Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 259: Finding the murderer in the dark (Part 1)

"You bastard, you just wanted to kill me, Billy, it doesn't matter which Billy you are."

Leng Rui yelled angrily in an alley. Le Xiao pulled him, but she also looked at this Billy with schizophrenia with strange eyes. At first, Le Xiao felt a little weird, as if he was acting. , but now she is sure not, because a person's personality suddenly changes drastically in one day, his way of speaking, tone of voice, expression and thoughts have completely changed.

"Stop talking nonsense, how on earth did you know, Billy, that there was a knife in the other person's arms?"

Billy smiled and picked up the finger knife and stretched it out. The wise man understood immediately.

"Is your kid's nose a dog's nose?"

Billy held the sharp blade to his nose and sniffed.

"Real iron has a smell, but X-mimics can only simulate the composition of iron ions and become like iron, which has no smell, including the clothes on our bodies. The smell of real clothes is different. "

"Billy, the murder you just mentioned should be..."

As soon as Le Xiao said this, Billy raised one hand, as if he was a teacher giving a lecture on the podium.

"I just tried it. How much force is needed to draw it out like this? As long as the distance is close enough, a child can easily cut someone's neck. And the most important thing is this X-mimic. As long as the blood does not splash, When the clothes are put into the light and shadow wardrobe, the blood will fall to the ground. As long as you are careful enough and take a shower immediately after returning, there will be no trace of blood molecules on the prisoner's body."

Lexiao swallowed, and Billy continued to walk back and forth.

"The woman I just saw lowered her head and walked very carefully on the street. She kept looking at her chest from the corner of her eyes, so I took the knife out of her pocket while she wasn't paying attention. ."

"You took someone's knife, how could they still kill someone?"

Leng Rui shouted angrily.

"Little brother Leng Rui, if I am determined to kill someone, I will prepare two knives. If I miss the first time, there will be a second chance. I will even prepare other plans. People nowadays adapt to The convenience brought by the materialization of light and shadow has been ignored, but the most original loophole is ignored. According to the Tool Control Law, except for the knives provided by the staff of the administrative department, knives are not allowed to appear in places other than light and shadow cabinets in the city. If the evidence is found, If the circumstances are serious, you will need to work in the 12th Agricultural Section for 3 months."

Billy said as he twirled the index finger of his right hand to snap the knife, and Le Xiao immediately took out the phone.

"We need to contact Section 5 as soon as possible."

Billy walked over quickly, squeezed Lexiao's hand, and she blinked.

"Miss Secretary, as members of the administrative department, and we are members of the 13th department, we naturally have the obligation and right to stop crimes. We just came out of prison today. How many prison departments will send us some information, if we can't If we do something quickly, we will be criticized by others. Before the criticism starts, we have achieved results. What do you think? Tonight we will catch the murderer who wants to kill. The day starts with such a small thing. After all, we need to prove the value of existence. So, Miss Secretary, in my opinion, we have to handle this matter tonight and submit the report to Section 5 tomorrow morning. Check The process of the case was naturally recorded in detail.”

Le Xiao felt a little excited for a moment. Indeed, Gene was not the only one in Section 13, but there were 6 of them.

"Mr. Billy, do you still remember what that woman looks like?"

Le Xiao just asked Leng Rui and muttered unhappily.

"Le Xiao is our boss, right? Why should you make the decision?"

Billy smiled and shook his head.

"We need to prove our respective abilities. Little brother, if you are not confident, you can go back to sleep. Human beings must have subjective initiative, cognition, action, and mental power. For the nature of objective laws, it is inevitable And a stable and clear understanding is required. It is not what the boss tells us to do, but what we can do. On the contrary, it is what our 13 subjects can do. We are a whole, under the leadership of the secretary, At least we need to let the secretary see our methods. If I say this, I may be too preemptive, but don’t forget what Mr. Jean said. Miss Alpha can’t come over now, so..."

Billy smiled and pressed the knife in the wise man's hand.

"The stage for Section 13 tonight has been set up. Next is our respective performances. Miss Alpha has used a gorgeous performance to let others know that our Section 13 has the power to not lose to the section chief. Now At night, we want the world to know that our 13 departments have prophetic abilities and can effectively prevent minor crimes, so that we can have a reputation among citizens. As long as we have practical things and a reputation, we have done nothing in the past. What matters now is what we can do for the city."

Le Xiao kept nodding, Leng Rui and Quasimodo also looked at Billy seriously as if he was in class, but at this time the wise man felt heavy in his heart.

The wise man probably already knows about the BOSS type guy. This guy likes to dominate everything. He has strong analytical skills and his words are very contagious. I almost got sucked in by him.

"Forget it, Billy, if we do this, it will be a slap in the face of the District 1 Public Security Management Department in front of the General Affairs Department. When the time comes."

"People need a sense of competition. If they don't want to lose to us, they will naturally work hard. Otherwise, they will get high wages, but they will brag, chat and drink tea all day long. When something happens, they will start to complain again. That, like a headless fly, is buzzing around, which brings shame to the industry. So what we do is tantamount to a bitter medicine, reviving the remaining sense of competition in their hearts. There are only advantages and no disadvantages. , Besides, the law stipulates that we only act in accordance with the law."

Leng Rui laughed loudly and patted the wise man on the shoulder.

"Old man, what are you doing? Such ink marks. Anyway, the credit belongs to us. If something happens, Jean will help us. We solved such a matter on the first day after we were released from prison. It's not too late for Mr. Jean to be happy, right, Miss Secretary? ."

Le Xiao hummed and nodded.

"Fan's defense has not yet happened. Now that we have seen it, let's do it."

Billy smiled and bowed gentlemanly.

"Miss Secretary, please find a place to carefully sort out the information we sent back, and then make notes. Little brother Leng Rui, please help Secretary Le Xiao. As for Mr. Quasimodo, if necessary, please come here. , after all, the wise man and I are both unarmed ordinary people."

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