Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2628 New Humanity (Part 1)

2:13 am.

Ran Zai yawned and looked at the man on the surveillance camera. He was talking about his wife's recent changes. The man had physical illness and was unable to withstand some heavy physical labor.

Recently, because many places on the ground floor are allowed to set up stalls, my wife takes care of her husband and children at night, and sets up a stall to sell noodles during the day. At first, my wife took out food at the mechanical ball experience store in Section 13.

Later we moved to the side of the ring road, because it was more lively there, with people eating from morning to night.

The husband's biggest feeling is that his wife has become very cold. Although the interaction with the children and taking care of herself can still make people feel warm, the wife's behavior is too mechanical.

The man was being questioned by a person from Section 2. He seemed very distressed. His wife had just come back tonight, but suddenly she got up and said she had forgotten something and left the house. Now the wife has disappeared.

On the other side of the picture, the upper-class couple who lost their child looked very uncomfortable. Both husband and wife were crying. They finally felt relieved that their son had such a happy change, but now his son has disappeared inexplicably.

This little boy also ran away at night. It wasn't until someone from Section 2 knocked on their door that they discovered that the child was missing, even though he was still fine around 11 p.m.

Ran Zai pressed his forehead. He was already very sure that these people should have been replaced by something, such as AI.


Leng Rui yawned and rested his head on his head. Yu Fangfang looked at him in surprise. A bunch of directors from Division 2 found it very incredible.

"This has happened before during our independent investigation. I thought it was exposed, but it was not. After that incident, I probably guessed that the AI ​​may have become self-aware."

After Ran Zai finished speaking, Leng Rui looked at the independently developed AI Prometheus on the side of the screen and asked.

"What do you think?"

Prometheus laughed.

"I've told you before, the AI ​​in Brilliant City is strange, and most of the control is no longer in the hands of humans."

Leng Rui has seen the recent AI operation track of the city. Everything is normal. Section 10 is already investigating, but several incidents of relatives disappearing at the same time are right in front of him. Ran Zai's conclusion is Xu Yao's evidence. to verify.

"Anyway, I can't imagine how to replace a living person and live like that person. Wouldn't it be discovered?"

After Leng Rui finished speaking, Ran Zai smiled.

"Isn't it just that we've been discovered now?"

Several other groups of people who discovered changes in their relatives were being questioned, but the information received was similar. They all suddenly discovered the changes a few months ago.

"The key is that if you catch one, it will be easier."

A director from Division 2 said, and Ran Zai smiled.

"There is a way, I think you can try it."

After Ran Zai finished speaking, everyone looked at him, Ran Zai said.

"Turn off the power signal."

Leng Rui immediately smiled.

"It's simply impossible. If we do this, the whole city will be paralyzed in an instant."

Ran Zai nodded helplessly. It is indeed impossible to turn off the power signal suddenly. This will cause very serious problems. So now everyone can only find a way to catch a person who has been replaced by AI. As long as they catch one, they can A breakthrough has opened.

"If you were doubtful at the time, why didn't you take action? Now if you miss the opportunity, it's gone. There are so many surveillances on the streets, and our every move is under the eyes of AI."

After Leng Rui finished speaking, a Section 2 director said.

"We can start with the movement trajectories of these people in recent months. I think it is necessary to conduct a detailed investigation of where they have been in the past few months, and then start to check these things. Maybe we can find some useful things. "

Ran Zai stood up and said.

"That's all we can do for now. Let's take a break first, and we have to deal with this matter with all our strength tomorrow. If it is true that human beings have been replaced as I guessed, then it means that a large number of people in the city have been replaced. Once replaced, the quantity will not be small."

Leng Rui still didn't believe it, because this kind of thing was too magical for him, he said.


Everyone got up and planned to rest, while several directors from Section 2 would go directly to arrange a secret investigation to investigate all the places where these missing people had been in the past few months.

This is the only feasible method for them at present. As long as they find a little clue, they can prove that Ran Zai's inference is correct.

Ran Zai returned to the lobby on the fourth floor. He sat tiredly in the living room. Yu Fangfang and Leng Rui also came down.

"Want to eat something? Ran Zai, Xiao Leng wants to eat."

Ran Zai nodded. He was hungry after working for a while. It was already past 3 o'clock in the morning. He would have to rest until around 8 o'clock tomorrow morning at most to get up and continue investigating this matter. Moreover, Ran Zai felt that this matter must be a priority. investigating.

"I was really impulsive just now. I thought I could catch the kid easily, but I didn't expect him to run away."

Ran Zai said, and Leng Rui said next to him.

"If it were me, I would definitely find a way to do it directly."

Ran Zai smiled helplessly. If it were before, he would definitely have done it, but now he is a member of Section 13, so he can't do it at will. But if the opportunity is missed, it will be difficult to find them now.

The surveillance cameras near the barbecue restaurant have been retrieved. Although there is footage of Hernan escaping, he was nowhere to be found after he disappeared from the surveillance camera's blind spot, as if he had disappeared into the area in an instant.

"Do you think it's possible for them to have invisibility like mutants?"

Ran Zai asked, Leng Rui thought for a while and said.

"It's possible, but I still find it a bit incredible."

After a while, Yu Fangfang brought food, Ran Zai took out a bottle of wine, Leng Rui frowned slightly.

"Still drinking. You must have drank a lot tonight."

Ran Zai poured a glass for Leng Rui and said.

"Drink some too, so you can sleep well later."

4:29 am.

Boom, boom, boom.

A knock on the door woke Tang Ye up on the sofa. He quickly stood up, grabbed the gun under the pillow, and released the safety. He watched the AI ​​walk over, and Tang Ye hurriedly turned over and hid behind the sofa.


The door opened, and two people walked in, a little boy and a young man. Then AI closed the door. Tang Ye looked at the two people who came in suspiciously, and relaxed a little. They should be the people who had been replaced.

"what happened?"

Tang Ye asked. The three new AI humans looked at Tang Ye, and the child among them said.

"We have been discovered by the Xingke Branch. The probability of the next new human being being discovered is currently as high as 46.3%."

"How was it discovered?"

Tang Ye looked at them in disbelief. The new AI humans were the last bit of power that Tang Ye relied on. But if they were discovered, they would be doomed. They should want to penetrate into all walks of life of mankind, and at a certain time , suddenly doing something can detonate the city in an instant.

Tang Ye's scalp was numb. He didn't know how the Xingke Department discovered these new humans, so he asked.

"How many people have you discovered so far?"

The child new human said.


Tang Ye felt something was not good. Although the AIs did not say how many humans they had replaced, one thing was for sure, the number would not be small, and they should have taken advantage of the chaos to release some new humans recently.

Tang Ye opened the balcony door uneasily and wanted to get some air. The three new AI humans in the room stood motionless in the living room.

Tang Ye couldn't stand this kind of atmosphere. He really wanted to go out, no matter where he went. Now that he couldn't sleep, he turned around and returned to the house and asked.

"What about the backup plan? You should have prepared a backup plan, right?"

After a while, these new AI humans still didn't answer. Tang Ye walked over angrily and slapped one of the new humans on the head, but it still didn't respond. Sure enough, these things were just lifeless data collections.

Tang Ye returned to the bedroom and just lay down. At this time, there was a fierce knock on the door. Tang Ye was startled. This time he felt something was wrong. Then Tang Ye immediately got up and looked under the window. Here It was almost impossible to jump down, but Tang Ye had already prepared a fixed rope, and he quickly fished it out from under the bed.

After a while, Tang Ye heard footsteps. Tang Ye pulled the rope directly. The person had climbed to the window. He heard the noisy sound. Then Tang Ye jumped out of the window on the 20th floor and slid down.

Fortunately, it was not yet dawn. Tang Ye saw that all the people below were from the business department. He adjusted the hook, fired another hook and fixed it on the roof, then stretched it quickly. Soon Tang Ye came to the rooftop, and he Holding the black ball in his hand, he can only escape by quantum movement.

A large number of people from the administrative department poured into the building. Tang Ye didn't know what was going on. He hid under a reservoir in Tiantian. Soon a lift came over and some people from the 10th department came out after it landed. , Tang Ye’s heart almost jumped out of his chest.

Within a few minutes, the entire building was surrounded by the business department. Many people were woken up and went out one after another. Tang Ye felt that the arrest was not for him, but for the new humans. He had no intention of moving, but He continued to hide, and when it was almost done, he returned to the house, and he should be able to hide for a while.

As time passed, there was a commotion down below. A large number of people from the business department entered the building. They seemed to be searching door to door.

After a while, Tang Ye saw the knowledgeable people bring up the three new AI humans who had completely stopped functioning and put them directly into the lift. As the lift took off, Tang Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

As time passed, Tang Ye felt a little sleepy. He closed his eyes and curled up. When the sun rose, Tang Ye fell asleep.

6:29 am.

In a large conference room of the General Affairs Department, the senior management of the General Affairs Department looked at the three motionless people on the table. They all felt extremely incredible when they looked at the case report in their hands.

Alpha and Michelle walked in. At this time, Noah, the chief of Section 10, and Hua Shen, the chief of Section 4, both came in. The two of them looked at the three people on the stage.

Two of them, Hernan and a child, were missing tonight, and the other was reported by a neighbor who saw Tang Ye, a suspected wanted criminal, in this house.

It was the team from Section 2 that tracked down the rioters that planned this arrest operation, but unexpectedly they had an unexpected harvest.

This operation has been secretly arranged for a month. People who know the situation have been watching the area for a month. As expected, Tang Ye's DNA information was found in the house, and it was still very fresh. However, Tang Ye was not arrested. Arrested, but disappeared.

Therefore, people from Section 2 concluded that these things should have informed Tang Ye in advance. They are still searching, and it is a blanket search. Because Tang Ye brought the quantum mobile device developed by the rioters, he wanted to arrest him. Be careful when catching.

However, the arrest plan failed. The problem now facing the executive department shocked everyone. No one could believe that AI could replace humans.

Alpha called in most of the senior management of the business department. This was no longer a small problem and had to be dealt with.

At this time, Lilian pushed Mo Xiaolan in, and Ran Zai followed. Everyone looked at Ran Zai, because it was Ran Zai who proposed such a conjecture and put it into action.

"Please explain some of the bizarre things you have investigated before."

After Alpha finished speaking, Ran Zai walked over, picked up the loudspeaker equipment and started talking. When they were investigating some things privately before, they often encountered some strange things, and these things were not man-made.

Ran Zai had already asked Hydera to organize some of the things they had investigated into files, and then Ran Zai brought up a large light and shadow screen and began to explain.

Especially when Lian infiltrated a biological company, she was discovered by the business department. But at that time, Ran Zai discovered that there was something wrong with the sound coming from the loudspeaker, so Ran Zai asked Lian to do a series of unconventional actions. Sure enough, The male voice still said the same thing.

After saying this, Ran Zai opened a video, which was obtained from the biological company. Soon everyone started discussing it after watching the live video.

"What are you going to do?"

Huashen asked, Alpha took out a cigarette and lit it.

"Just open it and wait until we see the real situation before announcing it to the public. Tell that girl to come over quickly."

After Alpha finished speaking, Noah excitedly picked up Hernan and placed him on a table. Everyone present watched carefully as Huashen took out the surgical tools.

"Don't worry, the signal shielding process has been carried out in this hall, and there are no explosives on these robots."

After Huashen nodded, he took out the light and shadow scalpel, because after testing this person's skin, it was found that it was the skin of a real person, which made Huashen feel very shocked.

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