Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2566 A different vision


Allen sat quietly on the observation deck, holding a glass of wine in his hand. He had just woken up and came out because he couldn't sleep. What happened to his nephew at noon yesterday made Allen feel even more tired.

"Maybe I put it a little too harshly."

At that time, several of his subordinates persuaded Allen that there was no need to make it so serious because Nick was indeed too young. He was only 16 this year.

Many of his subordinates actually saw it along the way. Nick is a more responsible person. Allen already regretted it a little, because his nephew really went to Su Kang's side, which Allen did not expect.

Just as the undercover agent who had just been placed contacted him through his mobile phone, Allen stood up and took another sip of wine. At this time, there was a sound of footsteps, and his wife Anne walked up wearing a coat.

"Honey, what's wrong?"

Allen hugged his wife.

"Where's the child?"

"He was sound asleep."

Allen nodded, Annie leaned into Allen's arms, and Allen smiled and pointed into the distance.

"Everything here in the future will be ours, and you are the princess."

Annie smiled sweetly and shook her head.

"Isn't it good to live a stable life? Allen, we have known each other for many years."

Allen laughed. Annie was his cousin. Allen was 8 years older than Annie. In the past, Allen often took Annie to play with his nephew Nick. He did not expect that this cousin would be willing to marry him.

"It's like this. If we don't take action, others will definitely do it. This is the law on this grassland. Now is no longer an era we are familiar with. Everything has begun to change."

Annie hummed. She actually didn't like Allen being involved in those fights. She felt that it was much better now.

"When you recover well, we can have another baby."

Annie blushed and kissed Allen on her feet. She was very satisfied with Allen. She loved Allen very much, but there was one thing that Annie didn't understand. She had asked Allen many times.

In the past, Allen was a self-made company owner. His tenacity and hard work were seen by the whole family. It is the same now. From the time when their entire family fled until now, only a few people have died, and Allen has successfully survived. Everything for a family.

But there is something not very good about Allen. Anne once had a fight with Allen, because Allen seemed to suffer from persecutory delusion. He would not think about the good, but only the bad.

Annie has experienced Allen's persecution delusion once or twice. Because of this, Annie once had a big quarrel with Allen, but in the end she chose to compromise, because everything Allen said finally became reality.

Gradually, Anne finally realized that the world is like this, people are the most untrustworthy, and they encountered too many desperate things along the way.

"Sorry, maybe I said it a little too harshly today."

Annie pursed her lips and smiled, shaking her head and holding Allen's hand.

"Come on, let's go back to bed."

After Allen drank the wine in one gulp, he followed Annie and left.

Early the next morning

"Work hard."

Nick held the farm tools in his hands with a smile and was working with some of Su Kang's men. The atmosphere here is really good. Many people speak straight to the point and don't beat around the bush. Nick really likes it here. .

Although these people seem to be rude, they all help each other, which makes Nick feel very good. They do not follow orders, but do something spontaneously, and they also take the initiative to do something and take the initiative to take some responsibility. thing.

This seemed to be very rare for Nick. In such a doomsday situation, he couldn't help but ask the people next to him.

"Don't you feel disadvantaged by doing this?"

"What's the point of suffering? It's like this now. If we want to survive, we have to do more. Boss Su Kang said, don't think that if you do more, you will suffer. Only if we take the initiative to do something, we can You can get longer and run faster. And our place is not like other places. Everything is fair. We don’t have any privileges. We are the same as everyone else who lives here.”

Nick nodded and continued to work with everyone. When it was time to eat, everyone randomly brought some things and then gathered together and started eating together with the ordinary people living here.

Everyone's face was filled with smiles. Nick felt something different from his own fortress. It was more relaxed here, and everyone obeyed the rules, because they had said that anyone who did not obey the rules would be punished by Su Kang. Lesson learned.

And this place is different from Jed's territory. What Nick saw in Jed's territory was all kinds of hostility. Many people inside were hostile, even ordinary people in Jed's territory. He is hostile to Jed and his gang.

Nick spent the whole day happily working. When it was time to eat in the evening, Nick went to the large shed again, where a banquet was held every night. Anyone who wanted to participate could go, but many people were tired from work. I just want to rest all day long.

Some people with good energy would go over, and Su Kang was also inside. As soon as Nick passed by, he heard bursts of laughter. It was Su Kang telling jokes.

Nick blended in naturally, took a cup and poured a glass of wine, and started eating and drinking with everyone. After a while, Nick came to Su Kang's side.

"Boss Su Kang, this place is really good."

Su Kang patted Nick on the shoulder.

"Actually, I have been thinking about a question a long time ago. Why do many people not be willing to lend a hand to others even though they can obviously do so? Everyone's life will be better if they do so, but many people Not even happy."

Nick nodded and replied.

"Yes, I often wonder why many things must be thought of in the worst light."

Su Kang looked surprised. He patted Nick on the shoulder and nodded. He had a great time chatting with this young man that day.

Su Kang began to talk about their experiences along the way. They did encounter a lot of bad things, but Su Kang would not give up on anyone casually, nor would he bully or scheme against others for no reason, so he was willing to follow them all the way. There are many people in Su Kang, and everyone says that Su Kang is like the sun.

Nick also felt it. The reason why he chatted with Su Kang that day was because Su Kang's attitude when joking and working with his men made Nick take the initiative to chat. He liked this straightforward and kind guy very much.

Moreover, many nearby residents have said that if someone encounters a problem and asks Su Kang, he will definitely help. Su Kang will also give the medicine he receives to some ordinary people first. Many of them are very grateful to Su Kang. Kang, but he never asked for anything in return. He only had one request for the people in his territory, just live a serious and happy life, and talk about any disputes.

Nick asked about the previous rumors again, and Su Kang shook his head.

"I promise that I have never let anyone deliberately spread rumors. The public is like a mirror. Whatever you do, they will naturally reflect it."

Nick agreed with Su Kang's words. It is true that the people here are more united, which is different from their fortress.

In the fortress where Nick is located, everyone's attitude towards Allen is more like a subject's attitude towards a monarch. This attitude makes Nick feel bad, but it is different here. Everyone's attitude towards Su Kang is like a close friend. Same as big brother.

Nick actually felt a little regretful today, because he felt very regretful for not giving his uncle face in front of so many people.

"It's okay. You can go back at any time. I won't let you do anything like spying. Don't worry. When you go back, tell me. I will go back with you and have a good talk with Allen. He You can always listen to it.”

Nick laughed.

"No, I want to live here temporarily."

Nick looked at a young girl not far away among several men. She was quite beautiful. Su Kang laughed and said.

"Don't you have a crush on that kid?"

Nick shook his head hastily, and Su Kang immediately pressed his head.

"Idiot, if you like it, go for it."

Many people around laughed, and Nick blushed and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

At this time, on the other side of Su Kang's territory, Jade was talking about something with several of his subordinates.

The atmosphere in the tent seemed a bit solemn, because everyone was feeling a little uncomfortable now. Others in the territory had been hostile to them recently and were very afraid of them. No matter what they asked, many people just answered verbally, as if they didn't want to talk to them. They got involved.

Some people even left their territory with food. Today there was a conflict. Although Jed's men tried their best to stop it, a man was still beaten by several of his men, and the matter ended in nothing. .

Jed took a sip of wine and listened to the reports of his men. He didn't know when his relationship with these guys had begun to change. Maybe it was because he indulged his men last time. Now in the entire territory, The situation has begun to develop in a bad direction.

Once trust is lost, it is fatal for a leader in any place. Jed naturally knows this.

"Boss, I don't think it's a big deal."

One of the men was eating peanuts and looked very drunk. Everyone else could tell that Jed was not in a good mood.

"That's enough, you all go and rest."

After a while, only Zhang Qi stayed. He took the wine bottle and poured himself another glass.

"I know you are under a lot of pressure now, but you have to hold on. It only takes a while. After Allen confirms it, we will work together to make sense and integrate the entire area so that the future will be better."

Jade raised his hand and interrupted Zhang Qi's words.

"Do you think it's still possible to clean up now?"

Zhang Qi himself has no self-confidence. Now there is already some tension in their territory. Some people have organized spontaneously and begun to draw a clear line with Jade and his group.

Because the last massacre may have been too reckless. Although the chaos in the area was cleaned up, it has lost people's hearts. In addition, the distribution plan proposed by Jed has kept those small gangs away. Such opposition The sound intensified.

"How about we use some of the supplies to win people's hearts?"

Zhang Qi suggested, Jade shook his head.

"This approach is very dangerous. Once we do this, they will support us immediately, but if we don't give us anything, they will not support us. People's hearts are the cheapest thing to buy. Look at us next door That guy Su Kang."

When Su Kang was mentioned, Zhang Qi became a little angry. It was that group of people who revealed that they stole supplies, and then rumors started.

"Boss, why don't you go find Mr. Jean and his friends? Maybe they can help."

Jade shook his head.

"It's impossible. They won't take care of this land in the short term."

Jade thought of the disappointment in his eyes when Gene left last time. Gene had talked to Jed about many things. Gene hoped that Jade could be a kind manager and handle some things, but it was very difficult. Apparently Jade had forgotten.

Jade thought carefully about the situation that night. He just needed to gather the group of people and explain the situation to them, but it seemed that explaining the situation was of no use because he protected and acquiesced in the behavior of his subordinates, so that their subordinates Of course you will listen to yourself.

This kind of relationship makes Jed very annoyed. The previous feeling of mutual trust has disappeared. In the past, Jed felt that his gang was unbreakable, but now it is different. He even feels that the internal crisis will one day come. Explosive.

"Why don't we go talk to Allen?"

Jed immediately denied it, because Allen was an unstable factor. He knew exactly what Allen wanted to do, and Allen would never make a move first. They had to make a move first, and then Allen would make a move first.

Now the comprehensive strength of several large gangs is stronger than Jed's, because they have water, electricity and mines here, and the armed situation of their personnel is much better than that of other gangs. This is also the reason why other gangs finally accepted Jed's distribution ideas. .

"Then how are you going to do your hair?"

Zhang Qi had never seen Jade so anxious. After a while, Jade stood up and said.

"Tomorrow, gather as many people as possible in the area. We must issue a decree. No one can violate it. We must also set an example. This is the only way to change our internal conflicts."

Zhang Qi's face became serious. Some of the people under his command could not control themselves. Although Zhang Qi had reprimanded him many times this year, many people still refused to change their ways.

"If this kind of thing is not managed well from the beginning, it will be a bit difficult to manage it now."

"I also know that it is difficult, but if nothing is done, serious problems will definitely break out here, and by then it will be too late. No matter how painful it is, surgery must be performed, otherwise there will be no future here."

Zhang Qi was silent and closed his eyes.

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