"Where exactly?"

Monica stared at the group of people from the Special Investigation Bureau kneeling on the ground in front of her. They all shook their heads. This is the headquarters of the Special Investigation Bureau, and now the Special Investigation Bureau has collapsed.

Three months ago, Kramer killed Chris and then disappeared. No one knows where he escaped to, but it is certain that Monica has gone completely crazy because of Kramer's actions.

"If you don't know, then die!"

As soon as Monica finished speaking, a group of people stood up and tried to escape. However, as streaks of red lightning flashed across, dozens of people were turned into charcoal in an instant. They were surrounded by onlookers, who looked in front of them quietly. In the scene, no one said anything. Right and wrong no longer matter to many people nowadays.

The originally peaceful grassland has been completely changed. There is no order at all. The Special Investigation Bureau has basically been completely destroyed, and many mutants are attached to the family.

The most feared thing in many towns now is Monica's visit. She becomes moody and often kills people when she is angry.

After Monica learned that her mother was dead, she went to the town where several of Kramer's mistresses lived. After questioning to no avail, Monica became furious and killed many people.

Nowadays, many towns have begun to go their own way. There is no longer a special investigation bureau. Some big families have even begun to annex. Now Monica no longer runs for crime. No matter where she goes, she just follows her mood.

Everywhere she goes, the local family will treat Monica well, and Monica no longer cares about the life and death of others. She has only one purpose, to find Kramer and kill him.

Many families wanted to win over Monica, but Monica didn't agree to anyone.

The moment she heard about her mother's death, Monica felt as if something was broken in her head. She did not go to the gods, because the gods had completely sealed the base and no one could enter.

Monica quietly walked into the building of the Special Investigation Bureau. She has worked here for more than 20 years. Everything in front of her was so familiar. She looked around with solemn eyes, and there were some hidden ones. Living people, she knew full well that they had no idea where Kramer had gone.

Monica probably also knew that she used such methods to force Kramer, which ultimately led him to do such a thing and directly kill his mother.

Although her mother is old, Monica still goes back to visit her from time to time. She is Monica's last relative. Such sadness and anger make Monica miserable every day. She knows that even if one day she really kills Even if Kramer dies, his heart will not calm down.

Just like everything on this grassland, Monica thinks about it now. She really hopes to talk to Jed. Unfortunately, Jed is no longer here. Monica starts to regret it because she didn't listen to Jed. Words of virtue.

Monica thinks about it now. If she could have listened to Jade and set up a department to have absolute supervision over the family, she would have solved a lot of troubles. But now it is too late. Monica has already foreseen the future. , a war will break out.

After understanding part of the reality of this world, Monica knew very well that cold would eventually come to this land and then begin to torture humans, and humans would do extremely cruel things in order to survive.

"Ms. Monica."

At this time, a woman walked out tremblingly, and Monica smiled.

"I won't kill you, just tell me."

The woman handed over a piece of material.

"Lord Kramer may have gone here."

Monica immediately took the document, and then looked at it carefully. Soon Monica thought that it was Allen and Kramer who went to the territory of the Hillman family.

Although the Hillman family cannot be compared with some big families now, they have developed very steadily and rapidly. They have already obtained the management rights of two towns, and they are still doing some things secretly.

After Monica said thank you, she quickly stood up. Just as Monica left the building, many people gathered outside. They looked at Monica sadly. At this time, an old man came out and said.

"Ms. Monica, please stay and manage us. Our place has been abandoned and many things are abandoned."

Monica stared at a group of people quietly. This was originally a town built around the Special Investigation Bureau, and since then the area has become larger and larger, and the population has also increased.

Because it is backed by the Special Administration Bureau, both economy and technology here have caught up with the small town of the Angus family in a short period of time. Now the entire town has a population of nearly 300,000, which is already a very large number. .

More and more people are coming over, and now the Special Investigation Bureau has almost ceased to exist in name only. Many people are worried that there is no family management in this town, so many jobs need to be deployed, especially now that there are many big and small people in the town. They are small forces and they don’t obey anyone.

So the best way is to find a strong leader, and Monica is naturally the best choice. If Monica is willing to lead them, everything in this town will go smoothly and the town will prosper again.

This is the current thinking of many people. Monica came yesterday. She has been asking here all day, but there is no news from Kramer.

At this time, Monica lit a cigarette, and she stared blankly at the people in front of her, eyes full of expectation, staring straight at her.

Monica ignored them and walked straight away, but at this time the old man who had just spoken stood up and said.

"Sir Monica, we know that you have not been fair like others for so many years, so we very much hope that you can lead us."

As the old man spoke, everyone around him started talking. At this time, the leaders of the town who had formed a temporary group came over one after another. They also said that as long as Monica was willing to stay, they would listen to Monica in everything.

Monica held a cigarette in her mouth and looked at these people quietly. At this moment, all she could think of was hatred, but now that the entire grassland was so big, she might not be able to find it even if she went to the territory of the Hillman family. Kramer.

Monica was still hesitating, but at this moment, a child came out. He bravely walked over and took Monica's hand. For a moment, Monica felt the softness, and she looked up. Towards the sky.

Many people in the Special Administration Building walked out, and the woman who had just given Monica the documents came out.

"In fact, this is not what we have been doing all these years, Ms. Monica, because the overall atmosphere is like this, so we have no choice but to follow together, otherwise this enemy will have no place for us."

Monica looked at everyone, she closed her eyes and exhaled a breath of smoke. To be honest, she has been very tired in the past two years. Although she is still angry and sad now, she is too tired.

"Call all the technical staff here, as well as a few of you. I need a complete list of the town's personnel. Everyone must be counted again."

After Monica finished speaking, everyone cheered for a moment.

Monica doesn't know what kind of town she will build if she stays, but now she has to make a choice. Taking the family as a unit or an inherent gang as a unit is the future model of this grassland.

The Special Investigation Bureau had been completely destroyed. Monica had the bodies cleaned up, and she followed several clerks into the Special Investigation Bureau building.

Some recently formed gang leaders also followed, and many people saw hope, because as long as there was a powerful presence like Monica, the chaos in the town would soon disappear, and their peaceful lives would soon be restored. Will be back.


Located in a remote town in the northeast, it is sparsely populated, but many people are very motivated. Some people are busy in the temperature-controlled shacks, and one of the new mutants has made many people look at it with admiration.

"Karl, it's really thanks to you."

The old man in the shack looked at this middle-aged man with gratitude. He had a beard and looked very diligent. This town had just been established less than a month ago, and everything was still brand new. It was owned by the Hillman family. A small town.

The Hillman family does not control various industries like other families. They are only responsible for collecting taxes and some management fees, and will protect everyone within their sphere of influence.

Many people come here because of the reputation, and many people even come to the Hillman family with money, equipment, and manpower, because here they do not need to be controlled by the family.

Moreover, the Hillman family has a very good management system. They will take into account the interests of many people and will not allow some outside products to enter and impact the interests of merchants.

Now the entire Hillman family has two small towns, and this is one of them. It was just built, and the other was built less than 2 years ago.

The combined population of the two towns is only a little over 150,000, which is very small compared to other towns.

Nowadays, some other towns will have friction and chaos to some extent, but this is not seen in the towns owned by the Hillman family.

The middle-aged mutant named Carl who is working is Kramer. He has been hiding here for three months. During these three months, he changed his name to Carl and changed his appearance. He knew that Monica would go crazy everywhere. to find yourself.

Kramer couldn't explain that although he went to Chrissy's house that night, the two had a fierce quarrel. He was not the one who killed Chrissy, but she died of a heart attack because of him. Kramer ran away anyway, and he didn't stay to explain, because once Monica saw him, she would definitely kill him.

Kramer already knew the news about the death of some mistresses. He was in great pain. He made one wrong step and one wrong step. This feeling was terrible.

After finishing, Kramer stood up and was about to leave. At this time, the old man's granddaughter chased after him. She was a girl who had just turned 18 years old. She was very interested in Kramer.

Kramer smiled and said he wanted to go home and rest, but the girl pestered Kramer and wanted to go shopping together. In desperation, Kramer had no choice but to agree.

Everything now reminds Kramer of his old life, which was simple and without so many desires. He only had to work hard every day. After a tiring day, he could invite friends and family to chat together.

"Karl, do you have a girlfriend or wife?"

The girl asked and Kramer smiled.


Kramer knew what the girl meant, but he didn't plan to respond for the time being, because he had only been here three months. At this time, a car came not far away. Kramer saw that it was Allen, and then lied that there was something going on at home. He said goodbye to the girl and promised to accompany her to another town in the evening.

After returning to the residence, Alan came within a few minutes.

"Did something happen Allen?"

Kramer asked, and it was obvious from Allen's expression. Allen nodded, and he smiled helplessly.

"That woman raided the Special Administration Bureau building and started killing people."

After Kramer was silent for a while, he hummed. He knew that he was the culprit of all this, but it was too late now, and it was impossible for Monica to sit down and talk with him.

"He's going to chase Kramer here, and you'll have to leave as soon as she gets here."

Allen said and Kramer nodded. He also knew that if Allen and the others angered Monica, Monica would not care and would definitely destroy Allen and the others.

Allen also didn't expect that the girl who once seemed lazy would become so scary.

"Is this what you came here for today, Allen?"

Kramer looked at Allen suspiciously, and after thinking for a moment, he said.

"It's not just for this one thing. I have to tell you something. The girl next to you will marry our Hillman family."

Kramer laughed.

"What if she doesn't want to?"

Allen thought for a moment and smiled.

"I won't come by force, Kramer. Let's not talk about this first. We have to prepare for the war quickly. I am now considering building an underground training ground. I hope you can help me train mutants."

Kramer said in surprise.

"That fast?"

Allen nodded.

"The big families are already well prepared, and some small families are also frantically recruiting troops."

Kramer understood immediately.

"Because the deterrent effect is gone."

Kramer only felt a little sad that the grassland that had been stabilized had already experienced such a big mess in less than 20 years.

"I can help you Allen, but you have to promise me that you are not allowed to take the initiative to pick things up."

Allen said immediately.

"Of course, I don't want to stir up trouble randomly. After all, our family is developing."

The two of them stretched out their hands and held each other. At this moment, the phone rang. After Allen answered it, he was a little shocked for a while. After hanging up the phone, Allen said.

"Monica stayed in the town where the Special Investigations Bureau was based."

Kramer was a little stunned.

"Doesn't she want to find me?"

Allen shook his head.

"I don't think so. She wants to stabilize herself first and then find you."

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