Located in the north of the grassland, between the two small towns, there is a river. The river has begun to dry up gradually, and the water source has become a problem for the two small towns.

Both towns were recently built. The rivers were still normal at the time of construction, but now the water is getting less and less. Although people from both sides negotiated and jointly built a reservoir, they did not reach an agreement in the end.

People in the towns on both sides have built their own reservoirs. The people who actually control the towns are small gangs, not family members. Many pioneers who followed these gangs are now having a hard time.

Many people are praying for some rain, so that they will feel better. The northern part is the last one to complete construction and development on the grassland. Now there is a mixture of dragons and snakes here. There are basically no large families, and medium-sized families are very rare.

This area is also the most underdeveloped. Many things are still from 20 to 30 years ago, but there are more than ten small town alliances here.

"What do you mean?"

A man raised his weapon angrily and looked at the people digging ditches across the river. One of them said disapprovingly.

"It's not yours, so you can dig it up."

For a moment, people on both sides began to curse across the 5-meter-wide river. This tense confrontation has lasted for three months. No one dared to fire the first shot because everyone knew that if a fight broke out, everyone would suffer. But it's not like letting the other party take advantage.

The mayors on both sides have talked about it countless times. It was okay at first, with most sarcastic words, but then they started to yell at each other, and even got physical several times during the period.

The mayors of the two towns are also actively wooing forces from all sides to support themselves. Originally, the matter only needed to be discussed by the two parties, but after other forces were involved, the matter has become more complicated. Irreconcilable.

Because the forces on both sides are hostile to each other, and many people are constantly fighting behind them, the situation in the two towns has become more and more dangerous. With just a little disturbance, a war is very likely to break out between the two sides, and the people behind the scenes are becoming more and more dangerous. Those forces will also intervene.

Under such coercion, the two sides became more and more aggressive. There was a fight between the two sides just a few days ago. Dozens of people were injured, but no one fired, but some people could no longer bear it.

The quarrel between the two sides became more and more intense. Many people pointed their guns at each other, and no one tried to dissuade them. Many people's patience had reached the limit. It was clearly discussed a few days ago that no private digging of ditches was allowed, but now the west side The town began to dig privately.

Water will only become less and less, and many people can only drink a little water a day, because most of the water is needed for irrigation.

"Come on, I want to see what you guys can do today!"

A man held a gun. He was from the town to the east. He was the one who took the lead in digging ditches. He was the third person in the town. There was too much water shortage in the town recently, and many people had health problems, so he Decided to take the lead in digging ditches to bring some water over.

The quarrel between the two parties became more and more intense, but no one moved forward. Such quarrels have occurred countless times. Although many people cursed, they still had a certain degree of restraint. After all, if the gun went off, The situation has completely changed.

The mutants on both sides have moved forward in order to use telekinesis to control the bullets when the other party fires or to serve as shields for ordinary people.

At this time, there was a teenage boy in the crowd. He couldn't bear it anymore. He was a child from the town to the east. The town to the west had been pumping large amounts of river water for a long time. He had seen it with his own eyes. It was obvious that they were at fault in the first place, but now they are making the same mistake.

The boy held the pistol in his hand and put his finger on the trigger. His father was injured by the person opposite him. He still can't get out of bed. Not only the boy, but also many people have long ago treated the guys opposite him. Hate to the core.

At this moment, the mayors from both sides came out, and people on both sides began to stop arguing.

The mayor of the west laughed and said with a proud look on his face.

"What we discussed a few days ago was that private digging of ditches is not allowed near the small lake below. We are very short of water here. We only need to dig one ditch, not several."

The mayor to the east said angrily.

"You dug one today, and you can dig another tomorrow. Should you directly cut off the river in the future? Direct all the water to your side?"

The sound that had stopped for a moment started again. At this time, in the crowd to the east, the boy pulled the trigger.


The gun rang out, and the mutated people in the west town quickly came to the mayor's side and controlled the bullet with telekinesis. Everyone looked shocked, and for a moment there was no sound in the scene, and everything seemed to be banned.

"you wanna die."

The mayor to the east became furious. In an instant, many people either turned around or lowered their heads, and both sides opened fire.

Gunshots continued to sound, and someone was shot and screamed. The mutants on both sides rushed directly to the front. In just a few minutes, hundreds of people on both sides were killed or injured.

Several mutants were still fighting, while some ordinary people had found some cover and started shooting with guns.

"Contact them immediately."

The mayor to the west shouted that he had to call for more troops quickly. They only had about 1,000 troops here, and there were 2,000 troops on the opposite side. Although they had more than ten mutants than the other side, they were only low. Level mutants.

At this time, a mutant had his neck broken. The mayor to the east watched in horror. An explosion passed by, and the mayor to the east shouted angrily.

"Bring out all the heavy firepower weapons and kill these bastards."

The situation was completely out of control. Both sides were attacking with all their strength, but they had not crossed the river for the time being. The houses near the river were completely damaged, and some were directly blown down by explosives.

There were shouts everywhere, and people fell down every minute. At this time, the mutants in the west broke through the defense of the mutants in the east, and rushed directly into the town in the east. Screams broke out in an instant.

Some people with weapons were easily killed by the mutants. When the people in the west town saw that the firepower on the opposite side was suppressed, the mayor immediately sent people rushing over.

In less than a few minutes, more than 300 people from the west successfully rushed to the town to the east and began to rush in using houses as cover.

The troops in the east town retreated directly. The mayor was still on the phone. Several forces from the east told them to hold on for half an hour and they would send troops over in half an hour.

Many people knew that the war would break out sooner or later, but the mayor of the west town certainly knew what the other party wanted to do. He issued a death order and pushed directly over to end the battle before people from other towns intervened.

The mutants who were scattered to the east relied on their speed advantage to return to the middle of the east town. The mayor was still making arrangements, and these mutants were also injured at this time. When the low-level mutants faced the explosion, You will die if you are not careful.

There was a roar, flames rose into the sky, houses collapsed, and the mayor of the town to the east eagerly held the phone.

"Come quickly, we can't hold it anymore."

As soon as he finished speaking, a cannonball landed in the mayor's courtyard. In an instant, the mayor of the town to the east saw several of his family members being blown to pieces, and he roared angrily.

"Use all your strength to counterattack and issue weapons to everyone."

There was no order in the street fighting in the town. Everyone was shooting at anyone they saw. The situation became extremely chaotic. The mayor of the west town was extremely anxious. The battle that was supposed to end in 20 minutes had already dragged on for half an hour. .

At this moment, some convoys appeared not far away, and the mayor of the west town immediately shouted.

"Order everyone to retreat first, and then contact Mr. Li and others."

But now it is too late to retreat. Many people are red-eyed and have penetrated deep into the town to the east and directly hit the center of the town.

The situation of the battle began to turn around, but in an instant, hundreds of mutants from other towns instantly turned the tide of the battle. Some people from the western towns who were still running away were easily killed.

Less than five minutes after the reinforcements arrived on the battlefield, the town to the east had already begun a full-scale counterattack. This time it was the people in the town to the west to panic.

A large number of mutants crossed the river directly, and screams suddenly sounded. Some people were easily slaughtered by these mutants, and soon the large troops from the east town rushed to the west town.

After the mayor of the town to the east explained the situation, the more than 2,000 reinforcements who came over immediately understood that they wanted to resolve the battle before reinforcements from some forces behind the other side.

However, the mayor of the western town is not a fool. He made arrangements a long time ago. Many people retreated to the corresponding positions and used heavy firepower to resist the mutants. The effect was very good. In the fierce heavy firepower, some mutants who came over People were killed directly.

Time passed by, and the battle had lasted for an hour. Neither side gave in. With the arrival of some reinforcements from the west, the battle lines on both sides began to draw to the edge of the river again.

At this time, the gunshots had subsided a lot, and although the explosions were still continuing, both sides were ready to fire up and make preparations in all aspects.

The gunfire that rang out from time to time lasted until about 5 o'clock in the afternoon before it completely stopped. The towns on both sides suffered very serious damage.

The two sides are still gathering, and many of the forces behind them have sent out their entire armies. They all want to overwhelm the other side and become the master of the north.

Some forces related to big families in other places are still fanning the flames and talking to the big families behind them. The big families have already promised to support some weapons and ammunition.

By 8 o'clock in the evening, there was a complete ceasefire in the towns on both sides, but no one wanted to talk. Everyone was building their own defenses.

The news soon spread to the grassland.


Allen, who was having dinner with his wife, just received the news and stood up immediately.

"how so."

Allen pressed his forehead. This was the fifth year since the gods brought new technology. Everything was going according to plan, but at this juncture, a war broke out.

"Father, it's just two small forces competing against each other. What's all the fuss about? They like to fight and let them fight. On the contrary, we can benefit from it."

"Shut up."

Allen roared angrily, and one of the sons who was talking shut up. The others had never seen Allen show such an angry expression.

"The war is about to begin, and everyone will be involved. No one will be spared."

Allen knew very well that once such a local war started, all parties would be dragged into the water. He immediately took out his phone and planned to warn some people from big families to exercise restraint as much as possible and not to get involved in such a war.

But it was too late soon. After Allen made a few calls, he knew it was too late. Even the Hillman family would be dragged into the water. He watched the commander report on several small towns that had alliances with them. Allen gritted his teeth at the request for reinforcements, and finally could only nod.

"Send the most elite troops to end the war directly. I want you to end the battle within tomorrow."

Allen probably knows what the other major families are thinking now. They should wait and see for a while before taking action. But Allen knows that since the opportunity has appeared, he has to take action. Allen plans to take control of the north first. right.

In this way, the forces of the Hillman family can occupy the northeast and north, surround other places, and then focus on attacking some towns in the mountains, directly cutting off the connections between the major families.

To do this, you have to do it quickly, Allen said again soon.

"Solve the battle before tomorrow morning and send more people there."

The commander's expression was solemn. It would take at least 3 hours to visit the town where the war took place in the past, and it would also take some time to prepare.

"Didn't you hear what I said? Immediately mobilize all the people who can be mobilized, and we must capture the 49 towns in the north as soon as possible."

10:23 pm

The Huosen family in the west has already begun to take action. They know very well what Allen and the others are going to do. The patriarch of the Huoson family has contacted the Eberron family, and both sides have begun to send troops.

Because the Hillman family will definitely strike first, it is absolutely impossible for both sides to watch the Hillman family directly seize control of the north through this war.

The two major families immediately mobilized, but it would be too late to get there now.

However, the two major families have already told some families in advance that their troops can pass through some towns smoothly.


Rudy listened quietly to the report. He sighed helplessly, and then directly ordered the start of full alert control. Rudy did not intend to interfere directly, because he knew the current thoughts of other families. If he rashly interfered, the grassland would be destroyed. Total war is highly likely.

As time passed, Rudy received a call from Allen.

"Mr. Angus, what are you going to do?"

Rudy said with a smile.

"We won't be involved for the time being. Don't worry."

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