Jean stared at the man in tattered clothes in front of him. He wore the pitch-black captain's hat for who knows how long. The black things were all stains. Only the color on the hat had faded, and the yellowed seagull badge could still be seen.

"I'm Captain John Gene!"

After John finished speaking, Deguna smiled.

"Who are you? Or what are you?"

Deguna's eyes signaled that Rose was already alert, and some people from Section 10 were also ready to start their aircraft and leave at any time, because the gods had told them that they must leave as soon as possible when encountering danger.

"Put away your hostility and come over and let's talk, if you want to know."

Jean jumped to the island, Rose stayed on the aircraft, and Deguna followed closely behind.

The two came to John's side, and they found that the black water under their feet began to harden, allowing them to stand on their feet.

"I don't know how long it has been since I last saw you, maybe a century, or even more."

John said, Gene looked at him in astonishment, Deguna was ready to take action at any time.

"Stop your hostility and come to Deguna. It's pointless on this doomsday ship."

Deguna laughed.

"Is this a ship?"

John nodded.

"You can think of it this way, this is my ship and I'm the captain."

Gene asked, looking around.

"Then what's going on here?"

John smiled, showing his blackened and incomplete teeth.

"Because a certain guy cut off an Ouroboros tunnel, I had to stop. I came to this past space coordinate, which has not been marked by the Devourer."

After John finished speaking, Deguna immediately took action. A large number of purple particles passed through John's body, trying to restrain him. However, the particles passed through John's body, and he seemed to not exist.

"Deguna is useless, your power cannot affect me, because my power is higher than yours, or the dimension is different."

Deguna asked, Jean's face serious.

"Can you tell us what will happen in the future?"

John laughed and said.

"What could happen? Since you know about the Devourer, of course you know that the purpose of its existence in this world is to eat all life and make everything fall silent."

Deguna nodded and Gene asked.

"How long? Our time."

John smiled and said.

"I don't know about this. What may happen in each time and space is different, but the end point of the final fall is the same. In the end, all life will be eaten by the Devourer."

Deguna pouted.

"What you said doesn't mean you didn't answer our question."

John nodded and took off his hat. His thick, knotted hair was messy, and Deguna felt nauseated.

"I carry my last life with me, traveling through different time and space, using my abilities. After all, I am the captain. I can bring my life from the end to the other shore, and from the other shore back to the end."

"Are you going to guess riddles with us?"

Deguna asked and John laughed.

"Of course, this ship once had many helmsmen. Unfortunately, in the end, they sacrificed themselves for the last meaning of life, disappeared into the body of Devourer, and became a part of Devourer. "

Gene took out a cigarette and handed one over. John took it with a sad expression. He raised his hand, and a black flame emerged.

After the cigarette was lit, John sat down, and three rocks appeared. John sat down and exhaled the smoke happily, and Gene lit one.

"I can have a nice chat with you."

"What was that just now?"

Deguna asked. She already felt that the flames that appeared just now contained powerful energy, and Jean also felt this.

"This is my power. I call it the ember of life. It's a good name."

Gene asked.

"Why are these creature-like monsters in such a state?"

John scratched his head, and a lot of dirt fell from his body. Deguna looked at it with disgust.

"First of all, what I want to tell you is that all these problems stem from Devourer. We have not found a way to defeat Devourer."

Jean's face was solemn.


John laughed.

"The Devourer is too powerful. After the death of the last Breeder, we no longer have the means to suppress it. We can only run and keep escaping from the death created by the Devourer again and again."

John looked sad.

"Now I'm alone. I don't know where to escape. The ship is becoming more and more unstable."

"What's the meaning?"

Deguna asked.

"To put it simply, at the moment when these lives are about to disappear, I use my power to turn them into this state, between life and non-life. This state is the best, but if this state is lifted , these lives will die immediately.”

Gene handed John another cigarette.

"Do you know Tasia? She can't get out of here right now."

John nodded.

"Of course I do. She is an exception, right? Standing on the boundary between life and death, it's not that she can't get out, but that she can't go back to the past. She was the one who cut off the Ouroboros tunnel. I don't know about her and Jean. What happened in between."

Gene pointed at himself and then asked.

"What will happen to me in the future?"

John shook his head.

"I think it's best that you don't know."

Deguna asked.

"Wouldn't it be better to tell us everything quickly so we can be prepared?"

John lit the cigarette again with the original flame and took a strong puff. The cigarette butt burned rapidly, but the ashes disappeared after appearing.

"You were the first to fall to the Devourer, Jean!"

Jean stood up in shock, and Deguna also looked very surprised.

"Probably things must be reversed at the extreme. If I know everything about you, I will know that you are carrying a heavy hope. You have tried to save others countless times, but in the end you have witnessed failure time and time again, and you can only look at human society again and again. Collapse. So I think you must have been deeply disappointed with human society in your heart."

Deguna sighed.

"Sure enough, I guessed it right."

Deguna had sensed Jean's unstable emotions early on. In order to keep human society going, he put in a lot of effort and continuously trained some talents. However, in the end, the society was not changed.

"You said your power is higher than ours, what exactly is going on?"

John said.

"To put it simply, there are nine levels of life. You are now at the eighth level. The level of gods has completely broken away from the category of human beings. It has huge and almost endless energy. Even in the universe, you can be safe and sound."

John said, stood up, put out the cigarette butts, took the cigarettes from Gene's hand, took out three cigarettes, lit them and put them in his mouth.

"Sorry, I haven't seen Tobacco in a long time."

Deguna asked as Jean nodded.

"how about you?"

John said, scratching his head.

"I'm about level 8.5, higher than gods, but lower than ninth-level life forms like nurturers and devourers. Devouring and rebirth are always in opposition."

Gene asked.

"Is there a way for us to become devourers or nurturers?"

John shook his head.

"A human who is qualified to become a ninth-level life form, Le Xiao."

Jean smiled and Deguna pressed his forehead.

"That stupid girl can actually become a ninth-level life form."

John laughed.

"Jamie, Clone Hult, and a Steka from the United Worlds, whose name I don't remember."

Deguna asked.

"anything else?"

When Gene heard the name of the clone Helt, he thought of the Asgard general who called himself Helt.

"The disciples you personally trained, Alpha and Tasia."

John stared at Jean with serious eyes, and Deguna was a little surprised.

"Alfa's child's current power is almost reaching the level of a god."

John nodded.

"In the near future, the Devourer will first kill these people who are most likely to become Breeders, so that the Breeders will disappear."

Gene asked as he blew out a puff of smoke.

"Are there any more candidates for the ninth level life form?"

John said, scratching his head.

"There is another person in the deep underground city called Glimmer City. I don't remember his name. He was the first person to die at the hands of the Devourer."

Gene asked looking at John.

"What about you? What role exactly do you play?"

John put on his captain's hat and then smiled.

"I am the captain. As I just said, I am responsible for sending the beings to their destination, a destination that can be far away from the Devourer. But it is obvious that such a place no longer exists in the universe. After the Breeder's cage fell into Over the course of hundreds of years on this planet, the Devourer has wiped out all life except humans."

Deguna asked.

"Isn't the Devourer already locked in a cage?"

John shook his head.

"This cage has been damaged. The Devourer has already awakened. If it wakes up, the Devourers will also wake up. This is the most terrifying thing, and the power of the Devourer on this planet is the smallest now."

Jean's expression was heavy, he looked into the distance and then asked.

"What about me? What happened to me? Did I become the Devourer? Didn't you say that I moved closer to the Devourer?"

John nodded.

"You are not the Devourer, and you cannot be one. You should be called the last guardian of order!"

Gene looked at John suspiciously.

"What on earth is this?"

"The world of microns used to be chaotic, but since you understood the microns, you began to step into the world of microns. You once wanted to find a solution to everything, so you wandered in the world of microns. , and continue to gather those who are qualified to be nurturers into the world of microns."

John said, then looked into the distance and said.

"Time is running out. I have to set sail again, otherwise the Devourer will chase me. Once it enters my ship, our last hope will be cut off."

John said looking at Gene.

"Jean, Lexiao disappeared. No one knows where she went, and no one knows how she disappeared. But everyone thinks you killed her yourself."

Jean looked at everything in front of him blankly. At this moment, Jean felt uncomfortable in his heart. He did not expect that such a serious disaster would be in front of mankind in the future.

"Even if you know it, you can't do anything about it, because this place does not exist, and so does your memory. Everything you have experienced will return to the original world line. Time and space will begin to converge."

Gene nodded.

"In other words, we will return to the correct time in our time and space, right?"

John nodded, and at this moment Gene shouted. On the aircraft, someone threw the wine over. Gene walked up to John with the wine. After opening it, John took the wine and drank it.

"I'm going to other places. I'm sorry, it's too short. I can't understand anything. It's really good to see you. What I need now is to do everything possible to find hope."

Gene smiled and said.

"Hope always exists only in people's hearts, doesn't it?"

John laughed.

"Yes, it only exists in our hearts, and so does the light. This may be the last time, Gene. I don't know what the future will be like. Your future is up to you."

At this time, the surroundings began to fog up. Jean closed his eyes and felt some indescribable changes taking place in his body. Deguna also laughed.

"It's really ridiculous."

As time passed, Gene woke up. He sat in the control room and looked at everything around him. He didn't know what was going on. For a moment, Gene lost consciousness.

"Something seems wrong."

Jean stood up, feeling as if he had encountered something. At this time, a forest appeared on the light screen, and there were noises and roars below. Jean became alert, and Tang Rao walked in.

"There's something going on down there."

This is already the ninth day of flight, and Jean and the others have moved almost 3,000 kilometers.

The spaceship began to hang in the air, and Jean planned to go down directly. The commotion below became more and more loud. At this time, Guyi and Witte came out, and the other 10 people also woke up. Tamayi yawned and asked.

"what's up?"

Jean looked at Tamai and his surroundings. He always felt that something was missing. Jean looked at the sky below. Some images appeared on the light and shadow screen. They were monsters besieging something. Soon a man in clothes The ragged girl appeared in everyone's sight.


Gene looked excited and pressed his head.

"Is it the name in your memory?"

Jean nodded and Tang Rao smiled.

"Then why don't you hurry up and save the beauty?"

Soon, Jean left the spacecraft directly and went down in the aircraft with Tang Rao. A large number of monsters on the ground came over.

Jean turned into a blue light, passed through the monsters in an instant, and landed in front of the girl.

"Are you Tasia?"

"Mr. Jean! Is it really you? Mr. Jean!"

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