situation for a long time. When we see the Steka outside, their eyes are all black."

Gene nodded.

"Does black mean bad Steka?"

Shakira smiled and said.

"Black represents the cursed Steka. It probably means the same thing as what you said. It can only become the lowest slave in Steka society, but this is just a normal phenomenon."

After Shakira finished speaking, some blue appeared in her eyes.

"Are your eyes going to change color?"

Tang Rao asked, Shakira shook her head.

"The more colors our Steka eyes have, the higher the class and the stronger the power. The strongest one is the legendary Steka with seven-color eyes. I have five colors."

Werther sat down and asked.

"Your coming here means that your survival is threatened, so you may migrate on a large scale."

Shakira nodded.

"Our black-eyed Steka fell apart. Since the death of our leader, everyone has been fighting on their own, but in the end, under the encirclement and suppression of other Steka and humans, we had to leave. We crossed the ocean and headed to the other side. land, I just didn’t expect that the food here would be so rich and diverse.”

Jean looked at Steka outside. People from the other 10 departments were trying to communicate with them, and there was no barrier. They were originally supposed to be human beings, but their bodies mutated and then became like this.

"How many of you escaped?"

Tang Rao asked.

"About 100,000, but now we have been divided into large and small tribes, and we often fight over food and hunting grounds."

"Why don't you sit down and talk?"

Veidt asked, and Shakira laughed.

"It's impossible, because after the death of the leader, many guys were complaining about each other, and there were no specific guidelines for action. In the end, we were just a piece of loose sand."

Tang Rao asked doubtfully.

"There are obviously so many monsters, there should be enough for you to eat, right?"

Shakira nodded.

"Food is the driving force for our existence and reproduction in Steka, so we must guard our food as much as possible."

Gu Yi asked puzzledly.

"How do you control those monsters?"

Shakira shook her head.

"I don't know, but we can control those monsters with our thoughts. They are afraid of us. They are our prey."

Tang Rao put his hand on his chin.

"How about we cooperate?"

Shakira smiled.

"Okay, I also want to cooperate with super powerful creatures like you."

"Can you feel it?"

Gene asked and Shakira nodded.

"I am a naturally perceptive Steka. I can sense the power of others. I knew it as soon as you came over. You are very powerful."

No one expected Shakira to be so direct, and Tang Rao laughed.

"We just want to study you, and we won't do anything excessive. We also want to help you understand yourselves better, and we may obtain fresh science and technology from studying various aspects of your body."

Shakira shook her head.

"When you study us thoroughly, won't we become your slaves? And we are no match for you."

Tang Rao smiled confidently and shook his head.

"We are not a barbaric country like the United States of the World. It seems that you don't quite understand. The reason why we are standing here is because we are the cause of this planet's disaster."

Shakira stood up in shock.

"What's the meaning?"

Tang Rao smiled.

"Let me tell you a story. You can doubt it or believe it. You can make your own judgment."

Tang Rao slowly talked about the situation of mankind when the planet was destroyed before. It seemed to take a long time. Gene went out and lit a cigarette. A little Steka ran over and looked at Gene. Gene squatted down. , she turned around and ran away in fear.

"These kids are so cute."

Jean said and Guyi nodded. Everything in this primitive tribe seemed so harmonious, and many Stekas looked very simple.

“What has the world become in the years we’ve spent solving urban problems?”

Werther said with emotion, Gene nodded.

"Now that the destination can basically be determined, I will go to the United States and conduct a thorough investigation."

"Their technology should be highly developed now. Compared to before."

Gu Yi said and Gene smiled.

"Maybe. That barbaric country once caused immeasurable disasters to the entire world. They need to bear more than half of the responsibility for the planet becoming like this."

As Jean said, the three of them all thought of the past world situation. In order to control everything, the United States continued to provoke wars in some countries, which eventually led to the deterioration of the world situation, and eventually countries began to fight.

The three of them were reluctant to respond to such a situation. After all, there was no way back from the current situation.

"They are probably still the same as before, or even more rampant. After all, they do not work hand in hand with these mutated humans. Instead, they regard them as slaves and a source of stable energy."

Witte laughed. After a while, Tang Rao finished explaining the basic situation. Shakira looked solemn. She didn't know whether she should believe these people, but what these people said was consistent with many things Shakira knew.

"So there is no need for us to make you slaves. I think it would be good if you could become a force in our city."

After Tang Rao finished speaking, Gene was stunned.

"Don't talk about something like this that's not settled yet."

Tang Rao scratched his head and said.

"You have also seen that their powerful combat power and ability to control monsters can perfectly solve the problems on the periphery of our city. There are so many monsters wandering in the dark world outside the barrier."

Gu Yi laughed.

"It is true that if they can get over this problem, they can help us solve it. Moreover, they can survive in such a harsh environment with almost no oxygen. The vast land in the barrier area is indeed suitable for their survival."

Tang Rao said with sharp eyes.

"As long as these things are based on a strong foundation, there is no problem at all. We will help her integrate the escaped Steka tribe and use strength to overwhelm them. After all, such primitive tribes respect strength."

Gene frowned slightly.

"Is it really as simple as you say?"

Tang Rao nodded.

"I am 100% sure that after all, they are no different from the primitive tribes in the past era we lived in."

The four gods returned to the room again, and Shakira was still thinking about something at this time.

"This is what happened. We have decided to help you integrate these tribes, so that you can trust us. In the future, you can move to the outskirts of our city. The conditions are pretty good."

Shakira stared at Tang Rao.

"It's okay to integrate the tribes, but let us consider the migration first."

Tang Rao nodded.

"This is good for both of us. We don't need any slaves. Our population is already large enough, with more than 40 million people."

Shakira was a little stunned, but then she said.

"The United States still has a population of hundreds of millions."

"So many?"

Gene was shocked, Shakira said.

"Cybroids, mechanically modified humans, and mutants. There are many races in the entire United States, but we are the only ones without Steka."

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