Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 262 The Beginning of the 820 Murder Case (Part 1)

Chapter 262 The Beginning.820 Murder Case (Part 1)

Qin Dong waited quietly. In the office, all the directors were busy. A light blue light lit up at the window. Jean jumped in from the window in an instant. All the directors in the room stood up. He stood up and looked at Jean respectfully.

"It's time to start."

Gene said, taking out a cigarette and sitting down, it was exactly 8:30.

"How is Lady Niya doing, Lord Jean?"

Qin Dong asked, and many council officers looked at him with some worry. Gene smiled and shook his head.

"It's okay. You can come to work the day after tomorrow. From now on, I will temporarily take over his job."

The directors sat down one by one and started to get busy. Qin Dong brought out six light and shadow panels. The documents compiled on them needed to be reviewed by the section chief himself. Jean had already sent a document to the general affairs department in advance. A document to temporarily take over the job until Niya comes back.

Jean has also come over to Section 5 to take over Niya's work many times when she went to the lower levels to deal with some problems. Over the past 20 years, most of the directors here have also admired Jean's ability to handle things, and the most important thing is The attitude is much gentler than that of Niya.

Jean quietly stared at the channels for obtaining explosive raw materials on the document. There were as many as 47. Among them, only 5 raw material suppliers had formal certificates. The other 42 were involved in some crimes. Now 42 of them have been The relevant person in charge of the family was taken to the public security management station in the corresponding area and is being interrogated.

Qin Dong was sorting the submitted documents one by one and reviewing them in detail. At this time, Jean exhaled a puff of smoke and said.

"It's not enough to go down to the individual level."

Jean said as he began to work on a temporary decision-making document, which required members of the 5 divisions in the 120 districts, plus the subordinates who had been deployed by the 3 divisions. A thorough cleanup in the 120 districts could provide raw materials for explosives. Suppliers need to be accurate to the individual.

"Although the workload will be heavy, everyone, keep working hard."

Gene smiled and said that the biggest method used by rioters to create chaos is explosive attacks. Many raw materials can be easily made into bombs according to the proportions. It is extremely lethal and is an extremely convenient method. 2 Section The first thing to target is explosives, and it is correct to start from this point.

At 8:40, Jean, Jean had written a temporary decision-making document in detail. After Qin Dong glanced at it casually, it had been detailed into many parts and was very comprehensive. He began to open the special communication of the 5th department. Channel, the document was instantly circulated to 120 districts.

Didi didi

At this moment, an urgent summons sounded on the desk of a director, and a light and shadow screen popped up. After a few glances, the director stood up instantly. He was the director in charge of criminal cases.

"Lord Jean, 11 homicides have just occurred in District 1. There have not been any homicides in the past three years. Just now, the Public Security Management Station in District 1 received reports of 11 vicious homicides, one of which has already been reported. He was stopped by Mr. Le Xiao from Section 13 and his fellow members."

Jean looked at the document passed by the director with some surprise. All reports had been prepared on it, including all the records and reports from the discovery of the possible homicide, as well as the video. Jean browsed quickly, but When I turned to the last page, I saw a video. The woman who was stopped committed suicide, and there was a blood-stained silver coin in the scene.


Didi didi

The director who had just transferred the file to Jean's eyes widened again.

"Lord Jean, there are two more murders. Now the number of murders in District 1 has become 13."

Gene held his chin in his hands, smoking silently, looking at the video that had been frozen. The woman lying on the ground had a bright silver coin stained with blood in her hand.

"Send the report of 13 homicides to Section 2 and ask Mo Xiaolan to go there in person."

Gene said and held it in again. In the video screen, Le Xiao, who was in shock, covered her mouth.

15 minutes ago

"Miss, please stop resisting."

Le Xiao said cautiously, Quasimodo stood in front of the woman who was still crying hoarsely. Billy smiled easily, and the man who was almost killed behind him was trembling slightly, his expression looking extremely painful.

"No, I really don't want to do this, right?"

The wise man patted the man behind him.

"Okay, young man, it's not much. You young people just like to think of simple things in complicated ways. Don't cry, little girl. It's okay."

At this moment, Leng Rui got a little angry and opened his eyes wide, holding the phone.

"What do you mean? Let us temporarily interrogate you. We have done everything we need to do. We"


The call was immediately hung up.

"what happened?"

Le Xiao turned around, her eyes widened, and Leng Rui shook his head.

"The security management of District 1 said that they are very busy right now and cannot come over and let us take the prisoner there by ourselves and then assist in the interrogation. These tasks are the responsibility of Section 5, right? It would be great if we can help them solve the case."

Leng Rui complained, Le Xiao slowly walked to the woman who was still sitting on the ground crying. Suddenly the woman screamed, and suddenly took out the third finger knife from her arms and stabbed Le Xiao. Come up.

Quasimodo quickly stretched out a finger to block the tip of the knife. However, the moment Lexiao screamed, the finger knife in the woman's hand in front of him slashed towards his neck.


Blood spattered, and Le Xiao could only feel bits and pieces of heat on her cheeks, and the woman in front of her fell down in despair.

There was a crisp sound of ding, and both Billy and the wise man saw a coin in the woman's hand. She covered Le Xiao's eyes with one hand, and Quasimodo stopped in front of Le Xiao.

Leng Rui was frightened. The wise man and Billy rushed over quickly. The wise man supported the woman, and Billy stretched out his hands to press the woman's neck. However, the blood continued to flow out like a broken water pipe. , the woman's body began to twitch violently, and gradually the twitching stopped.

"At 8:33, the prisoner died."

Billy said, looking at the bright silver coins soaked in blood on the ground with excitement.

"Take notes, kid."

The wise man took off his hat, sighed, covered the woman's wide-eyed cheeks, and shook his head helplessly.

Leng Rui swallowed in fear, his legs trembling continuously.

"Why don't you stop her Mr. Quasimodo."

Le Xiao asked in a depressed mood, covering her mouth. Just when Quasimodo was about to speak, the wise man said.

"If Quasimodo uses telekinesis, both of you will be crushed to pieces in an instant. He can't control his power, and the woman wanted to kill you at first, but she changed hands and killed herself. She couldn't react. Yes, unless a powerful mutant is present, no one below A level can control telekinesis with such precision."

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