Bang bang

Accompanied by the fierce blue light, Kramer was already leaning up in an instant. Although he subconsciously wanted to raise his hands to defend, his body felt as if he was hit by countless similar forces in an instant, and he was unable to move.


Gene returned to where he was standing again. He caught the fallen cigarette with his mouth, and then exhaled a puff of smoke. At this time, fierce shouts came, and many people clapped and clapped their hands, and came towards Gene.

Kramer fell to the ground at this time. He looked at the sky. His whole body was in intense pain. There was still some consciousness left, but it was certain that it would disappear soon.

The sky began to darken, and the figure of a woman appeared in Kramer's mind. He grinned slightly, and then closed his eyes.

The local mayor immediately sent people over, intending to kill Kramer directly, but was stopped by Gene.

"Lord Jean, such a brutal murderer should be executed directly."

"I'll take him back."

Afterwards, anyone who wanted to take action could only stand aside. No one could disobey God's will. Gene walked to Kramer's side, picked up Kramer, and then turned into a blue light and headed towards him. Go far away.

Many people were relieved because the rumors about Kramer were scary and he had killed many people.

Now as long as Kramer is taken away, the issue of the terrible mutants roaming the grasslands and committing crimes will come to an end. Soon the mayor notified other towns.

Many media in the town immediately reported the incident. At 7 o'clock in the evening, Allen sat quietly in a cafe, listening to music and looking at the many jubilant people outside the window.

Allen laughed. The mutant named Kramer was just the beginning. There will be countless such problems in the future, giving the real leader a headache.

The power of the family has become unstable because of the mutants. This is what Allen wants to see the most, but now that Allen has restrained himself a lot, he has no intention of taking action.

The time is not yet ripe, and now Allen only needs to steadily lay the groundwork. Allen has summarized the experience of past failures countless times. In the end, Allen gradually understood why he failed in the past, because Allen did not have absolute strength in the past.

Although Allen does not have absolute strength now, for the busy gods, Ailu already has absolute strength in this land.

Allen has already planned the next step, and now Allen's body has become younger, which is unimaginable to Allen. After becoming a mutant, his sickly body began to improve, and now he has no pain. .

Allen is waiting for a perfect opportunity, so he doesn't need to worry at all. In the face of absolute strength, he has the right to make his own choices.

As time passed, Allen quietly looked at a store not far away. He smiled, stood up, paid and left. This was a small video store that would put some materials into storage devices. Then sell it, the price is not expensive.

Many families in cities now have video equipment. This is the current favorite entertainment for most families, watching some videos.

After Allen walked in, he casually looked at the titles of some storage units on the shelf. Some were movies and some were TV series. The cost of these items was very low, lower than food.

Because many of them were films from the past human society, but Allen knew very well that after the filming of some movies in the town was completed, the price would increase. Allen randomly selected some and planned to give them to his family as gifts. go back.

At this time, Ai noticed that not far away, several mutants gathered in groups of three or five, coming towards this direction. Allen smiled gently at him. They were mutants in this town. Before They asked themselves to delay the train because some of their transactions had not yet been completed, but Allen did not agree to them.

Sure enough, several people came to the store after coming over. Almost no one knew that Allen was a high-level mutant.

"What's wrong?"

"Ellen, we have something we want to talk to you about."

A carefree man said and patted Allen on the shoulder. After paying, Allen put the things down and told the clerk that he would pick them up later.

After a while, Allen and a few people came to the edge of the city. Several people looked at Allen with smiles. One of them walked over directly and put a hand on Allen's shoulder.

"What's wrong?"

Allen smiled.

"What's wrong? Allen, stop pretending to be confused. I asked you to do a favor before, but you ignored us. We are all mutants and should help each other."


The arm of the man holding Allen's shoulder was cut off directly, and blood spurted out. He screamed, and blood spattered on Allen's cheek. Allen stared at these mutants quietly.

"What's wrong? Is there anything else you want to say?"

For a moment, the other mutants rushed towards Allen. Allen swerved left and right in a leisurely manner, easily avoiding their attacks. He did not attack, and always had a smile on his lips.

"Take me to the hospital quickly. What did this bastard do?"

The mutant whose arm was cut off howled in pain, and Allen suddenly raised a hand.

"Since this is the first time you have demonstrated this ability and you have appreciated it, it is almost time for you to sleep."

Allen suddenly moved forward, and a large number of blood-red particles were released, forming the shape of blades. The bodies of these mutants were cut open like tofu. Soon, all 9 mutants were dead, and their blood was stained red. to the ground.

Allen wiped the blood from his cheek, and then the blood-red particles quickly enveloped his body and began to cover everything around him. Allen used telekinesis to clear away all traces of himself.

Even if someone found it, nothing could be found. Allen's eyes were filled with red particles, and he could see them clearly. Even bacteria were extremely clear in Allen's eyes.

Ever since Allen became a mutant, he has been training continuously. As he became stronger step by step, he discovered that the abilities of mutants are far beyond those announced by the gods. Among them, what the gods have not announced is that they can use alienation abilities to condense into It has a blade-like structure that converts superpowers into blades that can cut through everything with ease.

"Humph, you messed with me first, so you deserve to die!"

There is a reason for Allen to do this, because this group of people has targeted him, and they will continue to cause trouble for him. Allen has no time to play with them, so getting rid of them once and for all.

After seeing someone coming, Allen immediately went into invisibility. Sure enough, someone screamed in fear. Many security teams from the town came over. Allen stood nearby and watched. Many people looked at it very strangely. Many of them had never seen mutated people cut into pieces.

After listening to the security team's analysis for a while, Allen quickly left. In less than a minute, he returned to the video store, took his things and left the town.

"The future only belongs to those with strength."


Kramer woke up. He looked at the bandages wrapped around his body. There was a strong smell of medicine that almost made him vomit. He was in severe pain all over his body and his consciousness was a little blurry. Soon Kramer saw the man standing at the door. Gene, this is a metal room, and there is a teenage girl next to it, mixing medicine.

"Lord Jean, I lost."

Gene nodded.

"Don't move, your body is broken in many places."

After Kramer said thank you, he lay down. After the little girl mixed the medicine, she handed some to Kramer. After taking it, Kramer looked at the ceiling blankly and asked.

"What will happen to me, Lord Jean?"

Gene didn't answer.

Kramer closed his eyes while the little girl was changing his medicine. After a while, the little girl changed the medicine.

"Thank you, what's your name?"

The little girl turned her head and stared at Kramer suspiciously.

"My name is Monica."

Kramer nodded.

After Monica left, Gene closed the door.

"Can I tell you something?"

Kramer hummed. There was a reason why Gene didn't kill Kramer directly. It was because he visited the town where Kramer caused the massacre and asked many people in the town. Many people thought that Kramer was the A hero, he completely killed that group of people, and the town had a good life.

As for the things Kramer caused in other towns, he killed some vicious guys. Gene had clearly investigated this, because he still couldn't believe that one person slaughtered a large number of people without any reason.

"Lord Jean, do you know what our town was like at the beginning?"

Jean nodded.

"There are two families that rule together."

Kramer nodded and said with sad eyes.

"They all deserve to die."

Kramer didn't seem to know where to start, so after thinking for a long time, he asked Gene for a cigarette.

"How should I put it? The two families in that place are too much."

Kramer began.

As soon as the town was first established and joined the financial system, the two families began to have frictions. Their frictions made ordinary people in the town have a hard time.

As long as an ordinary person dares to favor one family, the other family will definitely not make it easy for the ordinary person.

After the two families fought like this for a while, everyone in the town chose a side, because if they didn't choose, they would definitely be targeted by the two families.

In order to overwhelm the other side, both families began to use any means at all costs. The economy and development of the town were in a very bad state, and some people even did not have enough to eat because of this.

Kramer was in this predicament for two years. Later, mutants began to appear, and Kramer also became a member of the mutants. After the two families knew how powerful the mutants were, they began to win over them at all costs. Mutants.

Kramer had just become a mutant at the time, and he was harassed by people from the two families every day, until one day, a beautiful woman came to the door and started chatting with Kramer.

Under the influence of this woman, Kramer turned to one family without hesitation, and the people of the other family were extremely dissatisfied. After that, the two families had many battles, and Kramer also showed that he was a mutant. capabilities, and getting stronger and stronger.

Kramer also decided to marry this woman. Although he knew that this woman was a bait for the family to win over him, he still fell in love with her without hesitation.

However, Kramer still underestimated the viciousness of this family. In order to squeeze out all the value of Kramer, they not only made Kramer fight with hostile families, but also made Kramer work day and night.

The woman cried countless times. Later, Kramer found out that the woman's family was being threatened by the family members, so she allowed the family members to seduce Kramer and stay with her.

But by this time the woman had been attracted to Kramer and fell in love with him.

Later, after Kramer overpowered the mutants of the opposite family, he asked the family to take back the woman's family members, but the family refused to give them life or death, so Kramer could only continue his work.

However, tragedy still happened. The hostile family learned of the situation and asked other mutants to sneak into Kramer's home while Kramer was out working, and brutally killed the woman.

The moment Kramer returned home, he went to fight with the opposite family. The other party was already prepared. Kramer was besieged by a large number of mutants and was seriously injured and imprisoned.

During that time, Kramer thought about a lot of issues. He was very angry and wanted revenge countless times. Finally, Kramer was released after being imprisoned for several months. It was because his family had already cooperated with him. The rival families reached a reconciliation and married, intending to create a powerful family.

They made Kramer forget his hatred, and the local family even promised to provide Kramer with a beautiful woman.

Kramer didn't expect this at all. He and his family asked for his wife's family, but the answer he quickly received was that his wife's family had already died in custody.

Kramer was angry. He wanted to tear the two families apart more than once, but his strength was far from enough, so in the following days Kramer exercised like crazy and worked hard every day.

People from the two families originally thought that Kramer had forgotten their hatred, until one day Kramer released red particles. This was blood red that no one had ever seen. He easily defeated many mutants. At this time At this moment Kramer realized that he had become extremely powerful.

Kramer took action. Without any warning, Kramer was like a mad beast, killing people related to the two families one by one, until there were corpses on the ground and the town was filled with blood. , Kramer stopped. He did not harm ordinary people outside the two families.

After killing two members of the family, Kramer went on the run.

"This is my story Lord Jean."

Kramer said, Gene nodded, helped him remove the extinguished cigarette butt from his mouth, and then gave him another one.

"I'd like to ask you for a job, Kramer."

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