Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2586 Hillman’s Beginning

Allen never felt that everything he did was too much. He just wanted to get more than others, get a more generous life, and survive in such a doomsday.

The firelight in front of him was beating, and Allen looked tiredly at the few people hanging on the platform not far away. The fortress was old and dilapidated, and there was a stench everywhere.

Many houses have begun to crack because they do not have any coating protection measures, and some caves are already smelly and do not have good drainage systems.

There are fewer and fewer people in the fortress, and now there are only more than 500 people left. The originally comfortable days have now come to an abrupt end, and now many people want to escape from the fortress.

Allen said it was up to them, but they had to hand over everything when they left and couldn't take anything away before they could leave here.

More and more people are dissatisfied. In just six months, Allen has been attacked more than ten times, and there have been three riots. More than ten people in Allen's family have died.

The entire fortress is struggling to survive. Allen has invested too many resources in weapons and ammunition in the past. Now these weapons and ammunition are rotten in the cave. Many of them have become scrap metal because they cannot be maintained.

It is only a matter of time before the entire fortress is destroyed. Food output has become less and less because the fertility of the soil has become worse and worse. Allen and the others do not have the conditions to make nutrient solution. They want to buy it from outsiders, but outsiders People would never trade with Allen and the others, because Ai Lu and the others no longer had anything of value in exchange.

The bright coins they had hoarded in their hands have become a pile of scrap metal. No one on the market knows how to use coins anymore. Although they have a little bit of paper money, it is extremely difficult to buy things.

The few people hanging in front of them suddenly launched an attack on Allen's place last night. One of Allen's uncles was killed. Ailu hung several injured people who fell to the ground on the shelf. on, planning to let everyone watch them die slowly.

One of the people's skin has turned purple, he has no breath at all, and his blood has dried up. Among them are Allen's confidants in the past.

At this time, one of the unkempt men grinned.

"You are stubborn and you will pay the price one day, Allen."

Allen ignored the man. He just quietly picked up the tea beside him and took a sip. Many people around him were dejected. Many of them had not had a full meal in a while.

"Please cheer up, everything is only temporary now, and opportunities will definitely come."

Allen would say this every time, but people who couldn't see the end would only want to leave more and more. At this time, some people stood up and said.

"We're leaving now. Just give us something to eat."

Allen stared at them coldly. He looked at the others. Some of them looked like they were about to leave. Allen shook his head.

"There's nothing to eat. If you want to leave, you can leave now."

Allen knew very well that the first place these people would go after leaving was the town of the Su family where his nephew Nick lived, because many of them had worked with Nick in the past, and Nick would accept them.

"Go away, don't regret it."

Allen gritted his teeth and watched as more than a dozen people stood up and left. He looked at the guns placed aside. The impulse in his heart made Allen want to pick up weapons and kill these people again and again, but in the end he held back , because there are others watching.

At dusk, all the people hanging on the racks were lifeless, and Allen ordered them to be thrown into the fertilizer pond.

Allen has discussed with his family that even if they are the only ones left, they should not leave this fortress. The opportunity will definitely come. However, many people in the family are beginning to feel angry about Allen's original decision.

If they were added to the monetary system, relying on their initial advantages, they would surely be living a good life by now.

Allen actually knew in his heart that his so-called opportunity would never come. The grassland was already quite stable, and no one would take the initiative to break this stability. Although petty fights would occur, they would never turn into war.

In addition, mutants have appeared in many families. It is certain that these mutants will make the family more prosperous.

Allen's own body was getting older, and at this time a dull little boy ran over.

"Father, if you are not feeling well, please go in and rest."

Allen saw his son Dick looking a little scared, pulled him over and said with a smile.

"It's okay Dick, don't worry, everything will be fine."

Seeing the crowd gradually dispersing, Allen returned to the house and locked the door directly. Now Allen has installed protective strips at all entrances to the house, so that it is impossible to get in easily.

Allen kept coughing, and his health was deteriorating. Everyone at home was now lifeless. Allen's wife and he were not like they used to, with too many topics to talk about, and the two of them had almost nothing to say.

Anne tried to persuade Allen countless times, but Allen always ignored him. Allen's mind was filled with the humiliation he suffered when he arrived in Jade's town that day. He was furious. At this moment, someone knocked on the door, and Allen Out again.

"The water dispenser is broken."

Allen's expression changed suddenly, and he quickly followed the people to the side of the water pump. At this time, part of the water pump had been disassembled, and the parts inside had been seriously damaged, which meant that both power and water were difficult to guarantee.

"Let's see if there are any spare parts in the warehouse."

As Allen said, a group of people went to the nearby warehouse to search, but after searching for a long time, they could not find matching parts. Some things required fine machining, but they did not have such equipment. These parts were still Allen's Seven or eight years ago, when people from outside bought it, they did not have such technology.

Now the entire fortress is about to face a very big problem, and Allen immediately orders anyone who knows to never tell anyone.

At this time, the power supply was interrupted, and many people were surprised. Allen just told them that there was something wrong with some circuits and needed repairs, and it would be fine in a day or two at most.

At night, Alan lowered his head quietly, holding a glass of wine in his hand. He sat on the observation deck where the wooden boards had become fragile due to the wind and cold. In front of him was a sea of ​​lights.

Noisy sounds kept coming, and the most lively time on this grassland had begun.

Allen even heard that some towns have begun to transform into film and television companies. This is something Allen could not imagine. Many modern products have been produced, and mankind is recovering towards a modern society.

Allen reflected on his approach countless times, but no matter how he thought about it, Allen was unwilling to admit his failure and that his approach was wrong.

Allen never felt that he had done anything wrong, but reality was getting closer and closer.

It seemed to Allen that the essence of human beings is fighting. He was a little drunk, and at this moment, a shadow appeared on the city wall not far away. There was no one keeping watch on the city wall now, because no one would want to in this place. Stepping in, as soon as Allen stood up, the man jumped off the city wall.


With a loud noise, the person who fell stopped moving. Allen held the wine glass tremblingly. This was not the first time, it was already the ninth time. The ninth time someone chose to kill himself.

Not all people who left Allen Fortress were able to live safely in some towns. They were not allowed to enter the towns and were directly driven away. No one would pity these people who had enough food and clothing in the fortress.

Even if some people went to Nick's place, they wouldn't be allowed in.

When the heavy snow appeared, Allen knew very well that they were just for self-protection and could not let everyone in. But it was obvious that the heavy snow was impressive, and people in the entire south clearly remembered that the people in the fortress How cruel.

And these cruelties are also spread on the grassland. Even if some people who leave the fortress go to the east or west, as long as they know that they come from the fortress, they will be ruthlessly rejected.

Some people even had to return to the fortress in the end. It was extremely painful for many people who were still in the fortress to know all this.

Allen's ideal small society is about to collapse. His family no longer trusts Allen, and the same goes for everyone else in the fortress. Allen drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, stood up, and looked at the ground below. It seemed that he only needed to step on One step out and he would be liberated.

But in the end, Allen put down his wine glass and turned around to leave. At this moment, the fire started. A house caught fire. Many people came out one after another and started holding buckets to get water, but there was no water.

The fire began to get bigger and bigger. Allen stared quietly at the fire not far away. Many people could only watch blankly as the houses were ignited. At this time, the door under the fortress opened.

Many people started running outside with some things, and the fortress became chaotic.

More and more people took advantage of the fire and ran out of the fortress with everything they could take away.

The flames mercilessly devoured these wooden houses. With the help of the wind, they continued to push forward, and soon one house after another was ignited.

Allen looked at everything in front of him with cold eyes. He knew very well that this was not an accident, but man-made. It was self-evident who did it.

Today we know that the water pump is broken, and there will be less than 20 people who will be without water and electricity in the future. It can only be done by one or a few of them.

Everything was unimportant now. At this time, Allen saw many people from the town gathering on the side of the road. Many people were densely packed. Allen stood in the thick smoke billowing by, smiling ferociously.

"You are satisfied. Now that we are destroyed, you are satisfied. One day you will become like us. It's just that we took the first step."

Allen's mind was full of things spinning at this moment. He thought of something, and immediately laughed wildly, because he knew very well that a bomb had been planted on this grassland, and that was a mutant.

It is impossible for powerful mutants to succumb to others. It is not in line with human desires to succumb to some incompetent people despite their strength.

That's why the family vigorously recruits mutants and provides them with various benefits. Allen feels that he can see very clearly this time, and the extremely clear future has been presented before his eyes.

The fire was still raging, more and more people fled the fortress, and many people came to the city wall. Allen fell asleep. In such a fire, he slept very peacefully.

One night passed. After Allen woke up, he saw that there were less than 100 people left in the fortress. Some things had been rescued. Everyone's eyes were helpless. They didn't know what would happen in the future. Most of them were... Partly family.

"We are ready to travel far and live in places where there are still resources."

Allen smiled relaxedly, looking at the fortress where almost nothing was left.

Allen knew very well that in the future they would have to start from the most primitive place. Looking at the things rescued, there were still some seeds. This was the hope of their Hillman family.

Allen decided to go to the farthest north. He could only walk there, which was more than 800 kilometers away.

Soon the remaining people started to move, made a simple cart with the things that could still be used, and put some things on the cart. They were busy until 4 o'clock in the afternoon. After everything was ready, Allen and the others After eating, there were less than 50 people left.

There were many onlookers near the fortress, including those who were mocking. Allen ignored them and started on the road with his family.

This journey will be very long, but Allen knows very well that if they don't leave, there will be no future. Allen has actually thought about it early on, but the movement of the population of such a large fortress will be extremely difficult along the way, but it is much easier now.

"Father, I don't want to leave."

Dick looked at the place where he grew up, now in ruins. Allen laughed and touched his son's head.

"Sometimes, we have to be patient."

The team started to set off, and at this time many people poured into Allen's fortress. People from the security team of a nearby town came over. Allen laughed coldly. When he left, he also set up some small traps. Once they enter the ammunition depot and trigger the mechanism, those who enter will be buried with them.

Time passed minute by second, and half an hour later, there was a violent roar, accompanied by a rising flame. Allen showed an evil smile. He turned around and looked at the flying fire above his fortress. Flame laughed.

Alan looked very satisfied, he took his son Dick's hand and said.

"You see, if anyone wants to do harm to our family, there is only destruction and death waiting for them."

Dick nodded, and Allen said happily as he saw his family members' expressions getting better.

"It's okay. Have you forgotten how we got through this more than ten years ago? Our Sylma family will become stronger. As long as we work together, our Hillman family will have a brilliant future."

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