In the control room of the spacecraft, a group of people from Section 10 are checking the surrounding situation, and many floating robots have been released.

The current situation is difficult for many people to understand. If this is not an illusion, then the spacecraft most likely entered an abnormal space at some point in time.

It is difficult for the four gods to understand this kind of thing, because the theory of space, to a large extent, only exists in theory.

Many people have seen people who were extremely important to them in the past, and these people have passed away.

"I didn't expect Monica's incident to have such a big impact on you!"

Tang Rao sighed and blew out the smoke, and Gene smiled.

"I often think about her, so I often go to Frye Mental Hospital. Frye will often talk about her adoptive mother. Frye and I have talked about many things, and we always talk about Monie together. Card."

Gene felt powerless when he thought about that past event. From Frye's mouth, Gene also learned the truth about what Monica had done in those years.

Monica has never used her power to snatch anything from others or bully others. Only when others attack Monica, she will kill them without mercy.

It was precisely because of Monica's decisiveness that many people hated Monica to the core. In the end, everyone's anger burst out, and the matter was spread by rumors. There was no truth, only huge public opinion.

Driven by the huge public opinion, Monica died, and Gene killed Monica himself.

With great excitement, the construction of Brilliant City finally started.

This incident is too far away for many people, but for Gene, it seems like it happened yesterday.

Everyone is still discussing ways to get out. Now we can only wait and see what kind of changes will happen in this space.

Werther and Gu Yi were not in a good mood. One saw his favorite student in the past, and the other saw his daughter.

Guyi really wants to rush to the Dragon Lighthouse to understand the situation, but now they are trapped here.

Gene checked some of the test values ​​sent back by the floating robot. Tasia pressed her forehead and sat aside. She looked solemn.

"What's wrong? Did you think of something?"

Tasia shook her head.

"Mr. Jean, I don't know why, but I seem to have seen that island before, and it's on"

Tasia didn't know how to describe her current mood, because she couldn't express it right now. The first time she saw the island, Tasia felt as if she had been there in the past, but after that, this feeling became stronger and stronger. .

"First of all, let's sort things out."

After Tang Rao finished speaking, a group of people gathered around him. Tang Rao had collected everyone's opinions, and then everyone became quiet.

"The mutation started when we noticed that the city's walls were full of holes. Everyone remembers what happened at that time. We discovered that the dust had a structure similar to biological cells."

Everyone nodded, and Tang Rao called out the current research conclusion.

"These dusts are most likely dead biological cells, but they can still carry energy. We are currently unable to determine what is going on. So the mutation appeared after Tasia was rescued by us."

Gene lit a cigarette and looked at the chart made by Tang Rao. Tang Rao continued.

"Then we saw a weird forest, then a city when the disaster occurred more than 200 years ago, and even imagined time travel. Gene received a phone call from nearly 300 years ago."

It is this point that is difficult for everyone to understand. They have tracked the signal, but the signal is broken.

And the phone booth that appeared was fleeting, Tang Rao said.

"Now we need to figure out one thing. Is what appears in front of us an illusion or reality? If it is an illusion, I think it is impossible, because we can accurately know how much power we have consumed, and we can Power consumption is controlled very precisely.”

At this time, a person from Section 10 raised his hand and spoke.

"Lord Tang Rao, I think this may have something to do with the magnetic field. Time and space may be distorted due to the magnetic field."

Tang Rao nodded.

"That hypothesis does fit into the category that we need to consider right now."

Tang Rao continued to sort it out, and everyone began to record it seriously. The discussion started again, and Gene sighed.

"I think everyone should have a good rest."

Tang Rao felt keenly that Jean was going to that island again.

"I think you should not go. After all, those things are not real."

"It's okay if you can talk. You can continue the discussion. I'm going down."

Gene hopes to continue chatting with Monica, which is better than seeing nothing at all, Werther dissuades her.

"It's incredible that that place can materialize the knots in our hearts. I feel it's very dangerous. We are obviously no longer human beings."

Gu Yi nodded.

"Indeed, that place can materialize the strongest points in our memories. It is already difficult to understand how it can read our memories. In other words, our memories can really be read in this way. Is it accurate?"

Gene snorted. It was really difficult for him to let go of everything now, because he really wanted to have a good talk with Monica.

"They only exist in our own memories, and they in our memories are very important to us, but that island can materialize these memories and make their personalities match ours. Memory, this is really amazing.”

After Werther finished speaking, Gene snorted, and Tang Rao was almost done combing his hair.

"If you all go down and don't want to take a break and continue the discussion, let's adjourn the meeting."

Everyone left, and then Tang Rao smiled.

"Take out some meat from the cold storage. If you want to continue the discussion, let's discuss it while eating barbecue."

Everyone cheered, and only Gene and Gu Yi were left in the control room.

"Everyone's mood is the same Jean. No one who sees their deceased relatives, lovers and friends will remain indifferent. I also want to go down, even if it's just an illusion, I also want to talk to my daughter. "

Gene hummed.

"You can go to the barbecue party. I'll just watch over you."

Gu Yi shook his head.

"It's not like you don't know that I haven't liked such lively things since before. I prefer to be alone and think about some issues quietly."

Gene took out the wine from the wine cabinet, then contacted Tamai and asked them to send them some barbecue later.

“When you’re feeling down, eat something good and have a drink.”

Gu Yi nodded.

"By the way, do you have any opinions or thoughts about human beings today?"

Jean asked, Gu Yi scratched his head and said.

"I don't think much about it, because I always feel that the only way out for mankind in the future is to give up capital, otherwise mankind will always make the same mistakes again."

"But human beings are inert, and it is impossible to give blindly without expecting anything in return."

After Gene finished speaking, the two of them had a sip, and Gu Yi laughed.

"Indeed, human desires and inertia are too serious, and it is impossible for all humans to make selfless contributions for the continuation of humanity. This is the biggest problem, and once the number of humans increases, it will often cause very big problems."

The two chatted for a while, and Tamai came over with two large plates of barbecue. He put them down and left consciously. As soon as he came to the door, Tamai felt a little tight in his chest. Tamai rubbed his eyes and wiped them suddenly. Blackness passed before his eyes.

Tamai pressed the corner of his eye, as if something was disturbing him. He didn't think much and ran straight away.

“It tastes really good.”

Gu Yi praised it, Jin taught everyone how to pickle it, and Jin also prepared the seasonings.

Gene laughed.

"I used to learn from my adoptive father. After that, I went to many places and I would ask the boss about seasonings."

The two of them continued to drink, and they both looked at the island on the light and shadow screen.

Soon, on a light and shadow screen, the signal of the floating robot was interrupted. More than 11 kilometers away from here, Gu Yi stood up, and Jean also stood up. After the two of them finished eating and drinking quickly, they called some people who were still energetic. The members of Section 10 drove the aircraft directly over.

Soon the aircraft arrived at the place where the signal disappeared. Everyone looked at the shaking colored barrier in front of them in astonishment. The area was very large. Such a mirror image was not seen with optical equipment in the distance.

Each floating robot, like a stone dropped into the water, continues to float in these barriers, while ripples continue to ripple on the barriers.

"What the hell is going on?"

After Jean finished speaking, the aircraft approached. After everyone touched it with their hands, they found that it could pass through the barrier. Then Jean jumped directly in. Jean was stunned for a moment. He stood on the rock of a big mountain. Looking at the brilliant city in the distance.

The light of the Brilliant City could be seen here, and then the aircraft flew out.

"Sure enough, we have entered a different space."

Soon, people from Section 10 found out based on previous detections that this place was 267 kilometers away from the Brilliant City. A little bit of light could indeed be seen here. The situation finally became clear. Although it was unbelievable, their spacecraft had entered a different space. Now they You can return to your original world by just driving the spaceship.

"Contact the spaceship immediately, be sure to hurry."

Gu Yi immediately gave the order, and then the aircraft sank into the barrier and disappeared.

Jean looked at this barrier that covered a large area. This was where their spaceship entered and entered a different space.

Half an hour later, the spaceship slowly came out of the alien space, and everyone was excited. However, at this time, a call came out, and Tasia had a problem.

Jean quickly returned to the interior of the spacecraft, and soon everyone saw Tasia standing in the aisle. One of her hands was turning into dust. Jean looked at it in shock, but Tasia took a step back. Her hands grew back.

Tasia's face was heavy.

"It looks like I can't leave, Mr. Jean. I'm already dead."

After Tasia finished speaking, Gene walked over, and the people in Section 10 were also studying. As long as Tasia walked past the barrier, her body would be reduced to ashes.

"Sorry Mr. Jean."

Gene hugged Tasia and comforted her.

"I will definitely find a way."

Tasia nodded. She could not leave this space now. If she did, she would die.

But now a decision had to be made. Tang Rao immediately decided to send people back to Brilliant City quickly, bring people here to investigate and study, and let Deguna bring people over.

Then Tasia left the spacecraft and returned directly to the different space. Gene stood under the barrier and looked at Tasia who looked sad. Gene put a lot of canned food here.

"Wait for the people from Brilliant City to come over. Don't run around. Just wait for a day. I will go back now. It only takes half an hour for me to go back, but the preparation may take a long time."

Tasia nodded.

"I'll wait for you here, Mr. Jean."

Then Gene passed through the barrier and disappeared. Tasia sat down, picked up the wine and drank it comfortably. She tried hard to recall what happened to her, but part of her memory was missing.

Tasia had already told Jean and the others what she could say, but Tasia's inability to leave this alien space was the biggest problem. Watching the spaceship slowly sailing out and disappearing into the alien space, Tasia lay comfortably. Down.

At this time, in the outside normal world, people from Section 10 are already inspecting this huge barrier with their detection consciousness.

They were moving forward inside the spacecraft without encountering any problems, but the optical influence was obviously unable to capture this abnormal barrier, so the spacecraft flew into a different space.

It was only after the problem occurred that they felt something was wrong.

The situation now is basically clear. All the weird things that happen in different spaces do not exist in reality, they only exist in different spaces.

Deliberately and Werther were still reaching out to touch this strange space, Tang Rao said with a wry smile.

"Perhaps that girl has been dead for many years, and she is still alive because of this different space. Or she can only survive in this different space."

Tang Rao's words made Werther feel helpless. Guyi also asked Tasia how she came here. Tasia also said a lot of things. She was normal when she came here, but she was trapped after sending Jamie away. Living.

Both Tang Rao and Werther knew what Gu Yi was worried about. If Tasia came from the Dragon Lighthouse in another space, it means that the Dragon Lighthouse may no longer exist.

"We can only wait until Jean brings more personnel from Section 10. Maybe this will be an opportunity for us to make some breakthrough in science."

Tang Rao said and Werther nodded. This trip plan was completely messed up.

People in Section 10 have checked their bodies, and there have been no changes in their bodies. This makes many people feel at ease. Everyone is discussing how this alien space appeared and the significance of its existence.

"I think the most likely possibility is that this thing from another dimension comes from the future!"

Tang Rao said, his eyes became serious.

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