Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2607 The competition begins

One month was short. Gene sat tiredly in the cockpit of the plane, surrounded by students who came to see them off. In this month, Gene and the others taught nearly 10,000 people. This number started from The initial registration of 200,000 was reduced in just a few days, and it was finally confirmed.

Over the past month, the eight of them have taught courses 24 hours a day, and all aspects of technology have been taught to these people.

Only less than 10% of them are family members, and the remaining 90% are ordinary people. Gene knows very well that the reason why there are so many ordinary people participating this time is because this is the only way ordinary people can stand up. means.

Jean and the others had done what they could, and Ellie on the side was always smiling, looking at the crowd seeing them off outside.

"This is probably the last time we will appear in front of humans before the artificial sun is successfully developed."

Gene smiled and said.

"If you like, I can bring you over at any time. We can go shopping and eat, or..."

Ellie shook her head.

They had already thought clearly when they came out. If this continues, human society will definitely not be able to continue. The only way is to successfully let the artificial sun rise on this grassland, so that humans can survive.

The photonuclear weapons they used before were, firstly, to bring the temperature back to a level suitable for human survival, and secondly, to clear out the monsters and plant-like plants that had begun to approach the city.

Those things used to be less than 100 kilometers away from the city. Once those things start to get close to human society, they will have a very big impact on the entire human society.

Therefore, Jean and the others must clean up regularly. They can only use light nuclear weapons, and the consumption of light and shadow materials by broad nuclear weapons is relatively large. Jean must make many trips back and forth during this period.

Jean ran around day and night. It took at least 4 days to get to the center of the sea, and a week to get back and forth.

The plane began to rise slowly, and Ellie closed her eyes. She did not look at the people below. During this time, Ellie met a lot of people, and they were all young people full of hope.

Ellie actually wanted to stay a little longer and teach them some things, but those longing eyes were in her mind.

Gene hugged Ellie comfortingly, patted her shoulder and said.

"I probably won't see them again."

Ellie knew what Gene meant by this, because they have a long lifespan, and these young people below may have been buried in the grave after half a century, and they are not sure that they will develop a controllable technology within 50 years. Nuclear fusion technology.

The plane flew slowly towards the base at low altitude. The reason why they flew the plane here was because many core components had to be transported, but it was too troublesome to bring them again and again.

Therefore, they directly transported it by airplane. They did not want to promote airplanes in human society, because the altitude of the airplane cannot be too high, otherwise it will be scrapped in an instant due to the unknown strong magnetic field in the upper layer.

Gene has already explained this to some people from families who want airplanes. Although they seem to be dubious, airplanes, an extremely convenient means of transportation, should not be available too much in human society in the future.

As time passed, the plane slowly landed in the base. In the space of the artificial sun tower, everyone looked a little tired, but they kept resting and planned to start their own research.

"I wonder what will happen to those humans!"

Li Chu murmured with emotion, and Rose teased.

"It's surprising that this comes from your mouth."

Li Chu turned his head and rolled his eyes at Rose, and said with a slightly sad expression.

"The more than 1,000 people I taught reminded me of the time when I was studying information technology in the past. I really missed it. They were all very interested."

Deguna laughed and said.

"Everyone is the same. Watching these students change and get better and better day by day, of course our mood will be much better."

Gu Yi and Weite nodded, as did the two of them. The students they taught reminded them of their youthful academic careers.

Although they were a little mentally exhausted over the past month, overall it was the happiest time in their dark research.

Many students only sleep four or five hours a day and spend all their time learning all the knowledge they are interested in.

Each class of the eight people is only one hour, and then they will rotate to the next subject class, and the corresponding book on technical guidance written by them has been distributed to every student.

The future technology on this grassland will be realized by these students. Whether it can be done quickly depends on the family's own choices.

Gene has made this clear to all the family patriarchs. It doesn't matter if they want to stay put, but don't drag down these talents.

Many families also immediately stated that they would vigorously develop technology and use all their strength to help the town realize the next stage of the gods' plan as soon as possible.

The next stage is mainly to allow human beings to enter a more convenient and advanced society with the help of high-yielding crops, mainly in terms of work, in order to balance the problem of labor force.

Many technologies only have core material technologies, but many parts require labor to complete. This is designed to meet the growth of the population. Now the society on the entire grassland has become very large.

If there is a lack of jobs, human society will face a very big crisis.

These technologies can support the development of mankind for half a century. As long as we continue to move forward, mankind will have the motivation to achieve everything and society can move forward.

Nothing is allowed to stop now. Once it stops, human beings will start to argue again. There is a major premise for development, just like a piece of pie, which is human beings.

As long as they have a little hope after suffering, they will burst out with powerful strength and move towards their goals.

The thing that Jean and the others were worried about that some families would still stand still should not happen now, because if they fall behind, they will be beaten. I am afraid many people understand this truth, it is just a matter of the speed of development.

What Jean and the others are doing now is to pull humans forward, and they can't do the rest because these people are descendants of people from different countries and speaking different languages, and many of their habits and cognitions will be different. deviation.

Moreover, many people have no cooperation at all with each other. Because there is no power to clean up everything, it is naturally impossible to twist everyone on this grassland together.

The result of this going on is that more and more small countries based on towns will be born. This time they have improved the financial system and balanced some transaction problems.

"Let's all go back to our respective laboratories."

Tang Rao lit a cigarette as she spoke. She looked a little unhappy. Everyone knew that Tang Rao got angry during the teaching process. A group of students she led had extremely serious disagreements, and then a fight broke out. , this matter turned into a very big problem, and in the end Tang Rao directly canceled the study qualifications of these students.

In fact, part of the reason for this is that Tang Rao, when teaching, did not take into account the ability of both parties to accept cognition, which led to a gap between the two parties, which resulted in friction, and finally turned into violence.

"Okay, calm down and let's start quickly. We will start the experiment again in a week."

Werther said, everyone nodded and started walking towards their respective laboratories, when Ellie called Rose.

"What's up?"

Rose asked, and Ellie pulled her and said.

"You come with me. I have an experiment I want to use your ability for."

Rose nodded, looked at Jean who had entered the passage and said.

"He's actually better suited to running outside, on the streets."

Rose said, and Ellie laughed and nodded.

"Maybe so. We will have many things in the future that require his personal intervention."


A fierce dispute broke out in the territory of the Angus family, and the members of the family were already at war with each other.

Rudy has persuaded several things, but new things keep happening. Families are competing for talents, using all possible inducements and even some threats.

The families just want to bring these people who have learned the skills from the gods back to their own territory. After all, there are people in the family who have learned from the gods. Those who participated in the learning naturally know who are the outstanding ones in the learning process. of.

They have recorded these outstanding people from the beginning. The Angus family has included many technical personnel in all aspects, and many people want to stay in the Angus family or the Su family, as well as other big families.

Some small families will also have many people willing to go, but some medium-sized families will have no one interested in them. Only some technical personnel who no one wants will go to medium-sized families.

Because the upper-class families have a huge sphere of influence and a stable social structure, and if they work hard, they will definitely become the technical core of the family. Most of the outstanding talents will go to the big families.

Some small families are in urgent need of technical talents, so the conditions they offer are unprecedentedly good. Some equally outstanding people will choose to go to small families, at least to gain status and wealth here.

Those medium-sized families that are half-large or small are the most embarrassing. They cannot provide the best conditions, and they cannot provide a stable scientific research environment like large families.

Rudy looked at the disputes on the street. Most of them were people from medium-sized families who wanted to keep people who had planned to go to small families, but the conditions they offered were not as good as those of small families.

I don't know how many days this situation will last. Rudy has sent out the family's army to let them see that as long as they don't cause riots, this dispute will eventually end.

Some big families have already selected people and started to take people away, because they have already selected people from the beginning, and the talents will certainly not reject the big families.

Naturally, other families will not be tempted to snatch talents designated by big families. There are still some people who have not achieved very good results, accounting for more than half of them. Most of them are ordinary people with no power. Naturally, they will not be taken. into the eyes of the family.

The only thing these people can do now is to apply for jobs when some factories need technical talents in this area. With what they have learned, they cannot make something by themselves.

Many people still promote themselves to family members, but family members only look at their grades, because the performance grading standards designated by the gods do not only recognize written scores, but include everything from written to practical operations.

Moreover, the actual operation is not one time, but each person has at least three opportunities. Those who have poor grades have problems in the three actual operations.

This has screened out talents from high to low to the greatest extent, because practical operation has a great relationship with the successful transformation of learned knowledge into experience.

Some people study very well, but problems arise when it comes to actual operations. Some people study not so well, and have only a half-knowledge of some things, but perform well in actual operations.

Both types of people can only be classified as low-level talents, while those who are average in learning and operation are medium-level talents, and those who are relatively good in learning and operation are high-level talents.

Such evaluation criteria are very conducive to technology research and development, because in technology, strong learning ability and hands-on ability are the only criteria for success.

Therefore, the judgment standards of the families are very accurate. Even if there are fish that slip through the net, they are only a few.

Looking at the disputes on the street, Rudy didn't plan to intervene anymore. Instead, he planned to explain something to some of the talents his family had recruited.

This time the Angus family has attracted nearly 200 outstanding talents in various fields, which is a huge benefit to the entire Angus family.

Basically one-third of the high-level talents, the Angus family has absorbed nearly 200 of the more than 3,000 people, which is already very good. The other large families are also similar, and some have gone to medium-sized or small families.

There are currently more than 2,000 people left who are not interested. They all look a little depressed. Some medium-sized talents are the focus of competition for most large and small families.

After Rudy arrived at the venue, he looked at the smug young people and said happily.

"Today I will handle all the procedures for you and welcome you to join the Angus family's technical team."

Warm applause rang out, and Rudy planned to let the young people in his family be responsible for building professional research facilities for these talents.

The competition has begun. The first thing Rudy wants to study is weapons technology, which is probably the first choice for many families. The second is food technology, and the third is industrial technology.

The second and third must be carried out simultaneously, because weapons technology requires the unconditional support of both.

Everything has been planned in Rudy's mind. He plans to start in three days at most after discussing everything with the members of the Angus family.

"The future belongs to the Angus family. Father, I will always pass on your teachings."

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