Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2623 The Last Line of Defense


Tu Ke came out of the office exhausted. He had just completed some plans. Now they must steadily build this town with a population of 300,000. Everything in the town has resumed production.

Now that Tuke has planned everything, he just needs to proceed steadily. The most difficult thing now is to provide support to some towns on the mountainside. Basically, most of the mutants have already gone to some towns on the mountainside and directly use Some mutants have power generation devices to maintain electrical energy.

A full circle of bright light has been built on the mountainside to prevent those black and red tentacles from coming over.

Humanity has been holding on for three months. As long as it continues to persist, human beings can survive. As long as the tentacles are concentrated directly opposite the mountain forest in the middle, all humans have joined hands to resist.

The towns in the rear are basically vigorously developing production, and food production has been fully developed. The only thing that needs to be done now is to supply some lighting equipment and food to the towns in the front.

The crisis has once again united mankind, which is unprecedented. Many people are helping each other, and everyone is doing everything possible to do what they can, because everyone feels the crisis.

This time is different from the past. Because it is the common enemy of mankind, everyone is now closely united.

Now the Angus family needs to manufacture a large number of replacement strong lights as soon as possible. Some raw materials have been collected from various places. Now there is a special team of mutants who go to the towns where humans used to live to carry some supplies back day and night.

The purpose is to race against time to produce strong light equipment. Only strong light can kill the black-red tentacles. This is the consensus of everyone. As long as there is light, those tentacles can be driven away.

What Tuke is most worried about right now is a group of things not far from the road into the mountain. It looks like a huge tower built of black and red tentacles. The thing is not moving forward for the time being.

This is what most people are most worried about at the moment. Once this thing moves, no matter how strong the light is, it will probably be destroyed in an instant.

Tuke looked tiredly at the busy crowds on the streets outside. The lights in the town were very sparse. Most people did their best to manufacture in the open air during the day, and only in the agricultural bases in the caves. Lighting is sufficient.

Under such a structure, the only thing humans can do is to hold on for as long as they can. The gods have already said that they will find a solution, but there is nothing they can do for the time being.

Although many people have hope now, Tu Ke knows that if the gods cannot come up with a solution, this little bit of hope will turn into huge despair in the future.

Tuke left the office and wanted to go outside for a walk. After taking a few steps, he saw his son Avano running over.

"What's wrong?"

Tuk asked and Avano swallowed.

"Father, a piece of machinery in the factory is damaged, and we are trying to find a way to repair it."

Tu Ke hummed, and Avano ran to his office and took out the drawings left by the gods. Now that a large piece of equipment is malfunctioning, it is quite bad for the entire situation.

Tuke also followed his son to the scene. After all, at this time, nothing could be ignored.

As soon as the father and son arrived at the scene, they saw people on both sides arguing. Tuke went over to stop the dispute. Later they found out that there were disagreements when everyone was using the equipment. Some people felt that after letting the machine work for a period of time, it would Enjoy maintenance and rest, but some people think that once a good machine stops, big problems may occur.

In any case, a problem has arisen, and people on both sides are saying that it is the other party's responsibility. Avano took out the drawings and summoned some technicians. Everyone began to carefully disassemble the machinery, while Tu Ke tried his best to do his best on the scene. Let both parties calm down.

Looking at the light in the distance and the transport team still waiting outside, today a batch of bright lights must be sent to the front line. Otherwise, after three consecutive months, many of the bright lights will no longer be able to hold up.

Those black-red tentacles are waiting in the darkness dozens of meters away from the light, waiting for opportunities to move. Once the light disappears, everyone knows that the consequences will be disastrous. Once the defense line is breached, everyone will be finished.

The technicians soon found the problem, because the core components were overheated and damaged, but now such core components cannot be found at all, and it is almost impossible to make them, given the current conditions for picking up leaks.

Everyone was thinking of a solution, but the dispute started again. Some people felt that they should go to the gods. At least the gods had the conditions to manufacture core components in their bases, but it would take four or five hours to go back and forth, and by then the front line would be out. If there is a problem, it will be troublesome.

Seeing that the dispute was about to happen again, Avano shouted.

"Everyone, calm down for a moment and listen to me."

Many people looked at Avano. Avano began to explain the situation and told everyone every step in as much detail as possible. Then he directly said that some of the core components needed were now only manufactured on site.

Soon the crisis was resolved, and everyone started looking for raw materials as Avano said. In less than 10 minutes, everyone brought the raw materials.

Tuke looked at his son in astonishment. He didn't expect that his son had grown up so much in such a short period of time. In terms of business, his son might not have the talent.

Tuke is very sure of this, because when he was stable before, he also gave some things to his son, especially business matters. His son did not have much talent and messed up many times. The family was not happy. Few people complained.

But Tuke did not blame his son, because his son was very talented in knowledge. He learned a lot of things by himself. After gaining knowledge from books, he would bring out the ideas in his mind to the world every day.

Soon some small equipment was also moved over, and everyone was busy working in various directions. Under Avano's command, the core components were manufactured, although they were not comparable to the original ones.

But the machine started moving and everyone screamed, Avano said.

"Don't be too happy, everyone. This kind of inferior core drive component can only last for one or two hours at most. We have to keep manufacturing it and replace it whenever there is a problem with the machine."

Everyone got busy, and as expected, as Avano said, the machine stopped again after 50 minutes of normal operation. After replacing the manufactured core components, the machine started working.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. A large number of bright lights were loaded onto the trucks, and the loaded trucks were started directly. It takes at least 2 hours to get to the front line here, and the roads must be normal.

Some roads have been damaged, and people in nearby towns have been working hard to build roads during this period. They must keep the roads normal so that supplies can be transported to the front line in an endless stream.

At this time, at the front line, many people were behind the bright lights, checking the status of each bright light. There were not many replacement bright lights left, and any slightest slack would be their demise.

Some people have experienced previous great collapses, but many people could no longer bear it and fled back, causing these tentacles to directly submerge human towns in one fell swoop.

The expressions of the people behind the bright lights were extremely solemn. Many of them actually wanted to escape, but now they had no way to retreat, because once they escaped, the destruction of mankind would not be far away.

Now they can still eat two normal meals a day, which is very rare for many people. Some people are still repairing broken bright lights.

At this time, a strong light went out, and everyone became nervous. A large area of ​​darkness appeared. Some people who had prepared strong light equipment directly took the equipment and shined it.

The black and red tentacles burned out instantly in the strong light. Several technicians hurried over, unscrewed the power interface, and replaced the strong light.

When the light came on again, many people breathed a sigh of relief.

No one can endure such pressure for long, one person said.

"It's okay, everyone, just keep holding on. As long as you keep holding on, these things won't be able to get in."

Many people were encouraging each other and talking about things that had nothing to do with the current crisis. No one wanted to have any problems with this hard-to-build bright light strip.

Everyone is thinking about what to do, but no one has an answer. It can take one day to delay.

What everyone is most worried about now is when the new strong lights will be delivered, as well as everyone's food, because many people now have very little food left, and if this continues, everyone will starve.

Most people don't have enough to eat and are often hungry, because food needs to be given to mutants first. Mutants are currently the most stable source of electrical energy. Only when they have enough to eat and drink can they use their alienated cells to produce electricity.

Hunger and fear have always been the biggest weapons that threaten mankind. Many people no longer think about anything. They just hope that these tentacles can fade away and they can return to their original towns. As long as they can grow food, they can survive. .

The areas outside the mountains and forests are still chaotic. Although there are not a large number of tentacles in the west and east, they are already in chaos. Everyone wants to go near the base of the gods, but it is already overcrowded, and even those who pass by will definitely be defended there. If they try to force their way in, the other party will definitely shoot.

Crisis always makes people reflect. Many people have been wondering recently why it happened like this in the past. The meaningless outbreak of war destroyed everything in human beings. But now that the crisis strikes, human beings know how to unite together.

A technician kept wiping his sweat. He looked behind him from time to time. There were no vehicles coming yet. What most technicians are most anxious about now is a large number of new bright lights. The damaged lights will be sent to nearby towns. Repair, if it cannot be repaired, it can only be rebuilt.

The situation has become increasingly difficult. When the supplies that can maintain such a volume are exhausted one day, it only takes one place to have a problem, and the entire line of defense will be vulnerable.

Just then a truck came over, and at the same time, some bright lights went off, and everyone panicked.

"Don't panic, don't be chaotic."

The bright light that was quickly extinguished was replaced. Everyone looked at the tentacles that were wiped out by the light. Many people pressed their beating hearts. If there was even the slightest mistake, they would be doomed.

Trucks were delivering food, and many people began to receive food, but the portions were much smaller than before, and there were also some repaired strong lights.

"That thing moved."

At this time, someone exclaimed, and everyone looked over. The tentacle tower composed of a large number of tentacles began to move towards them. For a moment, everyone was frightened. Everyone began to hold strong light equipment, Plan to fight to the death, because there is no way for them to escape.

Looking at the tentacle towers that were getting bigger and bigger, many people were lighting up the lights, but when the light shined through, it was much weaker. It would take a while for the tentacles to burn without fire. Many people were desperate.

Everyone held their breath. At this time, the tentacle tower stopped, more than 100 meters away from the light strip, and returned to a quiet state. Many people were already crying, and some people were kneeling on the ground in despair. .

At this time someone realized something, a man stood up and said.

"Why haven't the batch of bright lights that were supposed to come here not arrived yet?"

As soon as the man finished speaking, many people realized that it was already 6 p.m., and some people even forgot to eat. Everyone started eating first and looked at the end of the road below. No vehicles appeared.

"Don't think too much. The rear is producing bright lights day and night. We have to stick to our position."

Someone yelled, but it was obvious that this was untenable before seeing the truck transporting the bright lights. The truck was already 2 hours late.

Another bright light went out. Just when everyone was in despair, there was a rumble and a truck came over. Many people exclaimed. After a while, the truck drove into the camp and everyone began to carry the new bright light. Came down and put some broken bright lights directly into the truck.

The truck driver explained the situation because there was a problem with the rear equipment, but the emergency repairs have now been completed and there is no problem at all. Let everyone continue to work hard.

At 9 o'clock in the evening, the people who came to change shifts screamed in surprise. Many people left the position tiredly, but everyone would look at the tentacle tower like a thick pillar in the dark, and pray that it would not come closer. Otherwise, everyone will be screwed.

This is the last line of defense for mankind. Once it is broken through, mankind will begin to enter a countdown to destruction. No one can stop this countdown.

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