Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2620 The biggest crisis

The biting cold wind blew across the face, making people shiver. The temperature dropped without warning. Some people living on the edge of the grassland were packing their things and planning to leave.

Many people are living on the edge to avoid the war. Some people are still living in caves under the highway. After repairing the damaged cave facilities, they have established farmland. However, the situation is different now. Because some roving gangs have invaded the caves below.

They would come back after a while after plundering. Most of them left the cave and planted some crops on the edge to survive. But now the cold wave is coming again and they have to leave. If they don't leave, they may freeze to death. .

Now there is no hope on this grassland. Although many people have heard that there is food available at the base where the gods are located, many people do not believe it.

If you want to survive, you can only rely on the towns near the family's territory. Although those places are chaotic, they do have some food.

At this time, a few people who were packing their things saw something moving in the distance, like something blowing in the wind. A man picked it up and walked over. Things blown in the wind can sometimes be useful.

The man walked over expectantly. Under the gloomy sky, the field of vision was very low. In many cases, he could not even see clearly what was under his feet. The man walked over cautiously.

There was a rustling sound. There was a small slope. The man squatted down and slid down a little. He saw some slightly reddish spots of light. Just as he was confused, the man melted down.

"What's this?"

The man stretched out his hand and grabbed some black and red things that were moving slowly, like threads. Just when the man was confused, these things began to crawl up the man's body. The man became frightened and felt a tingling sensation on his skin.


The man shouted, and suddenly there was a burning sensation that made the man scream. These things penetrated the man's body, entangled him more and more, wrapping him up. The man cried, someone Hearing the sound and coming over.

Several men came over in a hurry, pulling the man with all their hands, and pulling him out bit by bit from these black and red tentacles, but the next moment everyone was stunned.

"Your feet."

The man looked over and screamed in pain. Only white bones and some meridians visible to the naked eye were left on one of his feet. He didn't even feel pain. At this time, tentacles sprouted from the man's eyes, nostrils and ears. The spilled blood was quickly absorbed by these things.

Several men screamed in fear, and another person was entangled. Some of the men who escaped shook their heads and looked at the black and red tentacles that were moving violently in front of them. A large number began to flutter up, and soon three of them were entangled. The man who lived there lost his voice.

The other men started running, someone shouted.

"There are monsters, there are monsters. Everyone, run away."

The shouts of several men did not alert the people nearby who were still slowly packing up their things. Some people even laughed.

However, half an hour later, someone was entangled in black and red tentacles. People nearby finally realized that something was wrong. Many people started running, and some who had not had time to get their things dropped their things and ran away.

Black and red tentacles climbed up from the road in large areas, and wherever they passed, some things disappeared out of thin air.

No one knows where these things come from, but it is certain that these things are related to this dark world.

Some people who were tired from running were watching as these things moved across a large area. Some people turned around and continued running, but at this time someone found that these things had stopped and were quietly on the ground, crawling slowly like tree roots. Extend forward little by little.


The sky is getting brighter, and Tuco is sitting in the study, dealing with some problems. Recently, the territory of the Angus family is returning to life. Tuco is also very happy. His son Avano has also officially entered the engineering department.

Although Avano is very young, many older engineers praise Avano. He is very serious about what he does and has a lot of creativity and ideas. He has already made many suggestions for the Angus family's engineering department. thing.

Now the major families have settled down temporarily, because most people have gone to the vicinity of the gods' base. Although there are still some people who stay, no one is willing to take the initiative to initiate a war.

The war has brought an immeasurable heavy blow to human society throughout the grasslands. Many people are asking why the war happened, but no one knows where the source is.

But everyone has heard that Monica planted the seeds of the war, so many people have an object of hatred. They hate Monica, and gradually no one pursues the root cause.

The source of the war was locked on Monica, so now basically everyone thinks that Monica caused the war.

Tu Ke smiled helplessly. He had often heard such words recently, but people who knew Monica's past would not say so. What led to the outbreak of the war was the increasing consumption of resources and the expansion of the population.

dong dong dong

The door to the room rang, Tuke stood up and opened the door, and Zhang Ting from the military department ran in.

"Oh no, Mr. Tuke, there's a monster on the edge."

Tu Ke's face was solemn. Seeing that Zhang Ting didn't look like he was joking, Zhang Ting took out his mobile phone and opened the photos and videos. Tu Ke stared at these things quietly.

"What on earth is this?"

Zhang Ting shook his head.

"We don't know, but people who come nearby say that if they get entangled with something, they won't even have bones."

Tuke asked immediately.

"How far are these things from our nearest town."

Zhang Ting wiped his sweat and said.

"It's less than 20 kilometers away, and these things are coming towards us in a large area."

Tu Ke only thought of one thing at this time, and that was that the gods might know what was going on, but they could not be contacted at all now. Tu Ke immediately asked Zhang Ting to bring troops and weapons, especially some burning ones. ammunition may be effective.

These things looked like some kind of plants. At this time, Zhang Ting was about to leave, but Tu Ke stopped him and said.

"I will go with you."

After a while, Zhang Ting brought a lot of mutants with him, and the convoy started to set off. Tu Ke looked around worriedly at the quiet and peaceful streets. Many people were talking and laughing. He didn’t know what these things were, but he was sure If weapons and ammunition cannot cause damage to these things, mankind will face the most severe moment.

There were people fleeing everywhere along the way. The car was driving fast on the dilapidated road. Tu Ke looked at the people around him. After approaching, Tu Ke got out of the car and pulled some people to ask.

Many people have talked about the horror of those things. They will swallow up a lot of things, not just people, but many things and even some houses wherever they pass will be swallowed up by these things.

Tu Ke felt that something was not good. After he got in the car, he asked people to speed up. Soon after half an hour, the convoy stopped. The soldiers took out their weapons, and someone threw a grenade directly.

There was a loud bang, accompanied by flames. In an instant, what appeared to be the root part of a plant exploded. After it turned red, it began to break into slag. Someone cheered. Tuk felt relieved because the weapon was sensitive to these things. efficient.

But at this time, numerous black and red tentacles began to surge in the distance, and Tu Ke immediately ordered everyone to throw grenades or launch some explosives.

There were bangs and bangs everywhere, and these tentacles continued to burn without fire, and then turned into ashes. Soon a large area was cleared, but everyone was not happy for long. Soon these things gathered again, and it seemed that As if being irritated, it spread very quickly.

Someone fired, but the bullet disappeared as if it sank into the water. Looking at the soldiers who were still firing hard, Tu Ke immediately ordered a retreat.

The speed of destroying these tentacles could no longer keep up with the crazy growth of these tentacles. Tu Ke felt that the crisis was about to begin, and the first thought in his mind was to evacuate.

This area must be evacuated now, otherwise, once these things break into the human gathering area, many people may disappear in an instant.

Tuke immediately arranged for people to go to the town behind to evacuate them. Now every second counts and they must evacuate.

Looking at the tentacles that began to slowly sweep over like an ocean in front of him, Tu Ke felt horrified. He closed his eyes. The worst moment for mankind was about to come.

After a while, Tu Ke and the others returned to a territory outside the Angus family. Many people were moving things. Tu Ke asked the soldiers to help. In the distance, moving black and red tentacles could be vaguely seen.

"If you can't take it with you, don't take it with you. Leave quickly."

Zhang Ting shouted, but many people were still packing their things and did not listen to the dissuasion at all. The black and red tentacles in the distance moved faster and faster. Tu Ke got on the car immediately. Some soldiers did not think much and got on. The car got out, but at this time the crowd became confused and the street was completely blocked.

Zhang Ting fired, but the gunfire did not stop the panicked crowd who wanted to get on the bus. Many people climbed on the bus and clashed with the military personnel. Tu Ke felt that the roof of the bus was shaking, and he could no longer Just keep waiting, because it's getting closer.

Zhang Ting decisively opened Tuke's car door, carried Tuke on his back, and ordered the troops to evacuate. Many people abandoned the vehicle. Although many people were running, some people still climbed into the car. A bloody scene occurred. Someone stepped on the accelerator, the car ran over the crowd, and some people screamed.

The gunfire rang out, and some people stopped worrying and started to turn around and run with the army.

Tuke had been carried farther away by Zhang Ting. At this time, the distance was black and red, and those tentacles began to penetrate into the town on a large scale.

Some people who had stampedes or were run over by cars due to congestion on the highway were instantly submerged.

There were shouts and shouts everywhere, and no one knew what to do. Tu Ke only had one idea. The Angus family still had a lot of missile reserves. They could only use missiles to deal with these things, but whether it would be effective or not Another thing.

Soon Zhang Ting carried Tu Ke to the nearest military stronghold of the Angus family. News came one after another from the territories of other families. These black and red tentacles had appeared in a large number of family territories, and were growing rapidly. Spreading at an unstoppable speed.


Tuke muttered, and then immediately ordered the army to use all the vehicles, load all the supplies into the vehicles, and then prepare to evacuate.

The thing that Tu Ke was worried about still came, because Monica once said that the world was already like a fog. What was outside? At that time, Tu Ke vaguely guessed that maybe there were some unknown dangers in the dark world outside. This will prompt the gods to study desperately. This danger must be fatal to humans.

Everything began to become chaotic. Tu Ke had just returned to the Angus family's town and had already seen many people packing their things and preparing to leave. Cars had blocked the streets and there were curses everywhere.

At the speed of those black and red tentacles, they would be here in just a few hours.

Tuke has returned to the family, and the Angus family has gathered together. Now it is a question of where to go. The only way is to enter the mountains, but there are a large number of gangs in the mountains. Once the control is over, war will inevitably break out.

While Tuk was hesitating, a piece of news came that the weakness of these things was light.

After Tu Ke heard the news, he immediately had people spread the news, started to use the radio to appease everyone, and organized people from the engineering department to work overtime to make some lighting equipment, and cut off the power in many places in the city. Transportation now has to be done against time.

Tuke immediately discussed with the military personnel and planned to arrange a large number of lighting equipment in the outer area so that those black and red tentacles could not come over.

After everything was discussed, news came back that the three small towns in the territory of the Angus family had been swamped by these black and red tentacles, much faster than Tu Ke thought.

Tuco shouted, and soon everyone was moving.

Suddenly Tu Ke thought of something, and he stopped. His mind was filled with the white light that kept appearing in the past and bursting through the sky in the distance.

"Are the gods trying to drive away these things?"

Tu Ke's idea was immediately verified. After a mutant quickly went over with a light source to practice, these black and red tentacles would immediately burn without fire and turn into dust.

"Let everyone move. Anyone who has a light source in their hands should go to the outside. Now if we don't work together, everything will end."

Tuke shouted. He took his mobile phone and started walking with his family. Now it was too late to wait for some light sources to be built, so he had to activate everyone.

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